CHAPTEEIL One bright May morning some sixteen years later. the golden sun- shine was just. putting forth its first crimson rays. lighting up the ivy- gl‘owrn turrets of Whiteslone Hull, and shining upon a little white cot- tage nestling in a bower of 'green leaves far to the right of it, where dwalt John Brooks. the overseer of the Hm‘lhurst plantation. For sixteen years the grand old house had remained closeddthe plun- tation being placed in "barge of a careful overseer. Once again White- stone Hall was thrown open to Wel- oome the master, Basil Hurlhurst. who had returned from abroad, bring- ing with him his beautiful daughter and :1 party of friends. The interior of the little cottage was astir with bustling activity. It was five o’clock; the chimes had played the hour; the laborers were going to the fields. and the d.1it’y~ maids were beginning their work. played the hour; the laborers were going to the fields. and the dlil'y- maids were beginning their work. In the door-way of the cottage stood a tall. angular woman, shading her flushed and heated face from the sun's rays with her hand. no wonder, and like enough you’ll lose your place, John Brooks, and ’twill serve you right, too, for encouraging that lazy girl in her idleness." "Don't he too hard on little Daisy. Septima." answered John ‘ Brooks, timidlv. reaching {or his hat. "She A deep flush mntled John Brooks' face. but he made no‘retort. while Se'ptima energetically piled the white fluted laces in the huge basket-â€" piled i tfull to the brim, until her arm ach‘ed with the weight of itâ€" the basket which was to play such a. fatal part in the truant Daisy's lifeâ€"the life which for sixteen short years had buen so monotonous. “Daisy. Daisy 1†she calls. in a harsh. rasping voice, "where are you, you good-for-nothing lazy girl? Come into the house directly. any.†Her voice died away over the white stire'tcbes of waving cotton,flbut no Daisy came. "Here's a pretty go." she cried. turning into the room where her brother sat calmly finish- ing his morning mull. "a pretty go. indeed! I promised Miss Pluma those white mulls should be sent over to her the first thing in the morning. She will be in a towering rage. and "Do'n't 1% too hard on little Daisy. Septima." answered John ‘Brooks, timidly, reaching {01' his hat. "She will have the dresses at the Hall in good time, I'll warrant." “Too hard, indeed; that's just like you. men; no feeling for your poor, overworked sister, so long as that girl has an easy life of it. (It was a sorry day for me when your aunt ’l‘aiza died. leaving this girl to our care." Over the corn-fields half hid by the clover came a. young girl trip- ping lightly along. John Brooks paused in the path as he caught sight of her. "'Poor. innocent little Daisy!" he muttered half under his breath. as he gazed at her quite unseen. Transferred to canvas. it would have immortalized a painter. No wonder the man's heart softened as he gazed. He saw a glitter of gold- an curls, and the scarlet gleam of a mantleâ€"a young girl. tall and slender with rounded, supple limbsI and a fig~ are graceful in every line and awrveâ€"whlle her arms. bare to the el- bow. would have charmed a sculptor. Ghee-k and lips were a glowing rosy redâ€"while her eyes. of the deepset and darkest blue, were the merriest that ever gazed up to the summer sunshine. Suddenly from over the trees there came the sound of the great bell at the Hull. Duisy stood quite still in alarm. "-It is five o’clock!" she cried. "\Vhat shall I do? Aimt Septimu will be so angry with me; she promâ€" ised Miss Plumu her white dresses should be at the Hall by five. and it is that already." Poor little Daisy! no wonder her heart throbbed painfully and the look of fear deepened in her blue eyes as she sped rapilly up the [nth that led to the little cottage where Septima grimly awaited hsr with flushed face and flashing eyes. "So," she said, harshly. "you are some at last. are you? and a pretty trig‘ht you have given me. You shall answer to Miss Pluma herself for this. I dare any you twill never attempt to offend that a second time." “Indeed, Aunt Septima. I never dreamed it was so late," cried con- scious Daisy. “I was watching the sun rise over the cotton-fields. and watching the dewdrops glittering on Heiress and Wife. the corn. thinking of the beautiful heiress of VVhitestone Hall. I am so sorry I forgot about the dresses.