RICHMOND HILL, September 2-0, 1000 Anumher of our citizens Went to Toronto last evening and listened to the addresses delivered in the Massey .Hall by Sir Charles Tupper, Mr. Hugh 'Joim Mucdonzild, Hon. G. ‘ E. Foster and others. MI‘..C-. A. Johnston, who has been ractisiug with Prof. U. B. Little, eterinary Dentist, is starting out, for himself, and purposes putting out his rshingle in a neighboxing village in a. 'day or two. r A beautiful Oxford grey Cheviot aver-coat. with the. best Italian 01' blanket lining, at $15.75. Atkinson & Switzen. The cold snap makes us think of something to protect our hands from the cqld. W'ehnve a new stock of men? walking gloves in lined and un- lined, in kid and mocha, at from 500. {0 $1.75. Atkinson & Switzer. M13. \V. F. Maclezln was again nom- . . mated yesterday as Conservative cun- (hdnte for East, York. Another lot of Indies’ readyâ€"tO-weal‘ hats in the newest culm-s and nattiest shapes at $1.25 each. Atkinson and SWitzor. Men’s coiton small and large with cushioned suit). Atkinson The annual meeting of the ‘V. C. '1" U. will he held at Mrs. Den-y’s next Tuesday evening at. 8 o'clock. Super- tendentsnf the different departments Me \x-Pqnosted to have full reports of the wore done during the year. We are the leaders in men’s head~ gear, carrying nothing but. the best quality and up-[o-dato styles at lowest prices. Atkinson & SwiLzer. A steady farm hzmd can get employ- ment, during the full at Mrs. D. ng- ory’s, Larchmere, Oak Ridges. “'zmt- ed at once. Empty syrup harm-ls fur Naughtun 13105., Elgin Mills. The ladies of the Presbyterian Chm-ch purpose giving asacred con- .nert in the church on the evuning of Thanksgiving Day. Fulthur notice will be given later. Free \ViH Offering Services in 'tho Meth‘cdist church have: boon postpoufli until Sunday, the 7th of October. A fresh supply of Patterson’s chnc- lates, creams and ban lions. Atkinson & Switzer. Splendid range of lace curtains. art muslms. cretonnes, Canton dmpux-ies, etc., at Atkmson & Switzer’s. Friday evening. Sept. 21, League services will he resumed. The subject “Enlisted†will be mmsidered in three bases: 1. Ready for service. 2. he unl-eady. 3. \Vhen He cometh. A solo, “ Let me die at. my Post,†will interspel‘se the talks. All welcome all to all 0f the meeLings. At the last. meeting of the W.M.S. {be following ofï¬cers were elected for .the year 1900-01 : President, Mrs. (Rem) “'ellwood; 11st Vice-Pres., Mis. \V. R. Proctor; 2nd Vice-Pres., Mrs. T. Hopper ; 3rd Vice-Pres., Mrs. J. Mortson ; Recording Sec‘y, Miss Trench ; Cor. Scc’y. Mrs. Switzer; Treasurer, Mrs. I. Crosby; Executive, Mesdames Newton, Elli- ott and \V. A. \Vright. 643$ Em The Full Exhibition 0f the Albion and Bolton Agricultural Snoiotyy will be held on Monday and Tuesday, the is!) and 2nd of October. Mr. W. Mngm- has opened his now cider mill at Boyle’s pond, and is pre- pared to nmke cider every day of the weekâ€"Saturday excepted. Cannot, be surpassed~tlmse full and Winter mlps we are showing at 25c., 50c., 75c. and $1. Atkinson 85 Switzer. All Liberals in the village are re- quested to attend :1. meeting in the 'lemperzmco Hall to-mon-nw (Friday) evening at 8 o’clock. The meeting is called for organization purposes. A pleasant; time w Conservative ionic 01 Miss “'ice, 1\e\vtou urdny evening. altlu greatly interfered wi ings before the close were nicely illuminm hundred people wew Good music was supp! and Malvei-n bands, evening addresses w! and M eveuin Hon. D Maple. an ex 1y of M Rev D 1‘(‘ 1‘11 ilclezm. -M.P. 1" IJ()(7 AL‘HJ‘PI‘». in t1 CONSERV ATI VI hair Mill .