ECONOMY OF ENERGY Yvalrhcvt “Ill \‘nw Iinn on Ball Bt-nrlng‘ Almost everything that runs at all nowadays runs on ball-bearings. The latest piece of mechanism to use this form of friction-saving is a watch exâ€" hibited at the Paris Exposition by a French firm. It is a great succcss, and bids fair to supersede watcth made our the old plan, at least when very fine and durable Work is dc- hired. 'l‘lm bicycle has shown us that axles ulltI pivots that roll on thch bearings are better than llliltï¬'e that simply rub. It was only natural that watch- makca's should sock to profit by those sumo advantages in their in- dustry, where, more than in any other business, regularity is absolutely noâ€" W~Snl‘y, and whore thuo umtivo force, avlmthur due to a weight or to a spring, is always relativer focblc. Thus, several years ago, Ll. t‘hatcau made tower-clocks, erh ballâ€"hearings, which rill-Wed a considerable economy of weight. .VVith the watch. the problem was more complex, for here we. have to (lot only with pivots whioso diameter is measured by the tenth of a millimeâ€" ter, l~r250 inch. M. Lcttnl Grunt has BOtIVed the problem, and did it so sucâ€" cessfully. that the first; ball-bearing watch figured at tth Exposition. afâ€"l tel‘ taking a. bulletin of the first class at the Observatory of Bcsan- (km. This watch is a man‘s watch of the ordinary size. All its pivots roll on balls of one-half and oneâ€"quarter millimeter, 1-50 and 1-100 inch, in di- ameter, of hard tempered steel, well rounded and polished. Only the movâ€" able parts of the escapemvent, which receive only an extremely feeble mto-. tive impulse, are without them. It would be suprtrl‘luous to dwell on the skill and patience which M. Gruet must have devoted to the production of such a masterpiece. The execution of. the balls alone constituted a con- ohanism. where the least irregularity might destroy all the advantages in- herent in their use. Besides the general advantages re- sulting directly from thebuse of ballâ€" bearings. there are others more spe- cial ones which 21.113 not less import- ant. It is asserted with reason that the thinness of: the pivots is an im- portant factor of precision and con- siderably lessens the absorption of en- ergy, which must be carefully look- t) W ll HER HUSBAND . WA8 A DRUNKAR A lady Who Cures liar husband on His Drinking Habits Writes of Her Struggle to Save Iici‘ Home. A PATH ETIC LETTER. ,y by long ti e been thinking ri‘ trying the Tasteless Samaria Pl'i‘script it «11 treatment on my husband for his drink lng habits, but; I was afraid he would dis- cover that I was giving him medicinc, and the thought unnerved me. I ho fa ted for nearly a week. but one day who}: he Came home very much intoxicated anti his week's salary nearly all spent, I rlucn off all four and determined to make at; eï¬'ort to save our home from the ruin I saw :oming. at all hazards. 15cm: for y in; Tasteless Samaria Prescription, and ltin his coffee as directed nt-xrnior: and watched and prayed for the r . At; noon I gave him more and also at sap per. He never suspected a thing. and 7 then boldl ' kept right on giving it r ~ larly, as I ad discovered something, . set; every nerve in my my body timzun ; with hope and happiness, and 1 ('t‘ltitl so. abright; future spread out: before in:â€" a peaceful, ha py home, a share in the. goal things of ii e. an attentive, loving bus band, comforts, and everything else tic-ii to a woman’s heart; for my husband hat? told me that; whiskey was vile stuff and l:. was taking a dislike to it. In wasonl} too true, for before I had iven him ti. full course he had stoppcd t rinkiag :1er get-her. but I kept giving him