Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1900, p. 5

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A “.479”; ., -' eta militia . Ifmv Ricunoxo Ilii.l., October 4, teen 141))(3‘ Amidst}. The firm of \‘i'. Trellcil 6; Son has a neat display of wagons at Markhalrr Fair this week. Ladies" readyâ€"toâ€"wear hats ilr all the new shapes aird colors at Atkinson iv Switzci's. Mr. E. ll; Harris, a foil-liner lrot’el-‘ keeper at \Vln-(llrl'itlge, died suddenly at Barrie on Sunday morning. Millincry opening on 'l‘hnrsdily. I’ll- day and Saturday of this week at Al- kinson iv Switzer‘s. Division ('onrt will be held here to- morrow, lt‘riday. There will be quite a large number of defended cases. 777 r V I 7 ‘ Iv The townspeople last Thursday alter «1 o‘clock defeated the lligh School baseball team by a score of 31 to 10. 64 floor oiloloth in nice coloiirigs and patternsat .‘ii'iand 73c. per yard, running width. Atkinson i\' Switzer. Court of Revision for Vaughan Voters‘ Lists will be held at. 3. aplr on Monday, 239th ilrst.. and at. Pine Grove the following (lay. See adv. Everything new arid novel at our lililiinely opening on 'l‘lillrsday. Fri~ day and Saturday of this week. At.- kilison «k Switzer. The. vital statistics for Vaughan, as registered at (,‘lerk McLean‘s oliice at Maple, for the month of September. is .13 births. 1 marriage. 11) deaths. A reception will be given to (lapt. Toni \Vallace, son of Ilolr. N. t‘. “'allace. ilr \‘i’oodbridge this after~ noon. t‘apt. \Vallace hasjust rctnllr~ ed trout South Africa where he went with the tirst (‘anadialr contingent. Mr. \Valtcr llislon has returned from a visit to the North Vt'est. and was so well pleased w ith that. country that lie took up a quarter section of land ill Swan Valley. The family will remove to their new liorile in March. . .. ._ _.. , 33 inch English shaker flannel. in pink and white, blue and white. and lawn and white stripe, at 12y; per yo. Atkinson k Swit Zer. A prorrririent citizen of Newmarkct, who was in the village a few days ago, said that the Metropolitan \Vaiting» Room in that town had been swept but once during the past year. lie was told he should not complain as that. wa's once ofterrer thali the \‘v'ait- ing Room liere. Hon. A. M. Ross. Clerk of tile (‘oun- t-y Court of York, formerly Provincial Treasurer, died on Saturday after an illness of several months. Some of the city papers speak of Mr. John Richardson, M.l’.l“. for East York, as a probable successin'. Remember our inillinerv openinf.r will be of special interest to the ladies tllis season. Thursday, Friday and Saturdayof this week. Atkinson iv Switzer. The (‘hristmas Globe has been for years one of the most popular holiday. numbers ill Canada. Last year thous- ands of people were disappointed be» cause their orders which were handed in late could not be filled. If you leave your Order at T1115 LIBERAL office during the next ten days. you will he sure to get a Copy. Price, in cents. JEFFERSON. Mr. Harry Leggc of this place is re- moving his present frame house a few rods north of its former foundation, arid is building a red brick residence with all the modern improvements. Messrs. L. limes & Sons have the coil» liact. for building tllis structure. which, when completed, will be one of the finest ill this section of country. Our own special blend of coffee, ground fresh while you wait, at 20c. per lb. ; our own baking powder, 15c. er lb. tin; our own blend of tea ill lilac packages at 30c. per lb. Atkin~ son it Switzer. LARGE ONION. Mr. Geo. “'oods of Carrville, Iread miller ill (‘ook‘s tloru mill, seems to understand not only how to make good flour, but to grow large onions. A few days ago a friend brought ill a line specimen from Mr. \Voods‘ gar- den, grown from seed.which irreasaies 15 inches in circumference, and weighs just 15 lbs. THANK OFFERING. On Sunday next, as previously anâ€" nounced, the friends of the Methodist Church purpose holding their Amri- versary andumliual 'l‘hank (lll‘el'ing. Rev. S. D. Cirown, I). 