Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1900, p. 5

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Bl:\nkets.â€"C0tto quality; woollen bl all less than regular £105., Elgiu Mills. 50118 and twb du XVHIizuu and Jam: Annie, zu-eut [10111 ter is the Wife of I of thkefield, form ‘At the ‘V. C. T. U. meeting held a Mrs. Sauderson’s on Tuesday eveuin Just, the following officers Were elem ed for the ensuing your: President. Mrs. Switm 1‘ : DIED AT ST. MICHAEI Mrs. Dalziel, widow of the l: 'Dalziel. uezu- Edgely, 5th con. an, died at St Michael‘s Has! Friday. She had undergone :1 ution for an internal truuble, '1 the same day. Deceased lea‘ sons and two daughters. Tb 1Villiam and James, and one (1 Annie, zu-eat home; the uther In the October Review of Reviews, the editorial department entitled “The Pl‘Ogl’GSS of the \Vorld” contains an impartial review of the Presidential campaign down to its present stage, special attention being given to the letters of acceptance of the. several candidates. Other topics editorially treated in this number are the Gal- veston calamity, the coal mineis’ strike, the elections in England and the problem of reconstruction in China. \Ve are showing a sly men’s black stiff huts ir American block, good 1e band, at; $1.25. Atkinson \Ve saw a large basket of poars.pick- ed from the orchard of Mr. Jno. Blun- chard, a. few days ago, which would take a good place at, any of the fa.” fairs. There Were just; 20 pom-s in the full basket, and each weighed a ll). Shirts and drawn fleeced lined and v drawers. Soetlwm‘ Elgin Mills. "Young men are specially invited to come and inspect our stock of hats in Fedox'us. Alpines, stifi'hats, etc. At- Jcinson & Switzer. Mr. Arthur John {Henry of King. and Miss Hulda. Christina Thnmpson of \Vhitchurch, were united in mar- riage on \Vednesduy of last week. The ceremony was performed by Rev. L. H. Kirkby at the home of Mrs. Rubt. Thompson, the bride‘s mother. Just-‘in, aline of men’s hookidown caps in soft finish Scutch tweeds, Christie’s make, at 500. each. Atkin~ son & Switzer. 'Se-e thodispluy of fall millinm‘y in our south window. Atkinson and Swnlzer. Mr. Fred Harrison has received word from Queen’s University that he has gassed Senior Matriculation in French, atin, Gwek and Physics. This gives Mr. Harrison first your standing abthe University in the above suhjocts. Correspondents will please send copy one day earlivr than usual next week asrmving 10 Thanksgiving Day THE LIBERAL will be publisde on Wednesday. The ‘V. C. T. U. purpose holding a Par-1m- Sociul in the Tempornnco Hall m: Tuesday evening, Oct. 23. A good programme will he provided, of which full particulars will be given next week. Victoria, B. (3.. and A Of Delano, Kern Cu. Mr. G. Sheppard of H were tht- guests of Mr last 3w (>12 Miss A. Dilr‘, :lccmnpnnivd by Nora and Irene McMahon, spout Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Aurora and \Vhitchurch. ' '1‘0-m0n'mv “Hm-noon at Lvague a talk will be give-n on sion \Vnrk in India.” Memlv urged to be present. The trouble with St. Matt how‘s “Wu-(1 has lwen settled, and Mr. W. F. Mac~ lean has withdrawn his losiguntiun. “7m. Trout-h 8:, Sun for spring \vugnn. and S( henvy vugon, at 3» ark! week. 