Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 Sep 1900, p. 5

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- r - - iâ€"rrn Tot-unto; \V. S. hennzm, Toronto ; E, ‘V. Klotz, Turcnto; J. C. Laidluw,To- mute; Jets. Lawson, Toronto. ACmmervutive picnic for east and \Vest York will be given on the grnulids of'MissiM. \Vice at Newton Brook on Saturday evening, Sept. 15. The Thurnhill Band will he preseet and give u {in-gramme of good selecâ€" tiuns. Hon. N. U. \Vallace, M. P., had 2'. run-a-wny accident on Monday after- noon in which he sulfa-ed painful in- juries. He \VzlS driving his team of ponies through the village of \Vnud- bridge when they became frightened at :1 passing hinder, run into a drep ditch and upset, the carriage. Mr. \Vailace and nne of his little children were thrown out, when the former got pretty badly shaken up as well as a ‘Vllt on the face and arm. The injuries however, are not, of a serious nature. Timothy Seedâ€"\Ve have timothy of the best quality for sale. szghwn Bros” Elgiu Mills. For the working men we have the best thing in suspenders that; can be had, agood heavy web, well padded, and gnud ends at 25C. u pair. Atkin- son & Switzer. 'A meeting ni‘ Ric‘mmmd Mill Liber- nls will be lie-1d in the Temperance Hall tu-uiorrmv (Friday) commencing at 8p. m. sharp. The object of the meeting is to appoint delegates to atâ€" tend the numimxting Conrentinn tn he held at “’vstun on (he fullmving day. iAH Liberals are invited 1.1) be. present toâ€"morruw evening without. further notice. flour, $3.50 per EBA-vita:“filughtdfl 13103.. Elgin Mills. A special 1i weight snx :LL 2 line uf heavy w Atkinson {c 5w A LBI‘I'IUIL‘ sun-m ansHI ,over Texas >011 Sunday. In Galvestnn alone tv‘m loss of life is said in be, 1000 and prop- erty destroyed to the amount of $10,- 000,000. '1‘ w entire city Was sub‘ merged. The ladies nf Vich S. intend holding ; Friday evvning. ’va to eight ailm- which «may be expected. \Ve are now shrm ing A nice ‘zmge of dress fabrics in Hmne‘ Spuns, Twew‘w, Zibelines, cuvm-ts and in blacks some nice figured guods in silk and Wu“! mixed. Atkinson 6’; Swilzm: A good black im suit; made up with wings and gum] $15.50. Atkinson 6-4 uih-lu! h nriug, “'01! f: 65c. n yard 1-: & Switzvr. The “'(u sent. to an Junuury 1. 1901. ft: at THE le‘ERA L 0m Mr. J. Pluylm- of Aux-um appointed bailiff uf (119 Sixth Court, of the County of York, G. E. Reynolds. 'l’ure Lm-d, salmon. 123.0 Ready Lunch Swium: Wm ' ‘1‘ furmmw gm "flaw; ' " {hm-33M" uz‘fi'é‘bm RICHMOND Uninn U (:01 wings, [1 Atkinson & The unnun (HmuLy \V.‘ 1(t‘S\ViCk to~d will be tw“ s Mr. Junws I Week giViug' p0 kt-t officials rvl sidewalks in th 353113 Flour â€" Flour KINDERGARTEN CONCERT. A terrihlv sHu-m COUNTY COURT. RE-ORGANIZED. GRAN D RALLY. 'ovkly Mail & Empire any :uldrvss in Can 1. 1901. fm'25 cunts ard, in 20 ll). pails, llgc.‘ gnnd 1240.: Pink Salmon. 10C: mch Beef, 15c. Atkinson é}: h in gnbd p: fut-ed «m In running wi the umv City Hall, Tr» ‘x‘aud jurors are as fol- 3.. Campbell, Vaughan; PJ‘SOI), \Vest- York; Ed~ “'est York ; J. A. Bath- 'ul'k; John W. Brown Isaac Devins, Vaughan: line (If med 2 pair for 250.4 convontinn of H '1'. U. will he y' and tuâ€"xum-rmv sinus (-uch day. we 50); ab Lzer. inters t0 1Li\'v to] 1t. Luwu. Lorin {iun ported clay worsted best, imported trim- wurkumnship for S: Swilzer. a [)eilc]1_ ’va. se-I-vvc ."i rst. ptmuh lttorn -n\'y ( dlh. ‘l-vecl 1mm five gnnd pmgmm class family l\‘il]fl w i d ” ‘fi‘f'x'ff‘ The \V. BL (’ “('9‘ “1' chmch will re- ly mwtings L Tm"! CDL (fa-lock in Lho.