Later the Minister of Education decided to publish the names, and the ï¬rst batch has already appeared. The Minister should be commended for making the change, but a little ifo'rethought might hatre convinced Ihim that the ï¬rst proposal would hever satisfy the public. er years, but that each Principal of the various High Schools would be notiï¬ed of the result of his own par- ticular school. The object was to "prcveut rivalry among neighboring schools, but the experiment, if tried, ‘would scarcely prove successful. 'The main object in publishing the names of the successful students is to let them and their anxious vpareuts know the result as such as posaible, "and it is absurd to think that this in- formation could be received in good ’jtime if it had to come through Head Masters who are generally away from home during the vacation. Mr. W. Glazie, salesman in Cgtto‘s stale, King St., Toronto, is speudmg a. week with Mr. Thos. Newton. Rev. Dr. Carmichael of King and Rev. J. A. Grant, M. A., will have an exchange of pulpits next Sunday. ‘ Rev. Dr. Smith of Mlmw, India, and chaplain to the British forces there, visited Rev. J. A. Grant on Monday. Miss Daisy Shaw of Toronto is the guest of Miss Laura Duncan. Mrs. Linfoot- of VVardsnlle, and Misses Meta and May Abbott of Tu- ronto‘, are guests of Mrs. J. H. Sander- son. Miss Kyle and Misses Margaret and Gertrude Kyle, of Toronto, are guests of Mrs. G. \Viley. Miss Maud Clark is spending her summer holidays with relatives and friends in Mount Forest. ME. and Mrs. P. (G. Savage have gone on a two weeks’ visit with friends 111 Cleveland and other places. Master Sidney Boyle Went to Owen Sound Tuesday to spend the remain- der of his holidays with xelutives there. ‘ The Newmarket Express complains, and we think not Without reason, of “the frequent changes of the Educa- tion Department relative to the exam- inations. Before the closing of the schools for the holidays it w‘as an- nounced that the names of the suc- cessful candidates at the ’Departmen- tal Examinations Would not be pub-- lished in the daily papers, 315 in form- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McLean of Peta-borough. have been making a visit at Elms Lea, the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. Marsh. Bru'ce French, Esq., B. A.. teacher of Modem Languages in Cayuga High School. is spending the week with Mr. James E. Skeele. ' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Comilbs were guests at, the woddin ' of Miss Bertha Kirby and Mr. Bert .udner in New- market on Tuesday of this week. Miss Lucy Norman of Aurora, start- ed Tuesday for Japan to spend a. year with hex-brother, Rev. Daniel Norman. a. missionary in that, distant land. Rev. A. 1'. Brace of Sutton “'est. and Rev. F. G. Kean) of Thornhill circuit, have exchanged pulpits and pursunziges for three or four weeks. 'RXCHMOND HILL. August 16. 1900 Rev. N. \Vellwood and Mrs. VVell- wood started today on a two weeks’ visit with relatives at Burk‘s Falls. and will probably take a. trip to the Ottawa Dism ivt, before their return; J. T. SAIGEON, Manchester, of London.Eng., Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Ohmngeâ€"Atkinaondl Swiuer. Changeâ€"W. A. Sanderson. @112 flibeml. GORE, OF GALT. 01' Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming: cum puny far the farmer] of York Co. Business Soï¬eited. Bichnlond Hill. Agent for the fullowinz stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: THE NAMES PUBLISHED. New Advertisements. BRITISH AMERICA, YORK MUTUAL, 0F TORONTO, CANADA â€" ALSOâ€"- A First-ch53 Cash Mutual. PERSONALS. Plans. speciï¬cations of the work and forms of Cunt-met can) be seen at the ofï¬ce 0'! the Chief Engineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, at 'Oltevm or at the Superintending Engineer's Onice, Peterhoro'. “here forms of tendelxcan he obtained on and after ’luesday 24vhJuly. 1900. I I In the cage'of ï¬rmethere mu‘st be attached the actual signnures of the full name. the nature of the occupation and place of residence 01 each member of the same. and, further, an accepted bank cheque [or the sum of $15,000 must tan-enm- pany the tender for edch seeiiun; these accepted cheques must be endoi‘sed over to the Ministu of Railways and Canals, and wiil be forfeited it the parties tendering decline entering into can- emct tnr'wnrn at the retes‘ and terms stated in It) 9 offer submitted. The accepted cheques thus sent in will be returned to the respective pal-ties whose tenders alje not ecrnepted. L Dopurtment of Railways and Canals. Ottawa, J uly 16, 1900. Newspapers inserting Ibis udrertiwm em with- outppthpntv from the Department, will not be ‘ The Yowest or (HIV wmlerrnbt ueéeésaï¬lv ac‘ cepted. L‘ . pnid for it The north-west quarter of lut 59 lst can “ml:- bam. consistin of 47 “rem-about ï¬n being under cultivation. “air in a. 