Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1900, p. 2

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or "boluses" a day. I myself, on the, only 020115101] that [experimented with this drug. nameâ€" ly. in Egypt, took it in the form of a sweet meat, known as 'mnjoo’h.’ Afâ€" ter having eaten the candy. which was flavored with some spices or other. I was called upon to drink a cup of coffee, prepared Turkish fashion and lplossessed of a strong aroma. Before llong the hashilsh began to show its effects. Every vestiege of filllgue, mural us well as physical. disappearâ€" ed, and there ensued an elevation Olf spirits and a tendency to see every- thing in colors of the most rosettte hue. The mind seemed to devemp undreumtâ€"o’f activity, and powers as well us talents of one kind and' an- other to appear that had until then been latent. Yet it could not be call- ed intoxication, {or I knew thorough» ly what I was doing and saying, and was able to remember everything niterwards. Among the accomplish- ments which it seemed to me that had been called into extstence by the hushish “ll-Ch 1 had taken “as the gift of tongues, and it seemed to line that I was able all of a sudden to talk definitely Anubic, witlh “hich at the time I possessed a Iommvhmt ele- mentary acquaintance. 1 also ex- perienced an inordinate desire to fly in the air, and felt that but little efâ€" fort would be required to flout around far above tthe ground. Then I begun to see everything in gigantic size. After a time landscapes and scenery of extraordinary beauty unfolded themselves before my eyes, pulures of ii gemâ€"like character and glittering .with every lmnglnalble brilliancy of colors passed before my gaze, and finally my body seemed l0 rise from tlhe divun and to float away into spat-e. and I dropped into at dreamless sleep. from which I awoke lbOI‘Oulg‘h'q re- freshed and none the worse [or the experiment. I was informed shut it affected some novmes by bringing on a sligth nausea or headache, both of which, however can be quickly removed by a little le- mon juice. I can quite believe! t'hel‘efore' from big fire, \vhosevheut is turnna int; Personal experience: “119 “SSGF‘IOU motion. that into electricity, and that, that 1133111511. “(m-Ch is made 0‘ the’ln turn, back to heat again.” msi'naus and narcotic leaves of the' hemp plant, is comparatively mnocu-‘I ‘ V I nus Willa!) compared with opium. :11-‘ HI“ DEFIED COMPETH‘ION' oozbol and even excessive tdb ‘cco smukl Summer Boarderâ€"What is the maxi. lug. The only disadvantage 13 that it mum temperature here? ronlly takes you entirrely away [roml Farmer Backwoodsâ€"I cun‘t say ex- your surroundings. and in ils fuller i nctly, but you can bet it‘aas maximum stages deprives yous not so much atlas it is anywhere. â€"+_ Hash-isb is far bees harm/fut than any of these airtilfwes to quiet the nerves, and to give tibial repose for Which one looks in vain m a sleep tlbnt will 11!) [longer be wooed. It ll‘as for hundreds, possibly for thou- sands of years been used tlhrougfhout Libs Oriemt. From the Atlantic dhores of Mo’rocoo to l'he furthest confines mt Bokh'ara and of Mohamâ€" inedan' Asia, ihashish in Some form or mnotlher is at once the favorite Stlmul- antatnd the favorite solace of all clas- ses of Moslems Some take it in the form of a liquid, lthla-t is to say, an infusion; others alga-in use it in the form of a fine powder, w'h‘mh they mix with tobacco, and smoke either In!) Cigarettes or in a narghilre. The smoke, which is white a'nd opaque, ls drawn] into the lungs sq as to bring the fumes of the drug in direcr ann- tact with the blood. In Persm but- ter and sugar are added to the leaf. and