Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 Oct 1900, p. 1

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in all things, Clzm’i VOL. XXIII. i . . 7? “ Elite goiliti‘ai IS! PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY IWORNING A!‘ {HE LIBERALPRINTINGt PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, our. F. McMAHON. Emron & Pnormmon. Emmi. LENNOX & MOB GAR, Barri-Jonas and solicitors. lllmr-v to 101111 on loud nn-l chuttol mortgages at lowost int-us. Aurora oflil'c- Ilomm-ol to the old post. ni'mo. our door \VL‘St of the ('iili‘mzcu In tho (lutirrio linnk. Ncwnntrlim oliiveâ€"Thrco doors south of the 1-.stoviro. ’i'. I-lixi-rmu': Limxox, (1. S'i\'. Mommy. \urom. 1‘. o“ iirirlmt COO K & MACDONALD Barristers, Solicitors. ctr. TORONTO OFFH'I‘I: No. 1. A(l(‘i.‘ll(l(‘ 81.. l“:i~'l. Mr. Cook wil be of Maple on Thursdav :ii’icrnonn o." «sir-b week. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 51'. nations, is signi- B:ll‘fl\l('l'3, Solicitors, dian T . BUSINE S S CARDS. attritimb DR. LANGSTAF «. RICHMOND HILL. or FE'CE nouns 8:010am:6to§pm " DR. L. LAWRASON, Member College Physicians (ind Surgeon”, Out. RICHMOND HILL. Office Hours: 8 to 10 3.111.; 1'.’ to 2 p. in.; 7 to 9 p. in. mm neutral. \Vim. Rogers Dcwfis’t, Room 12, 124 Victoria St. Toronto. Best fitting forth, also replatiug, at lowest prices. Good work. DR. T. A. CURRIE, Dentist, (Successor to Dl‘. Cecil Trotter) 25 KING STEP: a’l‘ WEST, TORO"”‘(l. n 1 East. Toronto Office, Mr, Grant's residence, \\ OOdlll'lllijO, L-vcry evening. Tliornliill.eacli Wednesday from 10 to 1‘2. IAS. N EVVTON ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN sunshine. JOHL'PI‘ON, Ross (t? FALCON BRIDGE, Barr-is tel-S, JANES BFILDINGS, TORONTO. E.F. B. Jonxs'rox, Q. C. J, l). FALCO.‘IRIIIDGE lnonci: Ross Money to loan at 5 per cent. Telerhcne 20st A. G. F. LAWRENCE, Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, he. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. Oddfellow’s Bldg., Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto, Will be in Richmond Hill every \Veduesday. Omce:--Next door south of School. Dr. W. Gecil Trotter, B. fin DENTIST. Cot. Bloor and Spadnla Ave... Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. its. '1‘ E Rims?) NOTA RY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER TN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, 8:0. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Public at J. T. Menus}: VETERINARY SURGEON â€"â€".,qu_. SALEM Eon/\RDT, 168 Wellington Place, Toronto. Unionvule Eckardt as P: omicc Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods soul on consignment. General sales of, promptly :itnouvlcd no at reasonable m s. G. R. Goultuug, Newton Brook, agent VETERINARY DENTIST! to. my... a g RICHMOND HILL, Stokes d: Elough. _ _ License Auctioneers for A . Gmdfl.“ M the 01mm" “tum”? Colle‘w' Siren-fully solicit your ligaiwggligtzl’uhfiicigiify with diploma. frour the Ontario Jetennnry ufluenm. sales uttmdud on thé‘SLortest notgco Dental School,w111vmu Muplo on Monday nnd nuda reasonubemtes P 0 address K. ' Friday of each week, and Concoru on Friday ' - - mi. from 1 to 3 p.111. Gulls promptly attended to Diseases of horses, cattle and other domesticatâ€" ed animals treated by the latest and most up~ proved methods. D BLOUGH J. T. Suiueon, Ix. M -E ' Richmond hill \Vestlon‘.‘ 611' N Saigon“ a: "Kt-Ewen. F. J. GALLANOUGH, VETERINARY SURGEON, Thornhil]. ‘ Calls by telephone from Riclurond Licensed Anetioneers for the County of York. Sulosuttomlcd to on shortestnotice and at roa- sonublerutes Putrouagcsolicited. J. i}. fleudmau, Licensed Auctioneerfor the County of York. General sales of implements, i'urniture.sian<lii;ig timber. etc. ,uttended on the. shortest notice and ntreusonablc rutcs. , I’utronngcsoli-itfl. P, I. d - Hill charged to me. L D ( “d "as: Mull" fins-ion, RICHMO ND HILL, R0modelled,uud newly furnished throu-Jhnut. N. in. 52min. Licensed Auctiouesr for the Countics of York (ml Ontario. All rules of form stock, we, at- tended to on the shortest notimI and reasonable mtos. Mortgage and linihl‘i sales attended to. Residence, Stourfxillc, Ont - ‘ “ ‘s 1- . .â€"-- v Mm One of the most convenient and control-table “‘ " hotels on Youg‘e Street. livery modern con- veuicnm. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Auidculstoppmg piano for riding Undertakers & Embalmers, RICHMOND HILL & THORNHIIL A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. or driving postmabiqvclists or formers going tour returning from market. I-Zlectric cars pass the door. Livery in connection. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. .MDHN PALMER. - HULsii norm, Prop i finer- Jr. (P I" r" EX ’ \' 3 W “I VXPI F if: sin: Eggafiéfig 9‘ ‘- 4’ “‘ 1.75 KING o’i‘ifiil-‘I‘ EMT. Tonex'ro THOROUGHLY REFITTED. Every Accommodation for the ti‘21\'-. ‘ clling public. live accommodation to guest“. Bourdfil iu-rvlu " To mm Good ideas ' may be secured by our aid. Address, THE "“ENT RECORD, _ Baltimore. Ed. Ripnns Tnbules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. To East York Electors. The following is :1. letter by Mr. N. \Y. Rowcll, Liberal candidate, addressâ€" ed to the electors of East York. This lcttcrtoiu-hcs on the principal issui-s now before the prople, and should be road curcl'ully by every elector in the iiding : Owing to the near approach of the general election. which lakes place on the 7th day of D'ovembcr next, I find it will be. quite impoSsible for me to personally interview all the. elm-tors of lllt‘ electoral district of East York. I therefore take this opportunity of stating to you my position on the im- portant issues now before the electors for consideration and decision. TARIFF. I cordially approve of the tariff pol- icy of the Government which has rc- duced the burden of tariff taxation. revived trade, increased employment for working men, secured the. abroga- tion of the Belgian and (i‘rcrmau trout- ics, enlarged both our domestic and foreign markets, and piomoted imâ€" poi-ial unity, and Iain entirely oppos- ed to a repeal of the Imperial profor- ence as advocated by Mr. Muclcziu and Sir Charles Tupper. Such it repeal would disariange our present tradc‘ conditions, unduly limit the people of this country in their choice of a mar- ket, would tend to impei-il our present. prosperity and endanger the muse of Imperial unity. ‘Vlio would go back to the conditions of 1:96? This is not the time fora change of government; we czinnotzifford to experiment. COLD STORAGE. I believe the system of cold storage inaugurated by the present Govern- ment has been of great advantage to the farmers of Canada by enabling them to put their products on the English market in the same condition as these products leave their farms. This system should be enlarged and extended so that. every county in the Dominion would enjoy these benefits, and if elected I Wlll use my best on- dezivors to see that the interests of East York are not neglected in this respect. TRANSPORTATION. I cordially approve of the policy of the Government in its endeavor to im~ prove our transportation facilities and thereby cheapcu freight rates both by land and water; and in carrying out. this same policy Ibelievca Railway Commission should be appointed which would have power to control. and regulate traffic rates in this coun- try, and I will use my best endeavors ta. secure the appointment of such a. commission. TORONTO. In these days of rapid progress we must haveaprogreSsive policy if we are to keep abreast with the times. The City of Toronto has been largely side-tracked iu the past so for as freight traffic between the Eastund the \Vest is concerned, the City of‘ Buffalo is prosper-mg on the freight traflic which should largely come through Canadian channels, and in no small measure through the City of To~ i‘onto. I believe, therefore, that a. progressive policy is imperativer re- quired by which Toronto should be connected by it short line of railway with Collingwood or some suitable port on the Georgian Bay, and proper efforts put forth to secure for Toronto her fair share of the freight traffic of the West. The attainment. of this end Would mean the building of elevators, the establishment of shipping indus- tries, and employment for hundreds of working men Would buy then-supplies from the farmers of York and the merchants of Toronto. Do you desire such a progressive policy, or the old do nothing policy of the past? POST OFFICE. That which Sir Charles Topper and the Conservative lenders declared could not be done hasbeen done by the Hon. Wm. Mulock and the Liberal Government, namely, reducing the rate of domestic