See the splendid Assortment of tWeeds. \vorsteds, panting-s. and over- cmmtings wean-e showing for our fall and winter trade. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Arch. hnxphell. the Liberal candidate for \Vest. York, will hold a. ublicxneotino‘ in the Masonic Hull. KInplg, nn Fl‘it ay of next week, Oct. 26. Addresses will be given by the candidatemnd others. Everybody is invited, and seats will be reserved for ladies. and \Vest York will b¢ Masonic Hall, Richmond evening of Thursday, C dresses will be delivered Campbell, ex-M.P., Mr. J and others. :ROï¬Pl‘Vé’d se Chair taken at: 8 o'clock invited. A joint meeting in t the Liberal candidates Just; the thing fm-~ children, navy blue serge tums with sill: tassel. .nicely ï¬nished, at; 500. each. Atkinson and Switzer. Mr. N. \V. Rmvell has arranged a series of meetings in East Yul-k. He will speak at Highland Creek on , the evening of Friday. Oct. 19. and at Todmordcu Saturday, Oct. 20. An in~ vitaLion has been extended to Mr. Maclean to be present at the meetings. Mr. A. R. anwcett who, for several vears past, was editm-Tiu chief of The endel- and Recorderâ€"a newspava- nblished at ’l‘urontn Junction, with munch ofï¬ces at \Voudbridge, Schem- herg and (whey placesâ€"has steppe-d down and out. The Leader and Re- corder has never been a success, and it, is very uncarmin whth the future of that paper will be. darge range of men’s lined and unâ€" lined gloves in mocha, kid, buckskin and dog skin, at from 500. per pair up. Atkinson & Switzer. Tuesday afternoon Mr. Harold Proctor took his young friends outfor a drive'in the large ’hus which has been repainted, tea-varnished, and re- ï¬tted in every way. This was in .all probability the last time these peo- plewill ride- in that favorite ’bus here as it has been taken 40 Barrie to be used in connection with Mr. Pi-uctor’s livery. 'Neat, cmnfm-tubm and jaunty are those childn-en’s toquus we are showing in Jersey knit in plain. also plain with stripes and tusswl, at 250. and 35c.each. Atkinson 8.: Switzer. The annqu meeting of the. Nurth Yul-k Twmhers’ Institute will he held in the Principal‘s Room, Public School, Aux-om. on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 26 and 2.7. rmmuencing at 10 o’clock a. m. All Public Schools in the In- spectorato shall he closed on those days, and all teachers are urged to 'aLtye-nd. Mr. F. J. Johnston, M. A.. of om- High Schuol. is on the pmgramme (If the North York Teachers’ Institute- to give a. paper on “The full teaching and analysis of ‘ Excelsiur’,†in Aurora on the 27th inst. A lurgenumhm- Went from hm'c to Toronto Manday (wonng by special (m1- tn an TCvam-Lh League Rally. and Tuesday evening another well ï¬lled car “'9an the city, the passengers act/ending Lhe Lam-ivy meeting. A Union Thanksgiving Service will be held in the Methodist. Chum-h. Thursday. at, 11 n‘cluck. The sermon will he prcuchml by Rev. J. A. Grant, Mr. W. F. Mnoleun held a pnliticnl meeting in Viumria Hull, Thurnhili. Tuesday vvening. Tho speakers were '1‘. Hex-bum; meux, Aurora; J. J. Fuy, M. L. A.; J. \V. St. John, and r'uy, M. L. A. the candidate. Mr. Thomas \Villiumsun was in the village on Monday putting up electiun pictures «m ln-hnlf 0f Mr. W. F. Muc- k‘zm. As usual, “The Old Flag" is tl‘ntvteï¬ nut, to do service in the. cam- paign. 