it IS kneaded into small balls tor and sugar are added to the leal and it IS kneaded into small ball albau't tlbe size of a hazel nut. uu‘ Uhere are people who will take :1 many as four of these "da-wamesk or "boluseS" a duv. Hashish is the latest ind of the tas-hionable beautles of London writes the Marquise de Fontenoy, and with- in the precints of Mayfair there are at least half a dozen very expen- sive and exclusive clubs restricted en-‘ tire‘iy to the fair sex. which are. noâ€" tlhing were not less tibun hashish temples. They are thoroughly reâ€" spectable im the sense that none but women of knowbedged position in society, matroms as well as unmarâ€" ried girls with several seasons to their record. are admitted to the cluvhs in question, and while a part of the ‘h'ome is run as a ladies’ club in the: ordinary way. the gré’ater portion of the establishment is devoted to the absoI-ption of the drng so famous throughout the Orient, and which it is insisted is entirely innocuous. They are exquisitely furnished, espec- inliy tihe Orienlally tns’h-raned apart- ments. where the effects of the hzlsli« lsh are obtained and where not a single so'iind'frorm the outside (lis- turibs the drenm-s of the votziries of this, so far. as England is concerned, entirely new fed, and they are wail- ed upon by maid servants. in Oriental garb, the surroundings conveying the impressmn of some Eastern harem. Titled Hemp Eaters IIS "The electrical kitchen is not only admirable, it is ideal in its application of heat. It does not steal oxygen; it does not foul the air. It is steady; it can be directed to the top, bottom and sides of the thing to be cooked, for it does not depend upon the combustion of fuel or the connection of hot air, but upon the resistance of iron to electrical current. Instead of having to plan so that the cooking be done when the fire is in the range, the electrical kitchen is ready at any hour of the day or night to bake or broil. set the stewpun to sizzling or the hot water urn to bubbling, to brew the 50'clock tea or to disconnect the midnight Welsh rabbit from the fear that the alcohol bottle is empty and all the drug stores shut up; to temper the chill of the spare bed or to warm the toes under the desk; to heat the curling iron or the smoothing iron, all these appliances being connected by a flexible wire cord to asocket in the wall whence comes the energy. It is an exemplificatiun of the wholesale principle; instead of a thousand chimneys smoking at a tremendous sacrifice of cool, there need be but one big fire, whose heat is turned into motion, that into electricity, and that, In turn, back to heat again." "Cooking would be more of an art and less of a gam'ble if the heat could be put Where it was wanted and no- where else, and its intensity were unâ€" der the perfect control of the cook. The oven that will not come up to the right temperature, or that will not bake on the bottom, the chimney that draws the wrong way when the wind is from the northwest, the dampers that refuse to do as they are bid, the kindling that burns out without lighting the coal, all tend to make cooks the most ill-tempered of mortals, The gas range is admirable in that it supplies a heat that can be tempered at will, but it fouls the air. It burns up the oxygen and leaves carbonic acid gas, and if there is agas stove [connection that does not leak alittle I have yet to see it. Perhaps the-lesâ€" oaping gas may not flavor the food, but some profess themselves able to detect it in the viands. 