Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1900, p. 4

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“any local man was good enough to beat Sifton.” Of course this fooled nobody, the fact was too patent; that the. job was bigger than Tupper cared to tackle. and now absolute proof of the funk the Tories are in is to hand in the official announcement made by the leader, Sir Charles Tu ; )er himself. and heralded in scare hea hues in the Tory press that, no less a person than Hugh John Mucdnnald. the six months' Premier of Manitoba, is to tnr‘kle the juh. Hugh John is admittedly the stronger mun [0â€"day in the Tory ug- glv 1ration, he is to he the next. leader of t re party. for Sir Charles will dro out after the electorate have repeated the verdict of 1896 (and no posted pol» iticiun on either side honestly expects anything else). Hugh John has all the prestige of his recent success in 'the local elections to aid him, and he has not. been in power long enough to do any mischief or lose strength. Of course its a desperate chance, but gwrntviou, 11‘ (If t 9 party, out after the Untario: and the quality is annually improving as the growers gain ex- perience in the art of curing the leaf. A PURITY CANDIDATE. The Tories in South Ontario have ‘tmanimously chosen Mr. William Smith as their candidate for the Comâ€" mons in the approaching elections and it is generally understood that in the ‘im robable event of his election, and of is party’s return to power, he will be the next Minister of Agliculture. ’1‘his is the same Mr. “7illiam Smith who, upon his own admission under oath in the recent local election trial, paid out hundreds of dollars for the avowed purpose of buying votes. alâ€" though he had previouely upon oath denied the charge. So particularly outrageous and contemptible was his conductin the matter. that the pre- siding judge (Mr. Justice Ferguson) indignantly declared: “I look upon the evidence of Mr. Smith as being a brazen, distinct, strong denial. a. de- uial that I do not believe, I think Mr. Smith’s evidence cannot be too strong- ly condemned. As it bears on the question it is discredited by his ad- mission that he was guilty of this gi- gantic corruption." Subsequently the same judge added : “ I have some re- grets that this large ofi’ender, Mr. Smith, is not before us. I have noth- ing to say to him but that hisevidence is the most glaring piece of corruption 1 everheard.” It is with candidates such as these that the Tory ress are going into the election, using the country to believe that they desire purity of elections and the stamping out of political corruption. BIFTON HAS GOT THEM BADLY SCARED. A few Weeks ago it: leaked Gumthuti the Tory managers Were trying to in- duce Sir Hibbcrb Tuppez- to oppose Hon. ()lilford Siftou ll) Brandon, but ‘Sir Hibbm-L was not prepared to com- mit. political suicide, and give up a fairly safe seat) for the fun of being snowed under by the popular Minister of the Interior. It, was therefore an- nounced that there was no necessity to put up u stro “ any local man w been; Sifton.” 0f It was stated in the House and has been repeated in the Tory press that, the Government had put $1,000,000 ‘extrzt duty on the poor man’s tobacco, "Whereas the fuctis that the price of domestic tobacco has been reduced 50 per centâ€"that is to say a niuucan now buy a pound and a half of tobacco for the price he paid fora pound under Tory management. The increased tax is derived from foreign imported goods, and the excise duty has been jcut down on domestic tobacco to about the sumo. amount; or in other words the $1,000,000 has been taken of the goods that the poor mun buys, and put on the luxuries of the wealthy. Tory critics, regardless of the slur cast upon their own country, have de- clared that‘it is impossible to produue a. first-class Canadian tobacco which could compete with the foreign leaf, but the testimony of the leading to- tabbo experts of the continent is al. together to the contrary, and a first- class smoking and chewing tobacco. as well as an excellent‘fill-ing foreigars, is now being produced in Western _0ntario: and the quality is annually Among the various Canadian in- flustries which have materially benc- fitted by the improved condition of the past four years under Liberal ad- ministration, none have developed to a. greater extent than the cultivation of tobacco. In the fiscal year ending 'June, 1896, there were ten factories iising Canadian tobacco and twenty- seven