U' » SOL acoh Ever and. non. These agents also keep on he Fire Proof store, Rakes, in make, as well as repairs for all kinds of machinery. All kinds of Repairing Promptly Done. mm. \ ‘MMNW _ V 7 7 'ii mm: Muï¬â€"bswwest-rmw \n-mmï¬- .mn.+wmmwmwm exsxmmes 80M E FEATU R ES Sam Hunter’s Cartoons, Full Market Reports, Special Gables, The Khan. Ontario Despatehes, Sporting News. Madge Merton’s Page for Women lemme til i tier a V». ROBERTSONS PURE READYJHKED PAlNTS For (ivory llt"S('l‘llll ion of oxtm'im' and interior decoration. NW‘ “MN†I 2†I“ I) ; I}. ï¬ll flflllilllll/rmh/Ws'I'M». 'I we esisssrrs ,, ,. 111"†- ' r \.f:57f,,;‘.,//’ Publishes the best of everything. It leads _ on, 1‘ 1n the excellence of Its speCIal departments, ‘ . {ifï¬â€˜fï¬â€˜mï¬n Sirlflly find-('l:\<R.1‘«‘:1(ly fur use. (:uiirouivni ,(llI1‘~ :ililt'. beautiful, easily applied. immmmir-nl :mrl (ivory varii-ty of Hllï¬tlt‘. while its news columns are bright and readable. ? i K l BALANCE 2'), vi g, m- HERE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE OF THE YEAR. The Toronto Daily Star will be Mailed to any Address To January 151;, 190Lf0l° 5% Cents D BY FUR FAIR". DY W. A. SANDERSON, lh‘llyj‘fl's‘l'. ‘ ' ' 51-1 >â€" 1 11'11. nd in their shop, opposrte the W Hm m I owers & twine of the above AEREVE METROPOLITAN TIME TABL Between Toronto and Ncwmru-lict. GOING NORTH LenvsG P R Crossing at 6. 7.2.0, 0.4m 11.30 n. m.; 1.30. 2.40. 4.1)“ 5.40. 7.45 p. in. Leave Richmond Hill 8.10, 10.30 a. m.; 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 4.50, 6.30, 8.35 p. m. GolNG SOUTH Leave Newmarket 7.30,9.15,11.15 n. m.; 2, 3.15, '“. 7.30 p. m. V Leave Richmond Hill 7. 8.10, 9.55, 11.5a a. m., 2.40. 3.55. 4.55. 6.40, 8.10 p. m. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until lurthsr notice llnils will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Oilice cs [chewyâ€"â€" MORNING 8.00 EVENING .. . 6.15 N. Bx-Registel‘ed Letters must he handed in at least Friteen Minutes em-iier than the above mentioned hours {or cloainr‘. OFFICE CLOSES .‘iT [BC P M M. TEEB'Y , Postmaster, Village ï¬gctory. Church or‘ Englanrlâ€"-Services at 3p. n]. every Sun-lay. . Presbyterian Church-Services at 11 a. 111., and 'I p.111. Sunday School (It-.130. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. ‘ Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alterâ€" nate Sundays etQ e. m. and 10,30 11. m. Methodist Churchâ€"Services at 10.30 11. m.. and 7 p. in. Sunday School at 2.30. Gonerul prayer meeting Thursday. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- dev on or before full moon CourtRichmond. A 0 F â€"1.-leets second and tourist: Friday ‘ Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meetsiou\:th Tucsuoy of such month Camp Elzln,S 0 S Wednesday V B. T 01 Temperanco~Mcets ï¬rst V of each month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets . month ~ Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Seturdav evenings Enworth League-Meets evorv Funny. Estonia aliasing. PRICES A'r FARMEHS' waoomzs. ~Moets second and fourth ednesday ï¬rst Monday of every Whenhwbite, per bush. .3 0 73 S 0 00 Wheat. red, per bush . u 71 O 00 Wheat, goose. per bule 0 7l 0 00 Outs. per bush . .. 