Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1900, p. 1

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$5: per annum, in advance} VOL. XXIII. r “In. [fSSé’lltiflZL 'L :sz'zy; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” _ _ WI: “gm K-uma‘m arm-:33» fo‘t‘flm RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1900. 9.4%! “ Ellie ‘H’ijiilgifdl ” IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING i LT . J on LIBERALPRINTINM PUBLISHENGHOUSE RICHMOND HILL. ONT. T.F. Ema-on & I’Rernmron. BUSINESS CARDS. | “fieâ€"W 1 Willie! . DR... L ANGS’I‘AFF. RICHMOND HILL. OFFICE nouns filolOam: 6m§pm __DR. L. LAWHASON, Member College Physicians and Siirgeons, Ont. RICHMOND HILL. Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p. m.; 7 to 9 p.111. :fltllllll. Wm. Rogers '3 anti. s’r , Room 12. 12-1 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting teeth. also rcplating, at lowest prices. Good work. DniiAlcunani Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Tr tter) Dddfellow’s Bldg. Toronto, cor. Yonge and College S‘s. Toronto, ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill every W ed n csday. ‘Ofiicc :â€"â€"Next door south School. Dr. iii. l-eail‘ilrgttar, 33‘... BENTIST: Cor. Bloor and Spndina Ave" Toronto. of Public 3") Telephone 3338 for appointment. . - Wm illusionâ€"1'1; 7 J. T. Elegantly, VETERINARY SURGEON â€"ANDâ€" VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, Graduate of tho Ontario Veterinary College, wrth diploma. from the Ontario ‘v'eteriuury 4 Dental School. will visit Maple on Mv'u-.' 'and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday (mm 1 to 3 p. 111. Cells promptly attended to Diseases of horsescuttle and other : lomesiicat» ed animals treated by the latest and most up- p’roved methods. I F. J. GALLANOUGH. VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhill. Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMERTHGSSE, RICHMOND HILL. Remodelledmnd newly furnisl ed throumont. I One of the most convenient d ummrtnlflo hotels on Yon-19 Street. 1“ modern con» vouicuce. Sample rooms for colulncrciul ' travellers. An ideal stopping pluv for ritliug or driving p“.\'ilu5,llll')' '* or 1‘ . s going to or returning from I kct. Llectric ems pass the door. Livery in connection. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. I JOHN PALHER. - Prop HULSE ECTEL, BEAPLE. IHOROUGHLY HEFITIED. 1 Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. McMAHON. ,_ ' ELQEâ€"El‘s’ ‘Goods sol-l on consicnmcnt. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabnles: pleasant laxative. JOHNSTON, ROSS 8t FALCG NIERIDGE, Ffiari'isurrs, JAan BUILDINGS, Tonox'ro. 11F. B. Jonxs'rnv. Q. I". J. I‘. L AI.('I|.\'ll mm; 1-: Gunner: Rr 5.; Money to Intro at 5 per cent. G. F. LAWRENCE, Barr'ster, Salicitor, Notary, Etc. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Buildâ€" ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on ‘ Saturdays. ‘ M. JEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC, 0053215517 L‘NER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. issuer oflviarriage Licenses. RICHMOND Hth POST OFFICE. LENN 0X & MORGA N, Barristers one: solicitors. Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest rates. .iuromofficeâ€"Removed tolhe old post am», one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Punk. Newnmrket olfineâ€"T‘urco doors south of the p s: orfice. T. HERBERT Liaicxov. G. STV. Honors. Aurora. CUQK’ & initiatith Barristers, Solic it ors, c to. T RON'I‘O OFFICE: No. 1. Adelaide- St. . Fast. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT E; 7n». Ar."