These agents also keep on hand Fire Proof store, Rakes, mow make, as well as repairs for METROPOLITAN LenveC P R Crossing at 1.30. 2.40. 4.00 Leave Richmond Hill 8.] 3.30. 4.50, 6.3 Leave Richmond H111 2.40. 3.55, 4.: Leave Newmarket 7.30. 9.15, 11.15 3.. m 4.15.ï¬.(‘0. 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmond H11] 7. 8.10, 9.55, 11 a an, 3.55. 4.55. 6.40,8.10 p. m Until {umber notice Hails will be c] Blohmond Hill Post 011100 us follows MORNING EVENING . V. B.-â€"Begistered Letters umsn be at least; Fifteen Minutes earner than mentioned hours for closing. 7â€" A- Anna “n nun ‘ Church 01 England Sunday. ‘ _ 7m In"th d1 Wheat,wbite. per M151 Whom, red, per bush Wham, goose. per bus 0M8. per bush. . Pens, per bush . Barley, Der bus Turkeys, per 11) Dressed Hogs. pot cwt. Deming Bindem Geese, per 1b ...... (thickens. per pm: Ducks.pex‘ pan' . Butte; iu_pouud 1' Eggs; fresï¬ ......... Potatoes, per bag Apples) per Dbl POST OFFICE NDTECE Eh'yml'oâ€"vev M Hay, timothy Straw sheath. Between ‘ublic bemry an Bsdny. Thursday nu )nworth Leagueâ€"M Glazier, miner an: Tia.“ var. t Jar} bFEICE CLOSE Calls Village DirectorY- $.13; EWESQN HOUSE PAH; TIER, PRICES AT FA Enrnnm Emmett; Toronto and Newmu GOING NORTH casing at 6, 7.20. 9.40, .40. 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. m Hill 8.10. 10.30 a. m L 4.50. 6.30. 8.35 p. m. GOLNG SUU A 0 U Wâ€"-Meetsinurth 1otice Mails will be closed at the; hat, 011100 as follows:â€" All kinds of Repairing Promptly Don 3 La. from a. distance attended to. 0 S “Meets second hush hutchâ€"Services on ulna: 111. am} 10.30 a. m. â€"Servicos at 10.30 a._ m.. an râ€"Sarvices uh 3P 113 SES AT 7.30 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster :1 Ron. , so YEA a. EXPERlE TIME TABLE 8135' WA g. .ml A M â€"â€"Meets Mon. 5 every F11 Ewan and. $324311}l i . UH"); _ VGefleml prayer s M u u. mqaud Prayer meeting Jket 11.30 an m J: W e.1uasda!’ SOLD BY ay of every 1220 8.00 handed in the above second and and mum: on alter m. avery 30 2, 3.15 ATM-ma, ‘33 n Received in Savings’ Bank UP] ment and intercst allowed at Tuesday I) WILL land in their shop, Opposite th mowers & twine of the above 5 for all kinds of machinery. ‘mptly E93“ Imam SURRENT we ()0 00 pen 001 0 00 U 00 0 31 000 000 '.‘ 11 0 15 0 40 (I 00 A Pair of Silver Frau: the steps by the mud in Church. The ï¬nder will ofï¬ce. 70 GOLT for SALE Tgéï¬Ã©r Wanteci For S. 9. No. 4. Marl ferred. Applvagmltiug Yb ’.‘J Name in Emmi: OTICE imhereby give 1897. Chan. 1‘20, t1 others having chums agai H. Luudv. late of the tow: the County of York. farm on or abousthe 18th day ( required on or beture the A. D. 1900, to send to H. F. Wilson, Cashel one of the executors of the said uecease paruinulm‘s of their claims against. the est; the Slud deceased and the nature of the 5: (if any) 115336 by‘th “mum†nivnn that lST DAY OF SEPTEMB (ll auw umu u; uuuu... And notice is hereby further given that uitcr the said lst; day of September, A. D. 19L0. the said executor will proceed to distribu he the us» sets of the estate among the purties entitled thereto.huving referenm only to the claims of which he shall then have received natice and that the said executor will not be liable for the assets of the said estate or any pun tueleof to