_ «gar 5 i is, s .4â€. n i is sit gum oi. chnrtoxn HILL, Supinmlwr 27. lfllill I; (bél 5.345%. Thursday. ()::t. is; will be Thanks- giving llay. Naughton Bros, l‘ligin Mills. Millirrery operringat )ir's..\l.lhown'=. Thornlrill. on Oct. :5 and 3, and follow- ing days. See adv. on another page. 16 ounce ll (‘otton (‘rrairr Rags, a 'dozen ; iiglrtrr weight. full size‘ bag, $1.75 a doz. Atkinson tk' Switzm. Mr. \V. ll. l’roctor has purchased a livery business in the town of liarrie. Mr. Proctor will take possession in about a week, but. his family will probâ€" ably remain in their home here. rrtrtil spring. 10-4 cotton blankets $1 pair; ll~~l cotton blankets $1.23 pair; ll»-l cotton blankets, heavier weight, $1.95 parr', grey or white. Atkins-on iv Switzrr. The entertainment given in the Mrl~ sonic “all (in Tuesday evening by a Toronto concert company was poorly attended. Had the artists who took part in the progranrrrre been properly at] 'ertised they should have drawn a the] house. Mrs. J. Shun-r of {i‘hornhiil wiii lrrue a nriliirrl-ry opening on \Vcdrres- (lay of Next Week and following: days. See anrrlunrcernent. elsmvhere in this paper. Specialâ€"Men and boys' lleeccd lincd shirts and drawrrs, boys‘ tweed suits. men's tweed suits. Udd coats and pants. Nauglrtorr Bros. .l‘llgin Mills. Mrs. Garvin, widow of the late John Calvin of Toronto. and mother of I". \V. Garvin, formerly of this place. died suddenly in Brrmklyn, Ne v York, on Monday. lkcrrrst d was in her 61st year. __ ,__,1. Smoothing entirely new in iadies’ ready to wear hats. all the new shades at. $1.25 each. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr Jas. McKenzie, who spent sever- al weeks rn Dr. Langstai‘f‘s hospital after his leg was amputated. was able to return to his home in Toronto the latter part of the Week. DO not. fail to see the display of tnil- liner-y at the (‘orrcrete on 'l‘lrursday, Friday and Saturday of next week. Atkinson (‘v’ Switzer. Mr. Lynn. traveller for the. Book Supply't‘ornpany, bi ought up his sam- ‘ples Monday evening. and met. the Purchasing Committee of the Public Library Board. Books to the value of over $50 were selected, making about $100 worth purchased this year. Our dress goods section is complete with a beautiful line. of lrourespurrs, zibelines. crepons, cashmcres. tweeds, 'cheviots. etc. Atkinson (l: Switzer. Mr. Joseph Hall has received a fresh supply of Herbageurn and reports from farmers and livery men provingr that its small feeds costing only one cent a day for grown animals and its most wonderful efficiency make it the most profitable spice preparation they ever used for colts, horses. cows, and sick porrltry, and for quickly raising and fattening calves, heeves, lambs, pigs and poultry, and increase of eggs .and milk. \Vith chopped grain it is cheaper than oil cake without Her- bageum. It. increases thewflow of milk one-fifth. Vanilla. and lemon drops, cottage mixed, Cuba and Java biscuits at 10p. per 1b.; jelly wafers, 2 lbs. for 250. Atkinson 8.: Switzer. THE STARS NEW’ OFFICE. ‘ The Toronto Star announces the re~ moval of its business office to one. of the most prorrrirrent business locations in the city, the corner of Yorrge and Adelaide streets. TheStar thus gets upon the main thoroughfare of the, city. Tire move is another step in the progress the paper is making in all diâ€" rections. B'g range of English and Canadian oilcloths, lyard, 1} yard and 2 yard wide at. 25, 36, 50 and 75c., running widths. Atkinson 6: Switzer. IN HER Zl’l‘H YEAR. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Garbutt have the sincere sympathy of our citizens in the loss of" their daughter Edith at. the age of 23 years. Deceased came home from the city about six weeks ago and Waited on her brother who had contracted typhoid fever. About three weeks afterwards she was M51: attacked with the same disease and' succumbed Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Garbutt. have buried tour daughâ€" ters in Richmond liill,andt\vo in Eng- land before coming here. Remember our rrrillinery opening on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week will be of special interest to the ladies of (ill) community. Atkin- son & Switzrr. Col“ "I Oll‘lt‘iil 5‘. At the ar. ‘;:l Convention of the York Counh \X 2‘. 'l‘. l'. held at l{cs« wick, the elr -:r or t liit-ers resuhcd r as follows: [on l‘res Mrs. l‘otly. Newrrrarket' “e4†.\lrs. t‘. Ii. tare. Newnrarkrt ' Vii-e-l‘resu Mrs. ll. l‘i. Irwin. \Yest. ..: t'or‘. \‘ec‘y, Miss 11.“. \Viley. llicl . r: all llrll: lice. Soc'y Mrs. Mct‘oll .h. i'iasl Toronto : 'l‘rt as. Mrs. Abbot: 'l‘t rorr:o Junction. Mrs. Switzcr was rpl oiuted Supt. of Social. ' l'urity and . . 3:. Derry of Narcotics. t l).‘.l RY T(,)\\'N. Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Baker, 2nd con. .‘vl‘rrkharn. wiro returned from thrirhoneymoon a few days before. were sorr-rradrd by their friends on MondayHerring. The company was Ifl‘llrltidlltll‘ll by t'apt. ('trsgrove, assist-i t'orporal Jones. the explosives ‘ bi-inu‘ ;ri;:na_'-;cd by Gunner t'liit. Thor ell S“|l'l|.lllt‘l> were agreeably entertain- ed and won treated to cider and other" , 1"‘ll't':~lilllt‘lll.\’. Mr. Fred Lynctt acting r r v 1as tap manipulator. Empty syrup barrels for sale at. lSaturday is the young},r rrren‘s day in r the furnishing,r dcpartrrrerrt of our . store: come and see the pretty designs in ni-cluvear- on display Saturday. Atkinson N Switzer. AT 3|th t‘lll‘lit‘ll. The anniversary held at Zion Church. Markham township. on Sunday and Monday. was very successful. Large (:orrgrcgaliorra :rll<~lltli'(l the services on Sunday. win-u good sermons were prt-acln-d by Her. lit-o. Brown of To- rorrto. The clurrclr was again packed on Monday evvnirrgr when an excellent tea was served. .\rr interesting" pro- granrnn- followed the tea, the pastor. l,\'(*\‘. l“. (l. Kearn, presidirur. The rrrusicaland literary parts were 'it'll Sllslaint-d. and the prof-rods amounted to .53.). “’c bought. our underwear early this scrtsolr and secured all the ad- \‘anl. ,{cs of tire market. therefore we are selling a good tight ileeced shirt. and drawers, all sizes, at $1 astrit. A t,- kinsorr (\7 Switzer. Ji‘) ‘Jll Lillltl'CiJ. 'l‘oâ€"rrrorr'ow after noon at the Junior Epworrh League. the members will sign their names in the Setretary‘s book as a renewal of their pledge. A short talk will also be givcrr on Tire Pledge. Last week the following oiliâ€" cers were elected :â€"Presiderrt.. Frank rlicllonald: 1st. Vice-Pres. Myrtle Saiâ€" georr hid Viceâ€"Pres†Harold Johnson: 0. Sr’c.. Starr McMahon: Corn-Sec†Kari Store-y; Treas., Hazel Switzer: Guard. Percy l’lili; Organist, ldenevievc llar- rrs. Clli ‘liET PRACTICE. A cricket match betwaen the marriâ€" ed and the single. men ofthe village had been arranged for Saturday after-- noon, but when time was called only seven ofthe former could he got. toâ€" gether. The benedicts went to bat. first. and four of the. players had the prh ilcge of repeating their innings to make up for the absent players. Tire bachelors won by a score of 80 to 29. Double