‘v. \V M. P \\‘ FOR SEPT. 21. fared with the close. illuminated ple wex-v in ms supplied 1 bands, an .S “Ware WANTED 111d lll \V. M. S. Ll] fleeced underwear, Slzos. nicely ï¬nished, neckbzmd, & Switzer. Ml was spent, at the :on the grounds of u Brook. lastSeLtâ€" though the rain with the proceed- osv. The grounds m a 3d bv pl PICNIC mi Uuunci form V unex-ly a t mmmce. horuhill ting the ered bv $1 per John Moyes [101' couple of ft‘â€(l\\'$ inhnnthev rig going 'the sum:- wny. Mr. Schmidt was re- turning home from iht.‘ picnic at New- tnn Brook in el‘ single rig when he I heard a )urty driving behind him on 'Yonge k‘truet at n furious rate. He kept his horse at; neur to the ditch as possible, but the evening being very dark the men comingr behind run into him, upsetting his bug y and throw- ing him into theditcï¬. The rig was only slighth damaged and Mr.Schmidt received several bruises, but none of a. serious nature. Naturally his horse run away, and overtaking a. couple of fellows on Morgan‘s hill ran into them and smashed their buggy badly after thrnwing them into the ditch. The party that was the cause of all the The Junior Epwm-[h League will re- sume their exercises. after the holi- days, on Frider afternoon of this Week. Ofï¬cers for the year will he elvcted and therefore all the members should We are now showing a splendid range of English flannplettes in pink and grey, pink and blux-1 and blue and ‘gx-ey Snipes. Atkinspn & Switzer. be present Mr. H Impire shaking Slllt 0f after spending three weeks with his friends at Richmond Hill and King City. Mr. \V. T. Storey jr. who completed his three years at, THE LIBERAL office a. couple of weeks ago started to-day for Beamsville where he has taken at position as cmnpositor and local re- porter for the Beamsville Express. Time to think of putting up yem‘ stoves, therefore you will need oilcloth to gm underneath. See the range. we are showing: 1 yard wide Canadian clnth, 251:. per yard ; 1 yard Wide Eng« lish cloth, 40c. per yard ; 1% yard wide English cloth, (50c. per- yard; Zyax'd wide English cloth, 750. per yard; 2 yard wide Canadian cloth, 55¢. per yard, all running widths. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. \V. H. Pugsley is attending the Newmarket Fair to-day, and is “judge on cattle. Master anrence Brown starts to- day with Mesa-s. Hunter, Rose 85 Co. to learn the printing business. Mrs. Michael Sheppard, accowpanied by herdnnghter, Mrs. \Vm. Holmes, both of Toronto. spent Saturday after- noon at Mr. David Boyle’s. Mr. Clarence Snider of Rochester, N. Y., retw-nod‘hmue 0n_ Siding-flay Pte Vickers. who was wounded in South Africa, and returned to his homein Toronto recently, came up last Saturday and called on his aunt, Mrs. Charles Cooper. Mr. F. R. James, formerly of New- ton Brook, and now of London, Eng.. who is spending a few weeks on this side of the ocean, was in the village yesterday with his uncle, Mr. David James, and gave THE LIBERAL a friendly call. Miss Mabel Lloyd of Aurora spent last Friday with Mrs. \Vurx-en Hewi- son. Mr. “7. Mchgue, a clerk in the T0- mntn Post Ofï¬ce, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. \V. A. “'right. BAKERâ€"CHATTERLEY â€"0n Wednesdav. Sept 19. at the residence obtbe bridefs father. by the Rev. F.Ellmtb,NabhurnielBakar, to Minnie. eldest daughter of Mr. W. Chatterley, of Thornhill. Out. MmNâ€"At the home or her grandson, Repre- sentuti 7e W A. 'Mmrn. Melvin, Minnesota. on Sept. ‘7. Mrs. Catharine Mairu. formerly or ï¬lm: and Gurmley, aged 83 years. The Council met at Vellore on Tues- day, Sept. 11, at, 1 p. In. The reeve in the chair. Members present: Messrs. Kirby, Watson and leU(:)'. Mitfutes of last meeting read and conï¬rmed. l\[:Llloyâ€"“’atsonâ€"that the treasurer pay the following road accounts : E. \V.Lawreuce, freight, et-c . . . .$12 05 R. Rumble, unloading car . . . . . . 4 .30 Henry Marsh, plank . . i . . . . . . . . . 10 09 King township, sewer pipe, etc. 5 48 J. ‘Ventherill. operating grader. 3 75 Alex. Black, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 H. Ellis, operating grader . . . . . . 