Opponents of the Government are developing election tastics that are, decidedly despicable and have not 'even the advantage of novelty. They are constantly starting all manner of unfounded charges against the Govâ€" ernment without even an attempt to produce proof, and then repeating them with the addition that they must be true, because they are not denied. That particularly absurd story to the effect that instructions have been issued to the Liberal party not to nominate Roman Catholic candidates in Ontario is a casein point. Ministers of the Crown are too busy attending to business and prosecuting their policy of progress and development, to pay attention to every silly fabrication evolved for the occasion. It will be the part of wisdom for electors to pay little at- tention to these yarns, unless there is some sort of reliable proof accompany- ing them. Mr. Cook is probably to be pitied. He is an old man, and ‘a. disappoint. ed man. He admits himself that he applied to the present Government for a senatorship, but was refused. He wanted the Liberal nomination in East York to contest the constitu- ency against Mr. W. F. Maclean. A few months ago he spoke at Union- ville at the annual meeting of the East York Liberal Association, and appeared to be in thorough sympathy with the party. Had he secured the nomination there would have been no “ arraignment.†written by Hon. Jas. Sutherland. The Globe and Mr. Sutherland have given it a flat denial and asked for proof. If The World can furnish proof let it. do so by all means. The report which Dr. Saundezs of the Experimental Farm has sent in with reference to the Canadian exâ€" exhibit of fruit at the Paris Expnst tionmï¬â€˜onis about as conclusive an It is only reasonable to suppose that the Liberal leaders meant by the above that they would grant pro- hibition if they were backed up by a large majority, which they were not. Day after day The World has re- peated the statement that the letter relative to Catholic candidates was “Whereas public attention is at present much directed to a consider- ation of the admitedly great evils of intemperance, it is desirable that the mind of the people should be clearly ascertained on the question of proâ€" hibition, by means of a Dominion plebiscite.†Some of the party papers are mak- ing a great noise about what is term- ed “Mr. H. H. Cook's arraignment of ‘the Laurier Government," which ap- peared in several Conservative papers on Wednesday of last week. The alleged “arraignment †'ShOWS noth- ing more than that Mr. Cook, who was once a Liberal Member of Par: liament, has broken with his party. “He charges the Government with not carrying out pledges made while in opposition. For instance he says that the Liberal leaders promised to Ieduee the national debt and spend less money than their predecessors. He does not say where the money has been recklessly spent, but claims that they have broken their pledge. Mr. Cook quotes the following para- graph from the Liberal platform to prove that-they deceived the peOple hy not passing a prohibitory measure : RICHMOND HILL. October 18, 1900 Changeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Chungeâ€" Imperial Oxl Co. Changeâ€"Atkinson 6; Switzer. Chungeâ€"Jen‘y Smith. [’1’ iberal. BEWARE THE ELECTION LIE New Advertisements. RESULTS THAT TELL. MR. COOK’S LETTER. From 1893 to 1897 the imports of British gooï¬s into- Canada sank from $43,000,000 to $29,400,000. In 1897 the British preference came into force. From 1897 to 1900 the imports of British products have risen from $29,- 400,000 to $44,600,000. The ex- ports of butter, cheese, eggs, bacon, hams, mutton, p0.1k, apples, oats, peas, Wheat, flour and potatoes to Great Britain have more than doubled since 1896. Judged either by ex- ports or imports, the preference is a solid success. The Mail and Empire evidently thinks there is little hope for Sir Charles Tupper to Win on his merits in the coming elections, so is anxious on every opportunity to have his name connected with those who are more deservedly popular than the leader of the Opposition. A recent issue of that paper contained the fol- lowing paragraph : Among the speakers in Massey Hall Where Si): Wilfrid Laurier made the speech of the evening, were Sir Richard Cartwright, Ho‘n. J. S. Field- ing, Mr. Arch. Campbei], Mr. N. W. Rowell, the candidates; 6w 1.1m differ- ent; Toronto ridings and others. The reception given to the Can- adian Premier and his party in To- ronto on Tuesday evening probably eclipsed anything of the kind- ever attempted in that city. People from the surrounding towns and \villages for many miles around came in by thousands,and all classes of citizens turned out to greet the most popular man in the Dominion. The-enthu: siasm displayed an along the line was marvellous, and the addresses in the different balls were listened to with the greatest attention. " 1 will continue to sen the best goods ‘ for the least price possible ; will main- tain the: high standard of my repair~ ing : will represent goods for 'ust What} they are, and endeavor to eserve a. u CnnLinuance of the generous favor of;, the people of this community. i JERRY SMITH, RESULTS OF THE ,I’lâ€"lEl-‘ER transportation