- "Tmâ€"T-F'TWT elicits , sflsill‘ 8; sense 32‘. :i slurs, o/Q. (I‘m Soliciil‘l‘F. 521'” 25 KTNG STEE'"T \TFST. TORONTO. Earl. Town to Office. ML Grant‘s residence, \Voodbnu‘gc, every evening. hcrvihill.oacll ‘fi'ednesriuy from 10 to 12. ms; NEWTON” ISSUER MARRIAGE LlCEllSES, Eur... So my Fz'vAan. hie Wellington 1‘lace.’]‘or3uto. Uniivuvnle Rickard: &: PI entice Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Germ-n] sales of stock.otc.. =>rompt1y 'litonded to u‘. rertsonanlo rates. G. R Goulding. Newton Brook. agent for the above. C STOKES D BLOUGU Mics c9"; BEGEIgh. License Vii. room In: the County of York,l‘eâ€" ‘ spcetfullj.‘ .. no" your patronage and friendly nnuence. " s .Ltt"‘ldk‘il on the sLortcst not-ice and a roasonube rates. J. 'I‘. Sniccou. J. L. McIiwcu. Richmond liill West-n. Sziigcoan 4k NScEwe-u. I'. 0. address Bing Licensed Auctioneers for the Conntyof Yorlt. ‘ Samsotmwded tot-:1 shoricstnoliceund at reu- sonublerntm I‘ntrouugesiliicited. .3. fill “dramas, Licensed Auctioneer for the County oi York. Gene: :Ll sales or implements, furniture standing: timbcr. ezr. attended on the shortcstnoticc and at reasonable mm s. Patranngz solicited. P. (I. address Mr. pie 3'. r2. sums. Licensed Auctinnen‘fnr the Counties of York unlOntnrir‘. All sales of farm stock, Sic” at- tei‘lled tn nn tlw shortest notice and removable rates. Mort-1mm and hni‘u‘tt‘ sales attended to. Residence. Stoufi'viile. Ont WRIGHT BROS. {Fridcrinkers 4“; Emhalmers. RICHMOND HILL & TIIGRNHIIL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kopl, at both places. Egg/near. E@@$§.9 158 I;ch STREET RAM. Toncx'ro Ere accommodation to guests. Board,$1 over de. To PATEllT Good Idea: may be secured by our aid. Address. IHE °"ENT RECORD, g Baltimore, Id. Wmmmn. .m Telerln nc S'flS-l ‘ hewmarktt ‘ J. Pnrxin F, ‘ EAST vol-fit. A RUUSING CONVENTION. N. RflWELL llfifi’llllllTEEl. i +_ . l East. York Liberals are generally - enthusiastic, but the mass meeting of the electors in East Toronto on Friday last was probably the most enthusiastic cvcr luld there. The llll‘t'llllj: was called for the purpose of nominating 1L candidate for the House of Connnous. and every elector present, took a deep intcrcst in securing the nomination for the one which he consider-cd was the best and strongest man. The chair was occupied by Mr. “7.}I.Granl.prcsidcnt of the association, and with him on the platfomi were such Liberals as Rev. 31'. Dewart. Elias Rogers. Arch Camp- bell. M. P., \V. J. Hill, M. P. I’.. John Richardson, M. P. P.. Geo. Flint and others. There were about :1 dozen candi- datcspruposed.butwith the ('XCOpthan Ald. J. k. Leslie. N. \V. Howell and {Peter Ryan (the last not being presâ€" . cut) all retired after making short but g interesting speeches. Later in the af- tcrnoon Mr. Leslie decided that he. would not allow his name go to a vote, and then the contest was between Mr. Howell and Peter Ryan. On the vote bcing taken it was found that more lhan two-thirds were cast in favor of -'Mr.Rowell. Mr. Ryan would doubtless [have received a large number had not sevcral of his friends assured the coir ; \‘r‘llfifi‘fl that he was not. in the field. Mr. G. R. Vanzant who nominated Peter Ryan afterwards inoved a. resoâ€" :lntion making Mr. Rowcll’s nomina- . iion unanimous. and this was carried amid cheers. The followi candidates wcre nom- ‘; hinted tâ€"Mr. . NV. Bowel] Mr. .T. K. : Lcslie. Mr. Arch Cmnpbell, Mr. Elias Rogers, Mr. J. H. Mackenzie, Bil-.Jolm ; Richardson, Mr. Peter Ryan. Mr. H. i P. Crosby. Mr. Levi Annis. Mr. II. II. Cook. Mr. F. G. Inwood. Mr. \V'. J. - Hill, M. P. P.. and Mr. Geo. Flint. Each of the. candidates made .1 brit'f speech pledging himself to the sup- port of the nominee of the convcnlion and expressed confidence. that the lid- ing Would be redeemed. The follmvingr is part of Mr. liowcil‘s ispcech made before the \ole was La- nen :â€" V