†Hastin catching up the heavy bas- Inet. she hurried quickly down the path. like a startled deer. to escape t_he volley of wrath thg indignant spinsLer hurled after her. It was a beautiful morning; no cloud was ill-the smiling heavens; the sun shone brightly. and 'Lhe great oak and cedar-trees that skirted the roadside seemed to thrill with the song of birds. Butterflies spread their light wings and coqua‘tted with the fragrant blossoms, and busy hum- ming-bees buried themselves in the heart of the crimson wild rose. The basket was very heavy, and [nor lit- tle Duisy's hands ached with the weight of it. The soft. wooing breeze fanned her cheeks. tossing about her golden curls in wanton sport. It was so pleasant to sit there in the dreamy silence watching the white fleecy clouds. the birds, and the flowers, it was little wonder the swift-winged moments flew heedlessly, 1y. Slowly the White lids drooped over the light- blue eyes, the long, golden lashes lay against the rosy cheeks. the ripe lips parted in a smileâ€"all unheeded were the fluted lacesâ€"Daisy slept. 0h, cruel breezeâ€"oh, fatal wooing breeze to have infolded hapless Daisy in your soft embrace! Over the hills came the sound of haying hounds, followed by a quick, springy step through the crackling umderbrush. as a. young man in close- fitting velvet hunting-suit and jaunty velvet cap emerged from the thicket toward the main road. Still Daisy slept on, 'utterly un- conscious of the handsome brown eyes that were regarding her so ad- miriugly. “If I might but mat for a few_ moments only," she said to herself, saying the cool. shady grass by the roadside. “Surely a moment or two' will not matter. Oh. dear, I am so tired I" She sat the basket down on the cool. green‘ grass, flinging- herbelf be- side it baneath the grateful shade of a blossoming magnolia-tree. resting her golden head against {the basket of filmy laces that wen-e to adorn the beautiful heiress of whom she had heard so much, yet never seen. and of whom every one felt in such awe. She looked wï¬stfully at the great mansion in the distance, thinking how differently her own life had been. As he parted the magnolia branches the hound sprung quickly forward at some object beneath the tree, with a low. hoarse growl. “I have often heard of fairies, but this is the first time I have ever caught one napping under the trees. I wonder who she is anyhow? Surely she can not be some drudging farm- er's daughter with a form and face like that ?" he mused. suspiciously ey- ing the basket of freshly laundered laces against which the flushed "Down, Towser, down I" cried Rex Lyon. leaping lightly over some in- tervening brushmood. “What kind of game have we here? Whew ?â€\he ejaculated. sui‘prisedly; "a young girl, as pretty as a picture. and, by the eternal, fast asleep, too 1" m Vega When youth shows infirmity, when old age creeps in before its Lixne,when the days that should be the best of manhood and womanhood are burden- ed with aches, pain and weakness, we know that the nervous system is wear- ‘Lng out and that there is imminent danger of nervous prostration, para- lysis. locomotor ataxia or insanity. know that the nervous system is wear- ing out and that there is imminent danger of nervous prostration, para- lysis. locomotor ataxia or insanity. How we admire the old in yearsâ€"- crowned with silV-ered hair. yet erect in stature, faculties retained with vi- gor necessary to the declining years â€"cheerful, bright. grand old age. How lamentable is youthful infirmity, middle-aged enfeeblement, parting of the ways too soon, told by restlessness, starting up violently during sleep. morning languor, tired, tagged, worn- out:.trembling limbs, worried brain, mind aimless and depressed. \Vhatever the indirect cause, the condition is lack of Nerve Forceâ€"nerve 60cts.ak Is prepared in condensed pill form and on every box is found th‘e por- ‘ait and signature of Dr; A. \V. Chase. Insist on having the genulne, eta. a box, at all dealers or Edmamon Bates & Co. Toronto. Dr. Chase’s Nerve Fem}. 