311'. P. Eliis of Tumntn Junction. is Returning Oï¬â€˜im-r for \Vost Ymk in the coming Dulnininn vleciinn; Mr. H. P. Crushy uf Unimn‘illv, fur East, Ymk : and Mr. A. Yule of Aurora, fur North Ymk. Church. RICHMOND H 1m Mr. \\'.)1;, lie meeting Tuesday cw Owng tn Thanksgiving Day fallin'g on Th ursduy. THE LIBERAL is issued a day earlier than usual lhia week. Tbe\W.C.T.U. will meet :\L of Mrs. Derry nvx't Tuesday at, 8 o’cluck. ; The Pall'lm‘ Soc“ was uunmmcvd for the above has been pustponml. As thelnst I'IEVISl‘d VOIHS’ lists are those to lu- “it'd in ths- Domininn Eloctmn, nearly urn-y riding. includ- ing: West York. will use thulistsnf 1899, Parts I. and III. ‘u/ @212. ,9 MR. ROXVELL’S MEETINGS L(‘}>(7 11.11845 PUBLIC )1 E1 pastor of the Presbyterian \VEST YORK. 1 HI! in the interests of .atps for East York will be held in the :lnnond Hill on the day, Oct. 25. Ad- ivol-ed by Mr. Arch. ., Mr. N. ‘V. Rowell wed seats for ladies. Lynn: ".w‘ .11: Qt'mwmagflénaï¬â€˜ï¬ï¬‚m 23'“(5,;5‘I’E'Eln’ga‘ do†{in [c -:» ( 'i ‘ lbYOl'ia 3rd ins )ctub STING. now in progress RIPE I Bdde (in w country so mm as M. Everybody (mare? un the hump ovenng a], which evening, 1900 MONDAY, Oct. ailâ€"Credit: ads-cf farm shock. hu- p1emcnts,etc..‘ou lot]. con. 10, King. the property of E. G. Humbly. Sale at 1 o'cicuk. 'l‘urms m muunhs. saigeuu & McEwen, anctloneers. THURSDAY, Oct. 25 â€"Credit sale of farm stock. implements, em.. on 10: 12.403 con.‘Mark- 1mm, the property of Edward Garueï¬. Sale withnun reserve. Sula ut 1 o'clock. Terms 11 months. N. E. Smith, aunt. THURSDAY, Nov.. 1â€"Credib sale -of standing timber. on101529.con.‘7. Vaughan. $110 at 1 o'clock. Terms 9 months. Suigtmn & Mc~ Ewen. auctxoneerï¬. THURSDAY. Nov. 1â€"Credit su1e of standing cedar on lot 3. con. 10,. Markham. the property of C. D. Reesm‘. Terms 6 mos. Sale at 1 o'clock. Eckardt 6L Prentice. Aucts. 1 House and Lot opposite the High School on Yonge Sweet. 1 Gladstone Carriage. 2 seats, pole and shafts, bub-sleigh attachment. 2 Sec single Harness. 1 Set. Double Harness. 2 Shin of Bells. ‘ A quantify of Hay and Onts Sale rooms in his stable at the rear of drug store. cor. Yuuge and Centre bra. 12-“ By J. E Sanderson. RichmOnd Hill Thursday being Thanksgiving Day‘ the store will he closed all day. At- kinson & Switzer. MCKINNONâ€"On October 10. at Bracebridge, Job Alex. Kenneth, on y 3011 of John and :subui‘a McKinnon. 9. ed 4 years 3m0nths, 14 days. Incerred iu-Ric mond Hill. Fx~1da~y,Oct. 12. Richmond Hill, Thursday, Oct. 25. Maple, Friday, Oct. 26. Edgely, Friday. Oct. Wychwood. Saturday, Oct. 27. Wood bridge. Monday, Oct. 29. Kleiubul-g, Monday, Oct. 29. Tlmmhill, Tuesday, Oct. 30. York Mills, Tuesday. Oct.‘30. 'WVestnn, Nomination Day. Humbm- Bay, \Vednesdziy, Oct. 31. This is the rngmmmv up to Nomin- ation Day. ates for the fullewiug week will‘be announced later. Smyrna rugs, 16x44 in., fringed ends, good patterns, and nice coloring, 0m- l-egular $1.15 for $1. Atkinson and Switzer. Meeting-Sin the interest of Mr. Al'cl). Campbell’s candidature will be held as follows : Thistletown, Friday, Oct. 19. Islington, Saturday. Oct. 20. Pal-kdale, Mcudu , Oct, Cor. Blom- and athurst, Monday, Oct. 22. Toronto Junction. Tuesday. Oct. 23. Mimico, Wednesday, Oct. 24. A Vellore (afternoon), Thursday, Oct. EPW‘ORTH LEAGUE SOCIAL. A pleasant time was spent in the School Rimm of the Methodist Church Fride evening when the Epworth Leang held a Peach and Pum kin Pie Such]. The tea was not cont nod t0 93411165 and pumpkin pie, although these in themselves \vunld have been a treat. Au int-Frostingprogramme was afi'oer-ds given, and the chair was occupied by the president, Mr. E. H. Sisiey. After the singing of a hymn, prayer by Rov. Mr. \Veilwood, and the reading of the scripture