3 75 S. McDonald, for work, etc . . . . . 15 37 J. L. Card, for work, etc . . . . . . . . 94 77 and smashed theirlmggy badly after throwing thvm into the ditch. The party that was the cause of all the trouble never stopped to enquire as to M)". Schmidt’s injurxes, and are yet unknown. Manny pa y H. L cultural M X harvest h n with St 5 held on :Neil. Yello {Hing Mt nt Vaughan Council l Soc'iety, $25.â€"C;117i-ie(1. V uv_ No. 719 yas then_passed ap‘ . B. Schmidt, proprietor of the Mills, Newton Brook, got a. up Saluuduy evening, the re fust‘ driving on the-part, of IL ~t' fvilmvs in another rig going e way. Mr. Schmidt- was re- lmme from iht.‘ picnic at New- mk in el‘ single rig when he )urby driving behind him on L‘truet at n furious rate. He i hUl'Sl‘ as near to the ditch as 104 PERSONALS. DOUBLE ACCIDENT. ll) ~Carried. â€"Kirhyâ€"th:1t the treasurer Y “reightun, for Vaughan Agri- MCN MARRIAG- 1r DEATHS n uuf Maple Ill DI‘kK journed until Tues- 10 a. m. ' festiv 111’s S: festival in conne 11’s Sabhath Scho grounds of Mr. _. 1 Wednesday eve ‘xco. P. Legge mid collectors of taxes SL II 1e I‘I 'I} rumen )Iied b omas of H( crowd amounts II ufd n K “ Hi we an while driving to Toronto last. Frif morning. At, Bracondule their hor became frightened at an electric c and began to hack. breakng 1 tongueufthe wagon. As they w going down hill at the time there danger of the horses running aw but, Mr. Thomas mnnnged to U them tn one side. The wagon was set. and both he and Mrs. Thomas were thrown (rut/into a ditch full 0‘1 mud and water. Fortunately thy re- ceived no other injuries than a few scratchvs and bruises and (1. bad shak- ingug._ ._ .‘_ . .. 7&5 ‘Mr. Frank Manning was driving from Hope on Sunday evening his horse gut, frightenetl and broke away from the buggy, dragging him 0’er the dashboard. Hennd his cmnpaniou escapod without serious injury. The horse was caught, at, Maple. Mrs. T. Dilwm-th of Toronto, visited cvor Sunday at Mr. R. Rumble‘s. Mrs. \V. Richardson of Toronto, was calling on fx'iends here one day last week. from horse from the d (CONTINUED FROM FIRST PAGE) classes of producers as well as the con- sumers by granting a preference to BriLish goods. He quoted from Mr. Chamberlain and other authorities to show the fallacy of Sir Charles I‘up- per’s contention that Britain was pre' pared to give us a preference in her markets in return. THE PROHIBITION QUESTION. The speaker took up the prohibition question. He had, he said, fought for prohibition for many years. Person- ally he believed it would bea grand thing for Canada. The Liberals had promised a plebiscite of the Dominion, but had never promised prohibition unless the plebiscite justified it. He had had high hopes of the result of that vote; he had gone about the country advocating prohibition, and the result of the vote had been a very great disappointment to him, as well as to all sincere, prohibitionists. A small vote was puller, divided almost equally. It would not have been right for a Government to introduce a. pro- hibitory measure on such a showing, Miss Gvrtiv Stewzu-t of Eglinton, is spending the week here- with friends. At, the Epwm‘tl) League on Monday evening an interesting addless on the “Si 'nsxif the Times,†was given by Dr. acksnn, late of Bella Bella, B.O. SATURDAY. Sept.22â€"Credib sale of horses and vehicles. as the Pine Giove Mills, the prov- an" of Hicks Bros. Sula at 1 o'clock. Terms 12 munths, Suigeou & McEwen. aucts. WEDNESDAY. Sept. L’sâ€"Oredib sale of farm stock Am. on lot 16. con. 6. Markham. the property of Ambrose Heisev. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 12 morths. Ecknrdt‘ti'. Prentice, auc. tiunuers. Tuonsmsr. Sepc.27â€"Auction sale of furniture mu. at. 