Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Aug 1900, p. 7

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“Every town has its head women. who judges and punishes offenders without asking the advice or consent of the man. I have asked for an ex- planation of this custom. and have always been told. 'Woman is the mo- tlier of man. and he ought to listen to her.’ Some of these women are remarkable orators. I have often seen one of them standing in the midst of‘a crowd of peopleâ€"kings, chiefs. soldiers and womenâ€"all seated on the ground, and according profound at- tention to the 'queedk,’ as they call her. The men of a town dare do nothing to which the women seriously object. as they think women have more influence with God and the spirit world." "A man going off to his work 'in the morning is never sure he will find his' wife on his return. It is a com- mon thing for her to run away, and she is considered a. very queer woman who has not at some time left her husband. When he goes visiting he usually takes her with him, to carry his chair, light his pipe and to make sure of having her when he gets back. After harvest the women go on danc- mg parties from town‘ to town, and Ire entertained with feasting by their friends. ls supposed to study his wishes and live to please him. "Girls are usually betrothed at 7 years of age, and when about 10 she ls taken to live with her betrothed's people. where she will be associated with him and learn "his fashion." She "When a girl is from 6 to 10 years of age she wears on her forearms 'hrass rods, sometimes twisted in a spiral and sometimes bent into sep- arate rings. These are put on half way up to the elbowâ€"put on with a hammer to stay. They are worn night and day until the arms become sore. Then they may be taken off, for the scars will always bethere to prove that the girl wore jewellry when she was young. -If a woman‘ grows up without these marks on her arms it is a lasting source of annoy- ance to her; for should her neighbors become vexed they cast it up to her that her mother was too poor to put jewelry on her child. This is a great insult, as they all aspire to be consid- ered wealthy. returned from the spirit world only to find articles to carry back: If its parents should dress it or give it any- thing it would not stay, but would take the things and be gone. So it ls forbidden 'clothing and orna- ments, in hopes that it will change its mind and remain on earth. small bells are tied to its person at its wrists. waist and ankles. These are intended to coax it to walk. The mother then takes it-to a devil doc- tor, who makes a charm. which she ties about its waist. But often I have seen children without even these charms. and whenlasked for an ex- planation I was told that the child was supposed to be some one who had "A young mother is never permitted to have the care of her child. an older Woman being called in. These nurses may be seen any morning sitting on one of their common chairs. which_is nothing more than a stick of stove wood. out of doors. with a pepper board by their side. They will rub one finger in the pepper on the board, then thrust it as far down the child's throat as possible. and massage and stretch the throat thoroughly until the poor .little creature .is almost strangled and throws up all that is in its stomach. The wretched infant ls then laid down to sleep on its lit- tle mat on the floor by the fire. "When a child is 9 to 10 months old her of the family is sent at once to the devil doctor to inquire who it is and what its name shall be. He goes up into the house top, taking with him a cow horn. This he blows to call the devil. and the devil is supposed to tell who it is that has come back into the world. For the people be- lieve that every new-born child is some deceased member of the family who-has returned to life among them. It sometimes receives the same name It had before, and sometimes the name is changed. "Liberia. is the paradise of mother- ln-laws," says Miss Agnes McAllister; the author of "A Lone Woman in Africa," who has been for the past twelve years in charge of the