'goan bumâ€"lug orchard and good house and other buildings. Elucm‘ic cars pass the door on Yonge Street. For particulars applv at 6-4 " I‘HF. LIBERAL " OFFICE. A good mate: tank suitable for thrash chine. A comfortable brick dwelling with six acres n! laud, mute or less, on Ruzlumnua Street. Sumll orchard and plenty of smnll IrniI. (Soul well, cistern, barn and other outbuildings. A gply yo __ ‘EALED TENDERS addressed to the under- b signed. and endorsed “ Tondar {or ‘l‘runt Canal " Willhe received at this (mice until noon. Friday.24th of Augusmsmuor the construction of about thirteen miles of Canal between Iiiz'kï¬eld and Lake Pimcoe which will be divided into two Sections. J u] y 19-2111 Mrs. Morris is prepared to (in ME :u‘sn of Drew and Mantleâ€"Mamas a. u: nume, Incuâ€" Luund Hm. V 1897. Chan; .29. Lhnt all creditors said other: having claims against the estate nf Wm. H. Luudv. late 0: the towaslnp of Markham, in the County of York, tumor, deceased. who died on or about the 18th day of Arm-l, A. D. 15M), are required on or before the A. D. 1900, 10 send to H. F. Wilson, Cashel P. 0.. one of the executors of the fluid deceased, tull particulars of Lheir claims nguinst the estate of the said deceased and the nature of the security (Afaur\')he_ldby‘1.bel‘n. 1‘ _ I. I m And notice 18 hereby further given that after the said 151; an) of September, A. D. 1900, the said executor will proceed to distribute the‘ as~ sets of the estate among the parties entitled theretoflmviug reference only to the claims of which he shatlthen have received notice and that the said executor will not; be liable for the‘ assets of hue said estate or any part tnoieof to uuy person or genome of whow claim he shall not lmvo banlnunice at the time of such dis- tnbution; JANE LUNDY. W, F. NICHOLS, I» Executom H. F. WILSON. Dam! this am: day of JuJy, 1900. 4-4 Acomtortable. brick-chm, eigm-roomed resi- dence.v_rell-situated iu the midst of churches. High and Public'Schools and close to Electric Railway. For further information ‘ - Wply to ALEARRISON. OTICE is hemby given purxuunt to RS. 0 l 1897. Chan; :29. Lhnt 19.11 creditorsiam VOTERS’LIST. I900 August 9,â€"1 fa IST DAY UF SEPTEMBER, NOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mention .ed in the Third and Youth Sections oi “ The Voters' List. Act." the copies required by said Sections to be so transmitted ordelivered of the List made pursuant to said Act and amend- ments thereto, nf all persons appearing bv the last revised AESEShment Roll of she said Munici- pality to be entitled to vote in the said Munici- pality at Elections for members of the Legisla- mive Assembly and at liuuicipal Elections: and that mud his: was FIRST POSTED‘ UP at Luv 02503 at the village of Maple, on the EIGHTH DAY 0!“ AUGUST. 1900,3341 remains there to: ingwoction. - , .‘.;_.__ L- ._._‘:_.A AL- -,.:,a An on ortunlty to secure a. home in the pleas- nuï¬ ana ‘ egltpy villpge (.3! Richmond Hill: uh"... .. Electors are called upon to examine the raid Lisb. and†any-omissiona- or any ether errors are found thereia‘ so take immeciate proceed- ing: to have me said errors corrected according to law. Dated this 8th day of August. AJ). 1900. JAS. B. MOLEAN. Clerk'of-the said Municlpdliby ‘MANTLEâ€"MAKING \VM. H. LUN DY. Ripans‘ Tabules cure ponsupation. Ripnns Tabulee cum dyspepsia. Ripans Tabuiea cure headache. Ripans Nbulea cure bad breath. Ripans Tabulea cut-elm?“ Hm. Township of Vaughan Trent Canal SIMGOE-BALSOM LAKE mwsm NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. FOR SALE FOR SALE In the matter of the estate of T0 MUNICIPALL'IY OF THE TO LET COUNTE 0F YORK. DRESS F. J. GALLANOL‘GH. Y. S Deceased --â€"AN) â€"- By mg 01: JAS. FREEK LI I'LJoN'Es liiuhménd mu hicï¬n‘muh'aiu Thumb Sal-retary‘ inu tun The Great En [1371 mm. ‘ Sold and recogmmended by a'. J drugglsw in Cdnada. 