ï¬gures were reached by J. P. (ilass for the married men, and by 11. ~Glovcr and F. J. Johnston for the single men. the first making 18 runs, the last tvm 2} each. if you :m-c anticipating buying a new fall Derby, you should see the range We. are showing in English and Ameri- can shapes at, :52 and $2.25. Atkinson It. Switzer. YOUNGâ€"MARSH. A very pleasing event took place yesterday afternoon at the home of Mr. Scott McNair, when Mr. George \V. Young of Gamebrrdge, and Miss Annie E. Marsh, sister of Mrs. McNair, were married. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. A. Grant. in the presence of seventy invited guests. At four o’clock to the strains of the wedding march the bridal party enter- ed the drawing room. The groom was supported by his cousin, Mr. A. Kelly of Beaver-ton. The bride, leaning on the arm of Mr. McNair, looked charm- ing in white organdie over white satin, with Veil daintily caught up with snrilax, and carrying a shower bouquet of bridal roses. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Maud Marsh, who was tastefully dressed in pale green organdie, who also carried ashower bouquet of pink roses. Little Alice llIcNair, niece of the bride, acting as flower girl, looked very fairy-like in white muslin and lace. After the ceremony the guests sat. down to a most sumptuous repast. Ample just- ice having been done by all to the abundance of good things provided by the. genial host and hostess, the health of the newly-married couple was pro- posed by Mr. Grant and enthusiasti- cally responded to. The many beauti- ful and useful presents testiï¬ed to the esteem in which the bride was held. HARVEST “HOME. A very successful Harvest Home Festival in connection with the Carr ville Methodist Church was held on “'ednesday evening, 19th inst. After all expenses were paid the sum of $96.80 was cleared. A splendid dinner of cold fowl and other delicacies was served in the shed, after which a musical and literacy program was given in the church, which was taste- fully decorated for the occasion. The chair was occupied by the pastor. Rev. S. \V. Dean. The first number on the. praograrn. after the. opening exercises, was a chorus, "TheOld Brigade,†by the Male Chorus Club of Hope. The choir of that place also sang several choruses. Mrs. F. H. Grinch sangr " \Ve'll Fight forthe ()ld British Flag," and “ The Holy City,†with good eti’evt. Minster," were sung by Miss tier-tie Hit-wart of Eglinton, who was: well re~ ‘ ceived and encored. Mr. Geo. Stevenâ€" son of Newton Brook. gave the solo. " The Old House at Home," in a pleasâ€" ; rg manner. Mr. and Miss Stevvnson s tug the duct. “ The Shadow Time." \'\'e Meet Agairr.’ The chr-utit‘nisx ‘ of tire evening were Miss lrcra- lmrre r'lhornhill, Miss Nellie Land-bell of 3' rple, and Miss Lucy llearuan of L'onnortl. Short addresses \verr- gin-u by liev. J. A. Grant and Rev. ll. 8. Large of Richmond Hill. The pro-l ceedlngs were brought to a rinse bvl the singing of the Natirual Anthem. .;.tl ‘\ rr-c- l’r-r=.. Emma Sisley; {etuâ€" _ the horse hard and to my enti showed any more lamenws tlrroueh the whore summer. excellent but as u sure remedy to an} out- I ‘ concem.' Yourstruly, ' sum-a. TRITTEN. “ Little Black-Me." and “ \Vitlrin the r an. '. > -' MAJUK‘S Nl£\\' liliAll STORIES. The latest work of the author of “ \\'lren Kiriglllluaul was in l’lower " has been secured by The Ladies- Home Journal. As would be expected it. has ‘ to do with advcrrturc-- the expericrrces of some frontier children. There is a childish r'orrrancc woven into the I stories. and they will have a keen nr-' Icrest for boys as well as for their eld- ers. l'ndcr the heading of “Blue‘ River licar Stories " .