‘ 6 RICHMOND HiLL, September 0, ... 3.2.. 1000 IJ()(7 A11“- Fire Brigade int-cling and practice will beheld on Monday evening next. Practice will eonmn-nee at. 7 o‘clock. A full attendance is requested. Imperial shoe and leather polish, either black or tan, 15c. bottle. Atl- kiuson S; Switzer. Mr. Jasi‘BrOWnlee, village inspector, having got pretty well along with his Work here, spent part of last week layâ€" ing asphalt, pavi-ment at North To- ronto. Swiss â€"f.ood, 15c. : 15c. : the Topeka Milling (‘o‘s Health Food, 15c. Atkinson S; Switzcr. Mr. B. Aubry, horsivauyer. of Mont- 1 real, will he a the Palmer Il‘ouse on Friday, Sept. 14, to purchase heavy and light horses, which must be fat and free from blemishes. Rolled “11...... 10 lbs. in; sic. ; rolled oats, 11 lbs. for 25w: purc lard, 11c. lb. Atkinson & Switzer. The. High and Public Schools re- opened Triesday after the summer va- cation, with the same staff of teachers as formerly, \ i7... for the High School, Messrs. Farquharson and Johnston : for the Public School, Mr. MacDonald, Miss Keith and Mrs. Wiley. See the latest in gent‘s fancy ties and fancy suspenders at Atkinson & Switzer’s. Michael Dillon, who for ~scveral years worked as a shoemaker in Sivcrs’ shoe shop, died at the Industrial Home near Mcwmarket on the 24th of last. month. He was 73 year-s of age, and had been ill a couple of weeks. , Cuba and Java. biscuits, 10c. per lb. : 'Ch’ristie‘s soda biscuits, 8c. lb. ; Paris lump sugar, Sc. per lb. Atkinson& Switzer. In the September Review of Reviews will be found a comprehensive treat- ment of the “imperialism†issue, with particular reference to Mr. Bryan’s Indianopolis speech. The editor‘s re- *"‘.’iew of Mr. Bryan’s Philippine propo- sitions will be read with interest, alike by the adherents and the opponents of the Democratic candidate’s policy. The' best 200 yard spools blackand white Coates, 4c. spool; silcottou, 60. ~spool ; embroidery silk, 1c. spool. At- kinson & Switzer. It was stated in THE LIBERAL last. week that Rev. S. D. Chown, D. D., 'I’resident of the Toronto Conference, Was expected to preach anniversary seasons in the Methodist Church on Sunday, 30th inst. This has since been conï¬rmed by a letter-from the rev. gentleman. All, therefore, who attend may expect a treat at the an- nual Tharrk-Cl’l’ering. Try our red package Malwa pure Ceylon if you would like a nice. cup of black tea, 20c. a. package. Atkinson r‘k Switzer. HARVEST THANKSGIVING. A Harvest Thanksgiving Service will be held in Trinity Church, Thorn- lrill, on Tuesday Sept. 18, beginning at 8 o'clock p.111. The Rev. T. \V.Powell, rector of St. Clement’s Church, Egliu- ton, will be the. preacher. Special music will be. provided by the choir, assisted by several well known and talented artists from Toronto and elsewhere. A collection will be made, which will be devoted to the payment . of the debt. Crown fruit jars, pint, quart and l, gal. sizes, in wine and imperial meas- urcâ€"â€"wine quarts, 60c. ; imperial quarts 650. doz. Atkinson & Switzer. \V EST YORK LIBERALS. A sub-committee of the executive of the \Vest York Liberal Association met in Eagle Hall, Weston, Tuesday afternoon, and made arrangements for a nominating convention to be held at \Veston on Saturday, Sept. 15, com- mencing at 1.30, to nominate a. candi- date to contest the riding at the forth- coming Dominion election. Should the weather be favorable the meeting will be held in the grove close by, otherwise it will be held in the Eagle Hall. Hon. Sidney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture will be among the speakers. Pure ground spices, black and white pepper, mace, cayenne, cloves,allspice, ginger, mustard, very bCSb quality. ,Atkiuson 8: Switzcr. EtIiVEST HOME. The families of Mr. \V. J. Mortson and Mr. “'ur. Rumble celebrated the ending of the harvest by giving :1 Sup- er to their friends, at the home of the after, on the 2nd con. of Vaughan, on Thursday evening of last week. About sixty sat down to the tables, which were well filled with fowl and other delicacies. The dining-room was ,. tastefully decorated for the occasion. The evening was spent most enjoyany = and out door I Besides those from the neighborhood, nests were present from Richmond ill, Aurora, Maple, Buttonville and Stouï¬â€˜ville. The party broke. up shortly after rnidnight,every one havrng had a delightful time. in music, recitations amusements. English malt vinegar, best pickling vinegar, fruit vinegar, best whole infrared spice, whole ginger, whole pepper, whole cassia, mustard seed, celery seed for pickling season. At- kinson & Siyitzer. ’ | A specialrnecting of the “KGTI'. will llt' held at Mrs. Derry’s on Tues- . (lay evening. I The. roll-call topic for the Epworth l League next Friday evening is “My Simple Duty."