Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXIII. H3 «any - n “ we (gamma - Is PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING. TH Hardin“. M1. in MGR? A Office Hours : p. m $1 per annum, Best fitting twill, lowest prices D 0 anti st. (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Oddfellow's Bldg, Tnmuto, cm'. Y0) and College fist-5., 'l‘m-omn, DR. '1‘. A. C U R \ “’1'” be in Richmond Hill every \lemlsday. 0fflce:~Next dum‘ south of Public SchooL fir. 2?. Geefl “mam, DENTIST,- Gmdusto of the Ont-uric Veterinary College. with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental Sohonl. will visit Mal-la on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. m. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horses,cuttle and other domesticat ed animals grogtec‘. by the latest and moat ap’ E LIBERALPRINTING& PUBLISHINGHGUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Telephone 3368 for appointment. Wm J. T. Mommy, VETERINARY SURGEON {1}}:er methods Room 12, 121 Victoria. St. F. J. GALLANUUGH, Member College I Cor. Baoor mm Spmlma Ave... Toronto. Remodelled,nnd newly furnished throughout. One or the must cnnvenienh and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venieuce. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Auidenl stopping place rm- riding “driving parties,blcyulists. or farmers going tom- returniug from market. Electric cars pass the door. Livery in connection. . F. AIUBTAIIOE‘I. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, JOHN PALYIER. HULSE HOTEL, Every Accommodation for the trav- eliing public. RICHMOND HILL DR, L. LA BUSINESS CARDS. 820 if“! m VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Ripans Tabulés cure flatulence. nipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. BIAXPIJE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. OF “ICE “0! Emma & PROPRIE’J'OR W. \\\. Rogcvs -Bmx’t'wi, TERMS $L00 PER DAY. ‘c‘flttcriuam enmg p nhules nu Mama}. 8 to 10 a.m.;12 7 to 9 p. m. Ont N D HILL also r-eplatin Good work. in advance. MD 63:13:35,213 omnto. RICHEKH‘H) { MWMWW ~:m~\u~ (maze b3 flit, Prop bout. 'tablo conâ€" Brciul ling NOTA .Y issuer of‘Marri TOR-ONTO OFFICE Mr. Cook win he afternoon Oman-m Newmurket 0 1) mm mm HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, (SEC 13. F. 33, Jon Money to loan at 5 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 85c. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Buildâ€" ings, c011. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. flaslTornutn 0mm, My. Grant’s rosidz WonrlhrldL-e. cwry evpning. Thoruhm.each Wednesday from 1010 SALE“ ECKARDT. 63 Wincheseev St. Toronto Licenseu‘ Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods and on consignment. General Rules of atock.etc.. promptly attended to at reasonable rates. 6.1%. Gouldmg, Newton Brook, agenf. for the above. LIBERAL Ofiice, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. Wm 25 KING STRE License Auctioneers for the County of Yorkxe~ spuctfully solicit; your patronage and friendly nflueuce. sales attmded on the sLortest notice and a reasonebemtea. P. 0. address King ISSUER MARRMGE LICENSES, ELGEI‘J REIEJIJ§ Hifiiflibfif Edits & FALCOEBRIDG Harris-stews, J. 'I‘. Raigevn. Richmond Hill rora rtfi ve~ Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! York. General sales of implements. furniture§fnmfing timber. etc. .ntt-anned on the shortest Duticc am at reasonable rates. Patroxmgesolicited. P. 0. address Maple focused Auctioneers for the County of anln Sulesatuended to on shortest notice and at res. aonnblexutes Patronage solicited. Licensed Aux-fitmen- for the Counfies of York and Ontano. MI sums of farm stock, kc“ M- tended to on the shorts“ notice and reasonable ratefi. Manage and bailifl‘ sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘vine. Ont me? or Manage Lacenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. 10K ENNQX & MORG ev to loan on hand Mn] ch lowest; rates Eve nccommodutinn to guesfl. Board.s1 uerda AS. N EV‘VTO N RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL O STOKES A large stock of kept at fin l‘:'i!