'Be that as it may, dwellers in city houses need more pure air rather than loss of it. If we do not live as long as we might it is because we shut out the sunlight and the air t'oo carefully. it Is :1 very serious one. that with that lack of moderation. which Is one of the prim-{p.11 characterlstms of the fair sex, they should be so earned away by the fascinatiuons of the drug as to become slaves thereto, and to permit its use to develop Into an abuse; as in the Orient. Durlng my stay in Egypt our Moslem servants were usunlly totally unfitted her work during three or flour days of each month, owing to their absorption of too much hasbish. They became dreamy, totally impraclrcabln, and wound up by an unconquerable desrre to sleep. There was no means of doing anything with them exoep-tlng to all-ow them to sleep the hashlsh off and on the following day they were none the worse for the experience. o “are 0vordnm~ Road or lYIuch-dou Pudding . I can readily understand Orientals, whose life is njoyless one at the best seeking to excb‘nnge by means of this drug the sordid reality of their surroundings {or the beautiful dreams emgeInvder-ed by its consumption, and I can aisn understand how warnein in London and Paris, whose nerves are overrstmin'ed, who are in danger of collapse, should resort to this drug. raiher l'ban to a nerve specialist who 18 likely to prescribe for them a so- called rest cure. entailing n “nub-â€" drnwai from society for several weeks. For the drug gives immediate relief witflzout emailing any of {he draw- backs of 11153 rest cure and permits its voterrles to retain their piaces in ibe whirl of moiety and fashion with our any interruption. Of course there is the danger and ydur will pmver, as of your self-non- troI Sumo flavor as Japan, only more delicious $0M ETHING QUITE NEW _ THE ELECTRICAL KITCHEN. CEVLON GREEN TEA Uffinghun, Sr,â€"-Chile, doan' yo’ c'ount yo’ chicken befoq‘ yo’ git 'em outen de coop. Little Mose Uffimgham, J1‘.â€"â€"â€"Pop, if yo’ gib me half a. dollar fo’ my birfday', an’ Uncle Rube gib méâ€" Ring out an alarm and it is heeded. This is to notify you that base substiâ€" tution "Ls practised when the great, swre-pop corn cure is asked for. Put- nam’s Painless Corn Extractor never fails to take cums off. It makes no sure spots and gives no pain. Be sure and get “~Putnum’s.“ ' EUROPE’S POPULATION. The population of Europe is 381,000,- 000, an increase of 79,000,000 since 1870, or an annual anreasa of about 3,000,â€" 000. ST. JAMES'il'lOTEl-i Rlilwny. First-01:55C(unmeroigi'ilo-kn. Modâ€"cram. provemmuâ€"Rntee moderateV TAKING ARSENIC. The practice of taking arsenic in minute dos'es is very prevalent among the peasantry of the mountainous dis- tricts of Austria-Hungary and Frauce. They declare that this poison enables them to ascend with ease heights which they could not otherwise climb. Some curious expedieuts are-neces- sary apt times in the medical applica- tions of electricity. it is not un- common now for the electric cabs in New York to be pressed into service as pelrambulaiting sources of electric power by physicians who ar‘e called upon suddenly to make X-ray exam- inations of patients who are in local- ities where electricity» from street circuits is not on tap. Has but one somrce of relief. Ner- vilineâ€"nerve-pain cureâ€"penetrates to the irritath nerves, soothes them in- to repose, and affords relief almost in- stnmly. The whole range of medi- cine affords no parallel to Nerviline as a pain reliever. Tho “ Balmdial," Free Bus amig- EVEITUE F008!