â€"Luke xvii., 7-10. 1 Dr. F. .I. (lallanough, V. S., Thorn- lrill, captured second prize at the To- ronto industrial Exhibition for single horse in harness, with Melba, and I third for \Vilkey Belle as single horse in harness, 10’ hands and under. The former was exhibited among the St:lll(l:ll'(l~ln'(‘(l trottr-rs. the latter as a roadster. \\'ilkeyBc-llc also got the _ silver medal awarded by the Industrial lAssocialiou, and $25 given by the Cain I adian Horse Breeders’ Association for . best. roadster mare, any age. l Pure. corn starch, 5c. ; Benson‘s Sat- in starch, 10c. ; best. Rangoon rice, 5c. 1b.; best Japan rice, (tic. lb. Atkin- , son it Switzel'. I FOUR MILLIONS PROFIT. A few shrewd Canadians, it is said, made four millions of dollars clear protil. out of building a small railway, of which most Canadians haVe never heard. The railway in question was the “ Qu'Ap relle, Long Lake and Sas- katchewan llailway,†which in 1337 received grants from the Dominion Goverlunent. The land granted to this Company was sold forover$3,- 500.000, and from the sale of bonds and cash subsidies the Company got $3,- 000,000 more, making a total of $6,- 500,000. The total Costof the road is estimated to have-been not more than $2,500,000, leaving a net profit to the promoters of the road of four millions. The (ERR. supplied the terminals and the rolling stuck and leased the road without a rental, thus taking the rail- way off the hands of the original owners. This is one. of the many rail- l way stories which Mr. R. L. Richard- son, M. 1)., is now telling in The Can- adian Magazine in a series of four art- icles. Mr. Richardson believes iuGov- ermnent ownership of railways, and is writing these articles in order to lay his views before the. people of Canada. Toclcar a line-of 4 pty’English linen collars in straight stand ups, stand ups with points, and turn down all round. \Ve will sell them this week at 3 for 25c. Atkinson & Switzcr. PERSONALS. Mrs. Strattou of Clyde, N. Y., is tl.e guest of Mrs. Andrew Newton. Miss Edna Howard of Hillsd‘ale, is visiting her little friend, Miss Eva Hilll Miss Johns of \Viarton, spent Tries- day and \Vednesday with Miss I... Gertrude Wiley. Mrs. \Velsh of Detroit, spent a few days here and went to Thoruhill Mon- day for a short time. Mr. Harry Innes started Tuesday to take. a course at Nimmo & Harrison's Business College, Toronto. Mrs. \V. L. Smith and Master Harry Smith of Shelburne, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Geo. McDonald. NewmarketEraâ€"Mrs. Pugsley and anarkets and perfected cold Miss Glass of Richmond Hill, are the guests of Mrs. Davison. Hon. N. C. Wallace, M. P. for \Vest York, and Mr. .las. McNeil of Maple, were in the village yesterday after- rr()()ir. Councillor William Innes, wife and mother went to Port Elgin Saturday to spend ten days with Mr. and Mrs. A, R. Innes. Mr. D. G. Wiley, accompanied by Mr. E. Patullo, of Brooklyn, N. Y., arrived Monday and will spend a couple of. weeks her-e. Mr. A. L. Skeele and son, Mr. \Vil- bur Skeele, started Saturday for a trip to Seneca. Falls and other places in New York State, where they will visit among relatives for a week or ten days. Miss Allen of Berkley, spent Satur- day with Mrs. J. W. Elliott, and Mrs. G.Jessup (nee. Miss Sihler) of Nanaimo, B. C., remained over Sunday. Both were former milliners at the Concrete House. ' Search Light soap}, 5c. bar; Sunlight soap, 50. bar; Life uoy Soap, 5c. bar; Monkey Brand soap, 5c. bar; Copco Floating soap, 5c. bar; Richard's Castile, 2 bars for 5c. Atkinson and Switzer. Our Ottawa. Letter. Speaking in Amherst, N. S,, a few days ago, Sir Charles 'I‘uppcr is report- ed to have said : " No man has been able to put lush-and onlone thing that the Liberals have done that has in- creased one jet or tittle the trade of Canada.†And again, “Show me one single act initiated and carried out since this Government came into power that has contributed to the prosperity of the country, and s! will apologize.