He said he would he very lil‘up'pl‘P- ~' ciative of kindness were he not sinâ€" : ccrely grateful for the very kind ‘ things which had been said about him. » and by the way in which his nominaâ€" { tion had been rcccircd by the conven- tion. At the outset he dcsircd to say ‘ that this nomination had not been if : hisown seeking, but. had conic to him. 1 He recalled the fact that he had up- . poured once before upon that platform l mder vastly dilfcren'. circumstances. It was at a Conservative mcciiilg in Leslie-Maclcau contest, when he found Opposed to him Mr. lugh John Mac- ldonald, Mr. A. Ingram. M. I’., Dr. Montague and Mr. \V. I“. Maclcan. He assured thcconventiou that wheth- er Mr. Leslie or himself were the nom- inee he would not feel one whit differ- ent. towards any mcmbcrproscnt. He look part in these campaigns because. he felt that ever y man who really , loves his country and had thc welfare It to Three ‘ of the Dominion at heart owcd his country to do something ' the possibility of his being a candidate, but. it had been so picsscd upon him that after considering and weighing the matter. and although he bclicvcd it was against his own interest to (lo so. he yielded to the desire of his friends. He mentioned this because of rumorsihat had been circulalcd in Mail and Empire. that he had been thrown upon the riding by the ma- chine. and was nominated by Mr. Mulock. The only mcu who'had ap« proachcd him to run were electors of the. riding or were. his own personal friends. He had not sccn Mr. )lulock I or discussed the matter with him. It had also been stated in the papers that he had agreed to beatth bidding of Mr. Muloek. Those who kncw him bcst would be somewhat surpriscd at i such a statcmcnt. If hc were their ‘ i-epreseutalivc in Parliamcut they ' would, he lliougllt,. expect that he would rise his very best judgment upâ€" on every question that camc upâ€"(llcrc. here)»~aud not support any mcasurc. juo matter what party broung it forth. unless hebelicvcd iL to be in the inâ€" terests of the count) y. He wanicd to say that if thcy chose to sclccl him as their candidate and he wth down to Ottawa that must be distinctly under- stood. forthough he was thoroughly in accord with the policy of the Lib- . eral party, only the lest government ' can he securcd for this country when every man who gies thcre docs so with the intention of cxcicising his heart and intellect for the best inter- ests of the country. in the same arti- m clc it was said that he was best known as “a purin partisan orator.“ He was assured that if they sent a repre- scnl‘ntch. to Ottawa he would best voice the sentiments of East York if. upon issucs that arise in the House 'whcrc moral questions are involved. he takes the moral side of those issues. and lcst there be any misapprehension in thc couvcntiou on that point he do- eircd to say. before his name was plac- ' cd in nomination, that if they selected him as thcir candidate he. would claim the right. if he wont to Ottawa, on every qucstion that involved moral issues to take what he believed to be the moral silic. Ho was quite aware of the fact that in politics some men think thcrc is a certain flexibility necessary on the part of a man engag- ed in political life on moral issues. and that he should be able to accommodate himsclf to what was termed party ex- igency. He did not agree with this, and if it. were regarded as necessary that he should upon such issues devi- ate by onc hair's brcadth from what he bclicvul to be true and right, or what his conscientious convictions _told him to be right. he wanted no weeks ago he would have laughcd at r the riding and which appearcd in The ‘ nomination at the hands of the con- vention. (Cheers) He was a firm believer in the