.Thb’mr-rnmr‘m-ttr registered 97.9 in Toronto on Monday, the highest in ~16 yum-s. Gum] frvsh roasted Coffer. ground fresh, 20(-.p«-1-lh. Atlzinsml iv SWittiE‘T. V The vital statistics fm- Vaughan township for July, as l-ogistH-ml :lL the clerk's ofï¬ce, are 5 hinths. denths and no marriages. its Gnod “)5. for Rxcmm As will be ss-on Ivy card ul page Mrs. Mun-is is: prep" l)r(-ss and Mantle-Making at an Yougc Strm‘t. (53132911, and w Prvsident. hf i died Sunday ness. One for $4 One. 0th p. ladle, rogulur sou & Switzo Yestmduy was ~"Iulklay. The F cursion in Ningn Railway and sum Chicm'a. Six 0 through this Vin." an mm! and pit day of mun-h 1 Richnu Ladius' crash skirts, our regular $1 lme fm & Switzm; Social x’: lurch 1 week. ' good p1- ;md ï¬rst cement, t miss s muunh Impe for him at Swit sh ful Ker, Knis Toil. 1’. Mm‘gan, Annie M been out Mim 511:1 w. 1h. A for jum} Tea sen 25 and 1‘ 10c. ; cover regular 55c Switzer. “’e have just 1009i Bibby‘s Quarterly Mag: in England as a mums the famous “ Bibby †meal very largely used world. The currenL m fully illustrated and l valuable :u-Linlps (m 1: subjects. The ï¬rm :1: .themselves in Canada 2 business can he transm Bibby‘s Quarterly Magazine, published in England as a means of advertising the famous “ Bibby †cake plant, a, meal very largely used throughout the world. The cun-enL number is beauti- fully illuetl-ated and contains many valuable zu-tinlps on most; interesting subjects. The ï¬rm are establishing themselves in Canada and at present, business can be transacted with then) at 10 Bay Street, 'l‘uronto. Copies of the Quarterly may be had for ll) cents. Two lacrosse in the park Mo visiting teams and they were Hill teams. ’I were ousin \‘ team Winning the junior mat times fast. 'L'I in ï¬ne cnudim on their merit the score stm Doyle r‘f Nu‘ game. The ti ,1. McConnghy Messrs. W. ( cagtuined the field. The match was clean and at | times fast. The Newumrkat men were i in ï¬ne condition. and won the match on their merits fmm the huan team, l the score standing 8 to 4. Mr. Ed. Doyle (‘f Nuwnmrket, refereed the] §ame. The tvium-kevpers were Messrs. , . McConng‘hy and \V. Howard. and Messrs. W. 7mm and \Vyc. Trenvh captained the teams for Newnmrkvt zmd Richmond Hill x‘L-spectively. The return match will he played in New- unu-ket next Tuesday. Decorated pu-celuin bl 101‘150. ; gil‘ for 16c. - regular 5C. .SWitzer. The xund l imwin The Epwm'th x1291; purpnsg ()N( The s nim‘ l 00v the I; ()(3‘ Ax. I J Atkinson & mny (-hil BAND H U‘S \ViHH'OW lunvm; in thin Hi“ Hi 3:. the \V . ursion (we cnic at Bu this wevk afternoon hetwven th nnd H111 to? r), J. A. M M. Stewart- IL of eig‘utee ‘d biscuits MON DAYS )1 ATCH BIB} awn ( The C( him 11) hove, Saturday afternoon, I. Four bands will he in at- ?. At 3.3 a. fuotball tourna~ ll commence, for a. cash prize Good prizes will also be given )ing, running and other sports. 'ed from 5 to S. Admission, Scents. Return fare on elve- from Toronto, 30 cents. ICESSI The Fireman 1' n Niagara via. M 1nd steamers Chi Six crowded c ()1 vol-0d chm‘sv. not strong, 'ALkiusnu1& Switzer. china ton sot, rx‘guer $7 Atkinson & Switzcr. (3) but tu' gilt line 111nm HILI BY‘S MAGAZINE just IGCPiVPd a rtvrly Magazine, p1 as a means of adv “ Bibby †cake 1 u'g‘eh‘ used throng] AT NEWTON BRO( Ui IL‘vluin soup tm'oanvith $2.75 fur $1.50. Atkin- I‘l h ngue at Newton * giving; an Ice Cream 3mm Concert, on the 1 Friday evening of this nmi‘LU-e has prepared a mm of speeches, solus mud music, and an exâ€" 1ybv expected. Never zaieamnb outing on a. for U1] h'tb brush dish ‘uit dish. \' by but Ind's ‘pl-mnincnt Tm‘mitn :Imwn us l-Imwrnry Mush-i111 Exhibition b after a. shin-t ill- cooler, regular 45c. lmugs, regular 200. tureen, with ladle, 35c. Atkinson and. PM the card