~ 'Mb Eycr and Son. Agents For The Following. DEERING Binders, DIOW’GX'S. Elakes-‘s & "I'Vvine. MANN Seed Drills. Dis-:50 Elarroxvs. Cultiva- tors and I)ia1 non (1 1-1 arro xv s . DICK Gang I’lows. ‘Vaiking Plowvs, Root 'Ipulpers. 'BELL Rollers, Cutting Boxes, All kinds of Flow S REPAIRING rscrlrrrLr nous, METROPOLIT N Between Toronto (Lilli anmiuhet. GOING Nul’fl‘ll Louve C P R Crossing: at (l. 7.90. 9.40. “.30 (l..l1‘l.; 1.30. 2.40. -l.llU Soil). 7:15 1‘. LI. Leave Richmond Hill 8.10. 10.31. u.1n.‘. 12.20, 2.20. 3.30. 1.50. (3.30. 5.3;; p. ni. GOLNG SUU'l'H. Leave Nowmnrket,11.15 n. 11).; ‘l. 3.1;).“. 7.2501). nl. Leave Richmond Hill 7. run. v.35, 11.55 a. 1.1]. 2.40. 3.55. 4.55.6.io,s.1c 1‘. Lil. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice iliii‘. ill be closed at 113 Richmond. Hill Post Othce .... .lillon s'. â€" MORNING ,. . 8.0.0 EYENIXG . .. 6.15 N. lipâ€"Registered Le mars at least Fifteen Minutes curl.“ than tho Anny mentioned hours for closims. OFFICE CL’ SIiS AT 7.3C 1‘ II M. TI‘jl-IFY . Postnmstcr. Rectory. Church of EuglunLLâ€"Sur Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"9 'I p.1ii. Sunrluy School a". \‘t’orlnusiluy ox'cniiin, lionlun Clltllxllll: (Illlll‘QII’SQ unto Sundays at!) u. ui. Mini l'. \iccs :i.‘ l' .3 ll. lLl.. flill ' as on ll. lll. Methodist Church â€"Scr\ in. s at inï¬ll) :L ii‘... and ‘ (venullll rumor 71‘. ni. Sunday School lit meeting Thursday. ovuiiinz. Ruhinond Leilan. A 1‘ Illit‘ A LI â€"r\lccls Mon day on or before full moon Courtltichniond, A O l“ â€"â€"!.Icet4 set-41nd and l four th Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U \V-“lzuc‘ti li-llllll Tussliziy . of each month (lump lilnln. S 0 S "Hoots sccoiinl (Llhl fourth \\"edncsdziy It 'I.‘ of'I‘eiiipcrnncoï¬nccls first Wedncsillry of each month Firu Brigadeâ€"Moots first month Public Library and Tuesday. Thursday Mini 9 Emrcrth Leagueâ€"Mt . , v' ‘ alumina A: PRICES AT Fillizililm' WAG. \Vlicut,\\'hite, per hush .. 'v'hcut, I'CLI, per Lush . \\ hour. goose. pcr bush tints. lie); bush I’Lus. par hush . . Barley. ncr hush .. Turkeys. per in . Dressed Hogs. 1301' cut. . (lccsc. per lb Chickens. pcr pu . Ducks. per pull‘ .. Butter, in pound rol - Eggs. fresh .............. Potatoes. per hug Apples, per bbl llny.clovor }{u.y. timothy Straw shouf . , . . . Nor-«Icy Rcmliiig ROI-lllâ€"Ojltl ~unv cunning 50 YEARS’ EXPERlENCE l TRADE MARKS '\ ' A DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS 31c. Anyone sending! n sktlzli uml llcscri tlnn may quickly ascertain cm (H. inmn (we r: u-ther_ an invention is prnl‘nl-l) patciiznlilu. CllllllllulllCu- Nous strictly vuliildmilinl. llaiiullim-k on Patent.) rent free. Uldosr nucu‘y xor sm‘urilig‘pntcius. Patents mkon tlrmriizli Bikini .K‘. Lo. I‘L‘Ccn‘c sprcial iuitlcv, u‘illiou: chumps. iii the Scientiï¬c flirt Ahandsomelyillustrated “'03le 1.3L. ' culzzlluu of any iii‘u‘lllllll: 1min. ’l'r-rnis. your: {our mouths. cl. mud Brunch (Julia). {:0 - .. W. H Eli‘s-QSQN HOUSE Pfli‘ir‘ER, Glazier, Grainer and H3. 331‘. Calls from a distance promptly attended to. RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. 3 '0. .l. 3.1;??