postage from 3c. to 20., and also bringing about Imperial ‘ Penny Postage without an undue charge upou the revenues of the counâ€" try. I cordially approve of this pol- icy, and if the revenues of the Depart- ment permit, as I believe they will :it the end of the present year, the system of postal delivery inaugurated by the Mackenzie Government in 1874, should I be extended to the towns and village-s of this country. EXPENDITURE. I believe the public revenues of the country should be applied. and :ippliod only, to carry on the affairs of (lov- ei-nmcut honestly. economically and elfcctunlly zulministnrcd, and to the inauguration or Cill lying on of such public works as the growing net-(ls of the country imperativcly require. LABOR LE(_§I.\‘I..\'I‘R(L\'. I approve of the policy mid logi~l;1- tion of the Liberal tw'ovcrnmcnt in its endeavors to suppress the sweating system and in establishing :1 Depart- :‘zeut of Labor and a Labor Gum-Mo, l l~clieving that the more the question is studied by thougliilul men the more importance will be attacbcd to such legislation as may fond to improve the conditions and enlarge the. opportunâ€" ities ol the toiling masses. I think we cannot :ill'oi'd to bc lll‘llllltl the English logisl: tion and prm‘t ice in dealing with hours of labor and labor problcms. i‘Ni'i‘icn ('ANA DA. The Canadian people can only pros- per and attain pcrmnnr-ut succoss by tho dilfcrcnt races in this country liv» ing in pence :lll(l harmony one with another, and by permitting the sep- arate province-s to sI-l lie in their own way matters Mil-cling the race. and creed of their citizens. All patriotic Canadians must admit that the policy of the (,‘ouscrvatiu' lenders in (*ndonv oring to stir up the racial prcjiulicos of the people of Quobcc ngainsttho Liberal (iovcrnuwu! because? of send- ing :L contingent. to South Africa is deserving of the si-vcrcst censure, and I believe all (,‘nuudians. irrespective of party, should mlly to the support. of Sir \Vilfiid Laurie-r in his endeavor to build up a l'nitcd (.‘iiuada within a United Empire. .l.‘ll’l£ltl.\LISM. I believe the ultimate destiny of Canada. while preserving unimpnircd licrrigbls of self glth'l‘llllH‘nl, is to take 11. still larger part in the Govern mcnt of the Empire: and I will ('ord- ially support all well directed efforts totbis end, and consistently oppose the policy of Sir Charles Tuppcr who now glories in tho fact tbnt he smash- and socks to pour ridiculo ou'thc growing tide of lmpsi'iol sentiment in this country. Sir \Vilfred Laurier is not. “100 British or mo." Upon those principles and this pol- icy] appeal to you with confidence election, believingr that the incorpora- tion of those principles and tho adop tiou of this policy in the legislation and mlministrotion of the affairs of this country is in the interests ofall good citizens, iii-espt (:tive of party. Yours rospmttfully. IV. \V. RownLL. Octolu‘i' 23, 1900. _ _..â€"..<-o Ivi apt e The village was very quiet; on Thanksgiving Day, as many from here attended the l’uir :Lt \Voodbl'idgt‘. Rev. E. ii. Dyiuoud, Incumbent; of St. Stephen‘s, has resigned. and will leave in a few weeks to take charge of a. parish in Port. ilopt'. Mr. W. L. Keller of Toronto, spent. last Thursday with friends here. Mr. E. Cousins of Toronto, was visib- ing at his uncle’s, Mr. T. Cousius‘, a few days last week. Mrs. H.U.B:iilcy and Master George started on Friday last for a. month’s visit to friends in McKeesport, Pei. Mr. E. H. Elliott, principal of the Public School, has handed in his resig- nation, and the trustees have engaged Mr. TlIUI‘IJlll‘ll of Downsview, as touch- er for next year. Mr. ’I‘. McOormuck has been rc-eu- gziged its teacher of Hope School for 1901. Miss Evelyn Duvison of Toronto, was visiting her uncle, Mr. M. Robin- son, last week. Miss Belle Lunigau 0f Atlicrley; was visiting her friend, Miss E. Byam, last week, and returned home on Monday. Harold. son of Mizand MrsMatthew McQuai-rie, died on Friday, aged three years and seven months, and the re- mains were interred here on Sunday afternoon. Another death occurred hero on Mondny morning, when Mrs. Stong, relict of the lute Jucob Stung. of York Township, passed away. Althouin she bud been ailing for some time, her death was unexpected. Her sorrowâ€" iug friends have the sympathy of all in their