motto of that great and good man who had represented them with honor to him- self, and who honored thcm in repre- senting them ~Alexander Mackenzieâ€" who. when asked to doin publiclife that which he would not do in private life. rcplicd : “ That which is wrong in principle cannot be right in poll- tics." (I hccrs.) He believed that which was wrong in morals could not be right in politics. and if he were to enter political life he wanted no high- er idcal than that great and gCUd man whose name hc had mentioned. He regretted that his name was to go be- fore the convention for ballot with that of his friend. Mr. Ryan; Mr. Lcslie and he were good friends. and he had understood there would be. a ballot bctwcen them. He had great admiration for Mr.l{yan’s ability. He did not know. however, that Mr. Ryan was a. candidate, and he had a. pcrsoual lcttcr from that gentleman. which he could not use. If he were not thc choice of lheconvcnliou, he wcuIdA as in the par-t. give his time and service in tho sup-poi t of the candi- datc ('lIOM‘il. llc askch them to re- lncmlwr that in this contest there was something more important at stake than the individual. \Vhatevm- claim Mr. l.cslio might have on the riding. he had none; he was simply there be- (‘uusc hc was £1\‘kt‘(l to l)(' there, and if they did not want him they could say so: neither had he any axes to grind; he wanted nothing at the hands of the party, and he had never askcdany- Ihing at thcir hands. Since he had left the farm he had munag‘cd to get along. depending lipon his own cli‘orts. The ismcs in this contest were so suâ€" premely important that they should subordinatc all personal feelings to that one great issues of stisiuiuiug the Laui-icr (ioveinmcnt. They all knew the conditions in this country four years ago, ihc depression and stagnation in trade. They remem- bcrcd how this Province was stirred as it had ncvcr been over an issue involv- ing the religious creed of our pcoplc. Had the Conwrvatire. Covernmcnt bccu returned to power it would have given rise to strife in (.‘anada that would have taken ycars to allay, and which would have. struck at. the very foundations of Confederation. All these difficulties had been removed. and the impartial historian of thc fuâ€" ture. whether he gave the crcdit of bring the founder of (‘onfcderniion to Sir John Macdouald Brown, would say that whoever is cu- titlcd to that credit. to Sir \Yilfrid Laurier, and to him alone, bclongs the title of “The saviour of (‘onfcdcra- lion." (Chem-s.) Mr. Hon'cll then rc- fcrrcd to his cxpcricucc in the Prov- lure of Quebec this summer, n here he found some Freuch-(‘anadiaus who had statcd that Sir \Yilfi'itl Laurior . had been dazzled by his reception in .Eng'land. and that he had forgottcu hispoori'cllow-countrymcn. the hub- itaut of Quebec. and had given :1 pi om- isc to aid Britain with troops. The sending of the contingent was the ful- filmcnt of that promise, and they churgcd him with bcing mspousiblc j for every drop of blood shed in Sulllh ‘ AI'I ica. (A voicc: “No. 6 Pamphâ€" lcl.”) It was ultcrly impossible to rccouciln the feelings of the Conserva- tives of the English-speaking Prov- . incrs with those of the Conservatives of Qucbcc on that issue. The ('onsci- valivcs in Ontario found thcmsclvcs in a position toâ€"day of which lhcy \vcrc heartily ashaulr-d. If there was 0110 man who would rcconcilc the fccliugs of the people of (lucbcc with tho fccl- ings of the pimple of the other I’rov- .inccs, and who would prcsorvc that limmony which should continue be- tween the two great races. it was Sir “'ilfrid Lauricr. (Cheers) Mr. Bowel]. in accepting the nomin» atiou. made another rousing speech. and thanked the electors for the con- fidence they had shown in him