Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Aug 1900, p. 8

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J acob Eyer and Son. Binders, Blowers . Rakes Seed DI Gang I’lows. REPAIRING PROMPTL Y DONE. Until finther notice nails will be closed Richmond Hill Post Ofiice as follows:â€" MORNING .. 8.00 EVENING .. . ...... 6.: N. B.â€"â€"Regiatered Letters must be bag: It least Flfteen Minutes eulie‘r than the mentioned hours for closinn. - Leave C P B Crossing at G. 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. 11's.; LSD. 2.40, 4.00 5.40. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Richmond Hill 8,10, 10.30 a. 111.; 12.20. 2.20, 3,30. 4.50. 6.30, 8.35 p. m. GOING SOUTH Leave Newmm-ket 11.15 3.111.; 2. 3.15, 4.15,6.00. 7.30 p. m. Leave Richmond H111 '7. 8.10. 9.55, 11.55 a. m., 2.40. 3.55. 4.55. 6.40, 8.10 p. m. M ETROPOLITAN TIM E TABLE Church of Englandâ€"-Services at 3 19‘ Sunday. 7 A. L n..,__"-.n..g.1‘ Dummy. Pxesbyterian Churchâ€"Services‘at 1} n. m.. and ’I p. m. Sunday School at, 2.30. Prayer meetlng Wednesday ayeq‘gngkk u “an A“ nIOAV, "uuuunuuy uvuu. . . Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Servmes on alter- nate Sundays at!) a. m. and 1030 a. n1. Hat/nudist Chm-cl -â€"Sc)'viccs at. 10.30 a. m.. and 'I p. m. Sunda. Schnol at 2.50. General prayer meeting Thurm my. evening. 7 ‘v . , . n A__,: A It Manta \fnn, msuuug J.qu mun]. u . v..._°. Richmond Lodge. A F and A M â€"M_eets Mou- dav on at before full moon r CourtRichmond, A 0 Fâ€"Meets second and 10mm Friday by Lodge. A 0 U Wâ€"â€"Meetsinurcb1‘uesdny of “an month ()mup mam. S 0 S â€"Meets second and length u u“ . 1i. '1 01’ Temperanceâ€"Meets m (nah month Fire Brigadeâ€"Meets first; 1 m. Dbl) Public Library and Ron; Tuesday. Thursday and Summ . 1-2 bworth Leagueâ€"Meets no Wheat, white, per bush ‘31 heat, red, per bush , . ‘W hen, goose, per bust nuns. per bush . H l’uus, per bush . Barlav, Der bush Turkeys. 781' 1b ‘ blessed ugs. percwt Guess. per lo ........ thkens. per pair Duuks.por pa.” hunter, in pound rolls. Eggs.f1‘esh Potatoes. per bag Apples. per bbl . Huy.clover Hay, timothy . Straw sheaf. W. H HOUS Glazier, G1 POST OFFICE NOTICE rdl RESIDENCE, RICHMOND HILL. Between Anyone sending a 51:0: unRIy nsccrtuin uur 0| invention is probably [m (inns suicuy confidential gem. free. Oldest ngency. Patents taken throng mega! notice, without. ch 7 . 'pgéfigfifiii'é fifiéfi‘fgfiéfi A fiandsomely mush-Med culadon of «my sciennfln year: four months“. 3 HBNNfiE Calls from a d Rollers, OFFICE CLOSES AT 7 ‘n'rshch om Village Directory. d Drills, 'Disc Ilarro‘vs. Cultivaâ€" tors and Diamond Harrovvs. Agents For The Following. DEERING PRICES A ’1‘ All kinds of Flow Shares Toronto and Newmuxket. GOING NORTH $5311"! fl GSiB '1- J. M.TEEFY.Postm:-.ster utting Boxes. Scuffiers and Turnip Dnlls. first; Monday at every \V ‘4 3‘. "‘ ,q‘ ‘Ai‘.!:tl$a .ums' WAGGr BELL & SON ,cndinp, Romnâ€" curduv evenmgs even Friduy. weekly: art" '0.- a! ..h a w} v. 9.40, 11.30 a. m.; first Wednesday VValking Plovvs, Boot Pulpers. n1 fié‘fll‘fgtk DI‘O mr MANN handed in the above 30 In. every DICK mâ€" Open at the We, the undersigned beg to notify the public that we are repared to run for the season of 1900 as ollows : We will start on cider & Jelly Mill Elonday, Sept. Also Jelly. Apple Butt Boned Cider and Vinegar CIDER APPLES WANTED This result is attained in all orders placed with Strayed from the premises of the undersigned, lot; 25, 2nd con. East York. on or about Monday, August 6, 1900, 3 brown faced sheepâ€"two with red paint on right cheek, the other had nick in left ear. Any person giving infOrmation as to their whereabouts will be suitably reâ€" warded. » GEO. TOOLEY. 0n Centre St. \Vest ifithe village of Richmond Hill, six acres of land. The-re is a good well on the premises, the place is well fenced and under- drained, and is in a good state of cul- tivation. Terms to suit, purchaser. 7â€"tf \V. R. PROCTOR. And will continue to run on Monday of the second week and Monday and Tuesday of the third and fourth week and from October 1 to November 10. we will run 'l‘here is Satisfaction And a good article at a. EVERY 13AY In obtaining Customers are respectfully re nested to try and do all busmess on the a ove mun as we are not living near the mill and customers coming any other day would find it inconvenient. (‘all and examine my cnx'efu'lly ss-leut- ed nssm-tment. of Tweeds, Sex-ges, Fancy \Vursteds and Trouseringn. New Fall Fashion Plate? NOW on View. 72:55 a sum :5 auvaxgg. Parties Wishing to cure cider can have it - done right at the min; the cushs but a trifle extra. SHEEP LOST A. J. Hume, Tailor, Richmond Hill. and Sole Plates. Honest Work 31m @avmiatments. Terms Cash. EDGELY FOR SALE Low Price. For Sale at Very low rates Except Saturday. WINGER 1330 S. A quantity of & CFwVine. Newton Brook P. O EafiEâ€"Eead @le' 6"‘3 @ Agents everywhere . 