†Let us glance for a moment at the , record and then leave the intelligent elector- to judge for himself as between I that record and Sir Charles Tupper’s 1 statement. First as to transportationâ€"a matter which all will a ree is of primary im- . portancc to tra e. The fourteen foot l canal system from the lakes to Montâ€" . real, inaugurated b ' Alexander Mac- kenzie, but Carrie forward with in- t excusable dilatoriness and at great an- nual loss to Canadian commerce dur- ing the eighteen years of Tory rule, - was cOmpleted within three years and ocean boats are now trading between Liverpool and the ripper lake popfs without breaking cargo. ’ It has made provision for the neces: sary im rovements and enlargements of the iiarbor facilities at Montreal, the sea-board terminus of the canal system. It has made a contract with l a strong transportation syndicate by which grin. grainrlcvators are being constructed at Montreal and Port Colborue, a fleet of modern rain car- l'lt’l‘i put on the lakes, an a vastly greater volume of the products of the west carried through Canadian chan- nels. It has developed and implored the. system of cold storage for Canadian shipments to British and foreiin storage facilities at the Paris exhibition which enabled the Dominion to make an ex- hibit of her grain, fruit and vegetables which has been a revolution to Europe and must. give a. tremendous impetus to the future trade in these natural products. It has extended the Intercolonial Railway from Point Levis to Montreal, has granted subsidies to railways from point to point across the continent which will in course of time. form links in a new, complete chain of railway communication from the Atlantic to the Pacific and open up millions of acres of magniï¬cent agricultural, mining and lumber country; a com- peting line which will share the rapid- ly growing commerce of the west with the C.P.R. and prevent that vast country from ever again suffering from railway monopolies. In grant- ing subsidies to the railways, condi- tions have been attached which guar- antee substantial returns to the coun- try for the money ex ended; uncorr- ditional grants of puilic moneys to private speculators has, under the present Government, become a thing of the. past. It has removed artificial fetters upâ€" on the trade of the country by read- justing the tariff to such an extent that the consumer has paid at least $13,000,000 less for the goods he has use d in the last four years than he would have paid for the same goods under the Tory tariff. It has, in connection with the Crow's Nest‘ Charter, secured reductions in grain rates for the. VVester-n farmer and other freight concessions from the 0.1’. R. equal to a. saving annually of not less than $800,000. and has taken ' the power to regulate freight rates on all trafï¬c originating on the Crow’s Nest Road or destined forpointson the Crow’s Nest system, and nrade it impossible for the Canadian Pacific to increase rates on many staple articles beyond the prices ï¬xed in that agree- merit. It has compelled the railways to abandon discriminating rates which were seriously injuring Canadian trade to the advantage of foreign coni- petitors. It has improved and energized the Canadian immigration agencies in the United States, in the British Isles and on the continent of Europe, while its policy for opening up the country and settlin the west, has immensely in- crease( the home market and develop- ed domestic trade. It has done so much to develop the magnificient mining district of the Kootenay, that it has practically cre- ated a rich and new market in that section, while the progressive and for seeing policy adopted in the opening up of the Yukon has created another valuable market there) the beneï¬ts of which would have been held exclusive- ly by Canadian traders, but for the fatuitous partisanship of the Tory Senate in preventing the construction of an all-Canadian route to Dawson City. Cheap and ample postal facilities are an immense impetus to the develop- ment of trade, and Within two years of its accession to power this Governâ€" ment cut down both the domestic, and foreign postal rates to a. ï¬gure which been declared impossible by the pres- sent Postmaster Gener-al’s immediate predecessor. It