9‘8? Emw @iï¬ "Come, Towscr." he said, "it would never do for you and me to be caught staring at this pretty woodâ€"nymph SO rudely. if she should by chance awaken just now." Tightening the strap of his mime- bng over his shoulder. and tend- j'usting his Velvet cap jiuntily over his brown curls. Rex was about to resume his journey in the direction of \Vhitostoue Hall, when the sonmd of rapidly approaching carriageâ€" wheels fell upon his ears. Reilizing his awkward posilion. Rex knew the wisest course he couLl possibly pur- sue woull be to screen himself he- hind the magnoli-i branches until the vehicle should pass. The next instant a pair of prancing ponies. atâ€" tached to a basket phaeton. in which sat a young girl. who held them well in check, (lash-ed rapidly up the road. Rex ooull scarcely repress an excla- mation of surprise as he sum the ocâ€" cupant was his young hostess, Pluma Hurlhurst. of Whitestone Hall. She drew rein direcily in front of the sleeping girl, and Rex Lyon never forgot, to his dying day. the discord- ant laugh that broke from her red lipsâ€"a laugh which caused Daisy to start from her slumber in wild ulnrm. scattering the snowy contents of the basket in all directions. For a single instant their eyes met â€"these two girls. whose lives were to cross each other so stran‘gnlyâ€"Apoor Daisy, like a frirhtened bird, as she guessed intuitively at the identity of the other; Pl-uma. haughty. derisive, and scorntully masking. "You are tha person whom Miss Brooks sent to W'hitestone Hall with my mull dresses some three hours since. I presume. May I ask wh it de- tained you ?†Poor Daisy was quite.» crestfallen; great teardrops trembled on her long lash-es. How could she answer? She had fallen asleep, wooed by the lulmng breeze and the sunshine. Just then his I struck him, torciny‘ “That is just what I thinx ," mut- tered Rex Lyon from his pl'me of con- cealment, savagely biting his lip. chew-ks ed. "The basket was so heavy," she answered, timidly, "and Iâ€"Iâ€"szrt down to rest a few minutes. andâ€"" “Further explanation is quite un- necessary," retorted Pluma. shlrply. gathering up her reins. "See th-tt you have those things at tha Hall within ten minutes; not an instant later." Touching the prancing ponies with her ivory-handled whip. tha haughty young heiress whirlni leisurely down the road, having Dusy, with flushed face and bear-dimmed eyes. gazing after her. "Oh, dear. I wish I had never been born," she sobbad, flinging herself down on bar knees. and burying her face in the long. cool grass; No one ever speaks a kind word to me but poor old Uncle John, and even he dare not be kind when Aunt Septima is near. She might have taken this heavy basket in her carriage." sigh- ed Daisy, bravely lifting the heavy burden in her delicate arms. "Pardon me.’ 113 'said, defer"w‘i- ally raising his cap from his bussy curls, "that baskth is too heavy for your slander arms. Allow me to as- sist you." In another moment he was by her side. In a mnmvent the young girl stood up, and made tha prettiest and most graceful of courtesies as she raised to his a face he never forgot. In- great nerve~building medicine. Mr. A. T. P. Lalame, railway agent at Clerenceville, Que" writes: “For twelve yeirs I have bee’i run down with nervous debiity. I suffered much. and consulted doctors, and used medicines in vain. Some months ago I heard of Dr. Chase‘s Nerve Food, used two boxes, and my health improved so rapidly that I ordered two vo more. "I can say frankly that this treat- ment has no equal in the medical world. \Vhile using Dr. Chaqe's Nerve Food I could feel my system being Food I could feel my system bemg built up until now I am strong and healthy. I cannot recommend it too highly for weak, nervous people." waste has not been repaired. It won't repair itself. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food furnishes in condensed pill form the nerve nutriment which repairs nerve waste. There rests the secret of the wonderful cures made by this great nerveâ€"building medicine. and Waving g‘plde-n hair restâ€" ludicrous position :11) of his Emme- llJer. and read- ).p jumtily. oxmr x was about to "\Vh: suits never once 1‘ mad of t or the m1g‘nolia-tree. thick with em orous pimkâ€"and-whitc tinted HOS- soms, the sunbeam: falling on her golden hair. "(he sunshine or the genllo south- ern wind brought Rex no warning he was forging the first links of a dread- ful tragedy. He thought only of the shy blushing beauty and coy grace of the. young girl-he never dreamed of hh", hour whm he shoull look buck to "No; I thank you. sir. I ha'V'e’ not far to carry tha basket.