them d1 cine till it. was gone, and then sent for an other lot, to have on hand if he should rt lapse, as he had done from promises bt' fore. He never has. and I am writing yo. this letter to tell you how thankful I tun Ihoucstly believe it; will cure the wors cases." SENT FREE To ALLâ€"11 sample packaa‘r of Tasteless Samaria Prescription gladi) SEXT FREE with full particulars in plain. sealed envelope. All letters consider: '~ sacrcdly conï¬dential. Address The Sr. maria Remedy 00., 33 Jordan stret Toronto. Canada sACK= AQHE 9 0 If you have Backache you have Kidney Disease. It‘you neglect Backache it will d;\'(‘lop into something worseâ€"Blight's Dis‘ case or Diabetes. Thch is nn use rubbing and declaring your back. Cure the kidnt-ys. There is only one kidney medicine but it cures Backaclie every time-â€" Budd’s Kidney M__Piiis; ed out for in a watch. The result is that at. the base of HIV ordinary cy- [ lindrical pivot, which is much weaker than the axle whose cud it forms, is a point of danger, and this often determines the fracture of the pivot. With ball-bearings. the cylindrical form may be replaced with lIlIL‘. coniâ€" cal. This shape enables us to place circular rows of balls with diameter as small as desired. and avoids com- pletely all danger of breakage at the base of the pivot. M. Gruet believes that should be as small as possible. taken [great pains to make balls the uniform size of one<quartcr mil- limeter, 1-100 inch. in diameter, and he hopes that the expense may be con- siderably reduced. It will probably be the halls lfc has of with those. miniature balls as it haS‘ bacn with the tiny screws used in watches. These can now be bought at 10 ccntimes, two cents, a dozen,.| with diameter of oneâ€"quarter millimeâ€" tcr, microscopic pitch, and regularly m-ade head with. slit in the middle. In closingr it may be that “ jewels" of sapphire or other prec- ious stones have no more reason for existence, as they present no advan- tages ovetr tempered steel. The result is a reduction in the necessary labor of manufacture and in the price. To sum up, the ball-bearing watch has made its trial trip. Theory and practice agree that it is an advance over its predecessors, and doubtless the public will confirm this judg- ment. noted â€"_._._. WOODMAN SPARE TllE TREE Tut-re ls llcallll Bent-all- brawn It is a strange fact that not one of the religions of the world gives a word of warning against the folly of forest destruction, although the ax has turned 5,000,000 square miles of once fertile regions into deserts, and has made otne hhter of the Eastern continent an unfit: abode of the 'hu- man species. .Spain, in the glory of her ancient woodlands, was the Eden of Southern Europe; treeless Spain has become a gehena of poverty and disease. For- est-shaded Sicily begat athletes and philosophers, heroes and merchant princes; Sicily in its present sunâ€"blis- tered conditions, evolves chiefly band- its, beggars and vermin. The entire coast region of the Mediterranean has been "clcare ,†withl the result (if Irv-ting fourâ€"fifths of its former population aand at least nine tenths of its former productiveness. The same. In Southern in Portugal, Asia Minor, Mesopotamia, Armenia, Persia and Hindustan. It might indeed be questioned if all human follies and crimes [Inc Leafy llm- Iï¬ra no 9, taka to- gether have causcd as much perman- cnt mischief as the tion of nature's insane dcst rucâ€" safcguards ilglldlfll lifeâ€"blightiug droug‘lits. .1 land withâ€" out trees is in as sad :1 plight :is .. flayed animal. The. New \\'t.