1)., President of the Toronto t‘onfcrence. will preach morningand melting. arid doubtless large congregations will be present to hear this element gentlclrlan. Just reccise a special line. of oil blinds, $0111-‘ .11 plain colors without trimming. some with lace. some. with fringe, some with lace and insertion at 40, 55 and 7.34:. Atki'lsm it Switzer. PATT EI'lSON. A Pumpkin Pie Social will be held over the t'oi-lrcr otlice at Patterson‘s works on b‘r'tlay evening.r of this: week. 1 Tea will he served fl cm 6 tub“ o‘clock, ,l after which a choice progralrune will ' be. given. A charge of 1.3 cents will be made. for adults. and 10 cents for chil- ' (11:81]. All are cordially invited. l Tile topic for Roll (‘all Service at I“p\‘.'oi-ill League next Friday evening is " liich toward (halfâ€"St. Luke xii.. 1321. All who attend will henlade welcome. ruin-2r: FIRST Palm-2s. Dr. I“. .1. (.‘allanouglr, V. S., is likely to be a silem-ssl‘nl competitor in the show ring this fall. At Newnlarket l';:|l‘ he seemed three first prizes as lollo\\'s'~llest gentleman’s roadster, ‘ prize: best gentleman's turnout. prize, . : single. roadster ill llal tress, pi iZes Sit. lu‘sl l“Hl‘ tall house cleaning you will be i discarding some of your old lace enrâ€" . tains. \\'e have a nice line of Notting- “ ham lace, It yards long, at 5(le.pcr pair ; lu'i ter quality at 73c., $1, $1.23& $1.50. l ‘ ‘ lslllh'lll k h“ itzer. i... l)lC.-\TII OF ROBERT SMITH. A recent number of the Peel Banner l‘l‘l( rs to the death of Mr. Itobert Smith, one of the most prominent nren of the county. and father of Mr. J. (7. Smith of this village, inspector of \Veiglils and Measures. The article included an interesting account of the life of tlt‘t‘i':t.\‘l'tl, showing that he had been councillor, l't‘t’Yt‘, warden, and member- of Parliament. and was a. good public speaker and debatci'. De- ceased, who died at his home in Ilrampton, had reached the venerable age of .\1 years. EAST TORONTO. A very pleasant party gathered at The \Voodbine Conservatories, the home of Mr. Thos. \Vatson, on Tiles- day evening of last week, to bid good bye to Miss May Kirby, and to thank her for the part she had taken in t‘ltltl't‘ll work. Her playing and sing- ing at liar-vest Homes and other gath- erings in connection with different clrtlli'lles has been much appreciated, and her departure from this place \leI be keenly felt. The young lady left \‘r’i-tliu-silrry evening for Maple, the home of her parents, Mr. alrd Mrs. \\'ln. Kirby, ller friends here will be pleased to welcollre her return. SCHOOL MEETING. .\t a meeting of the Board of Edit- cation on Monday, Principal Far-(pillar- sol) addressed the Board on the advis- ability of purchasing a. type writing machine for the High School, or which would be better to engage a third teacher so that. a commercial course could be given these pupils who wish to take it. After a discussion, trustee Sanderson gave notice that at the next .lnecting Ire would move that a third teacher he engaged at a salary not to exceed $500 per annum. Another dis- cussion took place as to the advisabil- ity of allowing pupils to attend High School who have. not passed the Eu- trance I‘lxanlination. The general opinion seemed to be that to do so was unjust to those who had paid their l'ee arid passed the regular examina- tion, and should not. be allowed except where excellent reasons could be given for so doing. FERSONALET Miss Daisy Saigeon is spending a week with friends in the city. Mr. \V. Milbul-n has returned from a couple of weeks" stay with friends in Oak\ illc. .Mr. \V. Clifford will assist Uniolr ville band to-day and to-morrow at Marklraln Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Williams of New- liral-ket. spent over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \\'. A. Sanderson. Miss L. Smith arid Miss C. Ross of Toronto, spent Saturday afternoon with their friend, Miss M. E. Harrison. Mrs. J. \V. Elliott is in Meaford this week as a, delegate to the annual [meeting of the \Voman’s Missionary ' Society. Miss Mary Trench has taken a school at l’ingal, Elgin County, near St. Thomas, and started for that place on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bassingthwaite have gone to make a visit with relatives in Staylrer, Collingwood and other north- ern towns. Mr. J. A. E. Switzer attended Brampton Fair yesterday ill company with hundreds of other “Peel Old Boys." Newmarket‘. Era.