using foreign tobacco. To-day there are twenty-five, Canadian and seventeen foreign. The cigar factories using Canadian tobacco in 1896 were two only ; to-day they are twelve; or in other woids twenty~five new factor- ies en aged in this one industry alone, have geen called into existence by the change of policy. The amount of Canadian tobacco produced in 1896 was only 474,205 lbs. ; in the yea r cod- ing 1898 it was 1,989,429 lbs. ; and last year it had increased to 2,575,955 lbs. ; that is to say, the production of Can- Kilian grown tobacco has increased in three years under the. Liberal policy 540 per cent. ; or in other words five and two-fifths pounds are now grown tor every pound previously produced. ‘ InleQlJé the percentage of Canadian ‘ ‘leaf was only 5.8 per cent. of the total amount used; this year it IS 45.2 per cent. HAS GRO“'N FIVE HUNDRED PER CENT. RICHMOND HILL. September 13, 1900 Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. ‘Ohunge- Impfil‘iul Oil Co. Changeâ€"Atkinson‘s: Switzer‘ Clerk's Noticeâ€"C. H. Stiver. @112 gihmfl. New Advertisements. Our Ottawa Letter. tL there was no necessity a strong man like Tuppor 0f '1“ J. T. SAEGEON, Manchester, of London.Eng~., BRITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()F GALT. The guideu ooumms an (15111111737136â€"Bâ€"f- Irults. Also a hbuse'mid gtyrfléu. .16 house contams a $3301) suipnble lor mlhmer or dressmnker. Or by letter. Box 405 A propel-tile“ Centre and Elizabeth streets, Richmond ill, containing two houses and. a vapput lufi.'will be sold gu-bluck or divided. Sept. 6-2m A comfortable Brick House on Cantre St. West. one of the finest res1dential locations in the winnge, the property of Mrs. Welsh. There is u. good umbEe on he luv and hard and soft watar. Good garden and a quantity of fruit. For particulars apply at New Fall Fashion Plate NOW on View. Call and examine my carefully select- ed assortment of Tweeds, Smges, Fancy \Vnr'sbeds and Trouserings. This result is attained placed with 'i‘here is And a. good article at a Ripané Tabnlea cure headache. 'Rlpans Turbules cure constipation. lstJâ€"Thut except; where the smne. is customary in the trade, the contractor shall nnt assign or suhlct the contract or any part (ht-roof. 2nd.â€"Thnt the workmen to he em- ployed shall be residents (if Canada. 3rd. That the. wages current in the, district where the. \vurk is to he. carri- ed on shall he paid. {Such current wages are specified in each contract and made :1 part (If the contract. 4tll.â€"Tl]:lt nu portion hi" the Work shall he done by piece work. (Piece Work was found to he a fruitful wurce of abuse, and sweating.) 5th.â€"That the number of working hours in the day of week shall he de- termined by the custmn nf the trade in the district, where the wurk is per- formed and wm kmen shall not he rc- quircd to work lunger hours. (JULâ€"That, the cuntructur shall not he paid until he has fully satisfied the Government, that he has paid the fair wages included in the contract and complied with all other conditions. Richmond Hill. Sifton must be licked if thure‘suny means in heaven or earth to (In it. But Hugh Juhn will find he is up against there-:1] thing this time, and on election night he will realize what it is like to be a cherubâ€"all head and wings, and no seat. HOW THE LIBERALS PROTECT LABOR. Practical protection has lwm] given to labor by the Lum'ier Government by the insertio'n of the fullnwing (flflllSl' in every ct'mtract fur public Works m- ful' works in any way aided by public mum-y : A. J. Hume, Tailor, Richmond Hill. Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: v preserves and picklen, spread a. thin coming of refined ARfiFfifiE WAX. I'urrmtn, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany fur the farmers of York 00. Business Solicited. Honest Work obtaining YORK MUTUAL, FF() 1%, Terms Cash. OF TORONTO, CANADA. -- ALSOâ€"~â€" A First-class Cash Mutual. Satisfacn FOR SALE LOW Price. Apply on the premisgsiq THE LIBERAL OFFICE 051011 R. E. LAW, in we the same is the cuntmctm- t the contract m ders small PRICES AT FARMEBS' WAGGDNS. Wheat;wbite. per bush .3 (I 73 Wheat. red, per bush .. .. Wheat, guose.per bus . Oats. per bush ..... Peas, per bush .. Baa-lav. uer bush . Turkeys. er lb .. Dressed ogs.per cwt. Geese. per lo ........ .. Chickens. per pair. Ducks.per pmr . Butter. in pound rolla.. Eggs. fresh ............. Potatoes, per bag Apples, per bbl .. Hay, clover Ray. timothy Straw sheaf... C q ... :58888888fi3 8“ O DOOOOOOOQDOOOO 88888 Hoping for a continuance of patron- age we are, The undersigned who have been cunductingzl Blzlckslnithing Business at Elgin Mills for the past, 17 years, wish to thank their customers for past patronage, and say that the business will he continued as heretofore, under the firm name of Samuel Clift's Sans. Aug. 22â€"111). 011 Centre St. West in the village of Richmond Hill, six acres of land. There is a good well on the premises, the place is Well fenced and under- di-nined, and is in a. good state of cul- tivation. Terms to suit; purchaser. 7-tf W. R. PROCTOR. A comfortable brick dwelling with six acres of land, more «xx-less, on Richmond Street. Small orchard and plenty of small truéo. ‘Gocd Well, cistern, burn and other outbuildings, ‘ Apply 1m _ July 19-2111 6f ' fian 31.}â€" wakeâ€"{1'7 3â€"1;; 35 “6h; {via pleas} won only. lmpylgta tree to ggy azddress. , “A. L? Wood's Phosphodiue is sold in Richmond Hill by W. A. Saudersonpruggxst. fiifiéfsgxfial Wélfkhe‘és, all eflects 0t abua or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To bgoq). Opium or_sum11}uqts. lunged 01.137679}? Also Jelly. Apple Butter, Boned Cider and Vinegar CIDER APPLES WANTED Rafa re. Afier. DIonday, Sept. 3. We, the undornigued l t-mb we are prnpzu‘e of AQUU as folhws \Vhich has been reproduced bv The vald Publishing ()0. of Montieal. fl'nm the- lntest and most, natural photograph of the Promim' ever taken. Thu pour-(Lit is about. 20x16iuchesâ€" just, the right size for framing. Leave your order. E38 '3’ It doesn’t amount to much to always promise and never perform. Nothing ever attains confidcnce in this world except that which is at- tended by honcsty and truth. Substantial growth and good rep- utation are inseparable from these. My promise is to refund the money paid for repairs if not satisfactory. In cases of cheap watches where 1 cannot guarantee my work, I will advise you to that cfi'cct before the work is commenced. J ERRY SMITH, PRMlTl GAL \VATC H M A K ER . Cushnmers are respectfullv requested to try aud r‘lu all busmesxam) thu above days us We are nut livingY near the mill and cnstnmors coming any other day would find it inconveniem. A u} will continue t4) run on Monday of the aecoud week and Monday and 'l'uesfiay of the th'ird and fomth v FCk But from October 1 to thember 16, we will run E‘TERY DAY SIR WILFRJD LAURIER, Prnmisa uu can go Parties mailing to cure cider can have it. done right. at the mill; the 005813 but. a. tnfle extra. 1; 4% FOR SALE FOR SALE i139 WEod'T'ESzfiiaHu'i.WIn&iofi-{6xit “durum ailarhris. i Em And This The Great English Remedy. 4 Sold and recommended by % drugglats in Canada. 0111 re ; able medicine discovere . SQ Fm: Sale at very low rates. ndowigned bag; to notify the public a are prquu‘eu run for the EellSOu m got at, THE 1.1 BER OFFICE a portrait of r&jfiy% f- Wood's Phosphodineg SAMUEL b’L‘I'FT's SONS Ynekdgcx guaranteed to cure . Weakness, all eflects of a} Except Saturday VVINGER BROS A quantity of Yours Truly, â€"ANDâ€"~ We will start: on JAS. FREEK, Richmond Hill ranteed to cure 31' all eflects of 3.13113 001113011 515311.35“! ijiiiiiiééié RAY-Bx: mmmam 00000 wxmwwww 1000003 I "H 775 (2?: avg Plowvsg V‘Valking Plo’ws, Root I’aalpors. REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. £23,091) and. San. Binders, Elovvers. Rakes A: 'l‘vrine. ‘9 MAN}?! Seed Drills, I)i:-sc EIaI'roxvs. Cultiva- tors and Diannond Barr-0W5. C. MASON, WE American ‘Watép "White and _ Sarnia "Wmte. _ Next time your can 13 empty glve We sell only reliable Coal Oil at popular 1311993: Amemoan “Water Whlte and 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of George Street, Toronto. Roliers, Cutting Boxe Richmond Hill Earéwa Agents Fan: The Following. BEERIEG’ All kinds of Plow Shares and Sole Plates. éfiflflg 65 . CO; WELKENS 84. GO... BELL 65 SEEN 3&1 US DICK Scufflers and Turnip Dnlls. 85 131413,}. gm: :3 SIDE wiil rec: ’hi Nails at less than factory prices. Barb and Plain Twist Wire away down below factory prices. Bruce and 6 Best Auger Bits only 5,:5I.50. ()1 Solid Steel Hammers ' 35¢. each. Repairing Pramptly Done Richmond Hill a 3m with! .nfi and. at 3.... EV; MAPLE. hIiL: ,suu i=2|>(1!1] of (2‘ 11mm one «is (:f Hm-du‘nru, Tinwa HI-rything in the tm and hurdwnlu Mm: 111011. 1 Oil at )cl‘fcdfi‘ chmp svll at, rock hot: em for cash. rws. Elbows. and vs, Elbows; and 11) kinds. the rate of Hi his stock fl 1;" f3 to in Water in ware

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