mv um AT ME LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HGUS RICHMOND HILL. om. IS PUBLISHED EVERY EHURSDAY, MORNING $1 per annum, in advance}, H R. T. :32. XX. Gecâ€" vahth or the Ontario Vet: with diploma from tho ()uta Dental School. will visit Mama ( Friday of each week. and Con 1mm 1 to 3 p.111. Cal‘s prompt: Diaenaos of horses. cattle mu) 0 ed animals treated by the latus proved methods. F. J. GALLAI‘ VETERINARY S Telephone 3368 for appointment. Cor. Bison- Rem One 1 Into“ 611113 by tel Hill PALMER; HOU RICHMOND HILL. 10X JOHN I’AL‘»! HULSE Eiï¬â€˜ BUSINESS CARDS. RICHMOND HILL OFFICE “(DEIRFE ï¬lalnam: 6tosanu Every Ace 011' DR. L. LAWRASONg (Succesa 30m mas the deer 11' F. McMAHON. XXIII. ab Ripans Tat Ripans Tab VETERINAE RICHMOND 110111 VETERINARY SU R Thornlnil odolled, nu Mar THOROUGHL he. @ibz’mi 1d L LANGSTA' 1‘ \‘J Drum 81 Pnopnm'ron De in Kit “78‘ “x . $091033 m-ti “mum. 'auel ï¬imzhnaa Ave. 'laromo. * eï¬xrinam St “fl st m Ales cur 1m 1211' $1035le URGEC' NARY cure flatule: pleasant la' from REFITTED, Y DENTIST. HILL, \IOUGH for the t1‘aV-l m 0f Prop ‘1] Bal‘riuim‘ 7K1 0n HNSTON FALCON}. ‘OKF. fLCI VJRIGE .‘v’H Aunt aigq‘ UR’I‘ OF JUSTICE. &c Manage .B'. D. Bead mu :3 okos )TI“ on «V and Soiieï¬aow yam ,l'v'l THE °"ENT RECORD. Baiï¬mcre, hid. PETE Licenses )IKG A 1. .1; . ntzals, L dbv, 0i“: h! zsxhnlnu‘ Eiï¬ Esod Ideas HORNHILL :cured by AddIeS, D I‘LOUGE GSCOB tYork,re- friendly :st noticv King ot l on N'mcf vule ‘nanlo agent. bin EHLL, THURSDAY, AUGUST 9, 1900. \tl After leaving the “’inter Gardens, we stroll along the Prmuenadv towards hmne, and (m the way up South Show \\'u will take in a. few of the sights on ‘rli his reï¬ned or sensmve uni, an soon come round and be able the SilUW was well played an him What, the Show gave forth- hltoly nothing. Songs, dance: comic talk, long faces, and l iuoks greet him at, every turn, the meiody of the lust sweet Vu away, 110 longs for a change an ing‘ his head in anothm-dil'vc notices some young people a Lhemselvos to the mmoyzmcv. g1 laughter, of a young \vnmun brave man who are vujuyiug ; hour away from the rushinguu 11) mg the sand 11pm who, nothing (lat their px-ogl-annne 1 many a bystander, gun £0 Show signs and 'they withde with arms mmle a quitc (k)ch HH’II he pavement. “have [his couple are sitting 0‘ nent. I heard a gem} mule-thing very much lpUll (\xumixmtitm In L mticvd 1110 young folk jurty quietly but pen-sis up,“ the sand upon Llu zm uy, or I shall be obliged to ohmin a ' par-sport to another country. 1 1 nenr a crowd closely wail-hing :1‘ Punth and Judy Show. 01" course those dolls are quiie cuie‘ having learned their alphabet; when ï¬rst put = on the bench, and its no vol)di they’re such clever and eloquent talkers in the hands of‘a ï¬rstâ€"class ventriloquist. I proceed sLiIl further and notice signs lettered “ Oysters ! " “lee Cream!†(mostly ice on a tin‘, plate). “Fried Fish and (Elm)le (These latter are bought by those who ‘ have money to burn, as the chips are ‘a kind of potato,:1nd they’re hardly ï¬t for burning. unless you eat them while. too hot). “Bananas!†such as you and I would lezwe for the Italian to sleep on. “Blackpool Rock l †that needs a hammer to break it‘ anthteeth as strong as, wellâ€"I won‘t mention this again, but shoe leather would work up quite as ems-y. There are any amount of cheap Johns, who hus7 for a few pence and knock down for as many shillings and those who fancy they are getting a. gold watch, ï¬nd the brass in it would make 21 candlestick. Still. another signâ€"the most tarnishing and unique yetâ€"“Baby ]ncubators.