Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Jul 1900, p. 5

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min Bhnd‘s Lnkr about. a dam this week. Mr. I; 1un(~s' flu Monday daughter Richnum Mr. Muh ’JCHMOXD (W3. iv: 1 t‘ 1h has relilml, : Mr. A. J. iiu new pu-Iuisv: pm-pnses S‘s gvntlvnwn‘s wu-ry nuthiu A VVickh-fis n fur not, want hm this \vm'i Shu- tu lvl Ice-Hts. m- in}: that Nuhndy :1 city p: (hire pl-it jwy ll): young In style tln- 0f Lat: _knuwn v ('ontuim' “)9 \‘i}] 7mm Ems. Stand in did not 1 By callin sanding yo 1mm can gl Mnntreu}, i and Lord E of 50 com above and '1‘ balance of [‘1 picture is a l yetitors. 970. per duz. ; quart jelly jars. with go Atkinson & Switzm ht: prim). L 1t Tm; me Mrs. Thus. Doyle of Turuntn had been in delicate health since Easter last. Abnuta monthugo she visited “her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mu- VVilliams hero, thinking a change. might be beneficial to her. Such was .1101: the case, hmvevor. as she grew ~W0r5e and died Thesdny morning. The immediaLe cause of death “as dmpsy. Mr. Simon ham, had a. 5 Friday when in the ilmm Burt. My. E in the inmwdmte au't. Mr. Ed. Ly! year were again so after a warm cnnu latter Was victm-iu Curl-ville Methodist Church will hold re-opening services on Sunday. July 29. Rev. Alfred Brown of SI; Paul‘s church, Toronto, and exâ€"pl-esident (.f Tax-onto Unnferencc will preach at 2.30 and 7 p. In. Music will be furnished by the home choir. A free-will ofi'er- ing to meet expenditure will be Lukun at each sex-vice. If you \:ule buy Dr. John G. P.- years a missionary rides, will give a le byterizm Ohuech 1 of next week at 8 i will give a. most. the life of the nati and his ‘wm-k‘amm cmdially invited. The “’ickloss h! the best made. C LACROSSE MATCH. The. Champion Markham lacmsse team play Llir local team on the I’m-k here on Satuiday. July 21. The Rich- mond Hill how: are in grand condition and hope by 1!. few good practices this week to ho able to lower the colors of the Markham lucl'OSslStS, who no doubt will put. 11)th every effort. to hold the reputation for which they fought so well. This should be the best, and fastest, game played here this season, and everybody ought to see it. Ball faced at- 3.30 sharp. Admission, :15 cents ; ladies and children, 10 cents. :4 Vungh In, and it». :phv ud ux-d Mx A \V ll. \\'( ‘uken ui) in behalf Mt .sq rut RIB-OPEN NG SERV 1C Curl-ville Methodist Church mmnd Street Muhu lf)‘. (' u e the m emsv. m ‘ll‘is ndi ) an m: jar helping per duz PRESBYTER . . Nau Livin; flum' I [gin Mil 1p H) 11- (‘nd ( THE 1 tinw f< jars :u-t sin nt 1H HILI lll'l BARN 1 ha lsim 1m ukox‘, 3nd con. 0t .ce-ssfni barn-misin hunt 4'0 of the fur 'lt-B neighborhood Lymtt, and Mr. \‘V ‘ ll (10 lining and Atkinsnu & ions H} uo flame oil stuve is . Mnsnn sells it. r in the New Hefi- Pctm-e in the. Pres- nn Monday evening u’cluck. Dr. Paton interesting talk on ives of these islands ngst‘them. All axe A cuilection will be E of the W0) k there. . and Lin IAN CHL RAISING iton, for over forty in Ill()\'( nu but u Lh JERAL office, or m: i1 311)): per 11k d 13 L” (an-vying on Such was as she grew y‘ mm‘ning. death was king Mr. \Valtel‘ mpinins, and side of the HM 1.01 ; shop to into the 1'. Hum? up will) ml will 'aiil), in Hf last ! Band msmsm 1b k Swit m ILZ 'un thing .Isun‘s nd we pi!) Ls, g on [um-s in 'ch handed in H) l receipts and Th with nu with um" w. any 3th leso win: are good at guessing shuuid culi :u Miss Russ‘ grucei‘y stun) in the Lorne Blvd; and puruliutss a 2.3 cmzt tin «7f Oxford Baking Powder whvn the purchasers are entitled £0 a ‘glu’ss as to how many beans there are in a glass jle' which she. will shmv to you. The guesses will he recorded in a liuuk nf tickets, and when the stock of powder is (l :pmwrl «)i' the person gin-aging 1203. st to tho cm-m-ct num- ber \ 'ill l‘L‘COlVL‘ :1 lovely Imperial 0);- fm'd Stove which is mm on exhibition in Miss Rnss’ store. The Oxford Bak- ing Powder is said Ln be first-class. Got a ticket and try your luck. gman pml As our High School closed the latter part of June, and as Mr. Anderson, the Science