~rltl's Wealth of woodlands is the chief gua r~ antes of its prosperity. Forests of shady leafâ€"trees mitigate climatic extremes. and theme is the slightest doubt that tract rain showers. A few hundred square miles of wooded dolls in the valley of the Rio de San Pedro, Peru, enjoy an annual average. of twenty inches of rain, while in the adjoinimr desert of Atacama droughts have been known to continue for six years. Ibra~ lm Pasha‘s tree plantations in upper Egypt increased the yearly rainfall from nine to fifteen inches. In Italy it has decreased one half; in some of Northern Africa. thu- ancient Numidia, for instance, at least four fifths. Forests shelter insectâ€"deâ€" litrl they atâ€" districts ~'troying birds and prevent the dens :ructivc effects of inundations by all- morbing rain showers that would pou: .lown from trcrlcss slopes as from a date roof. Format siblc for malaria, in miny of its forms, owing to the (IIIIIVIIIIII carried down by the mountain torrents to form pes- Anmng the sani- (If‘etl'llt‘liï¬ll may be rcspou» tilential marshes. tary equipments of a motlnl tint-llingâ€" house shadeâ€"trees should rank with the brst plumbt-Jr‘s contrivanccs, and a house in twicu the rent of a house on a naked hill- a grove is north side. There is a tit-wary that sunshine is a microbe killer, nature‘s chief sin-ci- fic for the cure of germ tliswases; but Hindustan, rays have not prevented the spread of frightful TIN‘)‘ clu-ck the dcvclopinent of lu:tl.:l'i;germs in the [was of the Adriatic, nor of typhoid germs in tho slums of Southern uva-tl)‘Ol‘t towns. in sparsnly wooded sun epidemics. do not Nor would it be easy on that theory to explain the longevity 0 four buck- wootlsmcn, or of the German fort-st wardens, who vie in surrounding their cottages with overarching leafy trees. Not a sun ray reaches their houses from May to November; but in win- ter, when sunshine is rnally a blessâ€" ing, the screen opens, or holds its own .just enough to mitigate the blasts of the north wind. .9â€" Green Ceylon and India Tea which is now being introduced into Canada, in the well known packages of the " Salada " Tea Company, has got one :great advantage over Japan Tea; and that is, while it is of the same flavor and the same light coloring liquor. it is very much stronger and absolutely free adulteration, which pracâ€" tically no Japan tea is. Ceylon Green Tea is sold in the scaled Lead Packets of the “ Salada" Tea Company and is always fresh and fragrant as wcll as t healthful. f r om 51B ERIA H AS DIGI’AR'I‘M ENT STORES. Blagovestchensk. in Siberia, is acity of about 40,000 inhabitants. It has many fine buildings, including four or five Greek chquc/h-es, one of which is a cathedral, and one is in process of construction. Besides a large depart- ,ment store of a German firm, there ‘is a Russian department store which would hold its own in Broadway or Sixth avelnue in point of sizj and 1equipment. The building is of white ts'tone and stands on one side of the large market square, where daily the cOunt'ry people congregate with their fresh supplies of milk, eggs and but- ter. The prices may be a little heav- lietr and the variety of stock not so large as in the haunts of our Ameri- I scan shoppers, but one cannot help tfeeling surprised at what can be Ebought in this faraway part of the iworld, including a large selection of toys, cameras and photograph sup- plies. Hay Fever Serious This Year. Hay Fever this season appears to I),) of a very virulent type. tleVuloping inflammation of the lungs. Evidenb in many instances into congestion and [y Hay Fever should not be trifch with. A must fortunate discovery to this class of sufferers is that marvellous microbe killer, which during the past two years has been found so absolutely