VOL. XXIII. YHE LIBERALPRINHNM PUDUSHING HOUSE‘ RICHMOND HILL. O‘NT. EEC URSDAY IKORNING D Ofï¬ce Hours : p. m $1 per annum, in advance.] Best ï¬tting tooth, also J's-plating lowest: prices. Good work. Oddfellow’s Bldg, T01 and College. Sts DR Ofï¬ce :â€"N 133:. W. Cecil/Emma, DENTIST, Gmduaco of the Ontario Vaterinm'y College, wiuh diploma. from sun Ontario Veterinary Dental School. will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. :11. Calls promptly amended to Diseases of horses. cattle and other dmnesaicat- ed animalspreutad by the latest. and most. up- ï¬x'oved methods J. T. Bic’ï¬lroy, VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone 3368 for appointment. Room 12, PM Victoria St. Toronto. F. J. GALLANDUGH, Mamba: College Pb vni Remodellad, nu (mo of the mo: hotels on Yum venience. Sau Braveuers. An or driving pm-ti Cor. Bloor and Spamsna Ave" Toronto. Calls by telep‘. Hill oh: PALM E to or vacuum pass me door JG“ IN PALM HULSE Every Accommodation for the elling public. ’. LANGS 1 RICHMOND ‘ ‘mrnca gm BUSINESS CARDS RICHMOND DR. L. LAWRAS‘C \Vill be Sun 10am: 6w Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Biiaans Tabules: pl VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, IS PUBLISH » 1w VETERINARY SURGEON, RICH THOROUGHLY REFITTED. . T. A. CUR EDITOR W\\\. Roqmw Dentist, .KHUNU 1.111111, UN 1.. lug: MOM AB 0 N, 1““ W in Richmond Hill every \Vednesday. 'exl; dour south of Publit SchooL Thornhill. serum in mm. exï¬'vsi. 8 to 10 a. 111.; 1:2 to 2 7 no.9 p. m. WEE IOND Pnopmm'ron mm from Richmond arged to me. 3D EVER FAQ“? A IN [‘umutn, cor. Yonge Sts., Toronto, : imam :12! 1'3! w; d E, 50 £99 HDTEL, PER DAY HIL a.) ‘e flatull :aszmtl {OUSE HTI «11's 0 Eli xauvc. trav re a) ï¬ï¬ï¬Ã©â€™ï¬ï¬q Sim? Emu Toronto Oiï¬cn. 3 Woovlmu‘me. Thornhilhench Wed Suite 77 ings, ‘ORONTO OI 63 Winchester Sï¬. TorOnto‘ Licenseu Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales. of stock.ew., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R.Guuldmg, Newton Brook, agent for ma abuve. ENNOX HE 25 KING STEEMT WEST. TORONT License Auctioneers for the County at York,re- spuctfully solicit your patronage and friendly nfluence. sales uttvuded on the sLoz‘test notice and a reusonnbemtes. P. Omanxess King ISSU ER MARRIAGE LICENSES, E '14 {3}}{1‘5 EEK 111453: Richmoï¬a mu Licensed Auntionoors for the County of York. Snlesameuded to on shortest. notice and at rea- sonublerntos Patronage solicited. JOHN-S at reasonable rates Puuouugeaolicited Licensed Aunti General sales 0 Re RICHMOND HILL 8: THO O STOES LIBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on - Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 'â€"\S. N EVVTON {Isadel-iukt-rs a: Emma )HNSTON, RC FALCON BRID‘ ()0 %&¥§%E EQQEEEE a ti hul‘l Barns EcEuu-dt & PI enlist} M I'I’i S 1 con «k flicï¬lwvn. ;, F. LAWRENCE, xister, Solicitor. Noéary, 800. and ’78 Freehold Loan Build- cor. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Toronto. smlxcs & Illaugh. st( J. I}. {ï¬e-damn“, [RIGHT 11 (3 Ant le rs A1 mrm‘w neer for the County or York. implements, furniture‘btsmimg mnled on the shone-st. nation and .‘rizéster In Essentiais, shortest notice and Ana builiï¬ sales u.‘ 'villc. Ont & MORGA N, and $05: mge chense LL POST OFFIUE. RE‘E at M aple on Thursday of each week. yé’hï¬ Fast. MEET EAST. T OBCSTO 1Y3 P. 0. address Maple ‘nr the Count aof farm sic n to guests. Board To PETEHT Gnod Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"EHT RECORD, Baltimore, Md. cuur Smith uner EMORY) HELL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1900. uys. Grunfls renidenco ry ewuivzz. dnyfrr-m 10:012. ifur N0. places. mm l'Of BLIC J. H. ERENTICE Umouvnle ’I-elerhcne 5k J. 