In the calendar of the nations there are quite a number of "black" days. "Black Monday" was April 14, 1360, a day so dark and cold that many of the army of Edward 111., King of England, Which lay before the City of Paris, were frozen to death. An immense hush fire occurred on "Black Wursday†in Australia, February 6, 1851,. Two events are commemorated by "Black Friday" in Englandâ€"De- cember 6, 1755, when the news reach- eid Ehr-gland that the Pretender had arrived at Derby, and May 11, 1866, when the failure of Overland, Gur- ney & Co. brought on a most disasâ€" Wus plnic. 'A panic in New York occurred September 25, 1869, which was afterward known as "Black Fri- day." "Black Saturday" is the name applied to August 4, 1621, when a great storm occurred at the time Parliament was sitting to enforce Episcopacy upon the people. The smallest kingdom in the world Is Monaco, which is only fifty-three and a quarter miles in circuit, in- cluding Monte Carlo. The capital, Momaco, containing (i030 inhabitants, is parched upon a rocky promoni‘ory rising perpendiculni‘ly about i0) feet above this sea level. For the cou- aidaration of $2,400,000 and an an- nual rent. of $30,000 M. Blano in 1863 was permitted to establish his gamb- ling house at Monte Carlo. No naâ€" tive of Monte Carlo or Monaco was to 'be permitted to emter the house, but strangers are present at all times of the year and furnish good nu'pvport to the institution. The word "bedlam" is a corruption of the word “Bethlehem,†and ori- ginated as a synonym for chaos at the time when) the House of Bethle- hem, occupied by a sisterhood of Lon- don, became an insane asylum. The heatmetnt of the insane in the early part of the sixteenth century was not well understood and according to the theories then prevalent ï¬t was nec- essary to frighten the patient out at his lunacy. All sorts of awful ex- pedie‘nts were resorted to. among them "surprise floors,†which slipped [mom mnder the feet; “surprise baths." and'l‘loggings at the periods of most severe illness. Hence the name "‘bedlum," the result of incorrect spellimg. possibly, came easily to stand for awful things. All that remains of the great‘ temâ€" ple of Zeus, which was 70:) years in building, is to be found about 150 yards from the foot of the Acropolis at Athens. The ruins consists of sixteen columns of the Corinthian nrâ€" dm‘. 61â€"2 feet in diameter and 6) feet high. It was the second largest temple erected by the Greeks, one 311â€" perior to it in size hang the temple of Diana at Ephesus. According to a legend its foundation was built by lemlion, the Greek Noah, who from this point witnessed the waters of the flood sulbsitle. An opening in. the grownd is said to be the orifice through which the flood disappear- ed. One of the noteworthy results of the great trial is the confirmation that it affords of the continuous working capacity of the little high- lpeed motors, which so many engin- eers and others not acquainted with their performance under severe con- ditions seem to thimk is the vulner- able part of a motor carriage. It maysafely be said that. on the whole the motor itself m-iy be depended up- on to' give less trouble, than any oth- er part of the cur machinery. ()n the other hand, even the best tires on the heavy cars suffered severely, and experience showed that the cost of fuel per mile run was not more than from one-fifth to one-half the cost of the tires. It is. therefore, only half the truth to say of motor cars that it. is the Inca that kills; for. so far as tires at ,least are concerned, it may equally he said that it is the weight that kills. The limit to weight. which rubber can carry, with- out easy destruction at common [spa-eds, has already been reached. both with pneumatic and with solid tires; but the limit to improvements which Arill reduce weight is at present far to“. - The first kindergarten was open- Id by Froebel in 1873 at Branden- burg, Germany, and fifteen years Idten'ward he died. This short per- iod was sufficient to establish nays- tem of education that has mule life different for little children. When the King of Prussia, in 1851. forbade l'he establishing of kindergartens, the old man died of a broken heart, not dreaming that his life worlk had l‘he establishing of kindergartens, the old man died of a broken heart. not dreaming that his life worlk had been a noble success. l000â€"1\IILE A UTOMOBILE 'I‘RIA L