\ir. Major‘s serial ‘ will begin in the October Journal. \Ve are showing some beautiful patâ€" terns irr ‘jrrtrlislr (‘r-crorrrres. rn rrclr ,eolorirrg‘s, at ill and llic. Atkinson .v. ‘ Switzer. iERsorT'Aâ€"ijs.‘ Mrs. King of Detroit, spent Monday afternoon with Mr. \V. llarrisorr. Miss. lda Saigoon of 'l‘orontO. is spending a few days with her brother. l‘alt'. J. 'l‘. Haigerrli. Mrs. John \Vr‘llianrs of Jackson's Point. is rrrakinp; a visit with her daughter. Mrs. \\'. llowison. Mr. Jas. A. \Vright returned on Sat- urday after spending: the \Vr‘t'lC at. 0t< tawa visiting his brother. Mrs Mackie of Atlantic City. and Mrs. Hoff and two children of York, l‘enn., are visiting; at. Mrs. Sterling‘s. Miss l‘l. llarker and Mr. M. Barker returned on Monday after spending a week visiting friends at Altona and Stoulfvillc. Mrs. l’rittie, Mrs. Scllcrs and Mrs. Fleming, all of Toronto, spent \\'cd- nesday afternoon (1‘ last week with Mrs. A. Schell. {HR} us. ST. .toi'x 7.\t lllt Dunn Ave . l‘nrlolnlo, orr Surr om . heg't. 2.5, rim “do: of J. W. 5:. Join, of a 5011. MARK?! AG Es . L-rrm As. At trm I‘at‘sonagje. ti"l'l!‘rOilll Hill, by] ~. ‘\\(‘¢ll\\ood. on .\lo:n£c.v, Sept. 21, Mr. ’l'lrourvrs Seed of Vaughan township, to Miss C.1j..rsholr\rinru~su ta. BE ITS-'35 Mel‘an up in 't’rrinnvrlie on 2', \\'r}narrr .\1r;llorrir.vr.rnlri . . .r'. G.\r:rru’r'r ~frr lirelurrond llrli, on Srrnmry, Supt. 2M, Edith tiarbutt, rr,;cd :2; yours, a months, 11 ways, Emmi â€" rt Dollar, Ilr'd con, Markham. on Slur. dag. Sept. 21%. Joseph lulsnrr, rn lrrs>73rd year. Intur’rrrcrrt a. 'l‘r‘orulrid ('terctel'y \\ edncmil)’, S. pt. rlr. MUNKM. t Aï¬udrlenly. at Heudford, on Monday, Sent. l. lx‘osurruu Keller, beloved who of Geo. irlorrkra rrr,‘ At a. rrreetirrg of the Presbyterian eon'n'egations held in the church at Maple on Monday last. it was decided to extend a call to Rev. Mr. Back of Ottawa l,’resbyter;v, to be their pastor. The Male Chorus Club of Hope passâ€" ed through here on Monday evening on their way to Dollar. to take part. in the Harvest Home Festival in connec- tion with the Methodist Church of that place, Miss Ella Anderson of Brarcebridge, was the gut-st of Mrs. T. Cousins last week. Mr. H. Ros'e. llrs. J. Rose, and Mrs. Gibb of ilarrrilton, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rose last Week. Mrs. (Dru) l‘easdale of London. was the guest of Mrs. 1.. Richardson on \V'cdncsday last. Death has entered two of our homes this week. On Sunday morning Mr. .los. Bit-Cormack, father of Mr. Thos. McCorrnack and Mrs. T. Cousins, was, after a long and lingering illness, callâ€" ed away at the ripe old agent 82years. He was a native of Tyrone Co., lre- land, and had lived in the village for all who knew him. The other death was at the. home of Mr. Thos. Oliver on Tuesday morning, when his youngest child Maurice, a bright and lovely child, was, after a very painful illness, called away. The parents have the sympathy of the neighborhood. ‘ Hm, .. . Spavins,Ringbones,Splints Curbs, and All Forms of Lameness Yield to liEDAll’S swung; . . i I" ’ _ r. , ‘ ‘ . R9» ' »~‘ ‘4‘ Works thousands of euros annually. Endorsed by the best breeders and lrorscrrren evcr'v‘r‘rfc. l‘rree, $1: at: for $5. As a “moment for farrrrly use rt has no con “'23: Lamb, Ontario. Can, lice. H, 1398. DR. 13. J. KENDALL (1o. Dear Sirs:vA yenrmgot Ind a valuable “arse which got. lame. I took him to tuc \'cteri v.