Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Jul 1900, p. 5

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RICHMOND Rice cakes and lemon wafers mixm 10c. per 1h. Atkinson 6;. Switzer. Court Richmond will row evemug. â€" Quarterly Rm-ligEUUQ Sol-vicns will he hnld in Victoria. Square Methodist Church on Sunday. 5th prox. A special line of good print new cut, our regular 50c. lim- ALkmson & Switzer. The Board of Education will mew-t, next Mundny at 3.30, to confide-rup- plicntiuns for the lmsitinu of Math?- matical and Science Muster fur the High School. Always something new in ties. See the new goods We are mowing ths week. ALklnSUll (Sabwitzvr. Mr. Sam filnss. one of the popular u-hductm's on the Metropolitan. has been laid up for the Dust week with a sprained wrist, which he received by slipping off it our. Special lim ing shirts, in finished, 506 Switzer. .Mr. N. Slinvy opened the threshing season on Tuesday by threshing for Mr. Matthew McNair. The wheat yield was good and the sample ex- ~cellent. At a meeting in (he Methodist church Thursday evening, Messrs. \V. T. Storey, \V. A. \Vright and T. I“. McMahon were elected church repre- sentatives on the Quarterly Board. Jerse o;1ts,15x flakm peas, in “ck. 156. pm- Aurora Methodist Sabbath School assed through the village ’l‘uesdny in our or five specile cars for their annu- al exam-Sim) and picnic in Munro Pat-k. Newmul'kob followed yesterday to the same resort in seven czu-s. The tattoo which was held lasteven- ing under the ampicvs of the ciLy reg- iments at the Island was lu‘i‘gely M- .tended, there being excursions from many outside places. There will be a repetition this evening. Boots & Shoesâ€"Remmnber we have bargains in all lines of boots 86 shoe-s : ~men’s Working boots, special, $1 per pair. Ladios’ kid boots, sizes, 215., 3, & 3i, 50¢. per pair. Naughtun Br0s., ,Elgin Mills. Statutes of Ontario, 03rd Victoria, ‘1900, havejust an-iVe-d at THE LIAERAL office, and may be examined by any person interested in the measures puss- ed at the last sessinn. On Saturday next, July 20ml lacrosse match will take place on the park here between the home team _ zlpd St. lacrosse team of Toronto. Ball faced at 3.30. Admissmn, 15 ch52; ladies and children, 10 cts. Good percule blouses in blue and white and pink and white stripes with soft cuffs and stock collar, at 67c. ; dimiwe blouses in pink and green, mauve and green, and blue and white stripes at $1.47; mauve and white and blue and White striped Zephyr blouses, our regular $1 line for 35c. Atkinson & Switzer. BRITISH CANADl AN BAND. The above band, who will give a concert at the formal opening of the pavilion, Bond’s Lake, on the evening of August 1, will pass through here Friday evening of this week on their way to Newmurket where they will ive a half hour musical programme. 11 their return they will stop at Aurora. for half an hour, and arriving at. Richmond Hill will play for half an hour on the school grounds, opposite THE LIBERAL office. It will probably be after 10 o‘clock before they arrive here, but; our musical citizens will no doubt stay up a. little later in order to hour those talented musicians. The following paragraph from a. l recent number of the Erening News Bulletin of VVinnipeg shows that an- other of the boys from Richmond Hill High School is gradually climbing up the ladder. The item, which we are ' leased to copy reads thus :â€"“ Mr. H. Brown, of the C. P. R. department has been promoted to the position of city agent at Nelson, B. 0., and leaves on \Veclnesday next for his new duties. Mr. Brown has only been in \Vinnipeg u. short time, having come Emu) Toronto as secretary to Mr. passenger I nox of Barrie for. the Commonan suc cession to the late Lieut.â€"Col.Ty1-vwhitt Groceries fresh and clean. Gooi cleaned currants, Sc. ; selected Valer cia. raisins, 100.; Clark‘s roast heel 166. per tin; ready lunch beef, 15c. 00d sardines. 