‘iY\"lԤ :l “(I mun New MONEY TO LOAN A. G. F. LAWRENCE, U ndormk N's a. Em balm N‘s. J AXES BUILDINGS, Tone RT Barrister 158 mu STREET EAST. Tonos'ro Eckardt & PI entice §a¥§g 93%? Saigon" dz NECE wens. WRIG COMMISSXONEB IN THE Stokes & Slough. J. D. Ezeadvnau, 'R‘H‘fl 13-1 Removed to "an Md J.D "£va N. Small. we? Three duOTS sou ch FALCnxnmncr per cent; at Map? of 92ch EHT BROS, M. )Ii 92 Funeral Furnishings both places. Essentials, U each \V Iicitors VEST, ":‘OROI’T To PM“? Road Ideas 1101' LVO. @CDONALD TV ttel mm- en mince t BIJC J. H. mum-nag Unionv'ule Telerhcne 2984 J. Is. McEwen. \Veaton. etc. 120mm Ros D BLOUGH nce. 1H 1 Richmond Hill and Vicinity The lmllPt extracted from my log, I was soon able to be nhuub my work. ‘ , Shortly after I resumed duty 1 offend» ' i-(l Camp by a, trifling neglect. He l l seized the. whip and came at, me in a perfect; fury. I ran from the tent, passed the guards and made for the wunds, my master in hot pursuit. I I had reached the pickvt and was about [0 pass when the man said. “Stopl lmny l Stnpl You know I am bound to firel I halted. Camp was on mel in a minute. My clothes were stripped " off, I was tied up by the thuth U) -a. tree, so that, my toes just toucth the ground. Camp himself laid on the . lush until he wore it u ), then he got a. wagon whip and lai on until the blond run down into my boots. I was ready to quit long before he was. As he continued to flag I lost all feeling, ouch bluw seeming like a little stream of warm water poured down my hack. This was the hardest heating I ever lhad, and as the regiment, had to re- move to another station I had to ride V overruugh roads for two Weeks, my {Mir (70:0reqi Follow-Travenor. HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 26, 1900. ' ‘ ’ ‘ "D 7 ’ ' ' ’ v raw hack putting me 111 contmued tor nu-nt, thew-evils agony in every jolt Ab this time Genemls Brown and Pin-tor \iniwd, and made an attack on Fox-t Erie. The garrison surrendered after a sturdy resistance. The Britiwh were determined to recapture the Fort and madeanadvanm‘inthreecnlnnms. one of which succcedvd in scaling the wall. when an expinsiun inc); piace that blew some of both parties into the- uir. After the L-e‘puise of the Brit.â€" ish both armies were for a. long time in a state of inactivity. Omnp living in his own [muse at, Buffalo. Being :1. boy of all work I had to at- tend to a. variety of duties, among; others that of cmwk. (Jump on one occasion had a party to which EL num- ed One day my master’s back being turned toward me, Iraised the piswi to fire. Sam saw it, and in a moment caught the pistol frnm my hand, and gave me such a blow in the nmuth that, I went reeling to the floor. Camp turned round and asked the cause of the noise. Sam said that I had tripped over his foot and fell. I was always thankful that Sam saved me from a. dreadful crime and from a dreadful death, for they n9ver had much pity over there for a slave, huw- . in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” WM. CONCLUDED. HARRISON. I did not; think safe to pass. so I re- solved to go up the river and endeavor ‘ tn got 11011395 to Canada. Having de- ‘cided (m the night I made prepara- [tiuns for the venture. Something. Imwe‘ver, that, I had done began to raiSP suspicion. On the very night I had decided on, Camp came intn my ever he may be driven to it, who hrcgks the lauv. I now made up my mind to run- away whatever might, be the conse- quences. Camp‘s house was situated on the bank of the river. A shnrt distance apart; were gun bouts which mSSP suspicion. On the very night I 1 had decided on, Camp came intn my ~ mom about 11 o‘clock to see if all was 1 right. [pretended to he asleep. He 1 pussvd tho light CIOSe over my eyes. ' I lay perfectly Still until he Went down. Camp’s bed-room window was where I could Watch it. \th-n the light was out I took my only spare shirt and (le- scended into the street. It; was very dark, but I was familiar with the road. I groped my way to the river where I know there was an old log hunt. which I got into and silently paddle-d my way to a csmoo, that I had often used to go from one gun boat, to another. I star-{ml fur the opposite shm'e. It was so dark that 1 inst my way and was in qux' of landing 08 the wrong side. I put my hand over the side of the mnue and found that, I was sailing with thcrurrent. I then turned the canoe across and rowed until I struck a, rock. nearly npqot and shipped Cunsiderable water. I thought that I would stay there until daylight, butin fear of the river rising, I lmlvd the water out of the boat. and made an- other start. I‘vi y nvxt landing place was un the Canadian shnro. As soon as I landed I felt that. I was a free man, at the same time [ was frighten- ed half out of my wits in fear of meet- ing with blood-thirsty Canadians or nth'ei' savngvs. As I glided slowly along I saw a man on horse-back. I hi'guu to uni. He. put. spurs to his hnrw, nvvriuul; me and askvd What I was running for. I pleaded for my life and told him lhat I did nut. want n: he either toninhawke-d m- swiped. The man gave it great laugh and said ho. gulgssed there wasn’t much danger. He tnuk mo Ln his homo and cared for me until I gut sumvlhing to do. Many like myself who had escaped from slavery settled about Chatham ; ()thm'suvaiied themselves of the lib- eraliby 0f the Canadian Government. and tank up farms in what then were the liuckwcods of Canada. Among them was myself. On a farm in the tmvnshipuf Ai'tvuiesin I have lived, raised my family and progpvrvd. ‘ Amid many friendly und‘s from those he had entertained by the way, our genial Color-ed Fellow-’l‘mvoller left us at the town of Collingwood. As the names of nearly :lll‘the officers men- tioned in this sketch can be traced in American history of the events of the war of 1812. We may suppose that his personal narrative was true. Miss Wales of Aylmex- is the guest of Mrs. P. G. Savage. Mrs. D. Hill and children are visit- ing friends in Petal-born. Mr. Austin Law and Miss Race Law of Toronto, are home for a few days. l Messrs. O. G. Den-y, C. k’. Wiley and A. S. Savage, commercial travel- lers forciby'firms, are all home just; now for a. few weeks’ holidays. 