RICHMOND HILL. August 2. Chqngeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Changeâ€"Atkinsondc Switzer The Leader and Recorder says :â€" “ The Ottawa Government has kind- ly set aside the sum of $5000 for a Post Ofï¬ce at Toronto Junction.†After this expression of appreciation, however, the article ends in hinting that the motive for granting the mon- ey is to gain votes at the next Do- minion election. If the Leader and Recorder thinks that Toronto Junc- tion is not entitled to the $5000 it should condemn the Government for making the grant, but if the town should get it the same as scores of other towns and cities it is hardly fair to look upon the grant as an act of bribery. For large towns and cities to be assistedjin this way is the rule, and not the exception. El} 9 ‘ Wf§ (gmNal. King Council met at McBride’s hotel, King Station, on July 28. Members alel‘GS-ellt. 'B'eeygLemon in the chair. following bills were passed 2‘ _Jos. Murray, ha]. of account . . . .$ Good Roads Machine 00., bal. of comm. statute labor . . . . . . . . 4 88 M. Mur h , sheep claim . . . . . . . . 6 66 Moveg by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mr. Rogers, that the town of New- market be granted permission to erect electric light poles on Yonge St. from Eagle St. south to Hon. “7m. Muloch‘s resxdencc, provided the said town enters into bonds to indemify King from any accident that might arise from such poles being so erected.â€" Carried. Moved by Mr. Rogers, seconded by Mr. Burns, that; Joshua Goodwin be appointed road overseen in place of smel Swoezey, who refuses to act.â€" ‘au-ried. The next meetiugpf the Council will be held at Kettloby on August 25th, when school petitions will be received. 0. PATTERSON; S. LEMON, Clerk. Reeve. Anniversary sermons were preached in the Presbyterian church last Sun- day morning and evening by Rev. Dr. McKaLy,Sccx‘eL2ll'y of Foreign Missions, There was a good attendance at both services. Mx-. James Oliver has now three flowing wclls on his fax-m, having had two bored within the last‘two weeks. The brickwork on Mr. \Vm.Knigl1t’s new residence is about completed. Teston football team was expected t_o play with Maple ‘tean‘i. ‘last Satur- day eGening but us they did not put in an appearance sides were chosen from those present, and a. friendly game glayed. g All of the. three pupils from the pub- lic school hex-e who wrote at the en- trance examination, were successful. Miss Marcia McKily of Parkdale, is s ending the week with her qousin, Miss A. (haddock. Miss Maud Killough and Miss Jennie Truax of Tut-outs, are spending the holidays at. Mr. M. Robinson’s. Mr. A. Matthews of Toronto. paid a visit to friends here last week. He wasnccumpanied by his mother and sister. Miss L. Gertrpde Wiley went to Wizwt‘on yesterday. to spend a couple of weeks with relatives there. Mr. C. P. \Viley went north Mon- dayJo :pend a week ï¬shing in Musko- Miss Turner of Uxbridge is making a. visit, with her sister, Mrs. C. P. Wiley. Miss Williamson of Berlin is the guest of Miss Edith Swit'zer. Messrs. G. Moodie and A. McKenzie of Toronto. spent, over Sunday with Mr. Alex. Moodie and leunly. ‘ Rev. James Smith and Mrs Smith of Pal‘kdule spent “’ednesday after- noon wilh Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Coombs. King Township Council Miss Minnie Sheardown has return: ed home after spending a. couple of weeks with relatives and friends at Bolton. Messrs. D. MacDonald and P. Hook of Toronto. wheeled out. on Saturday and spent the afternoon at Mrs. G. Wiley’s. New Advertisements. PERSONALS. Maple $150 10000 Wowwm 0B3 4 13 2 00 4 00 25 00 73 00 68 25 1900 79 09 210 165 75 00 Rev. G. L. Powell. (laughter 0f TuronLo visit on \Vednesduy. The Misses Bell-Smith of Toronto are spending a few days at. Mrs. \Vm. Harrison's. ‘ Master Russell Savage nf Tnmntn is making a visit with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Coultel. Mrs. Gen. Law, Mr. Lmnm-d Law and Miss Vern Law of Dundas, are making a, visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. CoulLexu Miss Mao Storey stu Lowell. M:1§s., to spent months with her bl'uthe C. R. Storey. Mrs. Eli Snider and two children of Rochester, N. Y.. are sppnding a couple of weeks with Mrs. I‘. Hopper and other friends. . Dr. . Coultm-, Deputy Postmaster Gnneml, of