'Childrou‘s toqnvs nice fine wool and g kmsnn & Switzer. Alui‘go mimlu-i- of our citizth (Lt- tended the I-vcvption given tn Ptv. T0"). “’ulluco, at \Vumlln'ir‘igo, on flfhursduy lust. RICHMOND H ILL, The Dominion Elections will he held on Wednesday. Nov. 7. Upwnrds of $100 were \contributed in the Methodist Chm-ch lust‘Smulay as n Free \Vil‘l Offering. tun t0 tnko a H Nm'uml Culll'gt Lurlios’ electric soul fur rutf. with six tails. $5. Atkinson & Switzer. Regular meeting of Court, Richmond tO-mon'ow evening. Treusm President. Mrs. Switm Vice President, Mrs. C Cor. Sec’y, Mrs. Hume Rec. Sec”): Miss \Viley Mr. w L(")(3 ALEJN. OFFICERS ELECTED and M rs A. Glass has gune tr; Hamil- I a 0011160 in the Provincial John 2'0( ,Im-klmm §â€"-Men’s and boys’ oollen shirts zmd Naughton 131-05., a special line Iters. :1 nd am the ct! October ullzlnd Landing. '. “7111. Sheppard Ix 351‘. and 500. in d [)utte-n‘xs. At- ‘llble, but flied d leaves t-wo s. The sons, one daughter gut, first 1' cuudlniim Members an .mderso Sheppard of A. Sheppard Llifm‘nia, and Mason con. V Hospit me an L the newest ather sweat 8; Sw1Lzer. Niughtoé Fair last r dang!) ,xm phell 11, 1900 Juninr “Mis- p11 u_)e emgh- 11 on prize U W. ..-.. “m. the ties we are “showing in Dm-hys, flowing ends. Imperiuls, puffs, Tecks, butwing bows. strings and four-in- hands, all strictly new silk and neatly made up. Atkinson & Switzer. A very pleasant time was spent at {L Sucial in the Patterson church last Friday evening. The evening was de- lightful, and those who attended from the neighboring sections must have thoroughly enjoyed the outing. Twenty-two from this village went, out in M1. Gaby’s pleasure van, and about; as 111;le more on wheels and out In Lu]. uauy's pleasure vzm about, as many more on wheels other ways. The tea, which was ed in the west wing of the church most tempting, and the waiters courteous and accommodating. 2 tea a short but, interesting progl-a was given, the chair being oucupie Rev. N. “'ellwood. Each of 1 who took part gave double select and all were heartilv received. Rev.“ N. who took and all Mm-tsou solos, Mis of Maple, S. E. Lam Ladies’ electric seal caperine with sable trimming and tails,:beaut.ifully lined with black serge silk, at $14.50. Atkinson & Switzer. The fnlmviug is the September Hon 01' List for Langstaff school:â€" Clnss IVâ€"Emily B0y1e,Mabel Good erhum. 01. II, Suâ€"Freddie Page. ' 01. II, Juâ€"Beatrice Flavelle, Herbie Bnyie, Ernest Richards, Part; II, Sl'.â€"L01'l'le Goodm-lmm, Bnyntou \Veldrick. Myrtle \Veldrick. Part, II, Jr.â€"Ethel Flzwelle. Part I, Snâ€"Alice Page. Pmt, I, Jr.â€"Josephine Flavellp, Fl. Richards, Irene Chapman, Mabel I‘VL,_J L . nie Uhapm \Veldl'ick. who took part; gave double selections, and all were heartily received. Mr. Mm-tson of Pattelson, gave \‘iuliu solos, Miss Campbell and Miss Bynm of Maple, gave readings, and Rev. B. S. E. Lar e and Miss GlaSS of Rich- mond Hi l, contributed vocal solos. The accompanists were MiSS Switzer, Miss Mortson and Mrs. C. Rumblv. The receipts amounted to about $18, This cold snap is a. warning to us that we need some heavier underwear: we have 21. nice line of fleeced shu-ts and drawers at $1 a suit. Atkinson & Switzer. Just received this Week, a large as- sortment of men’s shirts in heavy shaker, at 500. ; black drill shirts with white pin (int (It/750. -: :lnd'hlnck sateen it 500., 75c., and $1. Atkinson and Trench ; Solo, Miss M Rev. R. S. E. Large. A cents; children, 10 cents As usual. the officers and directors of \Vest, York and Vaughan Agricultural Society