lesson, the following programme was given : Vocal solo, Miss Ethvl Swntzer; Tho, Dvlinvator. the magazine of fashion \vvll known for a generation. celobmtvs theduwn of the new century -â€"the 39m MOIâ€"by ï¬lming 1901 prize-s ranging from $500 to $5, tn 1901 Wumï¬-n. The priZPs are so arranged that a woman living in a small village has as gnml a chance of winning a large prize as a womzm living in a. large city. The scheme is fully ex- plainod in the Nuvemhm- nnmlwr of the Dvlinn-zttm'. Price 15c. per copy. Special inducenwnts at the C(mcrvte for'l‘hnnkswiving week. Atkinson & SW1tzer. lil-Lle i up to deuce 1m- flu L indly Toronto Saturday Night as usual is gotbing out a Christmas number. The price will be 50 u-nts, and it promises to be a. very credita hlo number. There will be sixty pages, “Ind the cover will be printed in six colors. The two pictures whivh accompany the vol- ume are The Madonna of the Home, and Raphael’s Sistine Madonna. There- will be six or eight, full page iI- lllstI-ntiuns. while original drawings will illustrate all the stories, poems and sketches. If ynnr pocket; cannot stand fora. $2.25 hat. why just Luke- a luck at our $1.251in9 nfnmn's stiff hats with pure le-atlwrswezlthand and good quality felt. Atkinson & Switzm: small ‘ that d large prize large city. pluinod in the Dvlim-n Illl Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Rxpans Tabules cure liver troubles Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Solo, Rev. R. S. E. Large; Reading, M1; F. J. Johnston : Qun‘l'tette. Messrs. Redditt, John- ou, Sanderson and Trench. Sula, sts L. Mnrtsnn. r The proceeds amounted to $13.50. Mr. Campbell’s Meetings Mom (in we have in this section of \try so much mild weathvr and $0 a frost. us we havehad thisautumm tn the present, time. As an evi- 10 thutvtiw \vvnther has been ex- innully ï¬ne, We xm-d nnIy say that Lhe ch inst. one of our citizens liy hundvd in for the editor‘s tea. a ll dish of ripe raspberries picked «lay in the \illuge. They were of *i'v-v-l flm-m-nnd were enjoyed all 7 Int-l" ivy rum ', ’\. \. in. m the FOR SALE CHRISTMAS NUMBER $17,500 IN Sale Register. DEATHS {ASPBERRIER PRIZES Nuughl and 1-05.. I PRICES AT FARAKRES' WAGGnN$ Wheatwbite, per bush ............... S 0 '73 Wheat. red, pertmsh .. . U 71 Wheat, goose. per bush†. . 0 71 Oatsh per bush .. o 33 Pens, per bush 0 00 Barlev. Ire» bneh . 0 00 Turkeys. er lb .A 0 10 Dressed ogs.pevcwt. ‘ 7 50 Gecse. per in ........ . 0 00 (‘hickens. per pair 0 60 Ducks.per paw . - 030 Butter, in pound rolls. . 0 16 Eggs. fresh .......... -0 11 .3. T. SAEGEON, 0E anontu, Canadaâ€"Hie coming. com- »pany for the farmers of York Co. "Business Snlicittd. Patatnes, p--r Apples, per bl Hay, clover u Hav, timothy Straw shesL Puit'a' The u§vner may have. the Same hy pmving property and paying expenses. 14-3 R. THOMAS. Manchester, of LondonEngt, BRITISH AMERICA, The Great English Remedy. v Sold and recommended by ‘ druggists in Canada. On! reh ;\\ ‘ . able medicine discovere . Si v; A: h‘w’h kagcs guarantecd to cure a. forms of Sexua Weakness. all effects of a.qu or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use «To bacco. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelP' of price, one aokage 51, six, $5. One will pleas. of; will 0123:. impplgts free to zany rating-egg; nonuhy, \Vednesday and Sat- urday of each week. He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on hand and in a. few dms will be prepare! to supply DRESSED LUMBER uf all kinds and do PLAhI‘JG AND MATCHING of all kinds at, lowest prices. Patronage solicited ; satisfaction guaranteed Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot, 1, con. 2, King, about, the 1559f Septembur, a Cotswold Ewe. ‘ GORE, GP GA: A Firstclass Cash Mutual. la? \Vood's Phosphodine is sold in Richmond Hili by~w. A. Sandersouprugglst. \‘Vbich has been reproduced by The Herald Publishing Co. of Montreal. fmm the latesu and most natural photograph of the Premier ever takvn. The p01 trait is about; 20x16inchesâ€" just, the right size fur framing. Leave yo 1] x- 0 Id 02 '. The subscriber would respectfully intimate to the public that having rebuilt the choppmg mill “‘ rJAPLE And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy choppmg season and until further notice chop The Chopping Mill and Cider Mill at the (lrezum-i-y, half :I. mile south of Maplv, will run every afternoon. Bring your gram ; ln'ing youx'apples. Rolling outs for horse feed :1 specialty. N E VV wwsg - X on ca )1 qua we. After. SIR WILFRID LAURIER, 12110111110110. Ilill. Agent fur the fullowing stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: .» Henry Marsh. YORK MUTUAL, OF TORONTO, CANADA. And This Coupon E13}: WESE'éEnibEn'i, 'Wi’nEESi.'6lit STRAYED Emma ammm. m got. at, THE LIBERAL OFFICE a. portrait of NOTICE -r bay bbl â€" A LSOâ€" Wuod's Pheap'maineg 0F GALT. 1300 mmmw 0700 £150 $000 0 01 00000 018 70 REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. Is the place to go for ï¬rst-class harness at right prices. Good Stock. Good “’ox-k and Satisfaction guaranteed. BUGG Y DUSTERS, FLY NETS, TRUNKS, VALISES, and other supplies 2.1 ways in stock. ' EEERN - Sï¬OP Eclectvic Oil, 2 bottles for 25c Carter's Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢: Chase’s Pills. 2 bottles for 250 Dod‘l's Kidney Pills, 30c Williams' Pink P1115. 350.. 3 for .81 Chase's Cuturmh Cure, 15c Agnew’s Camrmh Cure. 400 Chase's Ointment, 400 Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 250 Beef,Iron and Wine, 50c Paiue's Celery Compound, 67/: Hood's Sarsaparilln. 67c ‘ Aver’s Hair Vigour. 650 Luby's dnir Renewer, 4% Steven Champions Liuin ent fat-Rheumatism, 25 wuouzsau: AND HE ‘AlL DRUGGISTS 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - - Opp. Richmond Ilill. Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. PURE- DRUGS W . If". C LAZELRK, Thanksgiving a 1900 ATKINEON Canadians should be thankful for peace, plenty and pros- perity. Atkinson .86 Switzer have done a good trade this year. Why shouldn’t they be thankful P And why shouldn't they show it by brmging out a splendid array -Of Dollar-Saving Bargains Which will make everybody feel thankful. The Scotsman, Stems, E & D, and Columbia Bicycles, at from 835.00 10 $85.00. All fully guaranteed. C. D. DANIEI iiECl-I N’IONI) 111141.. xtrm-Rhenmatismfli [ Canadian Wanar-whité coal oil, 180 a. gal Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle. AND ALSO AGENT FOR D PATENT Iv’IEDICINES CUT RATE PRICES. GEO. MCDONALD; ARE Fellow‘s Svrnp Rypophosphites. $1 Hurduck 151001 Iiitters‘ 65c Hes4e's Poul-wry Panama. 300. Ra ! Clover Compound. 65c Lucmpeplinfl, 7.31: E‘lv Puisun Pads. 3 for 5:: Smoky Flv Paper. 4 sheens for 5c. Epsom Salts, :ic 1b.. 9 lbs. {or 250 Sutphur,3c. 1b.. 91b3. for 25¢. Condition Puwdars, all kinds Your own Receipts made up ("awfully from pure drugs Hmlnins' English Con Union Powder, 25c Ken'lali’s Smwin Cure, 75c Canadian Wanar-white coal oil. 18¢: a. m SEWWQ Mfl-BHINE PIA NO, ORGAN, SWETZER. EL 80 CO. IF YOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE OR Opp. Clyde Hotel