INTERESTING ITEMS. Do not talk very loud. A firm, clear, distinct voice, yet mild, gentle and musical vqice great power. [Do' not engage in argument. Do not interrupt another when speaking. N -Dor‘no't find fault, though you may gainerally criticise. v Do moi talk of your private, person- al and family matters, Du ruot app-ear to notice inaccuracies of! speech of, others. D6 not a1ways commence a con- versation by allusion to tha wgathgr. Do 'not, vC'hen narrating an incident, continually say “you see,†"you know" &0. I Do not intrude ptmfesmona] or other topics that the company generally cannot take an interest in. {Do not' speak disrespectfully of personal! appearance when any one prgsent may havp the same ngectst the speaker to repeat what has been said that you may understand. V DO not try to force yourself into the confidence of others. If they give their confidence never betray it. CDG not use vulgar terms, slang phrases, ,words of double meaning or language that will bring a blush to on] one. are simply kidney disorders. The kidneys ï¬lter the blood of all that shouldn’t be there. The blood passes through the kid- neys every three minutes. If the kidneys do their work no impurity or cause of disorder can remain in the circulation longer than that time. Therefore if your blood is out of order our kidneys have failed in their work. hey are in need of stimulation. strengthening or doctoring. One medicine will do all three, the ï¬nest 9nd most imitated blood medicine there bodd’s Kidney Pills Do not Intersperse your conversation with foreign words and high-sounding term. It shows affectation and will draw ridicule upon you. She Like most Wemen Was Very Fond of \Do not carryiuu éonversation with another in company about matters which the general company know nothing of. It is almost an impolite as to whisper. Do not be absenfâ€"mind‘ed, requiring She was a prwdun‘t wuman So slbe argued That a mmaly must he sought For “abide Prussdlan Blue And Paris Green \Vere all Right in their place They were Out of place In her Tea And » Must be innjurimus So 4 She got nerku And irritable And bald her doctor Of her fears You are right. Said be Do as I do And He told her how he did it He bought the new Unocxmmd Green Tea From Ceylun and India Sold inn the Sealed lead packets at The “Salada†Tea 00 And declared That we Japan Tea In the worm Oaulvd begin) to equal It Then, Its Pure amd Healthful Said be So she bought it too And \Vomen like Is worrying again Because She did mot ï¬nd The remedy To decide “mull: it was HorrLd thought Paint Yes This was it Because the scum And greenish sediment Indicated Nothing ellse A cup of Tea And Haul become accustomed To the use of Japan Still There was Just a peculiar Something About uhc infusion That she Never quite Liked So she powdered And pondered RULES TO FOLLOW Real Gratitude.â€"Tramp, to Chappie, whol has given hima shilling,â€"â€"I ‘ope as "ow some day, air. you may wanta shillin’, an‘ that I’ll be able to give it to yer! \Vh‘at makes you look so gloomy '1 I just had an awful shock. Did you, really? Yes,I just heard a. man who is the same age as myself referred to as old. Suggestiou.â€"Wi.feâ€"-We need a new set of china, dear. This one is nearly gone. Husbandâ€"\Vhy don‘t you wait unfil we getn new cook and start even 3 There is adispute in regard to the atmospheric resistance exerted on a moving train. Some claim that every jection which can catch the windâ€" every flag, bOtit. bar or strip of mold- ingâ€"contributes just so much to in- crease friction and retard speed, and at first the proposition seems abso- lutely sounid. On the other hand. however. there are a number of en- gineers who insist that a train going at high speed is enveloped in acoat- ing of air, which moves with it, and presents a smooth surface to Lb:- surroumling atmosphere. regardless of projections and irregularities on the sides of the cars themselves. The first theory was recently tested by the much-talked-aborut ‘wind-split- tin-g’ train on the Baltimore & Ohio railroad. The entire engine was providâ€" ed with a shield fitting over the front of the smokestack like the prow of acruiser, and the cars were incas- ed in a sheathing that made the ex- terior one smooth and unbroken sur- face, from end to end. Although this train developed remarkable speed, it did not meet expectations. and is now being rebuilt to correct certain me- chanical defects. \Vhen