â€"-Mr. Elliott of Richmond Hill, uncle of Mrs. E. t‘ooulbs, paid her a. visit; here last week, and took in the Fair. Mrs. R. A. Farquharson and son, Master john Farquharson, left Mori- day to spend a few weeks in Buffalo, N. Y., with Dr. Gibson, Mrs. Far-unharâ€" son‘s uncle. iuARmAGns f WILEYâ€"Sotutsâ€"At Toronto, on Wednesday, ()ct.:t.by1tev. Mr. Dewey. Annie Sonles of Toronto. to W. E. Wiley, of Richmond Hill. Sale Register. \VEDNESDAY, Oct. 10â€"Auetion sale stock, implements, tuinlture, etc. on lot 3. rear 4th con. Vaughan (1 lulle south of Edgelw the property Of Julia Sluiirthmiite. Sale_ at 1 o'clock. Eckmilt .c i‘runticc. auctioneers. \YEDxEsDAY. Oct. lOâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc..onlotl ll. ‘Jl..l con. Mark- ham. the property of Jos. (‘Ollllbii\‘. Sale at. 1 o'clock. Terms 12 months. Saigeon a McEBwu. auctioneers. SA‘I‘ERDAY,UCYL13~CI(1(UI sale ct farmlsmck. im- pleinents, furnitureetc, on lot to, Last York. Yonge St. York Mills, the property of John Smith. Sale at: 1 o‘clock. Tel‘lus 1‘ months. Surgeon (v McEweu. auctioneers. THURSDAY. Oct. llâ€"Auction sale ol‘ llOl‘‘CSh milc‘n cows, with calves by their side, spring- ers, steers and heifers. at Eilehes' Hotel, 'l‘hornliill. Sale utl o'clock. 'I‘ei'ins from t to 12 months. Eckaritt ii‘ Prentice, aucts. SATURDAY. Oct, 6-Credit sale of farm stock im- plements lie. on 1051:). con. 4. Min-khnmthe property of the late Win. H. Lundy. Stile of farm at 1 o'clock. Terms 4 mos. Brian-tit ii: Preu~ I tice, Aucts. TEt‘ilsDAX, Nov. lâ€"Credit sale of standing cedar on lot 3. con. 10,, Markham, the property or C. D. Reesor. Terms 6 urns. Sale at 1 o'clock. Eckardt & Prentice. Aucts. Mr. Arch. t'ampbcll, Liberal candi- date for “'est York, accompanied by Mr. Frank Smith. was ill the village yesterday. Mr. ('ainpbell speaks hope- fully ot' theapproaching contest. Boots arid Shoes â€"\Ve me show ing wonderful nalue ill boys and girls school boots. Baughton Bros. Our total rate for taxes this year is only 11.12 mills on the dollar. Few villages can make as good a. showing ‘ for the same money. Miss Gilmore of Alliston is spending a couple of weeks with her the Misses Lewis. Mr. Edward Britnellisaileilfor Eng- on October 3. A Door Key. to which was attached a black velvet ribbon, was lost. iii the village last Sunday. The tinder will oblige by leaving it. at I.ll«ll<:li.\l.01110e. Mr. Josiiph "Slriippafird Of Toronto, spent “'edncsday afternoon with his uncle, Mr. I). Boyle. In yesterday‘s \Vorld Mr. \V. F. Maclean, M. l.’. practically tells his Conservative friends that if they wish lrilll to again contest the riding they must show him that. lie is the man they want... The \V. C. T. 15. will meet; at. the home of Mrs. .1. ll. Sanderson next Tuesday eveningat 8 o‘clock. As the election ofolficcrs for the ensuing year will take place. and delegates to the Provincial Convention to be held at Smith’s I‘Valls will be appointed, it. is iequestcd that. every member will make an effort to be present. \V. M. The October lrrcct ing oft’he, TV. M.S. of the Methodist church will be held in the school roomThursday, 11th irr- Stilllti at. 3 o‘clock. The members are requested to be present as business of importance will be transacted. A cor- dial invitation is extended to the pas» tors and friends interested ill the work. .\ prosperous year has just closed, and the Society hope for greater things ill the year they are just entering. Subâ€" jects for prayer and study for October “The Forward Movement for Missions‘ “Giving to God.” THANKSGIVING SERVICE. A very pretty Harvest Thanksgiv- ing Service was held in St. Mary‘s ‘Church (of England) Tuesday cv -ning. Every part. of the Clitll‘cll~â€"tll&‘ win- dows, pulpits, the chandeliers, nearly every piece of furnitureewas taste- fully decorated with various kinds of grain, vines, roots, uautlnn leaves, fruits and flowers. so that the interior of the structure looked like a veritable flower and vegetable garden, The choir, with a little outside assistance, gave some very fine selections of nru< sic, aird the audience was highly de- lighted with the vocal solos of Mrs. E. Laugstafi' of Thornhill, atld Miss Vioâ€" let Stel'ey. The rector, llev John Gib- son, read the scripture lcssmrs, alrd a prominent, feature of the programme 'was all address, appropriate fol-the oc- casion, by llev. J. 17’. Lewis. of Grace (jinn-ch, Toronto, founded on 1’s. (55, verse 9. The l-c'J. gentlcl'ilan gave some useful information as to how vegetation is produced, and