Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1900, p. 8

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'U’acil further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hilu’ost Office- as follows:â€" MORNING EVENING . N. B.â€"Reglatemd Letters must be IA: least Fifteen Minutes earlier than mentioned hours for closinn. -mouth Public bernry and Reading I Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday ev Epwox‘th Leagueâ€"Meets evm‘v Fri Church of England--Services nt 3p. m. every Sunday. Presbyterian Churchâ€"Services at 11 u. m.. and '7 1). m. Sunday School at, 2.30. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nate Sundays aw u.1n.nnd 10.30 n. In. Methodist. 0hnrclr-â€"Ser\'ir‘cs M 10.30 n. 111.. and 7 1). Ln. Sunday School nt. 2,110. General prayer meeting Thurm ny. evegging. _ __ u u fourth Ivy 1 of mm] Cu m FLOUR MILL ‘Are running full time ovary day, and we are thewfore in a posi- tion to tum out work on the shortt st nutice. fiVe have a full stock of dressed and rough LUMBER, Shingles,Do:-rs,8aleBlinds, Flooring,Sheeting,1\€ould- ings, Etc. an:th IJLAR I3: Leave Newmarkat 7.30. 9.15. 11.15 a.‘ :4.15,6.U0, 7.301). m. iLenve Richmoan H11] 7. 8.10, 9.55‘ 2‘40, 3.55, 4 55. 6.40, 9.10. p. L. INNES & SUNS. Leave C P R C;ogsinggt_6, 1129.340 ' 1.30, 2.40. 4:00 540. Leave Richmond Hill 8.10, If HOUSE PM Glazier, Grainer :. METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE EV Anyone seudlng a. sketch and desch (ion mny quickly ascertain our opinion has w ether an Invention Is probably patenmble. Communica- tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest mzency for securing patents, Patents taken throurrh Nnnn I: ‘60. recexve apeglal noflce, wityout, c name. in the A handsomely i111 onlntlon of any 5 year: four month M11“ 8900.? RESIDE "'I‘B’n'lyc‘h gmggfz i.‘ ‘\v‘:s'1;1:1::::>!{'.§.%: " ' A J Q » 7 , ____ v I ’ . V ’ Riclunond Iiill l Tailor J LAUEE'BRY . Richmond Hi} I um prepared M Ladies' flne “'hich We will POST OFFICE NOTICE §tiéii§i§§c fimeflcaaa. ‘cbuVlc m-tl led and 1m 25~tf Between Toronto and Newmarkot OFFICE CLOSES AT Village Directory. lichmon day Prepared for ‘nuildil from a distanc attended t< 8.30.450, 6.30, 8.3‘ HE‘WES â€"â€"OU Râ€"â€"- A0 AND FACTORY “79 :1} GOING ‘NURTB GOING SUUTH 36 1 Broadway U Wâ€"-Mects fourth Tuesday IVE! RICH 50 vmns’ 1, EXPERIENCE SES AT 7.36 P M M. TEEFY . Postmaster so have! fâ€"Meets second and Kid A M â€"Meets Mon INTER. Services on alter- 1030 u. m. as am 10.30 a. m.. and 10. General prayer fun MONEY! MObe HILI SKI; wounble 11.55 a. 111., v \" urk 11.30 a. m handed in the above my 12.20, 2.20 1! E. 3.15‘ ‘Xlt TUESDAY, OCT. 9, 1900, Tuesday,» Oct. 16th. 19w, 29, 1900, at 10 U’cluck at. 111.. to heal-and determine the several complaints of errors and omissions in Polling Sub- Divisions Nos. 1, 2, 3:1nd 4 of the Vot- (ws’ Lists of the Municipality of Vaugh- zln for 1900, and the several complaints of errors and mnissions in Polling Sub- Divisions Nos. 5, 6, 7 and 8 of the Mn- nicipality of Vaughan, at Pine Grove on Tuesday. Oct. 30. at 10 o’clock H.111. The next meeting of thé Council of the Munici pulity of Vaughan will be held in the Town Hall Vellore, on Notice is hereby given that :1 Court will be. held pursuant to Lhe'Ontzu-in Voters’ Lists Act, *by His H( nor, Judge Morgan, the Junior Judge (If the Coun» ty Court of the County of York, at. the Masonic Hull, Maple, on Monday. Oct. Came to the premises of the under- signed. lot 1, con. 2, King. about tlu lsb_pf September, a. Cotswth Ewe. Vaughan Council. The next meeting of the Council of fheTm\'nsbi1‘ of Markham will be held at Uniouvme on All persons having business at the court are required L0 attend at the said time and place. Dated this 2nd day of 0013., 1900. JAS. B. MCLEAN, The owner may have the. same by ppqvmg property and paying expenses. 