‘ WINS at 1m] ntu‘ndanm Atkinson roguustm‘. as slung year w: _- m1le I't'pfll't wi. :11. will he \‘ntv (nkvn on mud", til] cordial invitzu ts. Order pastors and u] missiun work I ~ noon 01' at {my ‘.V WON‘de ings which \vil ted trun- duv of Path wu)‘ this Nownmr- the York * held at. w. There medium u special ‘ns hm Divisir W'. M a rich ‘I yard. pan U!) Mr. O. J. Brown who has lived inf this village and vicinity most, of his life moved to Turuum on Tuesday and 131.5-tuken a. grocery store in the “Test 7 'Mr. John Powell of Bufialo. N. Y., bandlnaster of the 65th battalion band, called an f;-iendshere on Friday, Miss Tiffin and Miss Blanchard of Tummt‘u, spent yesterday afternoon in the \' Muster Ste over Sunday Brydon. Miss Graiugex- uf Toronto. is spend- ing a week with her mother, Mrs. H Hopper. - 5, 1r Mr. Arthur Pugsley startedTuesduy on a three weeks’ trip tn Manitoba. J. Claffey, leg in wicket, J. Glass, run out . . . . . . . . F. Sims-h Beck . . . . . . . . J. McKenzie, not on» .H \V. McKenzie, not out” \V. Eyer, not out . . . . . . T. Newton, not out .. J. Brydun, not out, . .. G. Uowie, not out . . . . . . A. \VL-ight. not out . . . . G. McDonald, notouc .. Extrus., . . . . . . . . . . . . p . H. Sanderson, b Claifey .. F. Johnston, h Eyer . . . . . . . . . . . \V. Storey, bClnifey . . . . . . . . . . . A. Beck. 1) Eyl'l‘, c Sims . . . . . . . H. Glover, b Eyer, 0 Newton . U. Ellston, h Eyer, c McDonald A. White, b Clufi’ey, c yer W'yeTn-enWfib Eyer, c rydun C. \Viley, b Eyer c Sims.. , . . . . \V. Douchwuite. run out . . . . . . . F. Storey, not, out . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A , . V w...\ .. v- u.“ éenson will be looked fairwardv tu with much interest. The following is the score of Saturday’s match :â€" Annthvr cricket match between the married and the single men of the vi]â€" lage was played in the park Saturday aftez noon. Two weeks before the youngstus defeated the 01d fellows with the greatest of ease, but this success was reversed in the last match. Mr. F. H. Kirkpatrick acted as um- pire. Thcf. third ;5nd_lglst match of the ud Always on hand; A good quantity nf Breakfast funds. Fm-inosa, Swiss Fond, 15c.; Jersey Outs, 150.; Quaker Oats. 13c.; Crown Flakes 100.; Health VVhenb Food, 150.; Rolled \Vilvat, 8 lbs. fur-25c.; rolled nuts, 10 lbs o’clock. :al'rm' which a choice pm- gmmme will be rendered, in which thr‘ fulluwinp; will take mart: Mrs. (lunch, Toronto, and Miss Stewal t, Eglintnn, SH!)I':ID()S; Miss Daisy Stev- 0113011 and Mr. Geo. Stevenson. va- ton Brook ; the Hope Choir; Miss Irene Lane, Thornhill. and Miss Nellie Campbell. Maple, elocutiunists. Ad- dresSL-‘S will he given hy Revs. Messrs. 'J. A. Gram, M. A., and R.S.E. Large. B. A., B. 1).. of Richmond Hill. Tick- ets, 30 and 20 cents. Sunday, 1 “'ill be pl Rev. T. E the Fred The flux" Aurm'a B C(Hlllil “'9 have hats tn snit everyone, young or old, we carry a.’ very large stuck and me always on the alert fur newest guudsuu the market, and al- wuys keep thepI-ice to suit; the pur- rimser. Atkmson & Switzer. mml report will allsu lw road nnd the \‘nbv lilkl‘n on the life members. A cm'dinl invitation isw-xtondvd tothe pastors and all friends interesth in