â€" Then. as he looked cautiously round, a twinkle of cunning and a smile of courtesy were added to his expression. And the whole lot of 'em shoved to- gether couldn't do it," he said. Oh. See ya here, sort. said the old man. the only way we'll get home rule for ould Ireland will be if Franceâ€"aw Russiaâ€"{aw Germanyâ€"2111' Austriaâ€" an' maybe Italyâ€"11f they would all join together to give those blayg’ards of English a rare good hiding. That’s the only way we'll get home rule, nnnyway. When are you going to get home rule in Ireland, John? asked a ous- tower. it 'e The feeling in Ireland toward Great Britain is illustrated in a story of a waiter in a Dublin hotel. ,4, AV #75 If (you have Backache you have Ki ney Disease. If you neglect Backacho it will dgvelo into somethin worseâ€"Brights Dis- ease or iabetes. There is no use rubbing and doctoring‘ your back. Cure the kidneys. There is only one kidney medicine but it cures Backacha every timeâ€"- Dodd’s Kidney Pills I Neuralgia‘s Persistent Agony AN OLD SA'W NEWLY SE'D MONTREAL HDIEL DIRECTORY. THE A UTOMOBILE THE FlRE BELLS MIXED EMOTIONS. McGIll--Colleu Avenue Family Hotel nm 01.50 finer day. ‘Opposite G.T.R. Dena}; two blocks hot}: ".>P. got! Lblcs.’ I :1th th Iâ€" AW FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MR5. WINBLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP hu been and by mother: for lhelr children teething. It 500' he: the child. when! the gums. Allzys pflin. cures wind oolio. mm! in the beat named] fur diarrhmn. 25c.n bottle. Sold by I11 druggiata throu houc the world. Bo sun and sat for " Mn. Wlnulow'l nothing Syrup." There is no game extant which so admirably combines educational and recreative features, or which is in every way so wail adapted for a' popu- lar and profitable amusement among refined and appreciative classes, as draughts.‘1tsinfluences are of an ele- vating character. It not only teaches, but practically enforces the necessity of patience and perseverance, courage and courtesy, self-reliance and self- control. The game is also peculiarly and selfâ€"evidently worthy of paternal encuuragément, as a knowledge of its incomparable beauties will destroy the taste for demoralizing games of chance. Boware of Ointments for Catarrh that contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and «ompletely dernnge the whole system when entoriug It through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used 61(0th on rescriplions from reputable physicians. as rho «mags thuy‘will d9 is reg tnld bq that; od you n- .._ __|. Second Masherâ€"My dear fellah, one is for the heat and the other is for the cold, you know. You're not so well up in astronomy as I thought you TROUBLE ENOUGH. Mrs. Brownâ€"Vtht awful times we are likely to have in China. There’s no telling how many thousands of’people will be killed and how many other thousands will suffer from want. Mrs. Greenâ€"And just as like as not tea will go up to $1 a pound! mum-w. um, v w.“ 7 r 7 H _ run possibly derive from them. Ha 1's Cat‘nrrh Ours. manufactured by F.J. Cheney 8: (‘0..1'0- ledo. 0., contains no mercury, and In taken in tornullj. acting-directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall‘s Catanh Cure be sure you get the genu- lne. In is take}: iujernaliylang mags in; 'l‘olng, PREPARE D FOR EMERGENCIES. First Masherâ€"Why, do you hang two thermometers in the window? (iii-orrby' F. J. Cheney'SL Co. Testin tree. Spld lex-ugg i399: pricq ‘750qug bottlel weIe‘ EVER AT THE FRONT. Like the British Armyâ€" CEYLON TEA S LUDELLA hsfiifirfiify" fifflfi‘dfé the b‘est'.