†with real live children. This is the best treat outside London, and you are invited to throw your cash away and see the mechanism of this wonderful and outrageous article. But such things don’t bother lll‘k‘, ex- Ilsll cv'pt that myu sympathy is with the children who are tossed upon the world, subject to the scum and criti- cism of a. people eager to see the latest scheme for making money, while the proprietors Q; such advertisements laugh up the-11' sleeves at the joke pulmed off at» the expense of innocent, childhood. There are any amount of gin palaces and grog shops, and the and part is that young wumen come to that, point where they stand behind a bax'jn a tap-room, and while (haw- W: man! who Vare 11* away from the sing Lids; the hu 1 the patter of [hm are furc to (T0 menti buy beer, or have I see dozun drunken won streets in ï¬fteen ye men who are really an in comparison with the scan in England, chap fur our Dominion \V one of the chief cause happiness and gives front rank of the m colonies. Remember cizing or judging ] other country on the or total abstinenve, b mentioning it from t] in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity. Across the Ocean: ill‘lIIS I'Ull looking nus mund each ntlwl’s {waists nuking pl-rfe‘clly sorvne. Its u cnmmu‘u sight tn see hulfn pc-nple in a row, an†in arm, ml \vumen lvgl‘thl‘r. The‘ ling- m‘tlsvem lnunliuv it, but. ln n nor it is strikingly funny and rs mthel- out. ut‘ pi. (-e with une's summmdingcs. Theâ€; l \Vnn‘t my mum of thrsv lingELhmr-n or I slmll be obliged to ohmin a E. GREEN‘S SIXTH LETTER J“ ed to] sights I think [ill] tn l', u ungs, dances, jigs faces, and him-on every turn, and a JX m, and w serving w 11 to lung“ 0f 6 their heads. 2; (m the embank- ‘n‘dy dropping; of :h like sand, and ) my surpnisn I ‘olks of my ï¬rs“ "teIIHV [hi-0w- l l‘( til the 5| :\ pulylh their 1: seen more [,1 women on UH huh too .11 s: lei-(H’sobriety is of the nation’s it a place in the ‘ ’s prosperous t \‘uiL e a nd 1m ‘h and never ‘1' V ymces but. “I in funny and with (1116’s ‘. l \Vnn't ingELhmr-n to ohmin a m \is 'elv o. (lit-s turn- mx he .nsing lint 111 q‘ « Issaâ€" n ulnbel's :{ks well ky they .- not {it beings, ()ll (Ill he- iil‘, It to an (L common to am observing traveller, who is willing to give and take the best part of all discussinns dealing with such important, topics, and I must, leave- it, with my readers to make a chmee lwtwevn the right and Wrong of what, loads, if not restricted. to de- pravity, pnvvrty, Sl(‘kl)(’SS, and at, last death under circumstances too sad to the the pl'm‘ity, pnvv death under C relate. " \Vhat say the Irish Sea simply chum turned to a prepare for :Lhuve conver‘ among a moi-1'3 were desirous from the sea, a the gentleman vimtion to his my opportunit ing (If the In lying high and Proumliï¬d comm in 3 made to m IH l‘ho Lime “Till he; is low tide. but if an ha: [K s.qu hold utds phm lk-ils and (Hit accustom mem- hrou; sown Vk‘llie u G†V †cradle ( may w: elegant†tn sLI-ong stou hour’s sport {use waving laughs up laughs up ms landing them : him another c who must hm‘ sake of the. son. 'lhe Helm-at is stationed how many b "ave and daring rescues ( and valuables are recorded on the 1 which describes the whole ui’fuir. caule read of such bravery wi xgms‘ Callle 1'8 pity and who leav others in others in danger. ’Tis evening and the sun is fas ing to rest, apparently settling; ball of gold upon one of the gu the Central Pier, and as I w from my window I mu ï¬lled wi at the magnitude of such Lucle, shedding its glorim the waves beneath 11) way,†when suddenly itg and paler, the rays than; deep set tint of the guim er and must. lm'uly shade red, tinged with blue, summer sky. As I pm lingering beauty of the s from my View, [ rememl it has bL'L’H shedding its and warmth upon Dezu- it, has also shone upon L1 “'3’ (Canada) Willi its ï¬ul W Au tiny try (Canada) w: Corn and its where the rivt inland and user. people from the and from afar. \tht, u. Cunt) agu the sun \m: light; nmv w Ill the puss“); numlu run a big (my, ‘ lamps to shine I dmkness better 1! the children on lumps are not fur prefer the light say, but dotted an artistic work in engines with cu 5115; cu the hulkin 31L n tln- wnvos that and electric cars, have to vile- to l'l'cf‘dO, ur plung l in Hm midst of 1 en visiLed by mm luml ‘nLly ll) s. and \‘e than Ill ble of the devl utch the 1‘: whn think "' to have stout, bout su u ‘t )I'I'J bi t, 2111': V03; (h Ht m :1 in lung in. Hm as possum mu h'lc )1“ than either you to an hour’s sail on Come 1 the weather is ingl†and the speaker houLmzm. asking him to he proposed trip. The ‘ mm was going on 'y party of trippm's who ; of viewing Bh\ckpool and as I chanced to hear 1 