any vermm or Del-suns of whole cluim he shall not have bad name at: the tune of such dis- tnbution u n1 «nu-q... JANE LUNDY. \‘V. F. BICHCLS B. F. “'[LQubL Dated this 21th day ofJuly.190l). Shop suitable for milliner or tailor shop. Has been occupied fortuslast ten years as a. tailor shop. ’l‘wo doors north of the Fire Proof Shore. Apply to .. .1 rnur A comfortaMe brick dwelling with six acres of land. more orless, on Rmbmouu Sunet. Small orchard and plenty of small fruit. GOLd well, cistern, barn and other ogtbufldings, July 19-2m WM. H. LUNDY. Of Canada RICHMOND HILL Gas. 6 423.1 Baakmg B Tsaasaeteci. 332w @Mutimmtg. For other particulars Notice of withdrawal say. All deposits on demand. l‘apihli “4-51. In LL FOR SALE I imbereby given pursuant to R. S 0 Chan. 1‘29, that all creditors my ing chums against the estate (if \\‘n late of the township of Markham, i I of York. Iqrmer, deceased. n th din Lï¬the 18th day of April, A. D. kiwi, m‘ Ti) RENT he LOST 4. Mufkham. male ‘eacher pre- statiug smm’y, 620.. to G. A. MCC§90E18Etremrm r n matter of the estate of DEPOSITS Fraï¬md Spectacles left a 111: from; of tho Engli: will please leave at Lu Deceased. BROWN. Richmond Hi“ Apply 90 Vsdrurélej’. O KOWL ‘ .135. FREEK 331 ‘000.000 700.000 Bank Depart. all at (he of the secllhty ‘ "Wyn/IVA“ {6131156116 Hm not m Business L A W Enrgiiéh at fluis Execu tors Lyn ble :92 3'71 3’ f ! if}: 5V . ii. ‘1?! i a“ \3 ' 5’: § a"; 1% 2% The regular subscription price of THE STAR is $3.00 a year, and $2.00 \\ here the paper is not \ication. The present offer is m STAR in the homes of thousands received 'until the day after pub- ade with a view of placing THE who will be interested in read- :n An!- ‘r:r We Thispit‘t\)fo,\\'hl(‘h “wally sells for 75 muttst the hanrlsomest picture of the myxtl tnoun-r and s, n ever publish d in Canada. The cunvuntionnl portraitsof the Qt1:->-111'--ptescltlhul' us much young-er than the cycle of yvut‘s has left her. and ya: it is as the nzru Sovereign that her people love her and will \‘eutembct‘ luv. Asthe lnoillfl' other people she will (‘V(‘l' he rememlm-edâ€"thv- type of English womanhood and molhvrhoml. Fittlug‘ it is therefore. Linn. she should be painted along with her son the future King, and so in tltis Msmical :Ichlll‘e the Prince stands behmd the chair at his royal mother. The picture. is 18 x 24 inches, in 15 shades 01‘ colors, and, suitabty 11 mned. would be an omutnent on any wall. It is :1 special palntlng, made exclusively for The Toronto Star and is a work of art. ‘ Publishes the best of everything. It leads in the excellence of its special departments, :34 ‘while its news columns are bright andt"; 7 readable. THE LIBERAL and Agems everywhere To January lst, mm, for 'I‘. F. MCMAHON. Canada Cycle 35 Motor (30., Limiteii, The Next Sitting No. 3, County 0 in the C To every subscriber will be mailed a beautiful plate of Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales. mo: “\Ol the The _ T_V,- ation. The presen-t offer is made with ‘AR in the homes of thousands who will 5 the best afternoon papcr in Ontario. Sam Hunter's Cartoons; Full Market Reports, Special Cables, The Khan. Ontario Despatches, Sporting News. Madge Merton’s Page for Women RICHMOND HILL 1 .13 the n: her of ht hrrhond. future K RE IS A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE OF THE YEAR. he Toronto Daily Star will be Mailed to any Address i553? PECTUBE OF THE QUEEN GIVEN FREE. REESE ‘ummeucinz 73 VI! :1 31'. GSTOB Never pulls outâ€"it's a useful improv- ementasimple and easy to remove. All the features of the Are good ones, and the ball head spoke not the least in importance. 