are making extensive prepar- at‘inns for their annual Fair to be held at “’oodhridge on the 17th and 18th inst. As the last day of the Fair is Thanksgiving Day and u, rholiday, an unusually large crowd is expected. \Vondbritlgo Fair is the most; popular nf the Fall Fair to people in this sec- tinn of country. ‘ On Friday evening the Epwor'th League will hold a Peach and Pump- kin Pie Social in the School Room of the Methodist Church. Teal will he served fi/om 6 to 8 p. m. The followâ€" ing programme has been arranged: Quartette; Solo, Miss Violet Storey; Reading, Mr. F. J. Johnston; Solo, Miss Ethel Switzex ; Quartette, Messrs. Redditt, Sanderson, Johnston and Trench; Solo, Miss L. Morison : Solo. Switzer The hmne of Mr. and Mrs. “7. J. Elliott, Gh-n Cottage, Kingston Road, was the scene of :1 happy gathering on the Is: inst, when their eldest daugh- ter, Miss Maud Rudie, was lllill'l'it‘d to R1111). H. \Vutsnn, both of Toronto. The happy c>uple left amid u. showm- of rice and slippers on the (waning Lmin fur-New Yul-k \vhm-c they will spend their honeymoon. In harmony “iLh the reummnendn- timl (If Lhu general society of the Epâ€" wurth League regarding the Evangel- istic Fnrwnrd Mow-unruly :1 unwise wx-uyvr IMPULng will he held In the estry of the Ivlt-thndisb (‘hul-L'h next Sunday nt 7 :1. m. vanll(,‘hlistiun Vestl Sunda belim share- A spot-i211 car for the nnstrniinn next Tuesd leave Richmund Hilln Return tivkots 40 cent cents Nice range of children cloth covered hams, :15501 at 23c; blue surge tnms something entirely new tams for lmys’ and girls’ kiuson S; Switzer. A sample copy of the supplementary plaLes, “ Ruscmary,” has been forâ€" warded to agents supplying The Christmas Globe. The picture. which is true to life. has been pronounced by the best :u-tish. of this country as one of the must, exquisite productions ever “film-d to Lln- Canadian public in this way. The prin hf The Christmas Globe will he 50 cents, and those wish- ing it copy must have their urdvrs in before the lblh inst. Orders taken at, this otficr. 0111" 5 this ( 11L 11.30. 'I had at THE \\'i!l stop at JUiULS shuth Snnwthing very PE (‘1.III, Sinâ€"Media Clubino. C]. III, Jr.â€"M:u‘guerite Boyle, An- eChapman, rJean Chapman, Com 7, L1“; L ‘tterley. AC H NR1 PUMPKIN PIE SOCIAI in the Irimn u‘lv S( \‘COODBRIDGE FAIR tivkots 40 cents: Thnmhill 30 Rotm-n car will leave Toronto Tickets of admission may be [‘IIE LIBERAL Office. The out p at- Newton Brook and other uuth. Ladies are invitcd. SE PRAYER MEEEING. ES AND PUMPKIN PIE SPE( HONOR LIST. L. \VALDRON, Teacher gnify thvir readiness " gmnter works” whi left us to (In by :lttendi ‘ ' All are wvlcmne MARRIED I AI . CA Ry. new and neat are n Lzlurim- Dem- lay evening w111 It (i o‘cltwk sharp: Johnston and Morison ; Solo, Admisswn, 15 110k] m the Church next , all Christian readiness to m leathe) at 75c. At- tams in «’1 shadvs, 500. ; and \n 3 which Ittending )gmmme upied by of those llections. AA’t RHRURA FLOUREHG ffiiLLS. _ 'EAENEQ JOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, " I a $9 Call and examine my carefully select ed assortment of Tweeds, Serges‘ Fancy Worsteds and Trousemngs. Righ Grade Family Flour This result is attained in all orders placed with New Fall Fashion Plate NOW on View. iELlE Rfi fififli Pursuant to Judgment of the High Court of Justice, made in a certain ac- tion of Smith v. Routledge, the cred~ itors (including those having any specific general lien or charge on the estate or any undivided share) of Elisha Routledge, late of the Town~ ship of Vaughan, in the County of York. who died on or about. the month of June. 1885, are, on or before the. 20th day of October, 1900, to send, by post, prepaid, to Messrs. Miicpherson, Clark. Campbell & Jarvis, Barristers, etc., '16 King Street VVest, Toronto, their christian and surnames, address- es and description, the full particulars of their claims, a statement oftheir accounts. and the nature of the secur- ities (if any) held by them ; or in de- fault thereof, they will he peremptor- ily excluded from the benefit of the said judgment. Every creditor hold- ing any security is to produce the same before me, the Master in Ordin- ary at his Chambers in Osgoode Hall, in the city of Toronto, on the 27th day of October, 1900, at 11 o’clock forenoon, being the time appointed for adjudiczv tion on the Claims. Dath the 27th day of Sept”, 1900. And a good :u'ticie aux 14.2 In Obtaining JUDICIAL mm m Eredimrs Any Flour will make Bread, but we will guarantee Ripans Tabules: one gives relie Ripans Tabules cure headache To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep Innist longer, and better flavur- ed bread with less lab- 01' than any other flour. A. J. Hume, Tailor, Richmond Hill. Made to suit the people and sold at a, reasonable price. Honest Vim]: Of Elisha Routledge, Deceased. It, is strictly NAUG HTON Terms Cash. here is LOW Price. â€"â€"ANDâ€" [1 day of Sept” 1900. NEIL ML‘LEAN. Chf. (11k. M. O. $15593 BROS. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDI WHOLEsALF. Ann RETAIL 19m 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO . - BUGGY DUSTERS, FLY N ET Eclectric Oil. 2 bottles for 25¢ Carter’s Pills, 2 bottles for 2:30 Chase’s Pills, 2 bottles for 23c Dodd's Kidney Pills, 30c Williams’ Pink Pills. 350.. 3 (01 Cl: ase's Cutarmh Cure. 15.: Agnew’s Camrrah Cure. 40c Chase’s Ointmont, 400 Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25c Beef,Iron and Wine, 50(- Paiuo’s Celery Compound, 67:: Houd's S'Lrsnpa1~illn.. 67c Ayer’s Hair Vigour. 653 Luby’s Hair Renewer. 400 Steven Champions Linin eutf PURE DRUGS asy terms of paymcn W figmmwwwtgww? 1% CONCRETE HOUSE We will make a special display of Men’s Hats in all the newest American and English blocks. including Alpines, Derbys, Fedoras, Caps, (_Ihildren’s Tams and Toques. Such makers as Knox Miller Stetson Heat‘n Christie Tress Are a sufficient guarantee as to quality Friday and Saturday, ATKINSGN Every season our Hat Trade has had a de- cided increase because we have made a study of the wants of our many patrons and 1n pleasing them have made many new customers. Fall Is the place to go fol Good Stock. Good W On Friday and. Saturday, Oct. 12 and 13, The Scotsman at C. D. DAN] .Efi 1011 RE from Fly AT CUT R Rheumatism Oil to keep flic October 12 and 13.. ALSO A( Hat 2% % Gpening hill ( AND first-cla TENT ancope FlV Poi s offyour 111' SWITZER. .1( )w’s Syrup Hypophqsphites, $1 lock Blood Bitters, 656’ ;e’s Poultry Panacea. 30c. Clovqxj Compound. 650 s aiwavs on IF YOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE MEDICINES Kill. PRICES. 86 CO. nttle EBONALD 'UGHS'I‘Q right prices. 1?).1‘21 ;e coal oil, 18:: a. gal OR nd other supplies a3 E‘géflGHINE 1 Powder, 25c pp. Clyde Hotel

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