on :mntln- : prepurvd to (1 king at hm- hum August 9, EST HOME IC 1 purpose holding ; Houm in Lung- “market/s 11) run a Ht full n cookivs, van- Juha, at 100. per L’ 1'0. S 11 complete Ites of Pa VPHSUD mupzmy lmv Men-npniitm ‘uke nu Sntuz of the event :0 '9. basic ha} . with stand Atkinson and DENTS iOI‘S ther polish, Atkinso u :m an ox- (‘t-rupoiitnn ppew: and ms passed 70’clm-k. Les. plain. Atkmson L copy of p11!)1i_sl_19d vu'e nu h md th SllCL )lluw ssful OK 900 n'ic 75C \l ( ad, 11‘ Jriiinices R'icl have been my Yul-k liquor Cu named Davis 5 svnt out as an (1‘ spectur Eckzn'c uftt-r :1 lilCI'USSl when Conpe-rglsk of hes-r :md’ ww privtnr with hem that it was gingv asked for and 1m BZLIjmn-ned until t Pm~v land in p: corn starch. 5( meat. 100.: (MW in =5 ll). tins, 30c. QUARTERLY BOARD MEETING. At the Quarterly Board Meeting of the Moflmdist Church held Monday afternoon, a cmmniltee was appointed to confer with tlmministers relative to holding a three or four (luys’ meet- ing fora. spiritual awakening on the circuit. Mr. “7. A. Wright was ap- {wiutvd a lay dplvgute Ln;1t«teudthe listrim, L‘xlueting, and :1 resolution wag pussvd grunt three \vevks‘ supm-intondv by his son. The u‘xmrt. black, blue or red sizps, nur roguhu‘ $1 Atkinson 60 Switzel- A qui Rectory Church, one of “Halter p; re S w i Lze r. fun and Lust Maud going; south Emil: Mills 2 of puss hem hmw below the knee. and terribly lzxcemting‘ the flesh above the knee. His head was also mt. but mobbing to cause serious trouble. The unfortu- nate man was at once placed on the our and taken to Dr. Lungstuif’s hos- pital. where, after a hurried examin- utiun, the patient was chlm‘nformed and the limb muputated half way be- tween the knee and the thigh. So far he is doing as well as can be expected after such a. frightful experience, but still lies in a} very critical condition. ward h Clark’s mast be lunch bvef, in v.3 pink salmon, 10 kinson & Switzer MiSS Suddahy of Tux-onto, is visiting with Mrs. Sivers. Mr. E. qu‘butt is at home suffering from an attack of typhoid. Mr. Alf. Powell of Toronto, spent Sunday in the village. Mr. Hm'ry Sanderson spent over Sunday at Gi‘imsby Park. Mr. Fredd Ratclifl“ of Philadelphia, spout Monday with Mrs. Morris. s few (1 Mrs. M. Storey is spending a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Jus. Ness, Eversley. spendin Mom is. Miss Annie Harrison of Party Smmd, is staying with Mrs. .Lawx-ason for a few weeks. humE with Mr. J. V3. Lawruson. barrister, of Dundas, spent a day‘ox- two this week with his bruther, Dr. Lawx-ason. ' The MisSf‘S Cobel‘ and Miss Gindel‘ of Hespeler spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob}?er and family. Mr. \Vulker Hall, clerk in the Surl- bury Branch of the Ontario Bankjs home for a couple of weeks’ holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and little daughter of Toronto spent, Sunday and Monday with Mr‘and Mrs.G.Smithl 01‘ t. h Lndie 'albel‘ Eym‘: and Miss chn of Hagerman, w! lying in the. village 1“: st. The interesting cox ‘z-fm'morl by Rev. A. VH1 «tor of St. John’s 0} Me was attended by B. *d [1 Mr. and Mrs. James Boyle of Sal-um m-e 'visinngDat The Hennitnge, the :me of Mr. avid Brylo. EXDC ii†the 91 the, t1 vtl over ices Niche i'dsn'h mid Onnernd been trying a uumhm of East, liquor cases. On Tuesday a. mun 'l Davis swm-e that, he had been ut as a detective by License .111- u- Eckm-dt, and that on July 21, ‘1 Iurtl-nssv match here. he treat? ’. Cooper in the Palmer- House Cunpe- xkvd fur :1. small glass 91‘ mm was served by the pru- rx- with hen-1'. Mr. Palmer swm-e t was gingvr hem- which Cooper fur and la-(toivvd. The case was Pl‘y‘thing vent and natty in mt‘n’s shin‘f‘ ‘. ’Polka. dot, tips in strings ken-chiefs, leylon flannel and nereï¬e outing