6am sf Reviséma In obtniuin And a good :uticle at n Clark, Campbell & Jarvis, Barristers, etc., 16 King Street \Vest. Toronto. their christian and surnames. addrOSS- es and description, the full particulars of their claims, a, statement of their accounts. and the nature of the socur~ ities (if any) held by them ; or in (lo- ‘fault thereof, they will be peremptor- ily excluded from the benefit of the said judgment. Every creditor hold- ing any Security is to produce the same before me, the Master in Ordin- m-y at his Chambers in Osgoodt> Hull, in the city of Toronto, on the 27th day of October, 1900, atll o’clock fm'cnoou, being the time appointed for adjudica- tion on the claims. Dated the 27th day of Sept. 1900. NEIL DICLEAN' 14-2 Chf. (11k. M. O. 14-3 Pursuant, to Judgment of the High Court of Justice made in a certain m:- tion of Smith v. RouLledge. the cred- itor's (including those having any specific general lien or charge on the estate 01‘ any undivided share) of Elisha. Routledge, late of the Townâ€" ship of Vaughan, in the County of York. who died on or about the month of June. 1885, are, on or before the. 20th day of October, 1900, to send, by Rgstz pyg*pnid_, to Megs-rs. Macphersom This result is attained in all orders placed with 0d ‘g‘aew gavettistmtuta. JUDICIAL Notice to Eredimrs In the Village of H111, C H STIVER, C1011; MUNICIPALITY of VAUGHAN. Moclern all and examine myg L assortment of '1 may \Vorsteds and 'J Honest Work Clerk’s Netice. h( Of Elisha Routledge, Deceased. Terms Satisfaction OF THE VOTERS’ LIST LOW Price. STRAYED Clerk of NOW on V At 11 o'clock a. m at 10 a. m day of Oct” 1900. B. MCLEAN, the said Municipality .Ind Tmusex'in aALE JAS B MOLEAN, Clerk shion Plate R1 THOMAS 18W Dwelling? l‘xichmond rpfx ‘TOEL Evans Buiidings ' v 1- r. H" and Empire for one yeari: M The Liberal and Evening 6 fa; Mail 80 Empire, 1 year {3 The Liberal and VV’kly E’Ieil ti: and Empire to Jan. 1,, ’0]. a“ The Liberal and Weekly Globe to Jan. 1, ’01 Globe to Jan’y 1, ’02 {H} i a E The Liberal and W’kly Mail I“ and Empire to Jan. 1, ’02 o 4 The Liberal and Daily Star P for one year . 6 The Liberal and Daily World Q Fe for one year V- 5 The Liberal and Daily Globeéi r: for one year ‘ '* b The Liberal and Evening r: Globe for one year U 9 Q4 The Liberal and Daily M il @ f2 The latest patterns in Designs and Colors, Bt Ceiling to match, from 3 cents up. . _. \ . . . M1xed Paxnts 1n all colors; OllS, Varmshes, and Paint Brushes in all sizes at the lowest cue, The Liberal and Weekw T. F. MOMAEON. Canada Cycle 62 Motor 00‘, Limited, Cievdzm d CLUBEEEG EA =\gems everywhere sule stoc A Camplete Stock of Fum Never pulls outâ€"It's a ‘uscful improv- ementâ€"â€"â€"simpie and easy to remow. AH the features of the Are good ones, and the ball head spoke not the least in importance. AT SAVAGE’S. Head office, Toronto, Canada. ESE GRQGEE FOR 1900 Local representative, Always on hand. (Patent Attorneys,) “3“: R ‘51 AS '4‘. rm‘c‘w, r2, VCEQE 1mm )I‘ rpentine 11”le logue TAMAGIC ( Of {In Da Ma M a Is successfully used monthly by over ‘ 10.000 Ladies. Safe. eflectual. Ladles ask your drugglst for Cook‘s cotton Root cota- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and imitations are dangerous. Price, No. l, 51 ex- box; No. 2, 10 degrees stronger. $3 per box. 0. 1 or 2,mailed on receipt of price and two 84.5611: stam§. The Cook Company Windsor om. W 09. 1 and 2 sold and recommended fay all responsible Dmgglsts in Canada. Hilll,7m)d sold at and called Mug'u HEBREST BUREENT BATESQ REC} Vichol'ls :olicited illl vx'up H nu ask. \vhn can tell you *mudios. I don’ muositinn, but vin \vr Shop ope filer made )11 ugh Syrup onchitis. A ‘(liun- t-vlivf. ;L l-enwdios - troutnwm lntfi eaved ment Capital HM'GEBA CUUGH SELI‘V EWWE the '1‘ Kali. QEEH‘JLEL SYRU {ICHM Cook's Cotton Root Gompouné WM? Of Ca tin sh HMO M mum, what i H UUflfltfl of withdrawal All deposits on demumL )1 DEPOSITS l a. hundred a night 01- cnst in 11 every night 1! every day exce; (V him ‘is repairs chmond fur (laughs and Colds. sl-hma. 010.. gives im- 11. is composed of the in the markeL to-day fur L (If c0112:le and colds. SERVEGE Afikm ‘D (‘flfi‘TT A 'hT min; inter 1mm nf coughs and C011 9 it. anyway? \Ve 0mm- 0ND HILL 2‘ know what. is their this wmmly of mine luid Extract of White 'n-y. Balm of Gilead 'i. Bimzd Root and !y mixrd and nice to pared by mv, and me :mdm-sun, Richmond :55 (rvnts pcI bottle. Mill fiEFU” U W an.“ H: an ada, ND HILL MAGER, PM $21 3% 00‘00 0 700,000 -nts Mint Thr md R hmr tn 1) 3:1nk Depart lluwod at in!) Court it will he held Business 1'1 at the Bank ashexzs the U ntil 8.00. it, Suburd nd Hill l3“ Ill ill md Hill rontico), Lahor- l Plows, neces‘ 1ble )RD Susiness 190% CLERK - All II. A. H: ‘ nus the

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