Ottawa pussvd through the village Saturday and made u. short stay with his parents. Mr. J. Mchngtghy is in ‘Midlard Mr. J. McConnghy is in Midland this week and will return probably to- day with his sisLPr-in-lnw, Mrs. (Dru) McConnghy and family. ' Mrs. R. VVilsnn (VVilsnn 1“; Campbell) and two children of “‘ixmipeg and Miss Bussell of Hornhy were. guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Elliutt- over San- day. Rev. Harold VVonrmd and his sis- ter. Miss \Vellwnnd, have gone to VVingham to spend a couple hf weeks with friends in that place and neigh- boring village‘s. Major Robertson of the 48111 High- landers.Gra.nd Secretary of the Sons of Scotland, accompanied by his sister, was in the village, Tuesday. and called on his old friend Reevo Savage. VMr. Gee. 0001an of Bradfnrd mum the village Monday evening on his Way to the city \vhere'he is receiving special treatment for his eyes which have been causing him trouble for some time. Miss.Ella Thom of Tel-0M0. spent a. Week with her little frié‘nd, Miss VVinnifred Hume. Miss \Vinnifred accompanied her on hi‘l' return and will stay a couple at “mks with rela- tives in the city. Rev. R. S. E. Large. who is recover- ing frnm an attack of typhuitl. is now at his home in Toronto Junctinn. He is rapidly regaining su-ength and hopes to be able to resunw his labors in a. few Weeks. Mrs. John Graham and (laâ€"ugh Turmitn are spending a few (I “ \Villmv Hill Farm †the z-eui-‘lei Mr. Robert Elliott. .lvï¬'msnn Jolm Elliott and Mix’s Emma. also spent over Sunday at flu place and returned to the city Mr. G. Savage. foreman in one of the departments of the M ;I.\~‘.vj,'-Hm'1‘is works, and a fnrmm' mpmlmr of the Richmond Hill band, accompanied the British Canadian Band I'm Llwii muting over the Metropolitan last, Friday evening. George always stands ,in well with the boys. Mr. R. W. Glass and \V. R. have returned, both app'u'vntly hav- ingenjuyedvery pleasant (lips lusting nearly two mnnths. The fm-nu-r cross- ed the ocean and visited Lundonzmd other cities ; the latter spent, most. of his time in \Vinnipeg, Brandon, Cal- gary, and other parts of the North- We'st. Prince Albert, second son of Queen Victorizgformerly Duke of Edinburgh, died on Monday of paralysis of the heart. King Humbert of Italy was shot and killed by an assassin on Sunday even- ing. Deceased was in his carriage at the time and only lived a few minutes after the fatal shots were ï¬I-ed‘ at. prices from 2‘ & Switzer. We are now showing an extra large stock of men’s shirts in black, sateen, black and White twill, Oxford shirts. shaker flannel, &c. All well made and at. Drices from 250. to $1.00. Atkinson Magistrate Ellis has found Dr. E. Playter guilty of maintaining a “ nox- ious and offensive †business at Moore Park. North Toronto,in the shape of a consumptive sunitariumï¬nd has order- ed a. ï¬ne of $200. with the option of 14 days' hard labor. Big rush for odd pieces of crockery during threshing season. We are sup- plying the. rush 2â€"7 in. white granite hues. 80c. dam; 8 in. plates, 95c. doz.; urge White granite dinner plates, $1.10 doz.; white granite cups and Saucers, 850. a (102.; Atkinson & Switzer. Principal T. C. Smith of Central Principal T. C. Smith of Central school, Ghat‘ham, has pleaded guilty tn tampering with examination papers enQ-usted to his care, by coaching his own pupils thereon}, ‘and has had his in n»; certiï¬ca 31, 1900. 1‘ Solid Gold. ".3285. Best, Gold Fill 1.5Q 5 yrs Gold Fm Lot Best: Glasses... IKX Gm'eiia oPncAL Almge amouncoiprivatefunds to 1031i on improved ftu'm property. Five per cent. inâ€" terest. Easy terms for repnvment. No comâ€" mission charged onloans. A ply to A.G.F. LAWREN E. Freehold Loan Building, Toronto 0: at Richmond Hip on Saturdays. MD Ripans Tabules. Ri pans Tabules; at druggists, We guarantee N F 3 Yonge Street. Toronto. .r“- "H , , ate suspendéd until December News N ones. Storey starts today 101 to qund thg sgmmel L, BY 1 MONEY! 5‘ Best: G1asse5.. perfect satisfaction. 5‘; “:11. an 1,‘-'»3;k\ gun-1g; +>Lm¢a~mmmn=flaw «an xxja‘ Anni-Jab. Jen Mrs. Powell Hl.d paid the village a. 9 friend, Miss Miss VVinnifred hvx- return and run-ks with rela- man in (me of M a swy-H :1 His mpmbor 05 the Lon-punied the .