001. Mason of Toronto, manager of the Home Saving Company, and his sun, drove through the Villa 8 Sunday and dined at The Dominion louse. Miss Flora. Stewart and two lady friends of Toronto. are the guests of Mrs. W. J. MOI-tson. Mt. Joy Fax-m. Messrs. Tom Ness of Boston and An- dI-ew Ness of Toronto spent, Monday night with relatives in the village. Miss Ivy Knox and Master Teddy Knux of Toronto have been making a visit with Mx-s. J. W. Elliott. Master-s Frank and Cl'zn'ksnn Mc- Donald are spending a few wepks on a farm with their uncle, Mr. John Mc- Donald at; \Vexford. Mr. Hurry Marsh who had been on one of the Muskuka. steamers dur- ing the summer is home for a few weeks recruiting his health. Earle Newton I left Saturday for Jackson’s Pomt where he is spending a Week‘ in company with his friend, Norman Wilson of Toronto. Mr. Geo. Buskin Who represents the International Colportage Mission in Northern Ontario was in the village Thursday and collected $2.85. Messrs. C. G. Derry, C. B. Wiley Mr. A. R. Innes, Mathematical Master in Port Elgin High School, is reading examination papers in Tor-om to, and spent Sunday with his parents here. Hon. Wm. Mulock, Postmaster Gen- era], and family, passed through the village Tuesday by special car for their summer residence in North York near Newmarket. PERSONALS. (TO BE CONTINUED.) Mr. Teefy Mulcuhy. who has been in California far the past two years, is spending n. few days with his grand- parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Tcefy, on his way home to 0mm. Mr. R. Hamilton, wife and two chila dren. of Okniulgee, Indian: Territory, are spending» few weeks with Mrs. Hamilton. Ilgin Mills. This is Mr. Hamilton's first: visit with his mother during six years. Mr. and Mrs. James McCtmughy and baby are spending acnuple of weeks with Mr. F. McConaghy and other relatives here. Mr. McConnghy is having hisnnnunl holidays from the Toronto Post, Ofiice. Wm On Friday. July G.19uo,5 Shruvshiro shaap. 4 Thrupshire lambs and 4 Cotswold shoemstmyatl or were taken item we premises 0! the under- signed, lot 19. con. 2, Vaughan. Any person giving information which will lend to their re- covery will be suitably rewards/I. 2,4 A. REAMAN.’ _ Strayed or Stolen times." $90. ' (me Read wagonflng 13mg! Gmééa "Ghana. 3:0,; The subscriber would respectlully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the chopping mill at. 0119'. Gray & Sons,Rond 850. 0115, Gravd‘JSons. light covered buggy, new 65. One, Gray 6: Sons, stanhope. used a. few And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy choppmg season and until further notice chop Monday. Wednesday and sat- m-llay of each week. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LU\[BER on hand and in n. few dava will be m'eptu'el to supply DRESSED LUM BER. at all kil'ds and do PJJANI‘IG AND MATCHING of all kinds at lowesbpricos. Patronage solicmed ; sutisiaction guaranteed REIT.“ Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()F GALT. Of Parties requiring pasture for stock apply to 47-6 THOS. COOK, Can-ville A lmge amount of private funds to loan on improved farm property. Five per cent. in- terren. Easy terms for repnvment. No com. mission charged on 103113. Apply to ‘ A. G‘ F. LAWRENCE, Freehold Loan Building, Toronto 01- at Richmond Hill on Saturdays. MONEY 1 MONEY] The Epworth League have two Ice Cream freezers to rent. One “ Ideal " 4 quart will {maze in 3 minutes; the other, "White Mounlain” will freeze in 10 minutes. Feat, 50 cents each. May be seen at Mrs. 'l‘reuch's. “3-3 ' E .5331 ’ $133 i?! EWAHSE; H ich Inond Iiill. 51-15 .T. SAIGEON, Agent fur the fnllowinz stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: We guarantee perfect; 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany fur the farmers of York Co. Business Snll’cited. FOR SALE Henry Marsh. YORK MUTUAL, [Single copies, 3 cts. OF TORONTO, C AN ADA. -â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" A First-class Cash Mmua‘. PASTURE T0 RENT an. NE‘V 'fi. J. GALLANOUGH. Thornhi'n Solid Gold. “£2.85 Best Gold Fm 1.5‘ 5 yrs Gold Fill 1.0a Best. Glasses... 10‘ ’ect satisfaction. ééicbid P. 0 No

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