'K. McEwen Wuston. Ii LCM D DLOUGE NHIILl of York ML. at- aammhle ishi‘ngs N t0 During the latter part of May I ro- r‘PiX‘od a very kind invitation to spend umne days at, the seaside, and on June 6th I took train for Blackprwl, via. Nottingham. Derby and Mnn‘chvstm; arriving after a, hot and dusty trip at arriving after a, hot and dusty mm at, this bpuutiful and charming plucy. Bizlckponl receives its name from the fact that, many years ago What is now :1 beautiful town was a black and muddy swamp or morass, and (m :11:- cuun‘. of it being situated (mlhe Irish 1 m. the idea. glut, it would be a ï¬ne spot fur a summer resort took hold of the inhabitants and they set/to work to make it, what it isâ€"the Brighton of the North. . I am "told that during the season from two to three millions uf people visit Blackpnnl, smne fur the day, others for weeks, all in search of MISS E. E. GREEN’S FIFTH nft w..- .._J -_. _ , as gentle low, gurgling sound of rushing watt-1's, I looked up and saw the tide was com- ing in apparently fastcr than usual. I changed places and seated myself upon a pile of stones which form part of the embankment, and from here I could get a full view of what was about to happen. The sky ngzm to darken quickly zmd the clouds which wore momentarily becoming heavier, came sweeping around from the 'east until it reached, from my point of viz-w, the Victoria. Pier in the distance. Grud- ually they appeared to stand still. meantime becoming blacker and heavier until the sky and son. mzâ€"t as it were. and in a second the distant thunder burst forth into loud yours and the lightning flushed so vividly I that the very waters themselves tl-rmblcd and opened up like a. mass of I molten lead, and as I gazed upon this i living pit-tine revealing the sails of many Ships upon the deep. I thought it. nevdcd but :1 deluge of rain to carry ‘ my mind Luck to the Fl'oud, hut I was spared the horrors of such a. conse- quence, and as I listened to the dashâ€" ! ing of thr waves bwwath mo. and - heard gthe screaming of the gull, I , thougnt of the tiim- when the scaislxall Eph'ué, and hearing the. " < give iup her dead :1 and beautiful things waters shall be reVea til Across the Gee Non-Essentials, Liberty ; in all things, Charity.†Ciï¬â€˜Ã©ixlfk'vaiidé‘r‘ï¬ii of the (199p blue led. a nd when the,â€I an. LET'I‘ E R. r Vié- I Uwse '\V n the I in Colors .cr oduce. 21x inery, I :5 Angel of God with one foot on the ncean and the other on the. land shall declare that Time must cease. and those resting in the bosom of the ocean or sleeping within their narrow graves in some peaceful church-yard, shall alike come forth and meeting each other outer the “ Golden City,†whose streets need no light of the sun by (lav or moon and stars at night. where all vithin are. happy in the love of God, and themselves, they shall know even as they also are known, rejoicing that they are forever with the Lord. As I write I feel some mother‘s heart will be sad, or yerhaps a brother or sister Will shed )itter tears at the loss of a. dear one, fo‘ at this momenta. | young woman’s body comes floating yin upon the beach, “cast up by the ldepths of the Sea," and we cannot look i upon this glassy ocean without think- inu‘ of the hidden things that sooner ‘ Tory regime were the direct outcome l of the. so called “National Policy â€â€" the Tories said so themselves, and of course it must have. been so. Now We have. it again at the present timein Manitoba, for no sooner did Hugh John Macdonuld get the. royal assent to his prohibition bill than- the long- continued drought came to an end, the heavens Were opened, and there was water in abundance to refresh the ithirsty land. By the same token a. prohibition measure would not be popular just now in this port of Ont- ario, there has been too much Water already in this section. Joking aside, however, the policy pursued by a government has vastly more to do with the material condition of the country than its opponents will generally admit, and while. the poli- ticians may not have yet discovered {how to make the sun shine, or to sister \Vlll shed hitterâ€"tours at the loss Joking aside, however, the policy of a. dear one, for at this momenta. pursued hya government, has Vastly young woman’s body Comes floating more to do with the material condition in upon the beach, “cast up by the of the country than its opponents will (lcpths of the 5m," and we cannot look \ generally admit, and while the poli- npon this glassy ocean without think- ‘ ticians may not have