0 33 0 34 Pens, per bush 0 00 0 no Barlev. ner bush 0 00 0 00 Turkeys, per ll) . O 10 " ll Dressed Hogs. percwt 7 50 7 75 Geese, per in ...... 0 00 0 00 Uhickens.perpn1r 0 1‘10 1 70 Ducks.per pmr . 0 30 0 35 Butter. in pound rolls 0 1F. (1 15 Eggs iresh............... n it 015 Potatoes, per bag 0 30 0 to Apples, per lrbl . (l 00 1‘. to Hoy,clover . 13 C0 13 50 Hay, timothy . no 00 DO 00 Straw sheet. 9 53 0 00 50 YEARS‘ EXPERIENCE a.» ., TRADE MARKS . DESIGNS * Cowman-rs ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may Quick] ascertain our opinion free w leiher an invent on is probably untenable. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest nnenry for securinn‘pntenu. Patents when through Munu (I. (.0. receive special notice. without, chm-go. in the Scientiï¬c ï¬neness. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest dr- oulatlon of any scientiï¬c join-mu. Terms. 83 11 Sold byoll newsdmilers lgrk 1).. year: four months. N. & 00.3615roadway,ï¬ew aneh 0mm. ms ll St“ “Hrshinglon. w. H ew i so N, HOUSE PA 1N TER, Glazier, Grainer and Paper- Hanger. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL, The regular subscription price of T1113: STAR is $3.00 a year, and $2.00 \\ here the paper is not received until the day after pub- A CM of best KKK and N0- I aim gdvsoimmmtaw 'i ‘ licntion. The present offer is made with a View of placing Tm" m u ‘ --_W.--.1..V~.~“wxumflnqw -« ~~ . y . . L .‘ ‘ g \Q' a it. a , i g g A??? STAR m the homes of thousands u ho Will be interested in readâ€" u §‘ 2 a til {3‘ L . “a... ing the best afternoon paper in Ontario. I l l i l l ll‘liicli we will sr-ll on :1 very close liulice in cradling yr. In themetter of theestete of ‘5 l “'9. have all . ‘ kinds 0' i’lr'vsrui um roux VVBI. H. LUN DY, f}. To every subscriber _ will be mailed a y‘ l E†Deceased, 34" beautiful plate of Her Majesty Queen Victoria ‘l and the Prince of Wales. Tim iir‘mrn, whiuhmimlly sells for 73 cunts, is the handsomth picture of the royal m 1' unit S-u ewr publish d in Canada. The conventional portraits ofrhe Q11 411m smi' hwr nsmur‘h younger than ill!) cycle 01' yval'a has left her. mm yet it was the v ‘ ilï¬ovvrclcu “18.: “Pt neople loVu her and will remember her. As [he mo1 her of nor pimple she will i-vur he reincznlwred’thu lyuC‘ of English \vonmnhoorl‘nnd llllJllh‘ThDIWl. Fitting it is, therefore. than. she sliouid he unintcii along with her son the lnmrc King. and so in (has niszuricnl OTICE is hereby given pursuant to R. S 0 . 1897. Chan. 12‘), that till creditors uni-i others hevinn claims against the estate of Vi m. H. Lumlv, late oi the towriship of Minimum, in the County of York, fermenoecsueed. who (lie! on or ubontthe 18th day of April, A.D.190u,nre required on or before the Doors, Sash, Mouldings, B21303, Fill‘l‘fl‘ (inivs, Etc. “'0 '11:?!) lnivu for Sula (“‘0 old. build- ings. silo. 24x60 it, two stories high: ‘ um- stnlile. Zilvfif) it, two stories: also i (H10. small ullicy building. ()le ft. ‘ 'l‘iiose buildings are in good rt-pnir and :cture the Prinr‘e stands lJL'lllnfl the chair oi1 the said lst day of September, A. D [9&0 thr- said executor will proceed to distribute in.» as» sets of the esinie among thepurumomii‘w: therelomuving reinrencecnly to the i‘lull),.