schemes that will be an improvement upon the methods not only advocated but actually put into successful operation under the auspices and intelligent direction of present Liberal Minister. Four years of Gi'it work has done in ï¬nitely more than eighteen years of Tory talk. These are the practical results of the “monstrous bungling" and “blun- dering incapacity†of Hon. Sidney Fisher, Minister of Agriculture. No one ever heard of Canadian fruit in the markets of Europe when the trade was dependant upon the cold storage system operated by the Con- servative Government and it will re- quire something more than the so- phistry of Sir Charles Tupper, spread over halfa dozen columns of solid type to convince the practical farmer that the Tories will be able to de- velop practical cold storage and rapid answer to Sir Charles Tupper’s pon- derous manifesto as could well have been devised. This fruit was of the season of 1899, and had been in Grit cold storage for a year, and its con- dition, both in appearance and flavor, was a veritable surprise to thejudgts among whom were the leading fruit experts of Europe. The exhibit swept everything before it, and of the six provinces interested, ï¬ve took gold medals and one a silver medal. THE LAURIER MEETING. What will Happen Practical VVatCILI ENCE Mr. II. II. Cook, a few days after his noted “arraignment,†wrote a letter saying he had been asked by Sir Wilfred Laurier to contribute $10,000 in return for a senatorship. Sir Wilfred Laurier has given a flat contradiction in the following words: “ There is not a shadow of founda- tion in the charges made by Mr. Cook. I never directly or indirectly, through an agent (1' otherwise, “made any demand upon him for any sum of money, big or small, or for anything else. I give the wholeeharge the mest unqualiï¬ed and emphatic denial, and I challenge the proof of the same.†Let us have the proof. Sir Charles Tapper, the leader of the Opposition, says that Canadian industries must have high protection. Mr. Hugh John Macdonald, as ï¬rst lieutenant, says that Manitoba must have free agricultural implements. Mr. ’W. F. Maclean and The World sees nothing wrong in advocating both those policies at the same time, though the one is diametrically op- posite to the other. Upon his arrival in Montreal the other day Lord Strathcona was ask- ed his opinion upon the prospects of favorable consideration being given in England to any proposal to grant a. preference to colonial imports along the line so persistently harped upon by Sir Charles Tnpper. The Iliin Commissioner replied that he did not see the smallest probability of such a proposal making headway in Eng- land at the present time. To give a preference to colonial food products, Great Britain would have to place a tax upon foreign wheat, and any pol- itieian venturing such a suggestion would be instantly met by the cry of “ dear bread,.’ a cry with such dis- astrous possibilities attending it that no British statesman wouid venture to risk it. If Campbell Is Elected I will continue to sell the' best goods for the least, price ossible; will main- tain thn high stan 31d of my repair- ing : will represent goods forjust what they are, and endeavor to deSeL-ve a continuance of the generous favor of the people of this community. \ I dinner tlme.nny I ‘ ‘ \\\ timelsugood \ \ H {mm to use .7 “It is to be a question between the Laurier-Tarte view of the future of the British Empire and the Cluniiber- lain-Tupper view. One makes for disunion; the other for closer trade and more friendly relations. When such an issue presents itself, what is the sound Canadian to do? †The idea is to take advantage of Mr. Chamberlain’s popularity and success, although it is well known there is the closest bond of unity and friendship betwcet Great Britain and the Canadian Government at the present time. 312.111 aker “$3032; Best Gun Powder only 30¢. per lb. Shot 4 lbs. for 25c. Revolvers only $1.50 each Shot Guns, single barre}. breech loader. $5 Shot Guns, double ban-e], breech loader, $10 Shot Guns, double barrel, mussel loader, $8 Air Rifles, 75c., $1 and $1.25 C. MASON, The Standard. Mutual Fire Insur- ance Comgsany, American Water thite Coal Oil, 200. gal, or 950. for 5 gal. 33.90% Eyetc am Son, ‘Sarnia, White Goal 011, 180. gal, or 850. for 5 gal. WELKEES £5 00. A purely Farmers) Company, head ofï¬ce, Markham, Ont. People’s Life Ensurame Company, 166 and 168 King St. East, ‘3 dom‘swest of George Street, Toronto. Head Ofï¬ce. Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto; and Bichmand H5123} Haréwaye Store Swap mu :5 Residense, Richmond Hill. Si WELKENS & CC?†For particulars call on the agents, H. C. BAILEY,~MAPLE. AGENTS FOR THE i kinés of Eï¬achinery. 5. presensmg 5111s Coupon and 500. at our store :3: urday, Oct. 20th, will receive 121bs Yellow sugar. nannyâ€"'3‘ m.w.¢.râ€".u-nmv Our Sporting Goods are {tiny guaranteed, and are less than wholesale prices. Eepairing Promptly Done Richmond Hill \Vhich he will sell at rock bot- tom px'icPS for cash. Also Stove Pipes, Elhmvs, and Stnvvs (If all kinds. All kinds of Hardware, Tinware and everything in the tin and hardware line cheap. Emggs‘iaa ; 3mm Ragges Mason hzlé on hand his stock of