0n? rel! able medicine discovcre . S! «v . u ‘kage: Mantra! to cure 3.! forms or Sexua Weakness. all eï¬eczs of abua or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To bacco. Opium or Sï¬muhmta. Mailed on receip‘ of price, one wksge $1, six. $6. One will mwmcura. amphlece free to 311E566 sea. The Wood Comphny, W deer. 031i Any Flour will make Bread, but we will guarantee 3:? Wood's Phaspbodine is said in Bichmont} Hill by W. A‘ Saudersonï¬rugglst. High Grade Family Flour MERERA BELLE ]OS. HALL, A. MOODIE, -â€"AI\'D- maii'sm‘a mama mm. PURSE AND to the statutes in that behalf. notice is hereby given that all parties havinu claims against the estate of the sand Mary Char- lotte Quanta, late ofmhe Tuwnship of Markham, in the County of York. widow. who died on m- abouc the Fourth day of Decomberr A. D‘. 1899. are requxred on or before the next tosend to Arthur Quantz. one of the ad- ministrators, Lungstaï¬ Post. Olï¬ce.()nturIn par- ticuian's of their claims with their names and addresaas, and the nature of the securityny any. heir] by they}. 7_ And take further notice that alter‘tbo last men- tirvned date the administrators will proceed to distributejlie nssntipf the said estate among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to the clmmsof which they shall have notice. WILLIAM COOK, Toronto. . Solicitor for Arthur Quantz and B F. Quantz, 6â€"3 the Administrrtcrs. The subscriber would i‘espectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the choppmg mill Impress upon you the fnct that it is very important to you where you ‘leave your valuable watch for repairs. Is a very delicate piece of machinery and should not. be tampered with by an inferior Workman. And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chopping season and until turnher notice chap ï¬HGPPING - MILL Monday. ‘Vednes‘day and Sat- urday of each week. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on hand and in a. few days will be Dre arei to suppiy DRESSED LUMBER of all kin sand do PLANIVG AND MATCHING or all kinds at loweae‘pvices. Patronsge solicited ,' sutislnction guaranteed THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Assume on air the modern-plans. and is one \he most prosperous and progressive companies in existence. mas/amoran - RICHMOND mm ‘ Evans Bulldlng, Fiï¬ST DAY OF SEPTEMBER. To make more bread. lighter bread and broad that will keep moist, longer, and better flavor- ed bread with less lab- or th'an any other flour. Dated this Sixth day of August, A. D. moo MARI? CHARLOTTE QUANTZ, I took the highest course in burn- logy obtainable in America, and guarantee my 1-9- pairs‘ to give sut- ‘isfitctmh. PRACTICAL \VATC HMAK E1 . Made tp suit. the people and sold at; a reasonable price. Pxemiuns m. policies unconditional and nonfurfeitabla. S. 3. 3mm. It is strictly N AUG HTON BROS. A WATCH Henry Marsh. Let Me Take I» policy with Che dieuict agent, . F. MCMA‘HON, II; the main: (:0 ï¬fe estate uf DIAPLE OF CANADA JERRY SMITH, _'- Wood's Phosphde SELL IT. deceased. HMWARE STORE WICKLESS OIL STOVE, REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. C. MASON, REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. .0‘ Maï¬a, Cider, White Wine Ymegar Mixea Pickle Spices, Tumeric, avati Gurzy Powders, Whole Elack, aad Chili Peppers. W’LWLSSW - Is the place to go for ï¬rst-class harness M: right prices. Good Stock, GOOdWVOI'k 2: 11d Satisfaction guaranteed.» BUGGY DUSTER-S, FLY NETS, TRUNKS, VALISES, and other, sn WILEENS & CO. Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent, ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out through us receive special notice, without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consult/ed Manufacturers and Investors. Semi for sample copy FREE. Address, NECEï¬SITIES I lm've n. large stn'ck of the best make 3f granitewm-e thatl $911 at very Tow prices. Also the Blue Flame the best Oil Stove on the market. Eavetl'ougghing TESTMONIALS FURNISHED. 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west 'of George Street, Toronto. Harvest tools of all kinds. ' ‘ ‘ J A. ~ , 1:. h mexs‘xmfmm RifflflMOND HILJ'; 3 to 6 inch, only $3 per keg The Sgo‘csman, Stm‘ns, E & D, at ï¬mm $35.U01o $85.00. A specialty. JRICIKEiOlVI} EIEIAI J NAILS WILKINS & 00.. vac-rm? J. swans a: (30., (Patent Attorneys.) ALSO AGENT FOR GE 0. Bic D0.NAIJD ways in stock. . BAELEY, MAPLE. presenting this{ Coupon and 250.‘ at our store ona Saturday. Aug.18,‘g Win receiVe one: gallon XXX White3 Wine Vinegaf. l No. 86. Any customer Pure Paris Green All full 2U The best, only ~10 cents a gallon. .1 (‘n Jmn‘bin. Bi Binder rEwine Richmond Hill At less than carload prices. Machine Oil WASHINGTON, D. c. mu'ant only 25 cents. S, and other supplies ub- voles,