- Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post Oiï¬ce as follows:â€" MORNING . . . . . . . , . . . . ‘ , . ‘ ‘ . , . . 8.00 EVENING .. .. 63.5 N.B.--Registorod Letters must be handed in It least Fxtteen Minutes om-lier than the above mentioned hours [or closinw. Leave‘C P R-Crosaiug at 6. 7.20, 9.40. 11.30 a. m, 180, 2.40. 4.00 5-10. 7.45 p. m. Leave Richmond Hill 8.10. 10.30 a. m.; 12.20, 2.20 3,30. 4.50, 6.30. 45 1'. m. Leave NeWmarket; 7.30, 9.15. 11.15 a. m.;“. 7.30 p. 131. Leave mchmnnd- Hm 7. 8.10. 9.55, 1L5 2.40, 3.55. 4 55.6.40.H.1o p. m. Church of Euglmulâ€"-Services at 317. In. every Buudaï¬. Pres yteriun Churchâ€"Services at 11 a. 11)., and 'l . 11:. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meoï¬ng edneadny evening. - Roman Catholic (:burchâ€" Services an alter- nate Sundays ate? a. m. and 1030 n. m. Methodist. Clmrch~~Surviccs at 10.30 a. m.. and 7 p. m. Sunduv School at 2.30. General prayer meeting Thurar‘l my. evening. Richmond Lodge, A F and A M â€"-â€"Meets Mouâ€" dav on or before full moon CourtRichmonfl. A‘O Fâ€"Meeta second mud fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€" Meets fourth Tuesday of each month Camp'Elmu. S O S â€"-Moets second and fomth Wednesday R T ot’l‘empemnceâ€"Mceta ï¬rst Wednesday of each montu 7; - A -. - ,1 METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE v1 unvu mun m... FireBrigndeâ€"Meets ï¬rst Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Snturdav evenings Epworth Leagueâ€"Meets evorv Friday“ Richmmfl ï¬il! MEEES FLOUR MILL Are running full time every day, and we are thewme in a posi- tion to tum out work on tho shortrst notice. We have a full stock of dressed and rough Shlngles,Doors,Sash,Blinds Flooringï¬heeting,Mou1d- ings, Etc. INNES & 80 L. I am pro: and Ladiea nuheed and Glazier, G331 A [m ge amoun improved farm teresb. Easy tar mission charged 0!£‘= MONEY Anyone sending a sketch and descriFtlon may nulckly ascertain our opinion free w lather m1 Invention is probably patenmble. Communica- tions strictly conï¬dential. Handbook on Patents 595$ trap. ngest 1}}: ' )grpatems. A nmnhm POST OFFICE NOTICE A handsomely i1 culnuon of any ‘ E’LAF‘Q K Richan 0811 d I} ill RESIDENCE Which we will B'etweon Toronto and Newmnrkot‘ Calls f ‘ï¬rib’ch 0m 20 8.21811 Gramer J. HEW?SQ%~ HOUSE PAINTER, OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.36 P M M. TEEFY. Postmaster Village Directory. LUMBER, LAUEBRY Prepar (1] â€"â€"OURâ€"-â€" GOING NORTH AND FACTORY GOlNG SOUTH om 3Etï¬i§i,l_§oil}i_ï¬Â§kï¬i newm [in _3 e 1. Broadway. flew We also ha v0} attc .t of prim progeny ,trnted woe’ entmc jqur l 5911 at a price. iW RICHMOND for building am ;a 1108 pl‘OIl' :d to. ILI 61‘ d. E5319 G. A MON acurmg patenis. {In A: Co. receive 111 the CHEW. 1d! Largest 0115 Terms. '% nsouable AX“ HLL OTK h Came to the premises of the undersigned. lot 35. 2nd con. Vaughan, on or about. Monday, the 3rd of Saptember. n muley cmv. giving milk. The ownel may have the same bv moving property and paying expenses. u - u ulti'r‘u’ SATURDAY! SEPT. 15, ’00, After'thohusmess 0f the convention is concluded addresses will be delivered by HON. SYDNEY FISHER, Minister of A riculture; ARCH. CAMPBELL, 1LP. ; \V. J. HILL, M.P.P., and others. Convention will be held in Eagle Grove, weather favorable, and if otherwise, in Eagle Hall. Chair to be taken at 1.30 o’clock. The convention “ill he campusin of fnurdelegatves