shirts, ï¬ne cnmhric gee. shirts, etc, in all the new ms and cuts. Atkinson and MARRIED IN TORONTO. AG [3 Monday evening the 6.40 cm- south had to back up to the Mills switch, having met the -l)onnd our here. When the car ed Elgin Mills, Mr. Jus. Mc- ie of Tnnmtrn, formerly of this ‘ jumle nif am] mm :wmss to htun‘s store. A few minutns ,vmds when the cnrstarted south- ho {)tLF‘anth in get on tho roar Ito, Mr. ivtwedding took place at; the y in connectinu with St. Jnhn’s 1,'1‘m-unto, on Tuesday of this the contracting parties being ' mu- gonial tuwnsuwn. Mr. ‘ Ever, and Miss Euphvmiu ‘ing tc eveui mrne Mon-is of Toronto spent ays in the village this week. Maud Rntclifl" of Toronto is g a few days with Miss Stella PERSONALS. ‘\ IN ADJOURNED “=1ng Hung Ill Gmh ut wage and two (:hildrm) of 'e spending a few weeks (1 Mrs. John Coulter. nham of Toronto has been «it with ht‘l‘ brother, Mr. if, Patterson. ; Rev. Mr. \Vullwnnd a nine of absence. The 3 work will hp taken 1v. Harold \Velhnvod. 'Lho stm 'al-ds was lnitl \‘vmhe-l- llll’CLing. S A(‘( Is. 100. pm- lh. : pme : \Vhethoy's mince n’s pol-fu-ctinn, cocoa. Atkinson & Switzor. ‘f. corned beef lb. tins, 150.: , or 3 f01-2-5c but 0!) llbi kne 9 car starts to get on t mt slippml Es, himmed with trimming, all full 501ine for $1.00. IDI nf 'the s Euphvmiu 110 has been for some time emony was Hams, M.A.. Ihurch. The whim )0 rear md fell wheels ready gm 1d the hly ï¬r. Bert. Miller of Charlotte, N. l Curulinu. has l‘wen spvmling a day or l twu at Mrs. Trench‘s, the ï¬rst visit here in 16 years. ' ' ‘ Master Ross \Vhite of Man-khnm. spunt a couple nf days with his broth- or. Mr. Arthur “'hito, junior clerk in the Standard Bank. Mr. Alfrnd Pngslvy of Exvtm‘. Eng., who came to ('zmmlu a few weeks ago with his cousin. Councillor Glass, is making a visit with his relatives hero. Mr. Switzvr and Miss Switzor went to Grimshy Park Saturday for a few days. Tho former H’turnvd Tuvsday and was accompanied by Mrs. Switzer and Miss Hazel Switzvl‘. who will re- main at homo. for ten ,days. Miss Mahel Suthorlnnd. Miss Maud I main at homo. for ten ,days. Miss Mabel Snthorlnnd. Miss Maud Dedman and Mr. and Mrs. Will Green of Toronto spent, Sunday and Monday with Mrsï¬m-t Huppm‘. MnLSwouzie and Miss Tl. Dodmzm of Bradford also spent Sunday at the same place. EVERâ€"Mr run L0, MCDOUGALLâ€"At I Jnhn McDomm Interment tuuk j Monday 6th inst. Mr. John MoDougall of Edgoly, met with an ur‘cidL-nt, last Friday afternoon whivh proved fatal. He, was on a. scnï¬old in Mr. A. VVhitmm‘e‘s barn when it, gave way, throwing him to the floor. He died Saturday evening, never having regainvd consciousness. The funeral tm-k place on Monday afternoon to the cruxetm-y here and was vm'ylm-gely attended. Deceased was for mmlv years a member of the never having t-eguinvd consciousnesE. The funeral tm-k place on Monday afternoon to the cmuetm-y bore mi was very largely atlmuled. Deceasot‘ was for nmny years a member of th( Quarterly Ofï¬cial Board (If the Moth “dist, Church have, and was highly re spouted. The members of ' Churches met on Mo decide about giving isber, but, upon cnnsi it, advisable to hem of ministers thm-e g tion. The ladies of the Methodist Church purpose holding an ice cream social (m the church grounds on Friday even- ing. A short progmmnw \ rill also be given. V Mr. gone, now I (m a v Mrs ing he Spavinsï¬ï¬ngbonesï¬iflin‘ls Curbs. and All Forms of 7 I can recbmmend Kendall‘s Hpuvin Cure not only as an excellent, but as u sure remedy. to nny one that it may concern. Yours truly, SA’JUEL TRITTEN. Ask your druggist for Kendall’s Spnv‘ln Cure also “A Treatise on the Horse." the book free, or 11 area. (Ema) DR. 5. J. KENDALL COMPANY. ENOSBURO FALLS, VT. FEBST BAY OF ï¬iPTEï¬â€˜ MARY CHARLOTTE QUANTZ, Dated