mission war]; to 1m present, this after- noon m'at any (If the regular meet- ings which will be held the first; Thurs- day of Path month. Subjects uf rayor and SI udy for Septmnhou“ Oulj week, all effects in kiusou & \V. Ringer is now prppured tu make cider in his nr-w millmt Boyle's pnml every day of the Week except Satur- 2 AA rict. will dn-s w. :l“ yuun1 ally un- “lg-Se vi morning Victoria The sex views in the Mot npxt- Sunday will he uf s: ‘s. Sewage 305113 The Annual Hat-vest Home Festival ill be held at (.‘vayrrvillu 0n “Wednes- Iy.t119 1ch inst. On the previous anduy, Sept. 16, anniversary sex-mans ill be pwachpd at, 2.30 and 7 p. m. by uv._’1‘. 1:}: Shore. B. A" B. 1)., of Total Tubal for the. \V l1 Uws: ynung we the 4k, a“ HE age. BERSONALS. ttt'es, vd Victm' Missinfi, Toronto. [West Home Fowl Dinneq‘ml win}: \‘vili be served ‘fmm 5 to 7 ‘J? 1:“.le LPugHuS of the Dist- hu pl-nsont and doliverud- To the evening sex-vim», when e gentlemen will lw present, pauple and the public gvner- cordially invited. Hilberuf ltm-s will he pwsent at. Elm se-rvice at, I‘lrndfurd undut. Squme in the afternoon. Innerâ€"Reeve Savage and were m town on Tuesday. 111193 Ross of Picton,s ent with his uncle, Mr. . H. 5w {ZUK ET MATO H. BENEDIcrs. Munfig‘enwnt, :IffiIZPI'S , all sister snc1etles." CA REV I LLE. BACHELORB. Atkinsnfi & HODIST CHURCH iilulsu hp road nnd the ‘u the life members. A (Lion isw-xtondvd tothe xll friends interesth in Yiil he iiluls< n the [. S. of the Mothndist woumwncu mail month- L‘nis afic-rnnon at thru- Suuday srhunl mum. A vuf the membership is the nfilca-rs for the on- 'iil be Olvcted. The un- iilulsu hp road nnd the “\‘nrth :an}. A Pntl'ui Distr: M Rev. J. A 1' Missionary mgurs of th vo :n‘o shuwiug this flux-irng in Bl'oche ' x .’ . ' mnpes at. 00c. A.- ISSIOIIHK d Dist! hndist Church )vcizzl interest. tn the consid- pzlgne \\'nrk. 1")” 3' Vice- ict Ep- . Jack- ? rcpm- Our and 12 1] 7 I canimazfiuiéndw pa 3' us an excellent, but as :1 sure remedy, to any one that it may concern. Yours truly, SuJUEL TRITTEN. All your dmggist (or fiend-IPA Spnvin Cure also “A Trent-lie on the Ilene," the book tree, or at!qu Dear us â€" year ego-l had: valuable hone which got lame. I took him to we Vetcrlnnry Sumeon who’ pronounced it Occult Sum-In and gave me little hone, although he npplled a sharp blister. This made menus only worse and the horse became so hum: that i: could not and up. After eryln': errythlugr in my power I went to A neighbor and told him n'rouc the «use. Hcpnve me one of your-books 3 Id l studied is care!ul.y and ba~ fisg resolved to do the utmost in favor ofmv beast. went to the nearest drug store and got a battle urymxrspnviz Cure and applied ltstnctly according tu Alil'tcixohfl. no fore the first bottle was used I noyicell an improvement. and when the seventh home mu nhfillh lmit need, my horse was completely enroll and “111mm leaving a blemish on hlm. Alter ceasing treatment 1 pave the bone good care and didanme light work with him.wish. mg to lee if it had effected a. cure! then started to work the horse hard and to my entire satisfaction he never showed any more layengsgflthgongh [he whole aummer. Dr}. B. .31 KEND‘A'CL co‘ Works thousands of cures annually. Endorsed by the beat breeders and hqmepuen everywhere. I‘r‘rr. $1: I]: (or 85. A3 a liniment‘for family use it has no aqua; \ang Lgye. Ontarig, Cam, Dec. 1-1. 