bereavement. Mr. IV. E. Nixon illld Miss E. Luur of Hope, \vcro imii-riod in Toronto on . \Vednesdny of last week by Rev. T. l). , E. Shore. On Tuesday evening 2L .numbcr of friends assembled to wol- comc them to their new home upon their return. The choir and the Male Chorus presented them with an ebony clock, with bronzeornament, and they ‘ also received many other beautiful i and llfi‘flll presents. The young couple, who are quite popular. have the best wishes of all for long lite and prosperity. ‘. Sherwood Searching for mushrooms has bu» come ll. daily pi‘:‘.t‘tlct‘ of lute With many of our Citizens. Early in the morning is the time that those hunters iiiukr- lllt‘ll‘ appearance. The l'armors of our little bomb-t have nearly all completed their ilu-vub- ing. :is this is the second round for ,.\tlllll‘ oi" them. I Our coal mnguntes met lust wovk und agreed that anthracite conl will be $6 per ton. People. who got thcir coal in early were. wise, while some of them have decidvd to burn wood and kecp down expenses. Mrs. Anthony lictt'cr was visiting at ’ Mr. D. Kcfi'er‘s one day lust week. Our new store- and post office will 0d the llllllt'l'lnl Federation Lingual for your support. in the approaching‘ soon be open again, and will save the community many it trip to Maple for the little articles. Mr. Joe Montgom- ery will then sever his connection from the post office. Mr. Mark llui'i-isou has severed his connection with Mr. V. Ash in the wood business. Mr. Frank Kcifer’s many fricnds will be glad to learn that ho is improvâ€" ing. and will soon be able to be out again after his recent illness. .\ few of our reliable Liberals zit- toudod the meeting at. Massey Music llnll. Toronto, on Tucsday night lust, and returned home fooling much im- pressed with what they saw and board. Mrs. Mark Harrison was visiting at Mrs. Eph. Keffor's lust \\'(‘(‘l(. Mr. John G. Keller was visiting friends at Thoruhill station on Sunâ€" day lust. Mr. \Vm. loddy of “’oodbridge, was visiting at Ilill Furni. Mr. A. lludka, sin, of the John Aboll (‘o., Toronto. spout 'l'luiuksgiving with his sowin-luw. Mr. (loo. linker. Mr. Hiram lictt’cr spout Sunday in POI‘U‘I'VlllO. Miss Lulu Shunk outcrtnim-d :1 numv ber of her friends last “'cduesduy evening. Mr. Joe Snider of this place, will move to Cori-ville and occupy the house recently engugcd by our coming store keeper. Mr. .lninos H. Kol’for, we. are glad to say, is improving in health. Mr. limcrson Cooper was visiting at; \Voodbiidgc lust Sunday. A number of visitors were out from Toronto on ’l‘hanksgiviug llny (it Mr. Mark I'Iui rison's. 7 They were. Mr. Turp, Mr. Carter, and four other gentlemen. Mr. and Mrs. B.Cainpbell of Toronto, spent. Thanksgiving Day at the home of Mr. Henry Keller, Mrs. U'mebell‘s father. Quito It number from here attended the \Voodbridgo Fair on Thursday last, and returned home feeling much refreshed. Mr. Herbert:- Kef‘fcr was visiting at Mr. J. Julian’s on Sunday lust. Mr. Henry Heifer of this place, hap- pened with what might. have been a. very serious accident on Thursday lust. On returning home from \Voocl- bridge inir, and crossing over a. bridge near his own homo, the seat broke, throwing him to the ground. â€"â€"â€"<o Boots and Shoesâ€"Boys’ and girls" school boots, men‘s working boots, our stock is large and complete. “’0- mcu’s solid leather laced boots, $1 per pair. Naughtou Bros., I‘llgiu Mills. fienialfiwsnessl Enlist l mmmm is} TORONTO. . Enter any time. Ton Teachers. Sixty 'l‘ypmvritiug Machines. I'nexcelled facilities for assisting graduates to positions. “'rite for Calendar. 5 \V. II. SIIA‘V, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. m“: . 11b scribe for THE ~ _LIBERAL : TEE“ SUVNTW Life Assurance 00. : OF CANADA. i Assures on all the modern phuis. find is one of the» most prosperous and progressive CODIDHDLES inesistcncc. Premiums low. policies unconditional and nonfm‘lcitublc. Take a policy witL the district agent, T. F. McMAHON, l LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMOND 1111.1- '1 FOR HIRE One \‘v'ilkiuson l’otnto Digger foi- hire. Applyto All'l‘l'llfli II. (0031138, liclummd Hill ,4; , _m ;_I,_”_.__ FOR bdhfi. llrv I’iuc and £31184; leibs deliver- cd mi the six/\i'tvst notice. Apply to 15-3 flllt'llAlZLBROS. Richmond llill, Oct. ll, I").

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