by giv- ing him the nomination, or to George. [Single copies, 3 cts. Maple The ice-cream social given by the Epworth League. on Monday evening was fairly well attended and about $13 realized. After tea. which was served on the church lawn. a programme was given in the lecture room. Duets were sling by Mrs. G. J. Cook and Mrs. Moore; and Mr. E. and Belle Nixon of Hope ; solos by Misses Ethel and Ber- tie Rupert of Sherwood. and Miss E. Kei’fer of Maple. Miss Stella Cam - bell also contributed a recitation. Ti. is hoped that all who.can will attend the meetings of the League which are to be continued after having been closed for two months. Mr. A. Jackson of Lindsay is spend- ing a few days this week with his daughter. Mrs. Dr. Sisley. Miss M. McDonald is away on 9. visit to friends in Lakcficld. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ross, of Ross- more. Newmarkct. were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Sisley last Saturday. Mrs. John Folster and son left last week to reside near Fort \Villiam where her husband has been residing all summer. At a meeting on Monday night Messrs. Gr. High, J.H.Kirby,C.Crooks. and R. M. Hadwen were up ointed as delegates to the Reform ‘onvention in \Veston on Saturday. Mr. J. R. Campbell is in Toronto at- tending the Grand Jury. 193mm Lierrâ€"y The Public Library Board met in the Council Chamber Monday evening, Sept. 10, 1900. Members present. Messrs P. G. Sav- age, \V. H. Pugsley. I. Crosby, W. A. Sanderson, J. H. Brydon, T. F. Mc- Mahon. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Pugs]eyâ€"Sandersonnthat the Fur- chasing Committee be and is hereby authorized and instructed to purchase library books as soon as possible to the amount of $100 including those already purchased a few weeks agoâ€"Carried. Bi-ydonâ€"Crosbyâ€" that the Village Council be asked to levy on the rate- payers of Riclnnond Hill the. sum of $80 for the maintenance of the Public Library for the current, yearnâ€"Car- ricd. The treasurer reported that he had received a cheque from the Treasury Department of the Ontario Govern- ment for $78.00 being the grant for 1000. Pugsleyâ€"Ci-()sby--tlmt the librarian be and is hereby instructed to allow only one pew book for each family; a. book to be regarded as new for three months fiom the date of placing said book in the. Libraryâ€"Lost. . The Board adjourned. $3331 FALL TERM IN THE lemme-Law lioness it fillers Ii % g- ‘3 ll 1., . . of. f7fitfiâ€"4wvâ€"FTi;â€"i as. sacrifices: TORONTO. ICmr-r any time. Ten Tcnchcrs. Sixty 'J'fypcwritiug Machines. l'ncxccllcd facilities for assisting graduates to positions. \Vritc for Calendar. TV. II. SILUV, Principal. Yongc and Gerrard Sis. Tor-onto. rise for SALE: _0R_ TC) REENT Consisting of about 215 ar‘rcs of which 180 acres are under cultivation. bein ' "qu hull of lots ill and :55 in the 3.1.1 concession of thc ’l‘owr 'hip of Vaughan, known as the £25m (‘lulnne 12511110. 'I he f:-.rxn is well situated. Lmuz: about 2 miles from King; Station and 2) miles Irom Yonge Strcct. The Soil is clay loam. suitable for mixed farm- iu: and is in aguml state. of cultiruzion. It is well-watered. has good buildings and a first-class you'lL‘ orchard. linsv terms in on se of sale. For further particulars apply to J. E. CLlIlllNli, Elgin Mills «r to JAMES STLWAII'I‘. Oak Ridges. S-tf FEB. 53 An opportunity to secure n hr-mo in the pleas nut undheni'l ' v‘ilaw- or luv! 1:: nd Hill. rick-(lad. c. 'L rocmed resi- . .3. wall .. in the no; cf churches. Hic.‘ and I alum s.bu(.19 mm c -e to Electric Railway. For further information Apply to ‘. AI. HARRISON. Richmond Hill August 0,-â€"1 m. Rip ns Tabules: one gives relief. RI .. Tobnles cure nausea.

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