“ a- con w‘r) pronounced it "(-(‘ult Hl-In'ln and Ka‘ I I although he applied a sharp blister. ’l l. r.-" o mart.»- s only worse and Llle rim-so became so lame. trruc rt. (‘onirl not stand up. At‘ttr tr 'lllt! c ' went to a neighbor 4 me one of your boo . ins: resolved to do l. utmost in lfl‘VWI't to the nearest drug: store and onto. bolt Cure and applied it .mictly fll'CUI'tll : \ . tore the first bottle \ms n .ul 1 noti a, and when the .“L‘\'(‘erh b rttlo rem arm! lwif owl , my r horse was completely can-.1 n -rrrc l2 tic hot ‘ rum; rat-out rd mi r . my power I ' * Hear: 1‘. ' and t a. lair irrrproverrre'. v blemish on him. After w- » , 0 horse good care and did .s u lr ‘rt w v k , . ing to see it itlrnd effected . llht‘lr st. r. at ‘o. _ rtisfrrctioir he no“: I can recommend Kendall's Spavin (‘ure n rt _\ as an .t itmay Ask your druggist tor- Kcndnll’s Rpmâ€"1n Cure. also “A Treatise on the Horse,†the book free, or addreul vfll. B. l. KENDALL COMPANY, ENDSBURG FALLS, VT. FoR sins. ï¬chmond Hill 7 1 House and L t opposite tin.- High School on >Cllti,1‘019 and shafts, e Nets, complete. Her-e 1’.- .r' w-rs. <urciu;l9<,e:c. mm] in iv: ~i'll7iL‘lt: (tr: rklil' ofdr-u: lg-tf A" ..y “es; 2:; 4-. 1’ 1 or“ Opening Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 4th, 5th and 6th. l in.er This department, under the management of MISS E. A. SVVITZE R, Will make a special ‘ display of Pattern Hats and Bonnets on the , above dates. \\’e aim to surpass all former efforts and make this the best display we have ever shown. A cordial invitation is extend- to the ladies of Richmond Hill and vicinity to visit our show rooms. ATKINSON ‘ ANE enmi- Dams «WWW av Eclectric Oil,€ bottles for 25¢ Pills, 2 bottles for 25c Chase's r‘rlls. 2 bottles for 256 Dod‘r’s Kidney Pills, 300 \Villiams‘ Pink Pills, 35c., 25 for $1 - itarr‘ah Cure, 150 Agnew’s Cutun‘ah Cure, 400 Chase's Ointment}, 400 Perfect Eczema. Ointment. 2'50 Beetlron and Wine, 50c Pairrs's Celery Compound, 67c over 40 years, and was respected by Hood's snsmmrrlln. (37c Aver's Hair Vigour‘. 65c: L'lby's rlirir Renewor, 40c Snaven Champions Liniu cut. for‘Rircumutism, 2.3 Carter Cl‘aso’s AND PATENT MEDICINES AT CU‘I‘ RATE PRICES. Fellow's Svrup Hypophosphicos. $1 Murdock Blood Bitters, 650 Hesse's Poultry Panacca. 300. 1:; ! Clover Compound. G36 Lactopepliaa, 750 Flv Poison Pads, 3 for Se Sticky Flv Paper. 4 sheets for Sc. Epsom Salts. :50 lb., {I lbs. for 25c Sulphur, 1%. ll).. 9 lbs. for 25¢. (lo‘rditif‘n Powders, all kinds Your own Roccipts made up rlrl‘eFullv from pure drugs Halpins’ English Condition Powder, 25K: Kou’lalr's Soavia Cure. 75c Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle. C. D. DANIEL 86 CO. wuoLEsALE A‘ND RETAIL Dnvuols'rrs. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO ‘ - 0R lï¬ichlnond {iii}. Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. vâ€...â€" Rttï¬taroyr) 11111;}. streams - slice Is the place to go for first-class harness at right prices. Good Stock, Good \Vork and Satisfaction guaranteed. .3? J- H Sanderson. V- S, ra‘oov DUSTERS, rtyr‘c'rs, Titt'NKS, VALISES, and other supplies al- and Mrs. Cook and Mrs. Moot†" Till ' ways in stock. ALSO At} EXT FUR The Scotsrrrarr. Sterrrs. 1‘: .v I), and (‘olurrrhia Bicycles. at from $35.00 to 55.3.00. All fully guaranteed. REPAIR NC PROM PTLY ATTENDED T0, GEO. )IcDOI' Canadian \Vatcrâ€"wlrite coal oil, [so a. gal Opp. Clyde Hotel 'IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN. SElllllG MABHINE CALL ON OR YVRITE