- ‘et he liuzluled in 3 at 313. iii. awry U. l'iujwr meeting ulter- oi (Very é‘c SON Scufflers and Turnip Drills. hares and Sole Plates. Elm gllvcctirrmcnte. RICHMOND HILL the County l-fankiit Richmond Hill on WEI) nl' crrnri M'llllclllllllly of RlCthO’B‘l Hill for 1mm. All persons huv1nuliu-incss lit llie L‘l required 40 attend at thus-11.1 time and y. Dliteil the 9m any or August. W: u. M. 'l‘lilZFY. (3-2 Clerk of the will Jilllill‘l'l'..ll!:\' . Siérlr’s Notice. ol Markham will be helll a: I'nionrim» . ll ‘0. 'i' a Tuesday, Aug. lith, Al. 11 o'clock n. in. C II SI‘IVER, ("0.1: Card. ofjiianrs. puitli illiiiicdinltly on receipt of proof EJ!’ through their ngcnt. Mr. J. ’1'. 511150011 oi llu . inch Hill. GILBERT MATHL \\ s~ )b‘. Muplc. . August 8-. 19110. ant ELIlll llelLlUly vii lllgk‘ wf lilcliir A comfortable. brick-mull. o C '(lonce.well-situ.itu.l in ihe midst of chuwi‘ . llizh and Public Sclumls and on so to Ermine l-L-Liluuy. For iui thor inf ‘l'lllullull I Apply to ' \\'.\l. HARRISON. lilcllullillll llill llxl Hill. August n.--1 in. i. MUNICIPALIIY OI" [BIL Tcwnship Qi Vaughan COUNT 3. OF YUllli. in". All I 1\TOTICE is hereby gircii that I have tiansâ€" J. miLterl or tlciivurell to tho [rulM‘lib mention- CL].le the 'Ihll'nl unri Foullh i‘l‘CleLli‘ o! " 'llicv \‘otei‘s' List Aer." the t‘l‘plcs rcq'iirml by sum Suctions to be so trunslulilwi Ul‘uuiH'Ll'L‘ul of the List made pursuant to soul Act lllhl uiiicml- lllr‘DtS ti: crew. of all porsuiis appearing by the lust. rovrsoil Assossnichl lloil of (no sziiil Munici- wilin to be entitled to role in Lllo sninl Mummi- pnlity at Elsciious for luvulbel‘s of the Logishr- tiruAsvenibly and at \llIEllt‘ll‘lll Elections: I‘IId that stud List was ElllSl‘ l’osl‘lil) Lii’ in iiiv ‘ U [lice lit. tLu‘ Viilllgo of Manila. on tho EIGHTH DAY 01’ AUGUST. 13:). “Jul rcniuins [home for . insiiection. Electors are c;ille.l upon to examine the Lillll ; List.undii uny omisswni or iiiiy LtlJL'l’ oirors uro founrltlierein LU tuli') inilncrliuto pruqu L l lugs to have Inc said crrois corructod ACCUIJlIlg ix) luw. Dated this 3th day of August. A, D. 19w". - JAS, 1;, ill,l.F..\.\‘. Clerk oi tho :zll-l )lunisilxillty ' srsArsn Came to thcproniiscs iii the miller-signal on Tuemla.y.Aug. 7. J. rsl uiitl \rhizu co‘u. gllllla' 1 milk. long horns. ; Tho owncr niriv him. 5 rzno liv pinyin-5 prayer- ‘ t)‘ and paying Cillz‘uvjs. ‘ 6â€"3 H. U. HOPPER. lllcnnzontl Hill icon? for SALE A Buy Gelding. i. DUYDOSC. by 5:. Lug, he sold. Apph’ to 5â€"2 0. .1. BROWN. limond Hill T h "if? i . eac er "J criteria. For S. 8. No. 4. Markham. teacher 1).“;- f i'red. Apply, staring saiar to _ Li. A. 11cc \ ‘. l “'3 \‘ic ~tu 1",: trill Al Rï¬litilï¬ll OTZCl: is hereby given that n Court will he i L l‘cl'l, pursuant to the " Votern’ List Act.†hyhi" Honor. tho Judgoof the County (‘mirt I-f . )IILSIMY. 22Nl) DAY OF AUGI'S’I. “MW. at s) A. niln hon.‘ and determine tliesevcrul complaints ll omissions iii the You rs'liist l'I lllH . Ills nvxt meeting of the Coniin of llio'l' ri~li2p dl‘h' «- s 1 This is to certify that my (ire claim {indium the “Hush Aincrlnnn In~~urxinre L‘Ullll‘Ilily \- ~- An Olipnrhiiiitylto secure 0 lion'e in the plums: i -1'()Jll|t‘ll rs ~i» general . ‘ Must ' - l V ‘ > ‘ 4f 1 mt . “\‘\Ԥ Sam Hunter’s Cartoons, Special Cables, The Khan. (9 Ontario Despatches, Sporting News. ! Madge Merton’s Page for Women g illl'lllllfl Mi l7 Mdl‘l Publishes the best of everything. It leads in the excellence of its special departments. 