10c. Atkinson ( Witzer. Ex-Alderman P. G. Close of Toront died yesterday from blood-poisonin cansed by the bite of a mos uit which he receivad on the 7th of ul} A gal. stone French butter pots, 8c 0. E. McPherson, general passenger ell-ch; 1 al., 12c.; 15 gal.. 18c.; 1 gu agent, but during his short stay he 118.8 made. many friends who will learn of his promotion with pleasure, 'fi’iuuipeg. here Baker‘s I 5 gal. stone butter cracks with cove: l 650. each; 4 gal, 58c. ; 3 gal.. 45c. - while regretting his departure from I rench stone pots, 12¢. each gal.. 35c. ; stone butter crocks, hold lbs. butter, 8c. Atkinson & Switzer. I; 0(3 it HARRY BROWN PROMOTED. LACROSSE MATS H. I'IXLL, UNIONVILLE. 0f Int-11‘s and lmys‘ out- niccm-nt stripes, nicely . each. Atkinson and July luoet WSW-Pi] amen“ Wmm Houses, for 47c. tu-mm‘ 1900 e I MOONL The Br . play a. sch 0 l’au-k on ‘. S 1. under E Hughes. musical m r ‘ haw- ram :. . , a “DUCOS m nwlnhers .V eluding J Sulnist; h I soloist; B Inspector lung strain] Iiill‘s b.1ka thick ( Iuwvd when all]: At. tho lust, of the prw vote nf that Trean for In use of her hn Duminiun Du thanks was Stacy, as Vi At the lust, mvoting of the Executive of the Epwnrtll League a unanimous vote uf thanks was tendered to Mrs. Trench for ln-i- kindness in giving the. use of llt'l‘ lawn im- the luwn sncial on Dominion Day. Also a hearty vote of thanks was given to Miss Violet, St0.ey, as Vim-Pres. of the Social Do- pal’lllwnl, for her energetic and eflici- enb elforts which contributed so much to the sum-v95 of the lawn social. MOONLIGHT T0 BOND'S LAKE. The British Canadian Band will play a select, program at Bond’s Lake Park on ‘.\’udnesday evening, August, 1. lfiuler the dirpctiun of Mr. Arthur Hughvs. ’l‘liis iswme of the finest musical mganizatinns in Canada and haw: I'x‘f‘t‘lVi‘d most. flattering press notices for tlwix- exoellvnt music. The uwmhersax‘c all pit'ketl musicians in- cluding Mr. Charles Savage, cot-not sulnisL; Mr. F. Fenton, trombone Soloist; Mr. A. I-Iartmmn,vocal soloist; Mr. John (illogg, xylnphnnesoloist pre- Se-nting an array of talent that no other Canadian hand offers. Admis- sion to the. concert. ten cents, but railway trinket holst will he admit,- ted flee. See adv. and railway rates on another page. 01m The lacrosse match played in the park Saturday hetween'Mm-khain and the home team was clean, though the play was not as fast as might have been expected from the reputations of the contestants. The. game seemed slower, no doubt, from the fact that Markham arrived in town with only 10 players. and as George Glover was injured early in the game by getting 3‘. ruck in the eye with the hallmnd W. Trench retired to even matters up, the greater part of the match was played by only nine men on a. side, who had to do the Work of twelve. At the close of the match the score stood 4 to 1 in favor of Richmond Hill. Tue de- fence players on both sides did exceed- ingly good WUI'k, and Urquhart, Mark- ham’s gnu-keeper stopped many swift- halls that were fired on the nets with deadly aim. Sims in goal with J. Glass in front also had to Watch the Hill net very closely. The home team held the hall the greater- part of the time and proved themselves a little stronger than their opponents. The combination play of the visitors was very c1-editahle,though they may have wasted some of their time and strength bypassing the ball to each other in- stead of firing directou goal. The match was refereed by Mr. Chas. H. Ellston, and Messrs. A. \Vilson and W. Savage acted as umpires. The lucr park Saun the home t A fair-sized audience assembled in the Presbyterian church Monday evenâ€" ing to hearthe Rev. Dr. Paton give his address on Missionary work and missionary life in the New Hebrides. The venerable old gentleman, whose silvery hair and flowing heard give him a patriarchal appearance, has spent morethan 