Gar- raway Mission, Liberia. "A woman can command the services of her sons- in-law for certain duties. and it mat- ters not what their other obligations are. they must obey her. For that reason daughters are exceedingly de- sirable possessions among Liberians. "When a child is born some mem- ber of the family is sent at once to the devil doctor to inquire who it is SSUPREME are simply kidney disorders. The kidney: filter the blood of all that shouldn't be there. The blood passes through the kid- neya every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurit or cause of disorder can remain in t e circulation longer than that time. Therefore if our blood is out of order our kidneys ave failed in their work. hey are in need of stimulation, strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the finest and most imitated blood medicine that. Dodd’s Kidney Pills ' For the Wifeâ€"Take of punctuality, cleanliness and oheerfulnsee as much as you can secure: add astrong belief in good motives when anything offends, and let the ambition to make tart replies stand till it is quite cool. Flavor strongly with unwavering love and truth, and having grilled the tongue upon the fire of patience, serve up with a smiIe, without sauce. Ready forgiveness is the most graceful orna- ment, and is sure to be appreciated. N. B. If the Weather be rather stormy, silence is avalua‘ble addition, and will be found to relish. Eiwfim RECIPES FOR MARRIED HAPPI- I NHSS. For the Husbandâ€"Take of remain-- brance of the mistakes of female education one dnachm; of patient love! one hundred ounces; from busmess‘ habits scrape all late hours; and wash off all false pride of man’s lordship. Let misunderstandings simmer, but never boil over, and carefully throw, away the scum and froth till the whole is quite clear; sweeten with agreeable conversation and sympathy, and garnish with tender regard for home interests. Some professxonali men throw in a spice of ambition, butI it is apt to produce fermentation, and is often found to be pernicious. N. B. No secrets s’hould on any account he introduced into the above. “ The greatest problem to be over- come is the aversion of Chinese men to marrying women whose feet are not squeezed into deformed objects hear- ing little or _no resemblance to the natural human foot. A woman whose foot is anywhere near the size nature intended is an outcast so far as mat- rimony is concerned. The men think it a disgrace to marry her, and an unmarried woman is a burden to her nelatrivee and herself." "Two and one-half inches is the proper length for a Chinese women”: foot. Little girls, while undergoing the binding, are tortured for three years, the bandages being tightened every five days. It often causes para- lysis, and sometimes the toes and feet drop off. More than one in ten die during. the operation. In some prov-V incea rich and poor alike bind their ‘feet. Its horrors cannot be exagger- ated. Everything in China moves with tremendous slowness, particularlyin-l novatione, and the reformers expect it will take a century or more to make ‘ the change complete. “This custom of- fuotbinding dates back one thousand years, and until the women of China are released from this terrible bondage, endured only to please the men, there is no hope for China. AJt last a movement is under way to abolish the hideous custom of bind- ing the feet of the Chinese women. It will probably be many years before much will be accomplished, for the idea is so entirely novel to the ante- driluvian Celestinls, but gradually the custom may be broken down. Mrs. Lit- tle, an English woman, doing mission work in China, some time ago organ- ized "The Tien Tau Hai,." or "Natural Feet Society," and all the missionâ€" aries are using their influence to bring about the reform. In speaking of the matter Mrs. Little says: Sumo flavor as Japan, only more delicious SOMETHING QUITE NEW NATURAL FEET IN CHINA; CBYLON GREEN TEA Tommy’s dead. What; did he die of? \Vatar on th’ brain! Is that so? How sad! Yes, you see, we was playiu’ which could lean ovea‘ int‘ th‘ well the fur- thest, and Tommy won; George, dreamily, seriously thought I am a bachelar. WHAT KILLE Hello. Billy, I he. Tommy’s dead. “'11 The “ Balmoral," Free Bus 3‘; AVERUE (BUSEâ€" Hal'l'u Cnbarrh Cure is taken internally, mom ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- face 3 of the system. Price. 