gaveroas- oils showing that the hand ofGod is ill all things. At the close of the address a liberal collection was taken up which will be devoted to repairing the church. SCHOOL REPORT. The following is the report of S. S. No. 4. Markham for Sept:~ Jr. lVâ€"ElsleBrillinger, Adalloovel'. Sell IIIâ€"Maggie ngrove, Leva “’indrows, Russell \Villiams. Jr. IIIâ€"Foster llickson, AilieRands, Roy Nelson. Jr. IIâ€"rElIa Cosgrove, Cora Brillin- ger. Clarence. Donor. Part IIIâ€"Charles Nelson. Part II~â€"â€"Jolm Cosgrove, Clara Cos- grove. Part. Iâ€"Maggie Baker, Clara \Vill- ianrs, Elsie Hoover, Maple Hoover, Gertie The Grand Trunk agent here has re- ceived word from the company that for the sum of twenty-five dollars the name of the station will be changed to that of Maple. An elfort will be made to raise the required amount. It is also probable that there will be a reduction in the fare to Toronto. At the. review ill the Methodist Sabâ€" bath School on Sunday last, several choruses and solos were sung by mem- bers of the school, under she leaderâ€" ship of Miss E. I’lyam. Mr. T. Cousins received first prize. for a plirtt'ol in spring wagon at the fair ill Scarboro last week. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Dr Burgess died on Tuesday of last week, and the remains were interred on Thursday in St. Stephen's burying ground. Mrs. .I. ll. Kirby has gone on a two weeks” visit to friends in Chicago. She was accompanied by her brother-in law, J. E. Kirby of Hope. .\liss Noble of Harvey, 111., left this Week for her home. after spending the summer here. Her nephew. Mr. Ar- thur Aitkin, of Newcastle, N. 13., went with her. He intends studying medi~ cine on the other side. The pastors of the Methodist church purpose holding special services to be- gin about the middle of this month. TwaxT’ED. t A Girl to go to Toronto to do light ‘ house-wo k. Small family, fair wages. Apply ' . Markham St. Toronto. Subscribe for ; THE - LIBERAL cousins, ‘ land from New York on S. S. St.l.ouis ' {insanely Opening ’ lit a) it Vt Thursday, Friday and Saturday, 1 October 4th, 5th and 6th. MWWZMWJ ‘ W a. M1 0111‘ illinery This department, under the management of MISS E. A. SVVITZE R, Will make a special display Ol Pattern Hats and Bonnets on the above dates. \Ve aim to surpass all former efforts and make this the best display we have ever shown. A ccrdial invitation is extend- to the ladies Of Richmond Hill and vicinity to visit our show rooms. s ATKINSON Florin DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT RATE PRICES. Eclecti‘ic Oil, 2 bottles for 25c Carter‘s Pills, 2 bottles for 25c Chase 3 Pills, :5 bottles for Zia l Fellnw’s Syrup Hypophosphites, $1 I)odc.’s Kidney Pills, 33c ' l’dll‘tloclt Blood Bitters, ofic Jlesso's Poultry Pmmc') . 30c. furl Clover Compound. 630 Iiuctopopllne. 7.30 FIV Poison Pads, 3 for :30 Sticky Flv Paper. 4 shoot; for Se. Epsom Salts. ';c 11).. 1) lbs. for 2.50 Sulphur-.51.», lli ,) lbs. for 15¢. Condition Po vdct's, all kinds Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure dran ilulpins' En4liili (‘4 billion Powder, 25c Kendall's Suavi-r .‘e. 75c Canadian \Viiter-uhizc cuil oil, 18¢ a. girl \Villianls‘ Pink Pills. 350., 3101' $1 Cl itse’s Catarmh Cute, 15:: Agnew’s Catiirrali Cure, 40c Chase‘s Ointment, 400 Perfect Eczema Ointment, 25¢ Beef. Iron and Wine, 500 Paiue‘s Celery Compound, 67c Hood‘s Sirsapnrilla. U70 Aver's Hair Vigour, 650 Luby's daii' Renewer, 400 Steven Champions Lininon: tot’fiheumutism, L's Fly Oil to keep flies Off your cattle. C. D. DANIEL do 00. \VIIOLESALE AND RE’I‘AEL DRUHGISTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde Hotel /-â€" A IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN , (JR SEWlllt ilAGHINE CALL 033' OR WRITE W . 3'. C LARK, Riclunond llill. Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. RICH M70531) M3. .ii . EARNESS == SfiOP Is the place to go for first-class harness at right prices. Good Stock, Good \Vork and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY NETS. TRUNK-S, VALISILS, and other supplies all; ways in stock. ALSO AGENT 1’01: The Scotsman, Stet-us. E k D, and (jolurubin llicy- in. at from $35.00 to $85130. All fully guaranteed. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. (3120. MCDONALD,

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