from each pulling suh- division. whn are re-qnvstczl t0 ï¬le their credentials with the committee lie-fore the opening of the meeting, but, all friends of the present Government, of Canada are cordially invited to attend. Tenders will be received, by the 1m- del‘signed. until Sept. 21, for the paint-- ing (af 3. new school at Concord. Plans, etc†may be seen at the archi- tect’s ofï¬ce. DR. P.D. MACLEAN, A.J.ANDERSON, President. Secretary. The next meeting of the Cnunci] of fheTcwnszb1'p of Markan will be held at Uuiunvinle on Tuesday, Sept. 18th. 191‘»? Trotting. Saddle, Carriage, ’an and Heavy Draught, must, he fat and free from blvmishos. Age of horses from 4 to 6 years. “Right of draught; horses from 1300 to 1600 lbs. Will be at the followng places : R oya Brad! Shvppm-(l‘s r. Howl, Raver Queen’s Hum Palmer Iluus AUG. 2 WI HAMIOTA SWAN RIVER ï¬esi ‘i’m‘k Liharals For the purpose of nominating a candidate to contest, the riding in the approaching election for the House of Commons. mm: Scnt umICA SEPTT IBTH INSCARTH OULOMIN 1ï¬e.0:ut For fun! NNiPEG LORMNE TLER >4. Glexk’s Nome. 11-3 EVAN A Convention 35th pan WEQTON STRAYED NOTICE ! Mount Allie-rt, M} p 3,35; taunt, 1,. ,2me ms'gas s Tabules cure torpid liver. 19 Tabules cure dizziness. IS Tahules. ï¬AROLD H. GIBSON, Architect, VVillowdalv. tel, vamarket, Will be held at RETURNING UNTIL OCT. 28TH, & H “ NOV. 10, 1900. RH’I‘E At 11 o'clock n. m 1 $28 'w 593% :lrtrtisrmmts. ' AIHA NOTMAN istnut General Pa ssenzer Agent. 1 Klug St. East, TORONTO. in Ontano, Ounpiag. Sault Ste r. RN FARES T0 ‘ulars app :ent. or to , Sutton, - 2, 4 o’clock â€" “ .nu‘ffville - ichmond Hill AUBRY, Montreal. REGINA MOOSEJAW YORKTON PRINCE ALBERT CALGARY MACLEOD RED DEER EDMONTON assist digestion. cure bili isness at dru ggists. 'ix’m. SMITH. ’l‘empemucevillc ddï¬dy. ï¬eév‘YoI-i. C H STIVER. C391}: will be run on in. PM “.5 “viii tilt.- Hawk nfl to the nearest rnurs' experience. x C(l m'o noticed largest. 'l at. and .mr. $3.40 a year d. In'QrPsLinL! lu- ucleunfw Amer- : :0. Spmxnno bingoâ€. Sap $39 $35? $411 Agent 101' the \Vestern & York Mutual Fire l'nsux'amc lCom- panies ; Appraiser lor the Canada l-"ermzmct Loan 51 Savings Company. Call and get a circular for Accident and Sick Beneï¬t ; Policy only $1.00 annually. Business attended to with prom ptness. EUletHfl l mil Lch Is the cash paid and held on polith ldi‘rs acvoux by the annual report. Pamphlets and lull part regarding the association, different plans 01 surance will be sent on am-lcmion 10 I). G. ï¬AVA€5Â¥EE. DISTRICT A A RELIABLE COMPANY. Th3 Bali Head. gggke 5 THE â€" LIBEE Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of 3 7 any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- I ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. I l 1 Patent taken out; through us receive special notice, Without charge, in Tm: PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. t 6: Send for sample copy FREE. Address, VICTOR J. EVANS & 60., ‘j‘. Evans Building, High Grade Family Flour 105. kny Flour will make Broad, but we will guarantee SGNFEEERATIW SQILS EYCI‘YWRCYC fag/maï¬a Gycle M03622: €59, Emit To make more bread, lig 591- bread and bread that will keep moist, longer, and better flavor- ed bread with loss lab- or than any other flour. Made to suit the people and sold at a reasonable price. « It is strictly NAUGHTON BROS. 3. HALL, A. MOODIE, 595E753 Never pulls outâ€"â€"1t’s a uscful impr‘ ementâ€"simple and easy to remove. the features of the Are good ones, and the ball head not the least in lniportance. SELL IT. a ï¬ï¬‚i‘éiiféa FLGUREHG WELLS. [\N D’â€" E‘he for $12.7:3.2z>0.95§. Fiï¬??? 