2/; . . . ‘ while 1ts news columns are bright and! . - iii 1eadable. ‘i “â€" YA IS A BARGAIN FOR THE BALANCE it" or THE YEAR. i? The Toronto Daily Star will be Mailed to any Address 14- To January 1511, 190Li0l‘32l 5% chits 5: Y/l The regular subscription price of THE STAR is $3.00 a year, [3% and $2.00 “here the paper is not received until the day after pub- ‘f: 21‘ lication. ' y" STAR in the homes of thousands who will be interesth in rcad- y’k 2’“ in; the best afternoon paper in Ontario. .w. SOME FEATURES g Full Market Reports, W ~’ ‘W V W '§§§§>~z.\. «3%. r ‘ 25‘“ HERE N ov‘\w W ' (“in 5': To every subscribe-r will be mailed a is; :7" beautiful plate of Her Majesty Queen Victoria y} A and the Prince of Wales. y}: This pirturu. which usually sells for 7"» Cvnlfl, is tho, linii.i3n'iicst picture of the If H royal lliï¬â€˜illur and s In ch-i‘ publish d in Canada. The). C‘JllVl'lllllllllll portraits of the .1 i ‘ Quwn r: yii'csoiii llcl‘ us much younger than .lllr‘ cycle or yours has left her. and yl-t Q it is :13 [he :igr-ll Fovri'clgu that ll\‘l' 1130]).‘0 love her mid “'lll reaminhcr ll‘l‘. AS tho V A {I mother ol her people she will ever he rciiicuiherl-Jâ€"th 2 l we of liii :iisli “'OlllllllllCIOli and 57 moxlicrliuull. Fitting it is. therefore. lllu’ Slll‘ SilollHelJC Dullllk‘ll along with her son1 9" ‘ [he l‘uliirc Kinu. and s.) in this hisnvrical l ic::ire the Prince stands 'ncliiiiil the chair oi hisroyal inulhcr. The picture is 18 x 24 iiiclics, in 15 shach or colors. and,suit.1bly 5 ‘ trained. would he an ornuinent on any wall, i. ‘f/ It is a special painting, made exclusively for The Toronto Star, 7% a and is a work of art. 9 7 '9 THE LIBERAL and Star 10 jan'y 1, 1901, for 75 centi‘. I s c s 5.. V Never pulls outâ€"it’s a uscful improv- ementâ€"simple and easy to remove. All the features of the s“ F" tilcvclcnr son icon Are good ones, and the ball head spoke is not the least in importance. Agents everywhere Local representative, T. F. MCCMAHON. Canada Cycle d: Motor 60., Limited, Head office, Toronto, Canada. RICHIVTOND HILL ll’ESlï¬ll '- (ï¬lial. m ‘- ‘ Money to Loan . Blu'U-“y to Iron on firs mortgage farm propor- ty, at two per Cunt, ( ...l-Ll Ell-U1er at THE LIL‘ELAL OLD-:0 The Next Sitting of Division Court for x .70. 3, County of York, will he hold in the Court Room, RIGEEQED SILL-E, _0x_ ubsscrih e 101- THE ‘- LIBERAL MUl‘iEYl .i'lONEYl l l ‘ A inige amount of private (ls 11.:1‘I‘OVél Inrni propcir']. F. . c pzr cent. in- tercsp. Easy turms for re n. .iicnt. No com- mission. char-gull cnlnuns. Apply to A. tag. LAWRENCE. reeh 'ild Lon“ Buildin " '7.“ n t Riel. morl 11.1.: on Hutur 'ays. g, Tandto' to loan on Fillï¬lli, OBTOEEB 5, will), Commencing, at 10 a. in. 'I‘. F. MCT‘TAHOZ‘? (LEM: l The present offer is made with a vicw of placing 'l 1113 ï¬g . YA PlClUi‘iE OF THE QilEEll GIUE'll Fill-IE. “ll. ‘ Cupizul - l l 'l- '9‘? 575:3 T":- "-‘i’ , .; e... ,1? ,. NED A car of host XXX and No. I l a ‘g. (N g: "r 533 r i hit: inf“ \v inliir-li W.