†Sher repFied. in a. voice s-Weet as the chiming of silver hemâ€"a voice that thrm‘ed: mm. he ooull not tell why. A sudden desire pï¬swssnd R'ax t’o kmow who she was and from w-hen'ue she came. "It is eight o'clock." cried Daisy, in allrm. "Miss Plumn will be so an- gry With me." "Angry!" said Rex; "angry with wi‘h you! For what ?" ".311: is waiiiug for the mull dress- es." replied D‘Iiay. shy flushing bgauty and coy grace of th.» young girlâ€"ha never dreamed of hhn, hour whm he shoull look buck to 11) 1t mommt. wondering at his own blind folly, with a curse on his lips. Again from over tha trees came the sound of the great bell from the Stretch a white cloth or a large sheet of white paper on the wall in a darken- ed room, and opposite to it place a small table, on which there is a lighted candle. Put a bank. or some similar object. be- tween the candle and the cloth so that it will cut off the light from the latter. leaving It Comparatlvely dark. "NO." she replied. “I am Daisy Bmo‘ifl. the oversuer's niece." "Df‘iqy BY‘OOk‘I." s 1H Rgx. musingly; “‘Vh‘li 3 Pretty nama! How well it suits you 1" He wa‘ched the crimson blushes (Int dyad her fair young faceâ€"she It was a strange idea to him that any one should dare b3 angry with this pretty gentle D.Lisy. "You will at least parmit me to carry your braket as far as the gate," be said, shoullering har burden will- out waiting for a reply. Daisy had nochoice but to follow him. "Ibere," said Rex. setting the basket down by the plantation gate. which they had reached all too soon, "you must go, I suppose. It seems hard to leave the bright sunshine to go in- doors.†[all her young life she had dreamed of the hero who would one day come ho her. just such a. dream as all youihiul maidens experience â€"an idol they enshrine in their innermost heart, and worship in secret. never dreaming of a cold. dark time when the idol may lie shuttered in ruins at their feet. How little knew gen- [13 Diisy Brooks of the fatal love which would drag her down to her douml "Iâ€"I shall soon return," said Daisy, with innocent frankness. "Shall you 7" cried Rex. “Will you return home by the same path?" "Yes," she replied. "if Miss Pluma does not need me.†"Goodâ€"bye, Daisy." he said. “I shall see you again." He 11‘“ out his hand and her little fingers trembled and fluttered in his chsp. Daisy looked so happy yet so ï¬rig'htened, so charming yet so shy. Rex hardly knew how to define the feeling that stirred in his heart. He watched the graceful. fairy fig- ure as Daisy tripped awayâ€"instead of thinking he had done a very foolish thing that bright morning. Rmx lighted a cigar and fell to dreaming of sweet little Duisy Brouks, and won- dering how he should pass the time until he should see her again. lhare was no one to warn her of the peril which lay in the Witching depths of the handsome stranger's glances. When you are ready to show your pictures hold a mirror sideways before the candle at such an angle that the re- flection will be thrown on the cloth. The pictures that you show will be really silhouettes. and you will neetl. therefore. little ï¬gures cut out of stiff paper. Hold one of them between the r-anvile and the mirror, and its sharply- doï¬ned shadow will be thrown on the cloth. Ry moving: it forward you may make it armour to walk across the (-lnth. The effect will be all the bettor if vnu main: the mirror fast 90 that you may use both hands in moving the ï¬gures. Thus you may get a variety of movements. even in two directions at. the same time. Whllv- Daisy almost flew up the broad gravel path to the house. the heavy burden she bore seemed ligh‘ as a featbanâ€"no thought that she had been imprudent ever entered her mind. voluntarily he raised hiya-(1'1) again in homage to her youth. and her shy sweet beauty. Yer once raised her I his. The more Rax more he- admired ching. pretty little Do you live at the Hall 1" he'aské (1‘0 Be Continued.) SHADOWGRAPHS T‘he more Rex lookad at her he- admired this coy. be- pI'etty little maiden. She ir picture