'I'hornhill,the property of Mrs. A. E. Lindsey. Sale at. 1.30. Terms cash. mugmm & McEwen, mums. FRIDAY. hupt. iiiâ€"Credit, blue 01 farm stock. im» plameuts. chm, on lot 1, 2nd con. King. the propurw of Richard Thomas. No reserve i Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 12 months. Stokes ‘é‘e “lung-Ll. auctioneers. TUESDAY. ()cu. zâ€"Urudit sale of farm stock, 4m- pluuieuts, furniture. emu, on lot 27, 0011.4, Scni'boro, the prnperty of Thus. Keats. Sale at, 1 u’cmck. Also the farm of 12; acres‘ Terms for chattels 12 months; fur farm Junie kuuwn on day of sale. Eckurdt & Prentice, auctioneers. WEDNEHDAY. 70cm. 10 â€"Auctinn sale of farm stock,‘etm, on lot 3. and no Parliament would have sup- ported 1t. The proof of this lay in the fact that, immediately after the vote, many prohibitionists declared that prohibition was impossible. and it was only some time after that the agita- tion again arose. A Government would have been recreant in its duty to the country and to the temperance people themselves if it had attempted to pass a law which there was no hope of enforcing. He, personally, repre- sented a. strong temperance constitu- ency, and he was prepared to face his constituents on this-issue without fear of the result. He was frequently cheered as he made point after point during the hour and a. quarter which his address consumed in delivery. Mr. N. \V. Rowell, who was intro- duced as the young giant that was to redeem East York, made a brief ad- dress, congratulating the Liberals of \Vest York upon the. encouraging prospects, and was followed by Dr. Spence and Mr. Hugh MacMath. Made In: erlnl 01 Co. In every and vi 5 mav he the wagon. As they we1e rn hill at the time there was ‘ the horses running away, Thomas managed to turn Sale Register. In every town and village may be had, ed at an electric back. breaking ngon. As they at the time them iLUEfl L Tht; “:Ejgun 3'38 up- IBSON pa i n t ncm-d zu-chi he Eclectric Oil, 2 bottles for 25c Carter’s Pills, 2 bottles‘for 25c Chase's Pills, 2 bottles‘for $6 Dodd’s Kidney Pills, 300 Williams‘ Pink Pills. 35c.. 3 for 31 Ch ase’s Cutm-rah Cure. 15c Agnew's Caturmh Cure, 40c Chase’s Ointment, 400 Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25c Beef,1ron and. Wine, 50(- Paine's Celery Compound, 67c Hood's Smrsnpm‘iiln. (37c Aver's H'xir Vigour. 65c Luby's Hair Renewer. 40c Steven Champions Lin'm ent forRhsumatism, ‘25 PURE DRUGS \VHOLBSALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO « ~ ‘ "Opp. W WE GGY DUS {URIN G PR wwwwwwgt 3“. CLJARK, Rielmnond 113312. ; terms 0: payment. Samples always on hand. 010811ng up I“ . This Week 1.. www P‘ Dress Fabrics Dress Silks Dress Trimmings Tweeds ATKINSON Dress Linings Pantin gs Overcoatings VVorsteds All made by the best foreign manufacturers and bought at such close ï¬gures that we will be able to give you the best quality of goods at the closest possible margin. the UL ;s '1 rlmmings Cotths eds Gloves steds Hosiery ,ings Handkerchiefs 'coatings Notions Tailors’ Trimmings Linoleums Oilcloths Cart Several cases of Dry Goods including C. D. DANIEL & CO. Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle. AND PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT RATE PRICES. AND I‘I Lace Curtains Fiannelettes Table Linens Fellow's Syrup Hypophosphites. $1 Burdock Blood Bitters, 650 Hesse’s Poultry Panama. 300. Red Clover Compound. 650 Lactnpepliae. 750 Fly Poison Pads. 3 for 50 Sticky Flv Paper, 4 sheetsq'or 50. Fpsom Salts, 3c 1b.. 9 lbs. for»'25c Sluiphun 3c. 1b.,91bs. for 25¢. Conditinn Powders, all kinds Your nwn Receipts made up Qayefully from; pure drugs Halpins’Englisï¬ Kendall's Spaviu Canadian Water- 352w PIANO, SWITZER. Eï¬Ã©â€˜Ã©ï¬‚ MABHINE E») 1111414 5‘ YOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE arpets Goalici'nu Powder. 25c Cure, 750 ‘ white com 011. 180 a. gal 1t right price uaI-autee Egï¬OP ll] and othe Opp. Clyde Hotel u pplit