- \\'iil Sull ml ii \‘l-i'y cllm‘r’ ‘ niniyfzii l'ui' l'f2\ll. \‘i'v [MW in >l‘ll'k :1 full line of all I liilllIV ni' (li-l-ssrll :lii.l l‘ullgll = Lunar:n ; l i U l... h, Dams. Hzi-ili. Mouldings, limos. ' (izlll‘s. lilv. l \Vo :llsl) il.‘\\'(‘ lilll‘ "llil' i\\‘n (illl lllllll‘l' iiign. si/A‘ Shh!) l'l.. l\‘.‘li 3~:lll'il'$ high: mu- Slillll". JIM... 1'... l\\'u also (llll‘ \‘lllllll llilll‘l‘ building. leli Ill. l":ii-in rilu'll‘s: 'l‘iiwsu building's :ll‘l' in own} ll‘llilll‘ :iiiil llilillli iii ‘Illl' luinlini- :iiiil ‘l\(l~i\l;‘|ll‘1s(,llllrln 1110!†in is running (Wm): llzly. :‘llll wvlim'u just gut ill :1 (‘ll‘.' imul of \{ lii‘oi i\ll. 9 rarâ€" 39: rat- 5‘: .96 V; K r ‘ r . E“ l!“ l l {J l? a i » E mu 1"! ‘AJ . \‘i a This N‘l‘ll is swam: and dry and iii:lkv,~a llic lll‘\'l lrl' ll!l':ll. l‘nll :lllll 500 lb, :Lll(l you will iml l'ziil in buy. L. llrli‘li-ZS & SUNS, lill'llllillllll llill Mills. I: '“l“""!â€â€˜?"?<°‘s' ma lirï¬aii‘slivï¬i ()ii illl‘ §\l'l’ll|l\l‘:~‘, lill‘llllllllul Hill. :1 lillll‘llllglllll‘lkl Short-horn hull. ’i‘L-rins HUM wish. _ Ellâ€"ll 'l'. IililfvquRl), l liicliliioiiti .llill. "r . rarer-116$; ‘3. 32.3.. . Audit A - 3llhsiion ville. lllh‘ihc iii-in m†El'l-izll‘lll 4': Pi-z-nticc). ‘zlg‘mit for tho lill‘\>"}'<ll:ll'l'l$ Llllmr- ‘Huviiig j'lzll‘illlll'l’y. \Vngons. I’lmrs. Hi'iiliivi~'. run: zil.-.-.i llil» Snwyr-r 6L ‘L m‘lï¬V lillLCllil‘S :.i.(l Till'l‘slll‘l'S, the 1ill-.liilhil'd\"fiiilldiili.:liid llll‘ Upâ€"‘m- I);itn Tor-unto lvluiiiiilig .‘vlill. All Al;l>Hl‘)'â€"lIlll'l'i<l‘l‘lhtll's krill liy II. A. Nil‘nills. lill‘illllniltl liill. Busilzf‘ss hi)llL'lLk‘tl. Cook's Cotton Root Compound 3:? '32: Is succcsslully used monthly by over ‘ « ‘ 10.0t‘olndies. Satewflectunl. Ladiesgsk 3‘ your druggist for (500ka Cotton Root Lom- pumzd. Take no other. as all Mixtures. pills and . imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, 51 per box; Ho. 2,10 degrees strongcmsa per box. No, 1 or 2,1113116’0. on receipt of price and two s-ceni 9mm 5. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. aï¬f‘gflos. 1 and 2 sold {ind recommended by all responsible Drugglsta in Canada. [. L2? i‘i‘l.11\ll|li\‘0.2‘ r‘l lll W A. .Viiiurrrmi l) liis‘niutznd iiill liy Plow I’ciizlsa l'ni' :lll lllt‘ principal plows ill lurid. IIulfu lllllL‘ \w-st, (:f Ilia-liliioiid Hill. Binders; :iiul Minn-rs ix‘vpnircd on llil- sliiii-tl-st notice. Sixty (writs :i lllllllll‘l'll allowed on wrought or mist. iron. Shall. Upl’ll erm-y night until 8.30. \Y. MAG 2R, Pl‘lip. will $1 .000000 REVS! 700,000 DEPOSITS ItcceiVl-tl in Suriiin‘s‘ Bunk Depart inciit and lllll'lL'SL allowed zit \Vritetorcamlogue HiGllEST currrsr muss. Noticv of withdrawn] not neces- sary. All iluposits [)ziyzililc Ull dl-iiuulll. Barking Busing: Transacted. For lilhcr particulars czill .‘lt lill' llunk. n. 7, ._ A . J'. .1. Rails“. .nANU AGEN" ,-‘ . Solid Gold. _ : 7%. ,1 Best Golil I‘ill 1.56 i ~ 3’ 5yrsï¬oldFill rot ww- ' 5% Boat Glasses... 1-9? We. guarantee wrist-t satisfaction. GLQBE QP'HGAL 00:3 93 Yonge Street. Toronto. .EEic h :11 o n d 11 ili ""' ~ 77‘5"" - ’ U 33335 I am re lire-L in do I~ ..izi'lv ‘.‘.‘a.s'2i:;r'.. Gent“ ‘ . a o and Lzincs' no lint: r. b‘HA’It‘LiIV. \Yurl: ' uni. 1 . o antes-d and I-‘LLtIOLI-ge solicitad. ‘4’ ;l' L'ILLIE llA‘liYi'ELL