50 gauge of Division Court, for if York, will be held ‘ourt Room, ED HILL, Head ofï¬ce, Toronto, Canada. an 595 IAEON ( 10 a. m. ocal representative, Star to jan’y I, 1901, for 75 Money to loan on ï¬rs mortgage (arm ty. at ï¬ve per cam. :‘J-bt Enguire at On Friday. July 6. 1900, 5 Shrovshite sheep, 4 Thropsbixe lambs and 4 Cotswold. sheap,strayed or were taken item the premises of the under- aignad. lot 19. con. 2. Vaughan. Any person givxug information whichnviu lead to their re. covery will be suitably reï¬ardod. 2-; A. REAMAN. Con cord 1’. O. Strayed or Stolen Money to Loan Write ior catalogue En uire at THE EIBEBAL Olï¬ cents. Vii y! ?2 fill It <21: § '1 1% 21% W . a proper 'VVhich we V‘V e "l‘ï¬Ã©se buildings the lumber my good and sound Is running just This corn is sweet and dry the best, of meal. Call a and you will not fail On the prom thoroughbred 5 $1.00 c (Of the firm of E agent for the: M Saving. Macmne Scuiflers, (£20.; Massey Engines Brantfnrd \V'md‘ Date Toronto Massey-Hmris re gs, size 2 e. stable e smul NichoHs. solicited. 7 MTEE’ SUN Life Assurance Ce. Assuves on all the m the most was} LIBERA a Is successmlly used monthly by over 10.0001mdies. Snfe.efleotual. Ladies 5: « om- druï¬gisc ior Cook‘s Cotton Rock n- Euund. ake no 0: er, as all Mixtures, pills and. mutations are dangerous. Price, No. 1. $1 or box‘ No. 2, 10 degrees stronger.$8 per box. ‘0, l or , mailed on receipt of price and two aâ€"cem 8mm 3. The Cook Company Windsor 0m. 03. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by all Q“ responsible Dmggiets in Canada. \VA Plow Points for all fhe mmgu my», in Stu kmc‘xs of £111 Haifa mile 3v Premiums 10W Sixfy can C d 1‘ ï¬ï¬mmzci Binder cu Take a, policy wi No. 1 and No. 2 3014! i1 s. Sanderson Drugyst gliai-tllorn bull. Tel ash. gmr T. LUDFORD, Unionvilles hop c Richmond H ill M 3113. 1L OFFICE .Gook'e Gottoï¬ Rqot (29193911113 ‘h, Mum G11 t9 rm of Euku‘rdt & Prentice), r the Massey-Hurris Labor- Mewhinel'y, “'agons, Plows, , (tun, also the Sawyer 66 Engines and ’I‘lgx-eijexf', the W 130mm OF CANADA. will sell 0 «min fur ( every day, and We have got in a car lnad of best No. 2 13 GQRN. gym, (tsuxr v..- ,7 _, ugines and Thrashers, the \Viud-Mill, and the Up-to- onto Fanning Mill. All wris repairs kept by H. A. Richmond Hill. Business an. V'u-ly , ; and Mowérsï¬ Repaired the shortest: no_tice‘._ A for ft: 5 5-5 ft 3E3 159s .\u‘ ..... '()1' sun- two old build- t., two stories high: ft. two stories ; also 9, building, 9x16 ft. we in good repair and :1 timber in them is Rings, 5. Etc 1‘ sale, two :ed and WT 11d dry and makes (‘ull and .see it, on fail to buy. & SUNS, m plati§, and ‘1 'i in Ricbm oud 3le full and No. 1 ï¬fcï¬ï¬.5nd Hill gaundw. lino. of all rough stance. Iconcï¬tionnl an‘ AHON. RICHEOND Illul. .listrict agent .lS( very close Richmond Hi“ principal plow progressive GER irnn. L nntxl 111mm {USU} I'IHS ‘mp (1 on