'I'. F. MCMAHON. Canada Cycle 8: Motor 00., Limited, THE LIBERAL and Star to Jan’y I, 1901, for 75 RICHMOND HILL fiNESiflN - BEGUM. ht Next Sitting T a ,3 z. ‘nmmencinq at, 10 a. m. Sitting of Division Court for ‘uunty of York, will he held Lu the Court Room, Are good ones, and the ball head spoke not the least in importance. Head office, Toronto, Canada. 1r}; ARON CLERK ocal representative, Money to loan on firs mortgage (arm proper- ty. “gape: cent, THE - LIBER Almgeamount otpn’vncofunds to loan on improved mm) property. Five per cent. in- teresp. Easy terms fur repavmeub. Ix'o com- mismou chargediog lo fu-BW to MONEY I MONEYIEFARM 1:033 SALE Or at Money to Loan Subscribe 101- Write for catalogue F. Lawn THEâ€"iléfifikn Ofl‘zca hnr fiti'fiing, Toronto cents. iALEGLOBE 0PTHCAL G 93 Yonge street, Toronto. | . g o; IS THE BEST Remed [magmc Pam Rel‘ef known for San. Bickm‘sz, ‘ Sizk Hemlache. Pain in the R m}: or Hir‘m. Rheu- lumnam. and Neal-32mm; Bimr and snags of ‘ PLiSOUOlIS Insects. Scorpions. CBDIAdeOn. and Vanumous Reptiles. For Internal and E‘thernn! Usoe lg n Renmrkab‘m Remodv, and wonderful in quick action to renew ulistreaa, - - is 11. Sum Cart: {or fin-o Magic Yam Rehef'l‘hront. Coug'rn. cm‘ns. Dinrrhtmi. Dysontery, (humps, (Iboiem. and an Ditfivbwn, Dysente‘ Bowull Complaints. - - is the BEST LINIMENT M39“: Pain Relief MADE. 1c Vbiri Igs sxvgény MAGIC nn-rl’ermunent Rang! clanâ€"i)! Etu'fsel, 'Cuts. Sprums. Sevuâ€"e Burns, etc. ‘ g g, o is the well tried tn! Ma's‘: Pam nehef Invited friend of me MuhammFm-mer,Phntar. Sailor, and 1:: Inch all clansus wunt‘ngnmedicino always at hnud, and S \FE TO USE; iueernnuv or externally wim certainty of Leliaf. an zm mini: u tenapoomul in a. hub awenten‘a ed wumr. Fm- Ummps, Colic, Dmn‘hcen. and all IuLez'nul I’uins. ‘ um». um. . v. For ther Catl- Pains bathe the parts well oncq or mica a day. \V. A. SAND?) RSON On the n‘:ennises, Richmond Hill. a thorollgthd Short-horn bull. Terms $1.00 cash. Z-tf T. LUDFORD, Richmond HHL J. H. PRENTICE (Of Lhe firm of Eckmldt & Prentice), agent, for the Massey-Harris Labor- Saviug Machinery, Wagons, Plows, Scufi’iers, 850.: also the Sawyer 8c Massey Engines and Threshers, tb‘e Brantfnrd VVind-Milll and jhe‘ Up-tgq: Date Toronto Fanfiing Mill. All. Mnssey«H:u-ris I'epuirske‘pt by H. A.‘ Nicholls. Richmond Hill. Business solicited. Is successfully used monthly by over 0,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. Ladies ask you: druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Cow and. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1. $1 er box‘ No. 8, 10 degrees stronger.“ per box. 0. l or Emailed en receipt. of price and two Bâ€"eent sham s. The Cook Company Windsor Out. 09. 1 and 2 sold and recommended by :11 responsible Dmggists in Canada. [3’ Na. 1 and No. 2 r:olr1_ iq Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Drugglst. - E’LQW POENTS. Plow Points for all the principal plow: at Half a mile West of Richmond Hill. Binders and Mowers Repaired on the shortest notice. Sixty cents a. hundred allowed on wrought or oust iron. Shop open every night until 8.30. SYiNEjâ€"RE BANK FGR SE RICHMOND HILL, Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at HIGHEST CURRENT BATES. Gensml Baal»;ng fineness Tmnsacted. Lnt 19, 4th con. Markham, 100 M795. 11 less. me property of the late W. E. Land: land is well under-drained, new brick first-chss Valengnod bun and stamps. ,‘A_x.. .. mam Faundrv.‘ -- Solid Gold. Best, Gold Fill 1.5Q 5 yrs Gold Fill LOS -- Best Classes... 1“ We guarantee perfect satisfaction 'or other particulaxs call at the Bank Chemist. Richmond Hill. Notice of withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Cnpil: Rest ,Oook's Cotton Root Compound. [Tnionville. 25 CENTS PER BOTTLE J. F. ROWLANE. PAI N PREPARED BY DEPOSITS SERVICE DOSE RELIEF W. MAGER, Prop. 551,000,000 700,000 100 urea more__or En 'w'LLsozq AG EXT . The housa.

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