40 yeaqs among the savages of the above islands, and the experiences, which he relates in his simple style of speech is very interest- ‘ ing. The Dr. says that when he land- ed at the New Hebrides in 1858 the‘ natives were in utter darkness. They were always at war with each other, their customs were most shocking. and they were all cannibals. But gradual- ly the gospel was introduced, and the results have been marvelous. There are now in the islands 18,000 converts who have given up heathenism, 3,000 church members who had been care- fully prepared before being permitted to join the communion, and 300 men and their wives who were teachers, and preachers of the Gospel. The speaker related the cold-blooded mur- der of Gordon and his wife, as well as other miSsionaries sent to that heath- en country. Hisown life had been in danger scores of times but be trusted in the Lord, and felt that he had been mercifully preserved. The Dr. spoke of the need of more missionaries, and hoped that Christian people would ever be ready to help in spreading the Gospel wherever an opportunity Lpre- sented itself. A collection in ai of the work was taken up at the close of the lecture. The pastor of the church, Rev. Mr. Grant, who occupied the chair, and Rev. Mr. ‘Vellwood s oke for a few minutes on the life-wor of D!“ Paton,the object of whose life seems to be to lead the savages of the southern sens from darkness and de- gradation. luw South Simcoe Conservatives on Sat- urday nominated Mr. Haughttm Len- nox of Barrie for. the C0mmons.iu sucâ€" cession to the late Lieut.â€"Col.Terhitt. Groceries fresh and clean. Good cleaned currants, Sc. ; selected Valen- cia raisins, 100.; Clark’s roast beef, 166. per tin; ready lunch beef, 15c. ; oud sardines. 101:. Atkinson & Witzer. Eng-Alderman P. G. Close of Toronto died yesterday from blood-poisoning caused by the bite of a mos uito which he receivad on the 7th of uly. a gal. stone French butter pots, 8a., each; 1 al., 120.; 1; gal.. 180.; 1 gal. Baker‘s rench stone pots, 120. each; 5 gal. stone butter cracks with cover, 65c. each; 4 gal., 58c. ; 3 gzLI.. 45c. ; 2 gal” 350. ; stone butter crocks, hold 5 IIS iurx-is’ n-sid that, Uf grew: to remain it will rem t. It has I' bHuOW thuf {nu-t of the mm DR. PATON’S LEOTURE. VUTL her p mKHA M DEFEA’I‘ED, V‘.-' SlDE‘v 'ALK. Bi-mvnlvn has turn up a (If plank sidewalk from r Lou point 0 posite Mr. ’ residence. nu has laid a. [gravel which will he al- ~main until next spring :‘S OF THANKS. gravel which will he ul- iain until next spring rum-iv» a. covering of nu; hk't‘ll thought advis- lln-fuundmion to settle f the viliage is inclined to i-iugy. News Notes. Hun. “'m. Hal-1y hns challenged The Kingston Times to prove Its in- sinuatinns regarding his relations to the Sheriff of Frontenac. Mnjur-Genoml O‘Grady. the new cununander of the Canadian militia. will reach Quebec on Saturday and Ottawa. on Monday. Militia l)l‘d(‘I‘S contain pmvision for :1 battalion of Mounted Infantry fm- Tm-nnto. and authorize the addition of about 2,000 men to the military strength of the Dominion. The case of Dr. Playter, who is charged with maintaining a “noxious and offensive " business in the fUl'lIl of a sanimrium fm- cunsumptives near Deer Park, is hefore the court this Week. and is attracting considerable interest. GAMHLl-tâ€"Mnnmcâ€"At *he Parsonage. Richmond ’1”va Rev. N. Wellwnvd, on July 23rd, Mr. Villinm Gamble at the town of Pfizer- ‘hm‘rvug‘h. M Miss Lillie Moore of file town of Bowmuuville. The undersigned Would take this up- pm-tunity of thanking his numerous custumm-s and friends for theirpatnm- age of bhu past ten years, and in sulic- ibing :L cnntinuance of the same would intinmte that, he has removed into the cmunmdinus premises belonging to Mr. John Cuuitcr, and in which he has just, opened out a. carefully' selected stock of Fall Tweed Also :1 particularly nice line of Fancy Striped