has removed the elevator griev- ance in Manitoba and the Territories, thereby greatly improving the facil- ities for handling the vast grain trade of the. west. It has guaranteed Canada’s share of the cost of constructing the Paciï¬c cable, thereby facilitating trade rela- tions with the federated Australian colonies. It has improved the. trade relations between Canada and Great Britain and between Canada and the. United States to such an extent that the corn- merce of the Dominion is already near- ly double what it was four years ago. it has secured such modifications of the quarantine r-e ulations betvveen Canada and the nited States that the export trade Of cattle from the Dominion to the Republic has increas- ed hundreds of thousands of dollars. These are a few of the “ things that the Liberals have done that have in- creased the trade of Canada †; these are some of the “acts initiated and carried out since this Government came into power that have contribut- ed to the prosperity of the country.†Surely it is now in order for Sir Qharles Tripper to apologize. 0,â€"â€" ‘Sale Register. Wrznxesmv. Snot. I‘llâ€"Auction sales! a looâ€"acre farm on lot is. con. 4. .‘dauunun , the propertv of Danielï¬udth. Sale at 2 o‘clock. Tor-ms on day of'snlei Eckarrlt & mention-auction- ears. ' \VEDNESEAY, Sept. 20â€"(‘rodit sale of farm stock &c.. on lot16, con. G. Markham, the property of Ambrose Heisev. Sale at 1 o‘clock. 7 Terms 1'.’ months. Eckprdt & Prentice, anc- tioneers. ’ ' ‘ Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Rinans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans 'I‘abules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tahules: for gour- stomach. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripaiis Tabules cnre torpld liver. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabulcs cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules. Ripans 'l‘abules: at drugglsts. Rinans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. ‘ersdadsï¬p can: semqyJ, Bureau; § i Fabrics We have just received our ï¬rst shipment of New Fall Dress Goods comprising some of the newest weaves that the best makers are showing for the Autumn season. g g Some of the newest Fancys for fall are Home Spuns ‘ Q 2% Q “Zibelues Tweed Effects Satin Amazons Coverts is . Crepons In all the newest shades and patterns. l g t All we ask is for you to come and see how we have prepared for you and anticipated your wants tn Dress Goods,Linings, and Trimmings. ATKINSON AND SWITZER. at" PURE DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT RATE PRICES. v \. wwwmww wearers/seesaw: § § A § § § Eclectric Oil, fl bottles for lie Carter's Pills. 2 bottles for 25¢ Chase's Pills, ‘3 bottles for 25c Dod‘l's Kidney Pills, 30c Williams' Pink Pills, 350.. 3 for $1 Cl: ase’s Catarrah Cure, 15c Agnew's Catnrmh Cure, 40¢ Chase’s Ointment, 400 Perfect Eczema. Ointment. 25c Beef,Ir-on and Wine, 50c Puiuc‘s Celery Compound, 07c Hood‘s Sarsapar'rlla. 67c Aver-'3 Hair Vigour. 65c Luby‘s dair Renowor, 40c Steven Champions Liniu ant for Rheumatism, '15 Fellow's Syrup Hypophoaphites, 31v Hurdock Bloo Bitters, 650 Hesse's Poultry Panacea, 30c. Re). Clover Compound. 63c. Lactopepline, 75c Fly Poison Pads, 3 for lie Sticky Flv Paper, 4 sheets for Se. Epsom Salts, 3:: 1b., 9 lbs. for- 25¢ Sulphur, 3c. 1b.,9lbs. for 25¢. Condition Powders, all kinds Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure drugs~ Halpins' English Condition Powder, 25c Kendall's Spnvin Cure. 758 Canadian Waterwh‘ite coal oil, 163 a. gal Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle. C. D. DANIEL 86 CO. \VIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGLSTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - â€". Opp. Clyde Hotel IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN, 0R- SEWING ’MABHINE CALL ON OR WRITE ,Bichrnond Hill. Easy term's'oi payment. Samples always on hand. 1{ retail I Him? Kannada -.- sac]? Is the place to go for ï¬rst-class harness at, right prices. Good Stock, Good Work and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGGY DIISTERS, FL)’ NETS, TRUNKS, VALISES, and other supplies all- V l i I ways in stock. ‘ l ALSO AGENT FOB The Spotaman, Stet-us, E & D, and Columbia Bicycles, V at. from 335.0019 “All fully guaranteed. , REPAIRING PROMPTL’I ATTENDED TO. . 0-, 3.19.!)