certain in all cases of Hay Fever, Asthma. Hi'on- cititis, (‘alarrlL It is Very stranpt- how people will persist in using snufis oinriucnts aul washes which are. not only disgusting to us} but art- useless. (‘zttarl'liuzone is very pfcasetutâ€"it :ztrrieiliw dry air through tha most remote air vols to Inlt‘ lung's. It quickly destroys the germs and cures lumply because there is nothing left to excite direasc. It is to be had from druggid“. or Lite originators, V. C, I’tilsuil t& ('u., Mfg ,(‘Iit-mists. King- ston, Ont.. “ill s-irl it to any address in Canada or United States, post and duty paid, for SLUU. is A MA'I'TICI’. U." FACI' ANALYSIS. Yt-s. sail ill). young man with the. (:01 1. hard voice, I am sure I love that young woman. \Yliy .’ Because on no other theory can I leiltlll my \villingncss‘to skip around from pigc to pigc and from margin to margin to flat out \\â€ she has written in h:r letters to me. t t I if You Have CBX’LOLQ‘ TEA. O W‘Qï¬'ï¬ï¬‚vflï¬â€˜b RQQ . Q‘Q‘b-ï¬ A Matterof Pride. “=- 0 M- amateur. g’q‘ï¬ï¬‚r‘ï¬i WW never experienced tho pleasure derived from drinking pure and frag- rant 'en beconm nt'qu-x nted With it at once by a~ktng your groom for :5, so. 40. 50. 00. In 1.: id Packet-s. tan-w 3t“ wtotoamoc Paint your house with good’ clean fresh made paint and you will have reason to be proud of its appearance not only fora short while. but for a good long' E 7 it an r i will give you reasonable ride when you see them on your ouse, tresh in color and style. economical and durable Ask your dealer. ll. RttMSlY l SUN, Ptltlll Mtllttllt M MONTREAL. Est'd if42 WomswmQ/Wsmo magma m 0 We. lnve 1w. publishcl a h wu'ihit oil portrait of the In 16 colors, s‘/»* 1‘! v 0, re: ' for I‘rt:niu:. As evcty “it W Lu: one if t he‘- ~ in imuiccut work; of art. \vc \\ out-1 like you to represent us. We pm you your choice of 35 VALUAHLE PREMII'MS Home of whivh are illustrated above for sclhug 6 or mot'_ \Yl'itc tit oncr: and We Will ’ Queen I’mtraits at It) CL'ltl‘H you .l su Alsnour full Illustrach shat-tot premium the 101:1 Ls, tr urn the money an . wt: w ll Fr'll' the prize you 5611*.lfl't‘t‘. 'I‘lll". ROYAL ACADEMY Plllll.l\llll\'t‘v L70. Dc]! trt dent. 161. Toronto. Uut. NO MERE PRORABILII‘Y. Maria, called out the anxious ri'to- ther of the. family, the. clouds look terribly threatening. I’m afrail we are going to have a tornado. You'd better go and wake your father. I'd rathcr not, answered the eldest daughter. ‘If I call him as early as this there'll be without any sort of doubt. a tornado $100 Reward. $100. The readers of this raper will be pleased to le,LI‘n that there is at can one dread d also Mi that: science has been able to cure in all its stares and ii at, is Cntztrrh. Hall's Catarrn Cure is the only positive (lll‘J now known to the medical iraternity. Calarrh being a corn titutional di<casc. require: a. COIh‘llCtllitJllltl liottmenr. Hall's Catarrh Cu 6 ii tak n inter- nally, acting directly upon the b-ootl and mucous surfat'es (f the system. thereby des. Iroying the foundatio-i of the diseaie, and giving the pitient strength by building up tho 0 natitulion and as istint; natal-a in doin: iH work. The proprieto s have so much faith in its curative powers, that. they offer r no llun- dred Dollars for any case that. it fails to cure. Send for l:si of testimonials Add- 959. F. J. CHENEY 3: 00., Toledo, 0. Sold by drufgis's, 75c. Hall’s Famt y Pills are the best OFF \VITH THE CASH. After all, appearances don’t amount» to much. That’s right. It's the disappear- ances thtt count most; for instance, the disappearance of a trusted em- ploye frequently amounts to thous~ ands. llO\V [IE KNEW. Jackâ€"I made two call; this after- noon, and [must have left my um- brella at the. last place [called 'l‘omâ€"â€"I{ow do you know but what you left it at the first place? Jackâ€"Because that's where I got it. \ MONTREAL HOTEL DIRECTORY. Th8 “ almoral," Free Bus ï¬gï¬'rg‘; ’ Mctllll 41mm. ' Avianua HOUSE-Family flow Intel .150 Wï¬ per day. .»