it is given its final tests, accurate measurements of resistance, friction and so on will be made, and then, at last there will be something definite upon which to base our calculations. Strange to say there is no existing data on the sub- ject of atmospheric pressures. The ‘windâ€"spiitter’ advocates claim that their style of construction will deâ€" crease the air friction of a train tuily 40 per cent and effect a saving of about 20 per cent in fuel. If that‘ proves to be the case, the railroads of the country will not be long in adopt- ing it, especially as the system can be applied to old cars without any great expense. Nervilineâ€"nerveâ€"pain cureâ€"is a positive and ‘almost instantaneous remedy for external, iuzernul. or local pains. The most active remedy hitherto known falls far short of Nervilinel for poï¬ent power in the re~ liefi of nerve min. A‘ trial will dem- onstrute. Tea. merchants are under the im« pression' th-it Ceylon and India Green Teas will displace all Japans in, Can- ada before long. The "Salada" Tea Company are introducing them in their sealed Lead Packets. They are thevmost delicious Green Tea ever of- fered 'the public. Ln: every respect and attested by the testimony of thousands that Put- nam's Painless Oorn Extractor is a sure and painless cure for corns.. The claim that it is just as good made by thus] endeavorng to palm off imita- tions for the genuine only proves the superiority of "Putnam’s." Use 011131 Putnam's Painless Com Extrac- tor. Sure, safe, painless. Messrs, James Epps & 00., Ltnl., the well-known Oocoa Manufacturers of London, have just issued an ex- ceedingly tasteful little, medal in aluminium for distribution amongst their numerous customers and the public generally. It is called the National Medal of the United Emâ€" piire, and having been struck on the termination of the war in South Africa, it forms at the present time an interesting souvenir of the Mother Country and her various colonies, typical figures of each being repre- sented thereon. A pretty scarlet rib- born and asuitable inscription com- pletes its equipment. and we feel sure that all sections oi the public will be eager to possess Messrs. Epps&Cos‘., patriotic medal. Kind Strangerâ€"My little man, do you! not get dreadfully tanned in the summer? Little Johnnyâ€"Naw. Paw licks me in summer; but de teacher tans me every day in de winter. Pain Banished as if by Magic. ATMOSPHERIC RESISTANCE STRICTLY TRUE. d-split- & Ohio provid- a front row of I The Landlady~-Oh, Mr. Strivers will ‘come back fast enough. There’s no 'danger of his leaving this house. He knows on which side his bread is but- ‘tered. The Undisciplinetl Boarder, sotto voceâ€"‘Nhen he is away from from hereâ€"0h, yes, very likely. Z 3131'?†581nm: tdrihéi? c’budian’wécbiï¬i.’ 1370mm Ibo uhlld, aulwul the (uni. nllnya pun, our“ wind WHO. and In aha belt tamed, {or (Harmon. 2643.. battle. Bold by Ill druuma t-hrou how the world. Bonn Ind Mk in! " Mn. Wlnmow'l coming Syrup.†Mrs. Millionsâ€"The clergyman spoke quite bitterly of the extravagant en- ‘tertainments given by wealth‘y mem- .bers of the congregation. Millionsâ€" ;Did {he mention any namesers. Mil- glions, with a sighâ€"No; he didn’t men- ‘tionf a single name. Natural Resentmentâ€"Mrs. Trow- bridgeâ€"1m going to cut Mrs. Utter- bock ï¬rom now on, the mean thing. Mrs. Teasdaleâ€"VVhy, did she ask fur corn bread and molasses at your ten? No. she was looking at the cracker jar that I had decorated with Chinese characters and remarked to Mrs. Reading that she didn't believe China was as bad as it's painted. That man says his merryago-roumd is one of the finest in this country. Yes; I heard hLm bragging that his patrons: move in the best circles. What’s your husband doin' now-V asked the neighbor. \Vell, answered Mrs, Corntossel, pears to me like he ain’t doiu’ much of anythin’ except scolviin’ our boy Josh fur not bein’ more industrious. \ MONTREAL HOTEL DIREOTDRV. The “ Balmoral," Free Bus AVENUE HOUSEâ€"$333313??? The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn Ihat there is at law one dread: d disewia than science has been able to cure in Ail it: shaved and '1 an is Catarrh. Hall’s Camrrh Casein the only posilive cure now' known to the medical maternity. (Jalarrh being a. com. litutional di~eusa_ require» a. conslitulionul treatment: Hall's Catarrh Cure 13 wk nintor naily. acting directly upon me bead and mucous surfzu'os nt the system, thereby des. Lroylng tha fmlndatio 1 of the diiewe, and giving 6" a patient strength by building up the c nstitulion 3.111 as istimr naturrs in doinz its work. The propriecws have so much faith in its curative pnwem. that they offer rue Hun- dred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonialw. Address. F. J. CHENEY55 00.. Toledo. 