‘l dn’ugbte-l‘ of 1 few (lays at; n residence of e-fl'c-mnn. Mr. Emma Elliott Y at the same he city Mon- and Are not the result of haw much you make, but the aggregate oi the small things you save,thorelore isn't it advisable for yum to take adVantage of mv low prices and equitable war];- The undersignr-d would take this op- portunity of thanking his 111111:(.~1‘n'.h‘ customers and friends for thvir pan-un- age of Lb» past ten years, and in snlic- iting a continuance of the same would intimate that he has removed into the cmnmodim‘ls premises 101401)"ng to Mr. John Coultur, and in which 13911215 just opened out a. carefully selected stock of Fall Also :1 particularly nine lino of Fancy Striped Transit-rings: Tbvse urn) all new goods, fresh from the mill this season, and both goods, trimmings, ï¬t and workmanship may be relied on as being ï¬rst-class, and will he sold at low prices for cash only. 92!“?qu examine before purchasing elsewhere. The Great English Remedy. Sold and recommended by 9', drugglste in Canada. 01113, rel! able medicine discovere . Si ' . :¥§‘5¢ kages guarantetu to cure a! tonne of Sexua Weakness, all effects of ahus or excess, Mental Won-y. Excesaive use of To bncco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receip 0! prl_ce, one sokaze $1. six, 85. One wilsz (36sz cure. amphlets free to any address. The Wood Company, Windsor, 0116 Aï¬y Flourwill make Bre‘ud, but \Yé will guarantee Beï¬) re. MW 3E5 High Grade Famfly Flour ï¬ll bv W ms. HA WEBER FLEUREI‘ES JERR ' q: Practical Watcl (3'3 NE‘V HflPPW EM. The subscriber would iespectfullyh the public that having rebuilt one 0110‘ Ami doubled Monday, “’(‘dnesdny and urday of each week. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on hand audin a. few dnvs win be pyegare'j'tqsnppiy DRESSED LUMBER of M] c" Aryan Ann lttvl'l‘uY\'l: “r kiï¬â€˜ds and do FHAL‘I-N'G 1m kinds at. lowest prices. Patronage solicited ; s Henry“ Marsh. . E‘ARM for SALE Lot19, 4th con. Markham. 100 acres. more or less. the property of me lane W. H Lundy. The land is well undondvnlued, new brick house, ï¬rstâ€"class watar, good barn and sm‘ulvs. For pmticulurs apply to HOMER WLLJ-ON, To make more broad, lighter bread and bread that will keep mnisb lbngm‘, and better flm‘ur- ed bread with less lab- 01' them any other floun Prudigulity results in RICHMON D HI LL. .1 Tweeds, Sew-“- ‘ W “‘ UM“ crotst and 0v coatings. A.J.HL§RE9 'failor. Made to suit the people and sold at a. reasonable price: RICHES REMQV It is strictly NAUG HTON BROS. go:- Wooa'a Phosphodiflï¬s 3's ?hnsphodine is said in Richmoat' A. Swulersnnï¬ruggn bled its cavacity. he will during the busy chopplug season and until turaher notice chap REAP}; manship "ï¬ï¬A‘rsiNG 1131) mmmmc of -â€"â€"ANDâ€" SELL IT. Serves Zatishction g'vax'unSeed MOODIE, zllyhmtmata m‘ a chopping mill 1‘ H m-Ly this unm- Tau WE ELLS. r. M) Casket S ‘rGur Eitock is fresh. anion: RJE‘VgSE “M R†‘3? a. g i g: mama» Gosdsg WICKLESS H mm REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. C. TMASDN, Is the place to Good Stuck. ( BUGG- Y DUSTERS, FLY REP-AIRING PROMPT WEEK. I have a large stock of the h make if grunitewarv that I sell very low prices. Also the D Flame the best Oil Stove on Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sentiing sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, W'ithOIlt charge, in THE PATENT Rnconn, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy F REE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & 00., (Patent Attomeys,) TESTMONIALS FURNISHED Evans Building, “EQG‘EEESS Harvest tools of all kinds. 166 and 168 King St. East. RICHMOND HILL a»: 70 tro n ghin g 3 to 6 inch, only $3 per .5. 688 l The Scotsman A specialty at from NAlLf 8 law. considering quality Of WELKEN the market LY ATTENDED T0 (Sis CO STORE Storms, 1‘; 5: 5.00 to $85.00. 20 for ï¬l'St'CIRSS harness at right prices. . BAILEY, MAPLE. “V l at Hue VF t1 ONE} 1â€"1114} 4 AGE doors west of Geerge Street, Toronto 1‘30, 84:, 3 Any customer; presenting this, Coup n and 250†at 011‘: store on will receive 4 1â€"2 lbs. cleaned Filig- tras ourmnts. in stuck. ll Murcia and (inlumbiq. Bi all fully gnaw-ant Pure Faris Green The lwst, only 40 cents a gallon. Richmond .Eifl Binder Twine At. less than cal-load prices. Eiachine Oil WASHINGTON, D. c. ISI ion gum-n nteec inflate. only 25 cents and (ï¬lm supplies ,eed. vi.‘idivolli w (4.4+! n