yet, discovered ing of the hidden things that sooner ‘ how to make the sun shine, or to or lutci shall ï¬nd their way to the bring the rain when it \villdothemost surface, or we: tnrnawny with apr-ayer good, it is quite possible for them to that leaves ln-r soul in the keeping of accomplish the achievement which llim who knows why these strange the philosopher declares is the stand- tliings he. arcl of success in this life, namely, that For a. few lllllllllGSJVO will visit “ The of making two blades of grass grow “mum. (luriinne " nnrl «on what is zo- where onlv one mew before. ‘Winter ing on, crowd» Vty~.,â€"â€"~_‘ .v u. m ,.a zircon the tmardsz Having paru iu Sixpence, [stroll through a veritable Garden of Eden. Oh, the palms, ferns, flowers, rocks and grottoes, all army- ed .with the most artistic ideas con- ceivable, both inside and out the build- ing, which in itself is atremendous structure, capable of holding thousands of people, and no matter in which part you ï¬nd yourself, the place. is thronged. For instance. the hall-room, which is not only large, but airy, is a. sight Worth seeing if only from an archiâ€" tectural or artistic point of view, to _____â€" ,___,__ ‘say nothing of the dancing, which is ‘thrown in, and during the few mo- ments I looked on, at, least; ï¬fteen hundred dancers were on the floor at one tune, and certainly from the gal- lery the scene was certainly enchant- ing. The grandeur of the hall-rooms in Blackpool is simply elegant, and money has been lavished in all direc- tions to make the place one of beauty, for upon these Amusement Halls much :of the social entertainment of the “trippers†depend. The glitter and Show is dazzling and everything has been done to attract, the eye and to make a line place and its equal will be hard to ï¬nd. The galleries are up- holstered in plush and lounges are in every nook and corner. The floors upstairs are carpeted beautifully and one feels quite comfortablc whether standing or sitting. The only thing to be paid extra for is refreshments and these. are served in outer rooms ï¬xed up almost on a par with the rest of the Garden. After the dancing I returned to the ballâ€"r0011] to see the Finuey brother and sister do their aquatic perform- ance under water. it was cleverly done, and consisted of eating, drink- ing, sleeping, playing cards, diving for eggs or money, and many cheers went up for the people who spend part of their time in glass cases ï¬lled with water. They may have one advantage over outsiders, that is its Cooler in their little sea than in the hot and dusty streets on a summer’s afternoon, The Cineinatograph was also produc- ed. Of course ‘f The Queen†heralded the procession, followed by all the “leading lights " in South Africa, not omitting Mr. Kruger, who looked very woehcgone. All went well till Colonel Baden-Powell crowd didn’t do a thing but cheer, and many congratulations assended for this noble hero who has scattered sun- shine and blessings among his brave soldiers and ï¬nally brought happinesx and salvation to the people of Mate- king. The scene was closed. by all ris- ing and singing the National Anthem. During the session of dancing, et,c., other parts of the Gardens had done justice to thousands of people who either couldn’t or didn’t want to go into the ball-room, consequener comic opera served to please them and by the sound of clapping of handsand the general rejoicing I concluded their happiness was complete in the. sights they saw. The appointments of this hall are also superb, and eVr-rywhere one goes he sees signs of the artist's skill and all the cuteness (f man to enâ€" tice the worldiug aside. so that he may enjoy a few hours according to his be- lief and spending capacity, as the whole thing is run on the cash prin- ciple. The little Englamlcrenjoys the Counting of his sovereigns just as much as the American loves his alâ€" was presented, then the ‘ in Bhlckpï¬nl lunacy has in‘ bums tn make whnle thingis run on the cash prin- ciple. The little Englandurenjnys the counting of his sovexeigns just as much as the American loves his 211' mighty dollar, to say nothing of how the Canadian revels in the sight of a pile of notes, especially if in the hand- , ,II A.L..._. l‘:\ n“.