190G Local representative, (Patent Attomeys,) We, Toronto, Ca M0335}; i % LE?g The subscriber would respectfully intimate L: the public that having rebuilt Elle chopping mil M EIAPLE And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy $hoppmg semen and until urther notice chnp LUMBER on lmnd and m a. few days will be 3"!†vrepared to supply DRESSED LUMBER of M], kinds and do PLAhI‘IG AND MATCHING or For other para“ all kinds at )owest prices. Patmnnge soliclced ; satisfaction guarantee-J Monday. \E’odnvï¬d urday of ear! Life Assurance Go. OF CANADA Assures o: ‘3 531512 He is also still 15 n‘ Premiums 19w, pol Hem WASHINGTON, D. c. J :flfl‘il’g". 111' mm \Vri NEV‘V am. “flan E SUN v ht! cie§ uncom' rfeltnvble. losday and Sat- em‘ls week. e ior catal "i? @6232 Marsh. Siflflï¬ï¬‚g 1t as 51' iculars ALL KINDS 01‘ Ln ,5. anc‘ 1 pm a Full. Ex .5 £16. “.9 nu! and )( OEUC nt, ‘7\V n one of .o. W On the romi thorough Wed 5 $1.00 cash. (Of the ï¬rm of Eckzn‘d agent for the Massey- Snving Machinery, W 3. PREETIGE (Of the ï¬rm of Eckardt & Prentice), agvnt for the Massey-Harris Labor- Snving Machinery, VVnguns, Flows, Sz-ufflH-s, &c.; also the Sawyer & Massey Engines and Thrashers, the Brant/ford \Vind-Mill, and the Up-Loâ€" Date anmitn Fanning Mill. All Masseyâ€"Harris repairs kept by H. A. Niclmlls, Richmond Hill. Business solicited. Anemapr P Builder. - Is is Bheumat 01‘ Sciatica P pain‘iin jnilxl's < After Effects of Grig 11.101 Is successmlly used monthly by over 0‘000 Ladies. Sale, effectual. Ladiesâ€): your druggist- for Cook's Conan Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1. $1 er box ' No. 2. 10 degrees Stronger. $3 per box. 0. l or ,malled on receipt. of price and two Scent stamgg. The Cook Company Windsor Ont. W 03. 1 and 2 Solo and recommended By all reapousibla Druggista in Canada. \V . Sixty Ice Half a4 BinL .9 Cook's Cotton Root Compound . Is successfully used monthly by over - m nm1.adies.Safe.eflectuul.Ladiessak {ecen'r WEEKS? ï¬Ué‘iï¬Ei‘iT HATES. General Banking HORMONE HILL The Next Prepared Only by Fï¬fï¬Ã©v F933 8 Cta per Box 0 you I}. U \V' 3indc1-snnd Mowers Repaired on the shortest notice. (tvy ments a hundred allowed on wrought or cast, iron. Shop opvn everynight until 8.30. \Totice of withdrawal szu'y. All deposits on demand \mG ? the Bust \VUI‘ Hiifliï¬ï¬ Rz'st \ l'( BICHNTOND CRT-JAN IRON PILLS MAKE ivod in Szu‘ings’ nnk Depart, ment and interest allowed at Points for 1 and Na EM? ()f’ Canada Union ville, 32â€"tf clx‘vl Ina: 111* Hands Tremble A. Sflï¬ï¬i m. tal on 13 Pm milder ; mimc 1 RI Sitting Tounty( in the C DEPOSITS M A IRON F. ROWLAND. ion 1’ Have you severe joints or- musolvs?’ GER- ): PILLS are the cure. - ‘mnaasted. nervous DRI OVGl‘t awn Eï¬RVICE SD BLOOD 111' the ‘, Richmond Hill. :1. l't-hm'n bull. Terms of Division Court I" )f York, will be held f-ourt Room, @flEN‘E m tonic P ll‘S ( T. LUDFORD, {ichmnnd Hi“. 3111 lim‘ 531.! HE E?! MAGER, Prop xe principal plows 533300.000 700,000 PiLLS ty of Blood. 1mvl P Gummy "fth ? F001 mm PILLS ma xll at, the Bank. iL-hmond Hill. ngaix‘ed (m EELS, not nec payable 11110“ IRON PILLS ichmoud Hill o greatest iAN IRuN AGENT Blond i389, Hill by