c‘ The north-west quarter a! lot SE am,cuns;stin 0147 acres, nbmnc nltivutiou. T six is a. good hl ad good house and Luther hnil. we. pass the door on Yonge St-rcz For particulars app_l_ ‘ ac ï¬wisï¬ï¬‚Mm Curbs; andiAll Forms Lameness Yield to 'WxLLIAu COOK, '1“ icitor for Arthur Qunnt and Mn. \Vm. Jackson have to spend sew-m1 weeks at Spur- nkn, Musknlm. . T. and Miss J. Phillips are away isit to friends in Gym-more. . VVuddoll of Davenport, is visit- ‘r brother, Mr. J. Crudduck. .e Laid and co In any more lamem ‘ecommend Kend SDAY, AUG McLean In the matter of the e§tnte of h T3 LET N! KR“! u: [315 By the It Ivl 1-s of the Presbyterian on Monday evening to giving a call [03min- ] mmsidemtinn thought 0 hear another mmth- E‘fUl-C giving the invita- M 1p. m [Hull aple 31);, (m the 4th of August. and 6: years. win Maple Cemetery, on A'E‘HS L’ajhi‘i LLBJ'JKAL " OFFICE he Council JAS B MCLEAN, Clerk tatutea in that. behalf. mun n1] purties having 0: the Silk] Mary Ch 711‘- I‘nwnehxp ofAMzgtkham, 13'. to nny (me tlmc'ic may S.~.‘JUEL TRITTEN. Decém D Ill] A. Williams, T0 at. 8, .\Ir. Waltm‘ Mina Euphemm the Ad M in fmifl A. D. 16‘ 1900, Qunr n. Mark- Electric wk Properly handled and cared for pays big dividends Everyone who owns a little ground can put in a fruit plants, and in a very few years have a profitable g We are the largest nurseymcn in Canada and ship andvorders‘annually and guarantee satisfaction. We want a good man in each township to devote p to our work. The general Storekeeper, school teacher 0' add materially to his income by engaging with u'sâ€"whi getie man with a liking for Horticulture, and Willng tc few years, will biiild Up for himself a connection that w income year after year. Easy terms 01 payment. LA Ilï¬ES'I‘ HEIRS E 3' FE Agent for the Western & York Mutual Fire Insurance Com- panies ; Appraiser for the Canada Permanet Loan & Savings Company. Call and get a circular for Accident and Sick Beneï¬t; Policy only $1.00 annually. Business attended to with promptness. w:- {E’GIearing Sale of Ladies’ Blouses $1 Etc. $1297 Eï¬FEERï¬Wï¬ CHASE BROTIâ€"IEmS the'ca THE ORCE WILL YOU WORKFOR US 9 If you have the ability we have work for you to do. 15 only, print shirt waists in good patterns and all well made.our revular scoline for 40. 80nly, white muslin blouses with cluster of tucks and 4 rows ol insertion, our regular $1.50 line for $1.20. 7 only, white muslin blouses with allover muslin front and white collar, our regular l $1.20 line for 95c. Plenty of time for you to wear light Blous- es and shirt waists, but for us we have to be thinking of fall goods and we have decided to make a big sweep in all our Blouses for this week. ‘ 6 only, Ladies’ Demitee blouses with stock collar and tie, our regular $51.50 line for $1.20. - 12‘ only, ï¬ne cambric shirt waists in blue & white and pink and white stripes, with stock collar and tie, our regular 70c. line for 55c. 4 only, ï¬ne Zephyr shirt waists in Blue & white and mauve and white stripes, our regu- lar $1 line ior 800. ATKIN $0325 ' the innual report. Ifluhphlets and full particufa regarding the association, different plansAof Ina ,surance will be sent on application to These quotations only for the one week. ash paid and held on polio) huldEFS account as shown the annual report. Vl’gmphkï¬t‘s and full particutars f. C LARK, REY. ichznond 11in. exam. DISTRICT KGB LIABLE COMPANY. ANB CANADA. ESTABIJSHED 43' YRS amples always on hand. (30., Ltd., Colbarne, Ont. HANG, ORGAN, SWITZER, E IF YOU WANT TO BUY A. p to devote part 01‘ all of his time 1001 teacher or retired farmer can with usâ€"while any good ener- nd willing to work hard for a. cctlou that will insure a steady HARD CALL ON OR W imm OR cw trees or small ,ulen. w'cr twenty’ thous- EESHINE RITE