â€" the Canadian revels in the : pile of notes, especially if in ' ling of them he run call thvm Cuuveth House. 2 Lytham Blackpool, England. (To BE CONTINUED.) It is a. great mistake to suppnse that Governments have nuthing tn do with controlling the seasons and the weath- er generally. Many of us can re- memher how the good crops which rc- cum-ed in the early days of the 12m: fe-w ininntosï¬ve will visit “ The Gardens." and see what is go- as one must, judge from the «Mark; great inducements Au: innards. Having paid my [stroll through a veritable Our Ottawa Letter. els in the sight of a ially if in the hand- 1 call thvm hi: own. 2 Lytham Road, epling" of tariff as revised and ‘0 erated h the Laurier Governmentâ€" now has i aid; ed in securing the biggest results in this present era of prosperity? Not- ably in the very practical and tangible \way u_f leaving some $13,900,000 ‘of where on‘ly one grew TAKE FOR EXAMPLE the working uf the tariffâ€"the: rgducgd taxes in the pockets of the people. which would have been taken for pub- lic revenues had the old turifli remain- ed in force. In 1897 the saving was $1,363,000; in 1898, 951.800.000; in 1899, $3,700,000; and last year over $6,000,~ The actual difference between taxation for the period of 1878 to 1896 and from 1896 to 1900 is nearly twelve per cent., and if the former period is compared with the year 1900 the (lifl’erence is 1715 per cent. By zt-process so judiciously adjusted that it has inflicted injury upon no one, and so gradual that- the Tories declared it has not occurred at. all, the old N. P. has been stripped of its most objectionable and hurtful ‘ features. and in addition to the sub- stantial saving of_ $13,000,000 in cold cash as refer-red to above, the shackles have hem to a. great extent removed from the trade of the country, and thus the Dominion has been enabled to take the greatest possible advantage of the era of prosperity which 'we are now enjoying. ' It all depends upon the. point, of View. The Montreal Star announces that “An enormous consigmnentwif hinder twine is being shipped from the Kingston penitentiary to be sold to the farmers at the lowest price just before the elections.†The “enormous consignment.†is one; Solitary car-load which is heng st-nt through to Mani- tolmus an experiment». The reason of the substantial and satisfactory reduc- tion in price has been fully explained in these columns and the plan adopted by the Government in advertising the goods and bringing the improved con- dition of the market prompin and effectively before the consumer is sim- ply the up-tu-datc methods that would he adopted by any enterprising busiâ€" ness house. In the old days of stagâ€" nation and precarious existence in the NorthVest with which the Tories were familiar during much of their term of ofï¬ce, a. car-loud of binder ‘ twine might have been an “ enormous mnmhmmpnr.†but in these (luvs of term nf ofï¬ce, a. car-2m twine might have been :11 consignment,†but in t1: rapid development a Cur-1 drop in the bucket; there 1w pnough for everybody p10. Thu Mont-real St:l member that this 1's the g Spavins,ninghones,5piints clubs- and All Forms of DR. B. J. KENDALL Dear SME’A 3631' got lame. I took M rqnounced it went to a nemuuor nnu me one of your books a: lag resolved to do the u to the nearest drug scar Gum and applied it 5:11 tore the ï¬rst home was and when the seventh horse was completely [118me on Mm. Attr- horse good care and an log to see i! {thud eflec the horse hard and w I showed my more 1.5. c “ï¬arhmend Kendall‘s Fmï¬n (‘urc not only as an excellent, but an a sure rem-say, to any one that It my concern. Yours truly. 3.3.1UEL THITTEN. Ask your drum-W 10? Kendall’s Snnfln Cure. also “A Treatise on the “one.†the book tree, IIde fl". 9. I. KENDALL COMPANY, ENOSBURB “THE ST [Single copies, 3 cts. Curbs; andâ€"All Forms Lameness Yield to AR " IS PER carâ€"load is but IL there will hardly body to get a saw- Stur should re- the gmwing time. mgh t n.le ( TURBED. MLLS,