1393. Spavinsfiingbonesfiplints Curbs, and All Forms of Lameness Yield to WEDNBSLAY, Sept. L’s-Credit sale of {mm stonk km. on lot is, mu. 6. Markham. the p: ope ty of Animuse lleisev. Pale a: 1 o'clock. Terms 12 months. Eckamt & Prentice. auc- lioueers. Mr. Hill introduced By-Law N0. 177 to authorize the Reeve and the Treas- urer to hm-rmv from the Blanch 0f the Standard Bank of Canada the sum of $300 Lo meet the currmxt expenses (if the village. until such time as the taxes are collectvd. H. B. J. KENDALL COMPANY. ENOSIURO fAllS, V7. re Voters’ List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 44 Ontario Lime Assnciation,pipes 2 97 Harry Gamble, gravel . . . . . . . . . 24 30 Moved by Mr. Hill, seconded by Mr. Trench, that the Treasurer be author- ized to pay the above accounts.~ Carrie-d. T. F. McMahon, mintifig » advertising .... . . . . . . . . . 19 J. Hall, US) for stri-vt lamps. . .. 1!) N. Slim-y, work nu sum-ts 17 N. Sliney, 2 loads gran-l . . . . . 2 J. Blmmhnrd. work uu Mill St. 9 A.(+. F. Lu wroncu, legal services. 5 L. Gaby, teaming on Mill St... 17 Expenses of Court of Revision re Voters’ List . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Ontario Lime Assnciation,pipes 2 Harry Gamble, gravel . . . . . . . . . r 24 The Clerk read the following counts : John Innos, lumber for side- walks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 The following cmnnwnicqtions were read: From thu Clerk of the Town- ship of Markham 1‘<-)-ent.()f toll house Nu. 2, (lured Junn ll, 1900; from the Clerk of the Township of Markham on the same subject, dated August 20; from "The Imperial Automatic Vub-I Machine 03." of Oshawa. The-cmmoil met in the Clerk’s Office on Sept. 7, at 8 p. 111. Members present 2 The Reeve, and Connviuors Hill and Trench. The minutes of April 19 were read and :bppl"l)\'€‘l]. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Rlpans Tabules cure liver troubles. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Bipana Tabulea cure indigestion. NIXnN -Ou Tuesday, 11th iu~t.. at her late rosi- dence near ’1 05mm. Mann, beloved \vxie of My. JoLu Nixon, auu sister of Mm. rlhos, Couk,Currvillu. CHARLTONâ€"Ab Flsherville, on SatuMaw. Sept. 8, Johnjnfuut son of Mr. and Mrs. EL1‘\\D.111 Charlton. aged 6 months. GnAIxana---In Richmond Hm. on Madny Sept. 1|, Tho". Leroy, inmnt sum of Frezlerick and anm‘c (immgar, aged ‘25 days. DEADMANâ€"Atlucmrwu, (,n Muudny. Sent. 10, Elizabethflvife of John Dundmm), aged 40 years, 4 months. Emmaâ€"At Victoria. Square, on \Vedn Sept. 12, the wife of Levi nelse, uuughuer. Mr. J. G. Bailey of New Glasgow, Nova Scntiu, was in the Village on Thursday and called (m several fl‘it‘ndS. Mr. Bailey fm-mm-Iy lived here, and was an export. at. lompeling streolin the Patterson \Vurks. Mrs. XV. H. Higgins ome-mito, and ,latel' nf Ann Arbor, Mich., and ho:- danghter, Mrs. Frank (‘ruvm'hill (widow (If the late Col. Caverhill of Montreal). took dinnerat the l’nlmor House on Tuesday. Tho farmer, who at one time lived in Richmond Hill. has been spending a. week with friends at Vic- toria Square. Mr. N. S. MacDonald, Principal of the Public School hen-v, has been rec- ommended by n cmnmittve of the To- vruutn Public thmzl Bnurd for the pn- silinn of assistant master of Hamilton Street Schon]. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Paul of Hawk- stone, spent 11 fvw days“ at. Mr. Chas. Masons and x-L-Lurm-d home Saturday. Miss A. Dils and Miss An Ellstnn crossed the lukeml Saturday and re- nmineduver Sunday with friends in St. Catharine's. Miss Arguo and M of Ruseuoath, Mi] David Bust of San F guests uf Mrs. \\'. G 7 Rm'. Arthur Addison, B. A. of Cullingwuufl, son of Iii-V. Peter Addi- sm) furluerly of Lhis‘plncmwas un Tues- day married to Miss Lizzie Scoleymf Tu- onto. Reeve Savage. ncmmpnniml by Mrs. Savage, is away this wm-k mm a busi- nvss trip in the vicinity uf Mount Albert in cannon-Linn with the Confed- eration Life Company. Village Councfl. Sage Register. DE; a'i‘flé “5193'! Ha. :s Mamie Argue monk, and Mr. Inciscn were the Marsh. Elms Len. mm little hope. is made meme! 3 no that itconld : in my power I he «use. He pave are“:le and b3 tmv beast, went eMyourSpnrfl .1 direczfonn. Bo. mhnpmvement. ' llazfimlcd. my Lbnut lesvin a um); 17 gave t a \V‘edneSt‘ay .T 85 2 00 9 38 5 ()0 .7 00 EERE‘EESS a gLSO AGENT FOR. The Scotsumn, Stems, E & D, and Co}umbin Bicycle at from to $85.00. All fully guaranteed. REPAIRING BROMB‘I‘LX ATTENDED (m, Is the place to go for firstâ€"cla_ss hagness at, right prices.- Good Stock. Good “’ol-k and Satisfaction guaranteed“ BUGG Y DUSTEBS, FLY NETS, TRUNKS, VALISES, and other suppligs 121-. ways in stock. ' Eaielunond Ii i114, Easy terms of payment. Samples alwayson hand. ‘VIEOLEBALE AND RETAIL 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - Eciectric Oi1,2 bottles for 7.50 Curter’s “113,2 homes for 25¢ Chase‘s Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Dodii’s Kidney Pills. 3-30 Williams’ Pink Pills. 35c.. 3 for 31 Ct use's Cutarmh Cure. 15c Agnew's Caburmh Cure, 40c Chase's Ointment, 400 Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25: Beef,Iron and Wine. 50c Paiuo’s Celery Compound, 67c Hood's Sarsnuarilla. 67c Aver's Hm‘r Vigom‘. 65c Luhy's dnir Reuewer. Me Steven Champions Liuiu eat for Rteumati ?URE DRUGS W. 3". C LARK E3 3% J my X‘s/yaw» ATKINSGE All made by the best foreign manufacturers and bought at such close figures that we will be able to give you the best quality of goods at the closest possible margin. Overcoatings uress megs Dress Silks Dress Trimmings Tweeds Worsteds Dress Dress Dress antings I: 101:1 ELTON-l) 1211 14} A arrive this week direct from lGlasgow 1 rlmmmgs Cottons is Gloves eds Hosiery igs Handkerchiefs Datings Notions Tailors’ Trimmings inoIeums Oilcloths Carr These goods include Fabrics Table Linens Linings Lace Curtains Silks Flannelettes . D. DANIEL & CO. m [01' nueumairsm, 155 ' Canadian Water-whitebait oil, 13¢ a. gal Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle. AND PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT RATE PRICES. GEOt 319;) {ANAL}; ANE Lacmpepline. 75c Flv Poison Pads. 3 for fit: Sticky Flv Paper. 4 sheens for 50. Epsom Salts, 3c 1b.. 9 lbs. for ific Sulphur, 30. 1b.. 9 lbs. for 25¢. Uondinion Powders. all kinds Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure drugs Hnlpius' English Condition Powder, 25¢ Kammll's Spuvi-I Cure. 750 Canadian Water-white 008.! Oil. 19¢: a. sa ‘SEWENG ‘WBHINE Fellow‘s Syrup HypOphosphites. S Murdock Blood Bitters, 65¢ Hesse’s PonIn-y Pauacoa. 30c. its 3 Clovqp Corppound. Sic IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN, GR CALL 0:; OR WRITE DRUGGISTS. arpets Opp. Clyde Hotel

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