Tmuserings. Those are all new goods, fresh from the mill this sensnn, and both goods. trimmings, fit and workmanship may be relied m) as being firstpclass, and will be. sold at low prices for cus only. Call and exami -, before purchasing elsewhere. figsaiigmémrsifi British Canadian _ Band Of Toronto. Return Fax-es, including admission to Park : From Toronto to Bond‘s Lake, 406. From Thornhill to Bond's Lake, 300. From Richmond Hill to Bond’s Luke, From Newmar‘ket to Bond’s Lake, 30c. Lust car leaves Newmarkeb at, 7.30. Last cam leaves Townto at 7.30. Boats and Steam Launch at disposal of those holding tickets for concert free of charge. STANDARD BANK Of Canada Received in Savings’ Bank Depart,- ment and interest, allowed at HIGHEST GflBRENT RATES. BQE‘EB’S EAAKE RICHMOND HILL Genaml Banking Business Txaasaeted. For 'Eailor. RICHMOND HILL. Worst Notice of Withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. A. J. HUM E, REMOVED ednesfiay, Aug. 1. 1603. ADMISSION, - 10 CENTS. uilwuy Ticket-Holders, Free. l‘apiull RPS! other particulars call at the Bank, AH cars good after 5 p, rsteds and Over- coatings. ' NiAR'RIAGl-‘Ai 0n the evening of . F. ROWLAND. DEPOSITS __T0-_ 25e. $l $001960 700,000 m. AGENT Riclunond Iiill. Easy terms of payment. Samples always a ,- Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends. Everyone who owns a. little ground can put in a few trees or small fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable garden. We are the largest nurseymen in Canada and ship over twenty thous- and orders annually and guarantee satisfaction. We want a good man in each township to devote part or all of his time to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher or retired farmer can add materially to his income by engaging with usâ€"whilc any good ener- getic man with a liking for Horticulture, and willing to work hard for a few years, will build up for himself a connection that will insure a steady incofne year after year. CHASE” 3301131353 00., Ltd.., Colborne, Ont. LA QUEST NURSE‘E'MEN IN CANADA. ESTABLISHED 43 YRS Is the cash paid and held on policyholders account as shown by the annual report. Pamphlets and full particulars regarding the association, different plans of In- surance will be sent on application to ‘ Agent for the Western 8: York Mutual Fire Insurance Com.- panies; Appraiser ior the Canada Permanet Loan & Savings Company. Call and get a circular for Accident and Sick Benefit ; Policy only Samoa annually. Business attended .to with promptness. figwwwwwwwi ?Big Clearing $12,793,290.98. EGNFEBERETIQN UFE Aggfifilflflflfl. If you have the ability we have This month we have to make room for new crockery and in order to do so we will make a big sacrifice of dinner sets, tea sets, glassware, etc. It will be a big loss to us, but you will benefit by it, and it does not matter. Here are a few of the snaps we are bfi'er- ing :--â€" Two only, 8g-piece brown printed dinner sets, good heavyware, and all complete, our regular price 1159 50 a set; clearing sale price, $4.00. Two only, 61-piece brown printed dinner sets, smooth glazed wzlr'e. in good patterns, our regular $7 set, clearing sale price $3.50. Six only. high stand fruit dishes, with cover, good heavy imitation cut glass, regular price 55o, clearing sale price, 20c. each. , Twelve only, high stand fruit dishes’ without cover, our regular 25c. line, clearing sale price, we. each. A number of butter dishes, Celery dishes, &c., in good heavy glass at 5c. each. These are all genuine bargains and it is for you to pick them up early as they will not last long at these prices. ATKINSON TH‘E’ORC HARD 3". C LARK, WILL YOU WORKFOR US .9 DISTRICT AGENT. A RELIABLE COMPANY. Sale Of ANB work for you so do. PIANO, ORGAN, SWITZER. EWEEG MéflfllNE IF YOU WANT TO BUY A Crockery. always on hand. CALL ON OR WRITE

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