under the bonghs .g'nolia-tree. thick with od- a rich philanthropist has had the queer idea of opening a free hos- pital. for sick plants in the Faubourg lSt. Antoine. There are big green houses with pienty of gardeners who ilock after the plants that are brought [in till they recover and then return [them to their owners. It is appalingto think of the num- ber of women throughout the coun- try who day after day live a life al- most of martyrdom; suffering but too frequently in silent, almost hopeless despair. To such sufferers the story of Mrs. Joshua Wile, will come as I. beacon of hope. Mrs. \Vile live! about two miles from the town of Bridgewater, N. S. .and is respected and. esteemed by all who know her. While in one of the local drug store: not long ago, Mrs. Wile noticed a number of boxes of Dr. \Villinms' Pink! Pills in the show case, and re< marked by the proprietor "If ever there was a friend to woman, it in those pills." She was asked why Sh-e. spoke so strongly about the pills. and! in reply told of the misery from which they had rescued her. The dru :gist suggested that she should muki- known her cure for the benefit lol‘. the. thousands of similar sufferers. iMrs. \Vile replied that while averse ito publicity, yet she would glaaly tell of her cure if it would benefit anyone else. and she gave the follow- ‘ing statement with permission for lits publication:â€" “My life for some years was one of weakness, ’plain and misery, until I obtained relief through the use of Dr. Williams“ Pink Pills. From some cause, I know not what exactly. I became so afflicted with uterine trou- ble 'that I was obliged to undergo two operations. A tï¬art only of the trouble was removed, and a terrible weakness and miserable, nervous con- dition ensued, which the physician told. meI would never get clear of. I tried: other doctors, but all with the same resultâ€"no betterment of my €0ndition. The pains finally attacked my back and kidneys. My legs and feet became frightfully swollen, and A' simple way of removing a thorn from a child‘s hand is to press a small key over it. When the key is removed. the thorn will probably be found sticking. out enough to allow it to be caught hold of and drawn out by tweezers. When the thorn refuses to come out 9. bread Ipoultice should be: put on for an hour or so to draw it, as it is very dangerous for it to remnin‘ in the flesh any length of time. ' A HOSPITAL FOR PLANTS. There are few Paris windows. especi- ally in the poorer quarters, (when! plants growing in pots are not seen. Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills surpass all other medicines as a cure for the trou- bles that afflict womankind. They quickly correct suppressions and all forms of weakness. They enrich the blood, strengthen the nerves and re- store the glow of health to pallid cheeks. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or sent poatpaid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine 00.. Brock- ville, Ont. [ cannot describe the tired, sinking. deathly feeling that at times came over my whole body. 1' became un- able to do my household work, and lost all hope of recovery. Before this stage in my illness I had been advised to try DII‘. Williams‘ Pink Pills, but like thousands of other wo- men, th-ought there could be no good in using them when the medical men were unable to cure me. At last in desperation I made up my mind to try them, but really without any faith in the result. To my great sur- prise I obtained some benefit from the first box. I then bought six boxes more, which I took according to di- rections, and am happy to say was raised up by them from a weak, sick despondent, useless condition, to my present state of health, and happi- ness. Every year now in the spring and fall I take a. box or two, and find them an excellent thing at the change of the season. Other bene- fits, I might mention, but suffice it to say I would strongly recommend Dr. \Villiams‘ Pink Pills to ailing wo- men." THE STORY OF A WOMAN'S RESCUE FROM GREAT SUFFERING. From the EutemgbgyJM.meyn‘n Yoan llrr life Was One of Miseryâ€"- Ilt'r Feet and “lulu Wouch hwoll rI'izlufully and ï¬lm ltrmlne liunble II nln Ilcr Household \Voria. Hope Had Departed. A 'I‘KIORIN' IN THE FINGER it 1! why pills, from The