Muster, then left, telling the trustee-s he would not return, it is nut surprising that many of our citi- zens nrecmnpluining that the Board are not making an effort to have the ~acum-y tilled. By the time that they advertise fur teachers and give time for the receiving of applications, more than :1 month will have passed. The daily papers Show that during the past few wveks dozens of other suhcmls have been snapping up their teachers. The experiment of waiting until other sr-hnols are supplied is too seiinus to trifle with. Let the Board of Educa- tion move in this matter at once. The exmniners have handed us the ‘ report of the successful] candidates at the. Entrance Exmnination held :lt llielnnond Hill. The papers were difficult and very searching, so those \V'lnme names follow have every rea- son to congratulate themselves on their standing. Each candidaie will receive a postal curd giving his mark..- in every snhfirct. Those who intendl toenterthe igh school please ('(Jlll- innnicate with the Principal as soon ‘ as possible. The names are in order of ineiit, and the P. 0. address of the candidates is given instead of the school section :â€" \Vright, Renie, Richmond HilL Switzer, Olive, Richmond Hill. ‘ Cooke, Fred, Newton Brook. . Bryson, Mabel, Laskav. I l Stnrtnp, Flussie, Richmond Hill. MCMureliy,\Vinnifred,Newton Brook. Brown, Torrance, Richmond Hill. Lowe, Josephine, Richmond Hill. Gamble, Avatha, Jefferson. Tyndall. \V illiam, Currville. Flook, Evert], \Villowdule. Boyle, Sidney, Richmond Ilill. Unthhert, Milton, Laskay. Nelles, Daisy, Thornhill. Heslop, Bert, Lansing. ' Marsh, Mabel, Richmond Hill. ‘ N'xon, Gertie, Maple. Cnlham, Beatrice, Nashville. McMui-chv, Dora, Pmpleville. Reudmnn, \Vm.. Maple. McNaughton, Belle, Maple. Lnnau, Ethel, Buttonville. Henricks, Gordon, Headford. Duncan, Laura. Richmond Hill. Miles, Add, Concord. Marsh, Flossie, Richmond Hill. Gorman, Mary, Jefferson. Newhery, Alex.. Richmond Hill. Craddock, Mildred, Maple. Perkins, Rolph, Victoria Square( 1 ML 10 FILL THE VACANCY. Mkinson thm‘o who fparvd therchill)‘ 2mm :m the \VILLH' repaired tn pavilion where the musically [HII‘UUH murk- gnnd mug of the 7's pimm. Everylmdy seemed ‘1 WM) Lie bounty and lllfll'kl‘d u-nl in the pluce,aud lilliu . it :‘nut picnic partivs resort ‘3 Lake every day an Liza-week. ENTRANCE EXAMS. H) ul-ich party of huhth 1L my“) Bond‘s n imiting tea was ser Ids by the ladies, and punt in lmating and 0t wreatiun. Later in we who fparvd the: ch Xpt wk we are selling 3 'uus 1mm) fur 25¢. Atkinson AND EXPENSES. .vu who were entrusted ,gn-nwnt uf (4:11 Sucié-tivs' b‘t. Uatlmrim-s have following stntomont of menditln'c : Amswmmwawwm" w. ' 1(‘n pn-fl ;CEIPTS \CX'U’SSG 3M THE HIT ()cli l prvfm- a nice felt we CH n supply them g‘nt and (-mnfm-table at prim-s ulmub as A Switzer. 'vstt'rduy after by special ca tea was servm 9m] 30 :md 40 club 00 $ 174 90 129 kt‘ frum the her {111' nus 0c of gm nnL tn Of {111 namm hub th tlll'PS 1 ()ppOl" memh They hild -hc by Miss A. I the wvn-klm the Dulninh huuntenus ( guests urt- lnlmls of the enthusiastic lum'hvru sn pretty spots of t hm- lwck and call, this occasion she < of gcnUi-umu in not In the sutisfac of tlw vicinity. natm‘v’s and um, Mrs. M. Stare days with rolutiv Mrs. G. \Vilvy has spent the past Week with relativos in tho cit‘y. Mrs. John spvndiug: :1 Miss Chapman of Holland Landing is making a visit, with hm- friend Miss I“. M. Brown, Children of TUI‘HIHU wwK with relatives _ M (Jity lu-ol his Mrs wcvk. Miss Ella \V idm days last week with Mr. and'Mrs. Jucoh the nt' week Ualmwa. Mrs. D. G. \Viley of Brooklyn,N.Y., arrived \Vedimsduy evening 0f last week and will spend a. couple of monilxs with relatives hero. ‘ N‘Wmurket Eraâ€"Miss Harrison 0f Richmond Hill returned home this week aft-or spending a week with her sister at Mr. \". N. Still-1’s. Dr. Lungstaf? has gone to Parry Sound fur a» couple of \Vt‘GkS. His practice in the uwanthne is being at- tended by Dr. Roberts of Jarvis. Mr. R. E holidays an anlvhill. 