‘ DRAUGHTS AS AN EDUCATION What though they sing from day to day. From rise till sec of sun ; There's no lea. ways to sing its praise Than when they first begun. I! Pomlvoly Prevents cholera-Informal. Dure- Bummnr commute "N and all Teaming Trouhloo, without Opiates or any Bwpifying Drugs. LARGEST GALE IN 'I’ l WORLD. DOGTOR HAMMOND-HALL‘S ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP COMFORTS cnvmo. CHILDREN. BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, Sole Proprietor: of DR. HAMMOND-HALL’S NERVO-HEART PILLS, BABY'S LAXATIVE TABLETS, ETC., 88â€"178 LONDON, ENG., NEW YORK, TORONTO. THE WHOLE COUNTRY SINGS ITS PRAISE. J. .6555}lgâ€"Edf’l‘éstimonialé Birristery. etc. Removed to Wesley Buildings, Richmond 8%. W.. Tor-moo. MILLS, MILLS 81. HALES, ill continues to mnke itaou felt, and i‘ The Ganada Permanent and Western Ganada Mortgage Corporation. R o o F I N G and Sheet MetalWomI. ROOFING SLATE In Blnok. Red 9r Green. SLATE BLACKBOARDS‘ e In ply Publlqand HighSuhoolsIuronm) Roofing alt, My. Books. Rosnrl I, uru- cathfiilc Prayer olflxu. eoapuIan, Religious Pictures, Statuary. and Church Ora-monu- Eduoscionnl Works. Mail orders receive prompt anon. “on. D. a. J. SADLIER & 00., Montreal. 7 Public and High Schools T1 Coal Tu, m. Roormb ‘ lugs. Toronto. done b our nioea.eLo. Efiblmates urnlll Bunion Onwuâ€" ‘ Winnlpog. Mam, Vancouvlr, 8.0., II. Jchn. NJ, __< v".-. . A-vuvuu' .u uu-uu man "an... "_m-_ The Dawson Commission 00., Limited} Oar. Wont-Marla! I: nolhomo IL. Tor-mo- tugs. Toronto, done b our firm . Met-l Ceiling. 00)- nioes,em. Estimates umlshad or work 0 am late or I mazerinluh pped to any run of Kheoountri. ham] 6. DUTHIEfiSONS. Ade aldedx mumers 0.,Toronto. _v-_. .v. _,-_. ... ,v... .. -.__ Montreal, Toronto,vbntqtawa, Capital Paid Up, $6,000.000 Reserve Fund, - I,500,080 Oarhollc Disinfectants. soaps. Oln‘» merit, Tooth Powders, etc" have been awarded 100 medals and diploma: for Imperial excallenoe. Their regulu nae prevent intona- ons diseases. Ask your dealer to ohm]: I Inpply. Lists mailed free on application. I_n_d othgr PR60UCE. to main hm geiumpgnlil.“ ‘9 TORONTO cunmu 83HO0L offers sDeolnl m"... Lages to all demons of a-;quiring a thorough know» ledge of Cutting and Fitting Gentleman‘s Garmenu. w'm 1"" p““°“1”'~ 113 huge 81.. Toronto. Lnnd~ wners and farmers desiring to rooure FRUIT TREES for autumn “mung. sun as APPLI- TREES, PLUM-TREE . PEAR-TREES. on. wlll find here first-class trees. strong and vigorous, and wall udnpted to the climnw n! the country. m an extremely low price. Order direct tron: m; By this means you will lave the pram: of agents and merchunu. Post-pnid illustrated cnwlozuo of 31 pages. wit. dlroctions for prepuinz remedies for tha doatruction o insects on fruit. treel. rose-bush". cm. sent on receipt of 10 cents. THE Eu'rum Towusmr NUESIIY. Ll wrenceville. Qua. TREES. PLUM-anux 1’! find here first-class trees. strong udnpted b0 the climnw v! the 1 low price. Order direct tron: ‘ wiy live 9139 Emma of pgencs} coarse Good-mam. Lowest price: ever quoted. Fine catalogue 500111“ unions mauled free. Write us for anything In Music or Muslcal Instruments. Whaiey Royce & 00., “’°"{$’i;§;‘;;m'§‘“ pathmlc Prayer ‘°.‘}'.‘&'.2?°§Jl:'.:.25_‘." W. H. Boatty. ’â€" Ma nanny Director- Halter' 3‘. Lu. POULTBXL BUTTER, aces, pugsl yeing I Gleaming! Every Town can have a Band M3 Ema (up ‘FI'ICIâ€" Pruidcnbâ€" 1n VinruldenL Ind Chlinnm of Extent!" Commi'.ueâ€" Herbert Mason. “BRITISH AMERIcAN DYEING co." Instruments. Drums. Unllorms, Etc Look to} {gut in your tofu, or und d‘iroot MANCHESTER For cbfiary belt and your work go tigq LEAD p'Acknai‘i. ' 25, an. 40. so and on F. 0. CALVER? & 00., i’fi‘igh’sifiiéoâ€"lffl'ur‘oKflfi 336553 half];de eco‘ _n0QPINb TILE (9:: Ne! git) Begu- EASTERN TOWNSHIP NURSERY uc-Prendenbâ€" CALVERT? Canada Permanent Building, TORONTO ST” ToRONTO. 11y {urging its way to tlgq hon} Deposits Received and Interest Allowed V Dobentureslssued in Sterling and Cur-- rency. “’PC 103 Money to Loan ENGLAND‘

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