\ of which he shullthen have received motive um! that. the said executor will not be liable for mu assets of the saui estate or any porn tnuu I‘l' Lu tiny hereon or pursuit of whose clniin llB Mini] not have had notice on the time of such uia» tribution. JANE LUNDY, W, F. NICHOLS. E. F. WLLRON. Dated this 24th flay of July. 1000. S Y F Pi hvsroyal mother. The let me is 18x24. ii clc‘, i 15 ï¬nd . . i . _ . K ' V . ' 1 T D P l l i trained. wounlean omlime‘nr on any wail.‘ | h “ \ CS 0‘ wma'md’summy l the lumber and timber in them is A.-D. 1900, to send to H. F. Wilson, ('nshel P. 0.. e n l :. . one of the executors of the said deceased, in]: It is 3- speelal panning: made eXClUSlvely f0? The Toronto Star, y I? )m ind smmd particulars of their claims against the estate if and is a work of art. ‘ . e I the smrlbdpé‘egscdhend the nature of the accuraty . I ' a Q i (ienvle _yte1.n. ‘ §QOI~¢4¢44N€4044 4 4“ "c‘ 4 , .1 15%;; IS. And normals hereby further given tlmt ullu‘ 3 ii- l Is running every day. and we have just got. in :1 (‘JLI' load of iwst N... 2 '1 Reel? Q'Qizii‘l. This com is sweet and dry and makes the bust of meal. (,‘ull and sec, it, and you will not fail to buy. "‘ ‘ES & SONS, lli l 1 Richmond Hill inns. F933. gï¬hi’iCE On the premises, Richmond Hill, it THE LIBERAL and Star to jan'y I, IgOI, for 75 cents. g’iiiihe ‘ “ell. Eieeti geeks 7‘: an } Exr suture l 4. seen for Lot 19, 4th con. Mai-khan), 100 acres. more 0-.- 1953, the property of thelate W. H. Lumiv. The land is well unflerï¬inined, new lulck house. ï¬rstâ€"class water. nnod bnrn mud amides. For pmï¬lrulnrs apply to HOMER WLLwCX, tubal, l L: 4â€"6 thoroughbred Shortâ€"horn iiull. Terms 1 " . $1.00 cash. RE»? 32-tf T. LUDFORD. sin. emulsion Uniorrville. (0f the ï¬rm of Et‘kill'dt & Prentice), agent for he Massey-Harris Labor'â€" Snving Machinery, “'ngons, Flows, Scni‘fli-r-s, &c.; also the. Sawyer Sc Massey Engines and Thrashers, the Br-antford \l'ind-Mill. and the Up-tu- Date Toronto Fanning Mill. All Massey-Hurris repair-s kept by H. A. Nicliolls. Richmond Hill. Business solicited. \fi Binder Twine for Farmers BIRDER TWINE from the Central Prison.!or the season of 1901;,wi1] be void in FARMERS or FARMERS CLURSJur their own use. in any quantitv. Irum LDG bale to any number required at. the following prices per 11).: “ Exrrn Standard " in holes of 501hs., such 9.1.0. “ Farmer-5' Special." in bales of 61.) lbs.,eu..:-li Ms. (‘3le must accompany new order m- be re- ceived before twine is shipped; freight in all cases must he paid by purchasers uni! orders will be accepted for lull bales only. In cases where a farmer orders a greater nuan- tity than is required (or his (mm use, inl- (yr-[er must he signed by the persons joining in the or- der,nnd the amount re uired by each must no- company it. as well as t 6 post oï¬ice address of each applicant. The twine is well manufactured, every pound guaranteed