who was giving the in- ; friends, I thought here’s ty to watch the launch- ont, “'hlffh at present is d dry on the side of the The tide not having :n-rnngmants must be ov (he nussengers to the md 1nd as I (:1 who was friends, I ’ r to “mu r are stwn rouge“ in me 19 dovp, and any day one the fun of sewsick 'nyâ€" think it must. be “just ) have. n. swii in such a t, bout, but ï¬nd half an , sufliciont to build up their 'strungthus the lmulnmn his slceye at the idea uf 1111 so quickly, thus giving ‘1' chance to take minus, have just one sail furthe misc for the: their all for ,nger. ll] and the sun is fast sink As I panda} over y 0f the setting, fa I remember that, \‘ iding its glnriuus l on Dear Old Engl e upun that fa $11 its ï¬elds of wide-spread 'l'S and lakes. n. cull-y thou ml pussengers to the half mile distant. wt 8:1. 111., and it )n should come to at, noon you will 'L-mrlu-s the top of nuld it; he stormy, wlf may he swim- of it. many the shape '5 attach ()1) ( 1nd as 1 watt: sun ï¬lled with : such a ï¬ery s3 "lurinus light 11 1 this “pro! 1y it grows dim changing from guinea tn a brig shade of purple '5 111-11: m1 (mp ‘ had U But edouthetulnle oluui’fuil'. 0n 'avm'y wileu )e unhle suilm 11' the sake L A: the ur way. an re I try to c Fmding i1. sh upon the ehicles and 'uit» for the nu] flounder This cuast severe and he 11 ' valuable from ï¬n V! l“, 11:11 (’H] m 1m is they ; much ll'mmd us li like u'ds ( huusg 1!)“ and Iifv Hut :1 fort, for its labelled ing nut in a. clear and position of sand pac gether and these :u- out Colored lamps, s hi 1‘ :1 fort, for its labelled Pretoria, stand- ; ing nut, in a. clear and wonderful com- ‘position of sand packed ti%htly toâ€" ‘gether and these are lit up w differ- unt Colored lamps, setting off their beauty, and proving the skill of the- little builder. Of course they must [decorate with the Union Jack, and even go so far as to build of and upon the sand such men as Lord Babel-ts, Kitchener and Baden-Powell, while 1 Mr. Kruger gnus up in smoke from the summit of Protm-iu‘s Forty. I hear the Hungarian band playing “God Save the Queen." and turning my fnotstvps nlnng Lytlmm Road I hurry hmne tn supper and lwd, where Canadians } have been lmms ago, and blowing out tlw candle I drenni of home and 9:111- add. Lh L1) i111 hum 11L A nnnihvrnf the friends from the Zion appointment met at, the pin-sunâ€" ago, Thm-nliill, took possession mm managed affairs much to their own liking. Shortly after the fll'liV-‘Il Mr. Kesz and family were 'allt‘d to the parlor where the following address was road by Miss Sadie Ness, Mr. Bob- inson presenting a woll~ï¬lled purse, To OUR ES'FEEMED PASTOR : ‘Ve have met, this evening to shéw our appreciation of the deep interest you have taken in the renovating and general we fare of our church. \Ve feel we cannot; let this occasion pass without expressing the deep thanks of the congregation and we ask you to accvpt this purse us :1 small ronumem- lion for Whnt- you have done. Though the gift is small it conveys to you nu:- siucvre luve aind best, wish- es. It isom‘ earth-st pl'il.."(:‘I‘ that: you may long be spared to carry on God’s ‘ \vm‘k both in [his and other places and other places and may God‘s of health rest upon you while :1 change (vfdimate and when turn may it, he with renewed Thanking you once- more \v Yum' many friends a Mr. Kenn), who was tak watt-1y by surprise having p mmnlndod that, it luiifllt be a watt-1y by (-(mclndod but found the bridal Such ownts speak alike well ton both pastor and [wuplm Mr. Kmun and family leave next week fur a month‘s vacation. (Too late for last week.) m. .. chin Tu 2m other 11. L lST DAY OF SE :r one}: DRESS MANTLE-MAE [Single copies, 3 cts. 1960, to send 1; ed with all the I 111:! 11 couLl (1e Imvn and enjuj .1 “ate: tank M. H. LUNDY. T0 and ban: ESE ibxhel cuu‘ is here Chan. MOUNT ZION, Ax that it In some dim H 111 6101.1 311 “in ï¬mï¬Ã©mrs ï¬tter of and uthei‘ may God J. GALL.~\NOUGH.V ‘i :13 5:6 my 600’s mu whilt and when renewed at dru I; be a ty in PTEMBER AKINE SH ken L pl'm'm L wod( N06 uir own i\':Ll Mr. I to the address Mr. Rob- ists D01] Ull essing 1900‘ in um- lsly ll]