\.\' AW' I"UI. ACCI UI‘IN'I‘. A smtll girl of 3 years suldonly bur-st out crying at the dinner table. “\Vhy. Ethel," said her mother, "what is the. miller!" "Oh." whincl I‘I.h-.I1."1n_vtecth step- ped on my tongue.†FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS MRS. WINSLOW'S BOOTIIINO SYRUP has boon' Ind by mothers for their children teething. It. moth- lhc child. softens the gums. allay: pain. cure- wind colic. Ind In the but. remedy for disirhtzn. 2513.: battle. Sold by all druggisu throughout the world. Ram. and lab for “ Mn. Winslow's oothinz Syrup.‘ HIS THINK. thought he th.:u;;ht Broughts and thought No o.h;:r thought a thnuzht; If othsrs ever thought he thought, They thought he thought thought. He great he 7%.) a. ï¬QWW M †4/ fliZflZZ/ï¬' Queen. 1. ‘l‘StIl’l eoftha ALL THAT STOPPED HIM. Mrs. Farmerâ€"Do you‘ know how to handle. an ax? \Vcary \Vraggsâ€"If I I wouL'ln't do a t'ing to dat biscuit! \Y P (l 1045 did, lady, nunâ€" CALVERT’S ' I carbollc Dislnfectanto, Sonpu. Olnt- merit, Tooth Powdors, etc., have been t awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior axcollcuoe. ’l‘hcir regular use prevent: infecti- ous diseases. Ask your dealer to obtain a supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. 0. CALVERT & 00., HANOHEOTER - - ENGLAND. Sausage (hungry-Now Importation anon Eula Shccp and Anurivvn Ho: Cuminâ€"reliable good-II light. price=. PA IlK, BLACKWELL t 00., Toronto. Douglas lirnsn 1‘“ Adelaide St.‘ Manama REiiflil atrium. For made up Goods, Suits In Clo h, Velvet, Slit or Furs and all valu tblc hours Hangings, nothicj to equal it if done by the BRITISH AMERICAN DVEING 00., Montreal. ARE vu WEAK? Are you suffering from nervous weakness kidney, liv:r or stomach com laluts, rheuma- tism, lame back. pains or no es in any part of 'our body? Do you feel yourself grow-in {cc 1e and old too soon? Ifyou are a man witE' the weakness that; results from abusing the laws! otnature, Ican guarantee you acureiu three, months with my wonderful Electric Belt THREE MONTHS' TRIAL. Any honest man can use my appliance three momhs. and pay mt: only when cured. Beautiful illustrated book. which tells of mv method of treatment and gives hundreds of lctli-rs from my grateful patients, sent closely scalcd. fl‘tc. "‘ ' -* ISO Yongâ€"e St, Taranto. l i catholic Prayer “marinas: t Reliuiuul Pictures, Statuary. and Churn Ornlnunuv ; Educational kaa. Mail orders revolve proth nun. hon.‘ D. I J. SADLIEH 31 00., Monml. ! Ramon-d to Wesley Bulldinfl. - Richmt) list. “1., Toronto. POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES. Ind other PRODUCE. to ensure best result: consign u The Dawson Commission 80., limited. (tor. Wat-Market & aolborne 81., Toronto, iii-ado Teachers Wanted “scam... CALIFGRNIA you want to know all about this wonder- ful State? Read our NEW Rock of TCIIZIJI: information about the Climate, Natural itc- sourccs, Scenic Wont}. rs, Business Ind-Mirna Lands, Products of th: 5 ‘l. and the_ bt'rtt't'fil Home: and Farms, of V ' county in Ca . _. nia. Price ï¬fty cents by List) . \\'ritcfur 14 II! E MILLSl MILLS Jr. HALES, Barristers, etc. l t t t l To send for our complete Data- lo'wu of Sheet r. into and Books with Special rates of discount. WHALEY, navct & co. circular number 24. tic-orga- II. H:rlt.tnl<, Pub- lisher, 769 Market St , San Francisco, Cal.