of Servicenble quality. u.an ‘i any prove feultv in Hue, on being i-etui 1181] money will be refunded. " Extra. standard." is bald onlv in small illlfln» tities. but “ Fm‘mere'Special," which nil] prove of special value to inrmers using it, is in libel-11.1 Sill-ply. Orders addressed to " The \Yardon. (“r-iitral Prison, Toronto," ml) receive prompt attention. JAMES NOXON, Never pulls outâ€"it’s a useful improv- ementâ€"simple and easy to remove. All the features of the l Sieve and Bicycles FOR 1900 ‘LifegssnganceCo. Are good OQGSY the head SPOke ‘5 Agent-es onallthenmdernplaiis,aud is one of not {he least 1“ importance. the most prosperous and progressive companies in existence. Premiums low, poliuiPS uncanilitionnl and nonfurfeimble. Take 9. policy Will: the district. agent, T. F. MCMAHON. LTBEBAL OFFICE. RICHMOND HILL Agents everywhere \Vrite lor catalogue Local representative, 1 T. F. MOMAHON. Canada. Cycle 6% Meter (30., Limited, Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada. Inspector of Prisons. Perliurnenr Buildings. 3»: Toronto, Juli‘ 13 1900. TO semi Shop suitable for milliuer or tailor Shop, Has been occupied forthe last. [on )enrs ns :1 tailor shop. Two doors north of the E ire l'l‘duf Score, Apply to FORE . Cook’s Cotton Root Compound 13 successfully used monthly by over 10.000 Ladies. Safe, eï¬ecmel. Ladies as]: yonr druigist for Cook‘s cotton loot 0m- 0. Take no ot or, as all Mixtures. pills and. mitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1, $1 er box- No. 2. 10 degrees stronger-.33 per box. 0. l or ,mailedon receipt of price and two B-ceni stem 8- The Cook Company Windsor Out. :5- os. 1 end 2 sold and recommended liy all responsible Druggists in Canada. RICHMOND HILL mus - Silli- Money to Loan Money to loan on firs mortgage term proper- ty, at ï¬ve per cent, za-tt ALE A comfortable brick :lu‘ollinr: with six- acres of land, more or less.(-n KlL‘llUlolill Sllz'ci‘. hmull orchard and plenty of snmll huii. Gaul well, cistern, burn rind other outbuiltLings. Apply t.) JAS. FREEZE. lils'lllLIOnsl Hill LS’ N ). l and No. 2 Ball in Richmond Hill by W A. Sun-lorsou Druggist. PLOW POINTS. Plow Points for all the principal plows zit Enquire at THE LIBERAL Office J 1 19-0 o _ â€" l“ H “ y ’m The Next Sitting of Division Court for 31011111 0nd I} 111 ho. 3, Countv of York, will be held % gig or i LAUNDRY 9 s Vii S -r "‘ , H a s :. Brennan‘s BILL, _ - _ ll - , E .:.»‘. :m r.‘ I ‘5 - I 5, , v\ ‘ B." ' ‘ ' ' ~ 1 . - - - in"... Co ,rrlglizzaf-“r m; 1‘ i ’ _0N_ anteed mipl‘c‘iolï¬eéaioiii‘iéél.â€â€ “m W“ Hal.†“"10 “M “f Râ€'h“‘fâ€â€œ1 ‘1'“- Euglnndl- i..~e. (\Tlnlill}.k‘ 52M Binder-sand Mowers Repaired on Patents sent two. 'l‘l Purezuisobtninnd m.- ui {no Scruxrli‘rr‘ .\.v most widely circadian-i! :11 Weekly. Solar gommion. SUB v-s I‘ILLIF. ll KXWELL §HII)SCH‘5.R)9 for the shortest notice. Sixty Cr-nt-s a hundred allowed on wrought or cast. iron. l FEHJAY, GGTOBER 5, 1908, Commencing at 10 :1. in. l mm “In (rm: .. I t . 1‘ _, n3 7 Shop open every night until 8.30. ~ . _ 7 4 . ‘9 T , mCA) Umce. l T. F_ McmAgoy CLERK T :1 it, 3:, gal ‘Lg XV. TAGER, Prop.