1V3 'mg after H Law’s ubsen 1‘01] 131:6 J. 11:“ Don. glvwg, 1ntdrxfi'atilluiwhich wifi lead to 'Lhéir re‘ covery \\ ill be sultably rewqrdg L. m6§§ 'o‘pncm. (:0a on Friday. J Thrupshire 1a.] Miss Myrtlt- Sn u-sdny [u Spt'l Lil) friends Ult‘l' \II 0110. G41 mm 5855 Best Glasses... Wefidrantee perfect satisfaction. HY. étmyed or Bipaus Tabules cure biiiousness. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Rioans Tabules assist digestion. Rmans Tabulcs cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. R éozms Ta bules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripdns Tabules cure bad breath, spent a herâ€"m-lmv t‘UH'IU 93 Yonge Street, Toronto. d1 ‘ld FfiR SALE Mulc \ ll] At t! 'hales of Onkvme and Missws ul'gic and Lulu Ahbutt of T0- ove out. frum the city on Sun- gpentltho day with Mr. and E. Law is takinga week’s and is visiting his son at Mr. Fri-d Harrison is look- the Public Library in My. Mu lamfis a} the R pvnd here. n he) \Tiikie and twr Tuesday :Iftm‘n tr‘nvn- relativvs, ul iutchinson of Michigan day ur two with his ,.l1-.I 1c Crosby this m the) king :1 visit at, Sunny H'sid cu uf Mr. and Switxz-r and buss Swit- Sunduy wiLh the (min-1' Im I'mmly at Lhuircut- Horton ( r-k with 03 in 2138 b' ncl mm) h In- (1H. fi'S‘HS this‘ \ve‘ek making ith his daughter, m In u wont tn Maple couple of wve-ks 's, U mo . Cemo m. H.111 of 'eun spvnding Eva-slay. and two sons (:f y afternoon and Solid Gold. ...5 Best Gold Fill 5 yrs Gold Fill Best. Glasses... nnco and .t ‘0 sponding Ill A. REA M .\N her father. James Hill. on Tuesday f Thomas Dovle of 5pm: t. :1, gm ndpure sLLAr:OUGH his (l: nly in uropshire sheep, 4 wold sheep, stmyed sea 01' the under- :hau.‘ guy. person 1:,new. #50. red buggy, new Lindsay is M iss Edith Stolen (Juncuhl P. 0 Ul'illiu. ma Thorhhill Iessr oruhill. hi the Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a little ground can put in a few trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurseymen in Canada and ship over twenty thous- and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. Ve want a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"while any good ener- getic man with a liking for Horticulture,‘ and willing to work hard for a. few years, will build up for himself a connection that will insure a steady income year after year. Easy terms of payment. Av. A. v.4“. D panies; Apgraalée‘r'lcl the Canada Permanet Loan & Savings Company. Call and get a circular for Accident and Sick Benefit ; Policy only $1.00 annually. Bgsiness attended to with promptness. E: W , éBlg Rush 3?) For Summer Needs Agent tor the \Vestem & York Mutual Fire Insurance Com- Is the cash paid and held on policyl by the annual report. Pamphlet regarding the association, diff surance will be sent on 2 45.39 figwwwwwawmg CHASE If you have the ability wc The hot weather has set in with an earn- estness that starts us wondering wlut will be the coolest costume to wear. We are here to tell needs. Ladics’ linen skirts, good quality linen, trimmed with white and blue braid at 90 cts. each. Ladies’ linen skirts, trimmed with inser- tion, made in newest cuts, $1.20. White Pique Shirts, trimmed with inser- tion, and well made at $215. Colored Demitee Muslin Blouses, fine quality, $1.50. White Muslinblouses with striped mus- lin front, $1 20. Colored blouses in print, percale, ging- ham, etc. at 50, 70,90 cts., and $1.00 Also a nice range of white goods, such as Corset Covers Underskirts Ladies’ 1 ’ Drawers. etc. These goods are very essential in adding to the comfort of yOur p2cnic,outmg,etc. THE ORCHARD l1 paid and held on policyholders account as shown 5 annual report. Pamphlets and full particulars arding the association, different plans 01 In‘ surance will be sent on application to ‘r. SAVAQI‘rE. DISTRICT lXGENT. A RELIABLE COMPANY. WILL YOU vJQRK FOR US P Samples always on hand. ion-Li E11311. £30., Ltd., Colborne, Ont. .‘ANADA. ESTABLISHED 43 YRS you and supply your PI ANO, ORGAN, EEWfiS WBHINE .32 IF YOU WANT TO BUY A SEESEMIDN. «If?! ALL ON OR WRITE f u 0 do. part 01‘ all of his time or retired farmer can. him any good ener- to work hard for n. will insure a. steady OR

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