750. per bottle Sold bv all druyg sta. Testimonials tree. I Hall‘s Family Pills are the beat. HIS REASON. She, slylyâ€"How Ls iLâ€"elrâ€" George. that you have never thought seriousâ€" ly of getting married? F. J. CHENEY EL 00.. Props . Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney tor the Inst: 1-5 years and believe him erfectly honomblo in all businenfi tramact- on“. and financially able to carry out any obli- gation madeby their firm. EST 8: TRUAX. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo. 0. WALDING, KINNAN & NIARVIN, Wholehale Dgygghts, ’l‘olgdq. 0. Mrs. Seasideâ€"Oh! I think divorces are simply awful! I never could bear to hear of another woman filling my placeâ€"never! Mrs. Breezyâ€"You couldn’t? Mrs. Seasideâ€"No! It would simply break my heart to think of any othér woman writing to Harold for money! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward .for any case of Catan‘h lhat cannot be cured by Hall'g Cgtarrh Cure. Fro-m days of agony and discomfort, not by great interposition, but by the use of the only sure-popcorn cureâ€"J’utnam's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. Tender, painful cams are removed by its use in a few days. without the slightest discomfort. Many substitutes in the market make it necessary that only "Putnam’s" should be asked for and taken.. Sure, an (e, ha unless. \Vedex‘Iyâ€"Oh, something that occasionally, so thing 10 worry Singletonâ€"I wonder why a spinster nearly always has a cat or a dog for 11 pet 2 Where Nervilineâ€"nerve-puin cureâ€"is used. Composed of the most power< [ul pain-subduing remedies known. Nerviline never fails to give prompt relief in rheumatism, neuralgia. cramps. pain in the back and side, and4 the host of painful affections, inter- nal or external, arising from inflam- matory action. Unequal for all nerve pains. ' £ ' My fl 5/. mefl/w/Zm (flax Hemvy feeden Direqude t0 (wry disorders person finds 11 oun-dhtion he 11 matte-r of flesh amw/J’qfl COMMON â€"SEN SE DIET. He who comprehend: the true prin- ciple of diet and keeps well under the tendency to overeat may feel toler- ahly safe in) eat-ting almost anything set before him, good. bad or'imditrer- amt. that is. far example. if hungry emough at breakfast to eat plain gra- ham bread mud fruit, he may make the meal of buckwheat cakes and ma- ple syrup, or on achop and fried po- tatoea, or waffles and honey. A HEART-BREAKER SHE \VAS SAV ED AN EXPLANATION TREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY How’s This ? Paln Cannot Stay I suppose shé wants will stay out at night ShP will have some- about McGillâ€"Oollago Avenuu Family Hotel ntu 01.5! ner day. â€"-I have always of iiiâ€"that‘s why TOMMY. your brother did he die of? Am . P1. :1. Muslo or Musical lnstiuménto. Whaley Royce & 00., T°'°'\;£;v;;;;-zf§in Lowasz prion ever ‘uDEed. Fine catalogue 500“.th tntlanlmairlod lree‘ Vrite u (or Inyuu‘n‘ In Every Town can have a. Band enrbollc Dluinfectantt. Soaps. on“- meat, Tooth Powder0_ etc" hnve be“ awarded 100 medals and dlplomu {or superior excellence. Their regular use prcvonz lnf obl- ous daemon. Ask your dealer to obt h I supply. Llsta mailed free on appllontlon. LAW ‘A SOCIETY INSPIRATION. Flossyâ€"I’ll give a triendshipw‘rxgar- den party, I think. 3 Luluâ€"A “friendship party,” what's that 3 Flossyâ€"Why, evarybody that comes brings me a present. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'B EOOTHING SYRUP bu been mod by mothers (or their children teethipz. It 300‘ hen tho ch11 . [often zhc zuml. nil-ya pun. cures wind coll . 5n the best. remedy for dinrrhma. 250.. bottle. 