0. Sold by dru gis a. 750. Hall's Farm y Pills are the best WHEN YOUR Grover ofl‘era yd: n Ion “jun as good u Lude‘ln,†“my mknowlsdgc improve the house. They 0 are valuable paints, but also economlcal, wear and tear ls what tells when you paintâ€" Ask your dealer. H. RHMSHYK SON; Pflllll MHKEIS ; MONTREAL. Est'd 1842 Inning. Gnalngoâ€"Now Importwun- anon Bulb Sheep Ind Amniuun Ho Culnuâ€"relhblo good-II [tht prices. PARK. B CKWELLECO..TomnIo. a "o‘ t‘â€wu “momcw‘sQ‘QQW Not only to paint. but to have A Pleasureto Paint. grama‘szzissgmï¬zé 1:325:13? lacy: Dnlnr O-‘xo’ Inns 0 .onl.‘ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING co. FOR OVER FIFTY YEAR: mtg, wwsww-s soomma “Rory. bun Metallie SKYLiGHTS CAï¬R‘PET DYEING umiuu. This Is a succialtv with the Heml particulaxs by p0 zand we are sure Lo autism Address Box 158. Montreal. EPPS’3 CEYLON TE A. an the ntandnrd and worthy of emulrtio insist on having the acknowledged standard. In Land PROM“! 25 GRATEFULW COM FORTING. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS- BREAKFASTâ€"SD PPER- $100 Reward, $100. eaning. This Is a specialty with the Noamâ€"College Ivenn thgly Rom mu '1. int/db}. no‘JGLAS BROS.. 12$Adclnidc s.., TORONTO, 0M- mos np'. Am. PluL Catholic Prayer Rolmioun Plotnm. Sthtï¬nry, and Ohm-oi: 0mm.“ Rhianna-LI Works. Mn! nrdon nod" prnups nun. MI- D. . J. HADLIEI . 00.. “Mm carbons ni-lnfectnntl. coupe, Olnt~ mant. Tooth Powdou, etc“ have boon awardm! 100 medals and dlplomu tor “parlor excellence. Their regular me proveno infecti- ons diucuses. Ask your dealer m chain 3 mpply. Mata mulled (no on sppllmuon. Music Eeachers Wanted PQULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES. d ozhar PRODUCE. to ensure but "lulu cousin n he Dawson commission 00., Limit“; Gar. Wait-Marks! 8 Dolhorno BL, Toronto, Are you suffering from nervous weaknes- kidney, liver or stomach complaints, rheuma- tism, lame back. paius or ac 1:5 in any plfl of our bodv? Do you feel yoursclf growqu fee 1c and ofd too soon? Ifyou are a man with the weakness that results from abusing the lawn ct nature, Ican guarantee you acurein three months with my wonderful Elgctric Be" Doctor Hammond- Iiall's Engflsh Tooth- lng Syrup, Comforts Crying children, with- out stupï¬ylng opiates, narooï¬os, :1! c o h o I, pernlolous s u g a r syrup, or any hurtful drugs. A sterling English remedy, an- provedby Engiish noo- n ' torn. Prlos 25 ots., It 'druxgloto. BRITISH DHWISTS COMPANY. TORONTO, CAN. Ask for English Teething Syrup. and Take No Substitute. (4.5 524) Any honest man can use In appliance three monihs. and pay me on when cured. Beauhful illustrated book. wh ch tells of my ethod of treatment and gives hundreds of stars from my grateful patients. sent closely Iealed, free. Address LAW ARE YOU WEAK? The Banada Permanent and Western Ganada Mortgage corporation. THREE MONTHS' TRIAL. Not only to paint, but to have your house painted wlth good clean honest paint. Palm: that lasts. Paint that has a style _ln color and improves your house Prnsidentâ€"errge Oouderhnm. 15L Vlco-Prcaidrnh Ind $333.26“! hm‘m" J. Herbert Mason. 2nd Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"W. H. Benny. Ralph K‘ Burgess. D‘ Mattg‘e‘uk. George I“ (hit come “2 °“ ' ‘ ' '. . Nordhelmar. Wmmmg, Hun. _ r. Huey. Alfred Gooderhzun. Winnipeg. MB“. C H. Gooderhnm. M_. flowgrgp, at. John, N. B. WALTER 8. LEE, General Manager, 7 Wihniï¬vg, Hun Alfred Gooderhnm, C. H. Gooderhnm. W. G. Gnoderhtm, George W. IAWiI, Hcad Ofï¬ce: Toronto 5L. TORONIO BRANCH Ornamâ€" worthy of emuirtio“. Then why not. In Land Packets 25, 30, 40, 50 and coo. F. 0. CALVERT & 00.. MANCHEOTII . . INOLAND. Wlnnlpeg. Mam, ASSETS l3!) Yonge St. Toronto. Board of Directors: CALVERT’S BABIES LIKE IT. Binlntarr, etc. Removed no Wenloy Bulldlnp. Richozd at. W., Ton:qu mug. ILLS A HAL“, $23,000,000 \V l’ 0 I046 Vaneowu, I. 0., looks, IOMI’IOO. UND- A own», {mm-m Predech W‘yld‘ St. john. N. B To send for our Domnlmo Oat lows of an Muslo and look! watn Special rate. of dlsoount. 158 Vongo St. Toronto, Ont. WHALEY, RJYGE & Do.