801 by I 6.1;qu u throu bout the world. B. In" sad at for“ n. Inulou'l nothing Syrup." Paâ€"It means “money down," my son. ABOUT THE SIZE~ OF IT. Little Willieâ€"Saw, pa, what does " M.D.” mean on a doctor’s card? "Educational and Entertalmng, Ag- gneeswe mud Progressfve," are the very appropriate watctbrwords adopt- ed by the Toronto Industrl‘nll Exhibiâ€" tion-th-i:i,’ealx‘. which will be- held from lAugust 27th to September 8th. This ‘is the twenty-second successive year of Canada’s great Exposttlon .at T0- ronto. and each year has not only seen an improvement in the arrange- mue-nts a3 Compared with the years that have gone, but. the quality of the stock is very far ahead of what it was at the beginnlng, thus pr'owmg the inestl'manle value of Fairs such as that held annually at Toronto. It [san old Show to say that the exhz‘bl- hon Immedmitely approaching will be superior to alll'llts predecessors, but it can safely be said- that arrange- melnts have been made, and negotia- tlons are pendfng, that warrant the ltétement that the Toronto Fair of [900 will fully maintain the reputa- tlon it has gained 0! being the best of all! that arelannually hold. AI good dealt 01 the space has already been taken up, and! a number of entries halve been: made, bultl there are so mwny divisions comprised in Instruments. Drums. Unltorms. Etc WHEN YOU BUY CEY LON TEA. it is a purchase. noun speculum". Yon a 3 always cat-min {0 ob tain good results. In Load Packets. 25, 30, 40. 50 1nd 000. F. 0. CALVERT & 00., MANCHESTER - - ENGLAND fl?“ «A!th ’ K CALVERT’S Birrlsten. etc. Removed to Wesley Buildingl. Richmond St. “1.. Tomato. mug, TORONTO'S ALL-CANADA EXHIBETION. W P 0 I03?) MILLS & HALES‘ Entries close August 4th. EXCURSIONS ON ALI, LINES OF TRAVEL. For prize lists entry forms, etc, address Andrew .S‘mith,F.R.C. KS. 1/.J. Hi! , President. Manager, Toronto. Brilliant and Realistic Battle Spectacle THE SIEGE OF MAFIKING! All the Latest Novelties. Many direct from Europe. The. Marvellous Resources of our own Country Thoroughly Exploited. ’I he Country’s Greatest AUG. 27th to SEPT. 8th. IQOO -v..- w. .- cm. In ,uxu uku. ur nuuu ulruu Montreal, oronto, Ottawa, Que-bee. Relifious Pictures. Butuzri and .C'hur'c'b' 6;nlm t: Educ-Mona! Worln. nan Areooiv‘e pygmy} Align. AND ALSO THE RELIEF! Timely Arrival oannadian Artillery. V _ __--, ___ and other PRGDUCE. to 0mm bout. rzulrllwoonsign I; The Damon Commission ~ 00., Limited. Cor. Nut-Market a Bola-mo at. Toronto: Dyeing ! cleaning pathglic P_rayer 9399ng 997nm, aces, APPLES, the prize list. With its 131 olasael and $35,000 in premiums, that there is ample provision for all; and, talking of those divisions, it is interesting to note that there are no fewer than 55 in class 128, knitting, shirts. quilts, cloths, eta; 364 in class 54, poultry; and an average of 116 or 17' in each ofl'the two dozen classes devoted to horses and cattle. This will give some idea not only of the scope (of Toronto's Great Exposition. but also of the op. p-ortunilies offered to secure a prize, It is a littlo early to- refer to What is promised in the way of entertainment, but when it- is I stated that $30,000 is spent annually on this department, visitors have ample ‘ guarantee that they will be abundantly provided for. and the admission to the T] ornnto Exhibition with its myriads of attractions is only Q50. Entries close on August 4th and prize lists can be had by addressing H‘. J. Hill, Manager Industrial Exhibi... tion, Toronto, As last year, so this, the exhibition will be inaugurated on Tuesday ensuing, August 28th, with .. ...... _, V.v......» , nusuov gulu, wuu a brilliant Military Tattoo, Reduced rates will be given and excursions held on all lines of travel. The All-Canada Show! m car’s SHOE DREssm ALL COLORS . 5H0I FOR My! , OURES, BOWEL COMPLAINTS, ‘HIVES, AND ALL TEETHING TROUBLES. NO OPIATES, I0 ASTRIIGEIT EXTRACT; All Drugglsts, Price 25 Chi. BRITISH CHEMISTS COMPANY, LONDON, £940.. NEW vonn. TORONTO. 'ganmsu'm CHOLERA-INFANTUM DR. HAMMOND-HALL'S ENGLISH TEETHING SYRUP WILL POBITIVELY PREVENT IT. GUARD THE BABY Look (qr ‘5!!va In your ‘03vu.â€"o-r send djrut‘ >F_o_r thoâ€"very beataend your work co lhl TORONTO most fatal during hot weather: Exposition and Industrial Fair 9.1 Ffiibiiili iiifidiyfiréifl ERIGAN DYEING CO." AGAINST Books, Rosaries. arm 7 ojflxoq. goapulirn.

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