HINTS FOR THE FARMER. N PREPARIN"i FOR GRAIN. The land which is to be sown to winter wheat cannot be too well worked before sowing the seed. Plow it as early as possible and try toh‘arâ€" row it once a week‘ to cause weed seeds to germinate and then to kill the weeds before the grain svvd is sown. The thorough pulv:-r.zing of the soil is almost. equal to a coiling of manure or to as much fertilizer as grain growers are apt to drill in with the seed, but when the land can haw both tillage and manure the crop is likely to run far above what is culled the average and then is when the proâ€" fit is almost a sure thing. Before sow- ing wheat select the bus". and plumpâ€" est seed to be had. While some do so by fanning out small and light seed taking that which being heaviest fulls near the. fan, some have sieves which sift out small grains and weed seeds and save the other. Either way is much better than taking it from the bin without selection. The fields from which the grain has been out are likely to have weeds start up among the stubble. It will usual- ly pay well to mow these down to pre- vent their seeding the ground. If your clover is coming among them do not cut too closely in a dry time to let sun shine in and burn the roots. SOME FALL HINTS. It is now time to begin to make the needed repairs at the barn. and all outbuildings. It is best to be com- pletely prepared for sudden weather changes which often come quite early in the fall. Too much stress cannot be devoted to making the roofs un- leakable, and to have the cracks se- curely battened on the sides of the stables. See that all the door hinges are in good order, for the high winds will give them all a severe test. In making all stable repairs thoughtfully consider the difficulties experienced last winter, and aim to make every- thing more convenient. Common apples are generally used for cider making. and even when ap- ples are plenty thlere is too great a tendency to become careless and put in rotten apples. \Vhen this plan is followed the cider is of poor quality, lacking the true, spicy taste, and has 9. muddy or unsettled appearance, It will pay to discard all rotten or bad- ly specked apples. Another source of trouble in cider making is using bar- rels that have had contents that the wood has absorbed. When cider is put into such barrels it will soon begin to taste of what the Contents had formerly been. ‘All cider barrels should be thoroughly washed out with boiling water, to which plenty of soda has been added. â€"â€" RANGE FOR TURKEY'S. There is a general belief that exer- cise makes turkeys and other fowls tough, and, therefore, they should have no range to roam about in, This is true only to the extent that they become tough when taking an exces- live amount of exercise. A range is necessary for the development of all fowls. They should not be frighten- ed, chased oir worried when in the range, for that makes them tough and lean, and spoils them as first-class birds. A flock of turkeys brought up naturally in a good range will weigh more, have finer and sweeter meat and be healthier all round than the birds brought up in the daintiest man- ner and spoon-fed from their birth in narrow quarters. It is a nuturn] life fotr them to roam about, and they should have all they want of it up to a. period of a month before killing time. DAIRY NOTES. It is the neglected cow that never fills the milking pail. Be merciful to your cows if you ex- pect to make money in the dairy busi- mess. The cool nights of fall should ad« monish dairymen to house their cows at night. Rowen freshly cut from the mea- dows forms a valuable adjunct to the full feed of dairy cows. To allow the cows to lie in open pas- tures until the nights are freezing cold is to invite a steady decrease in milk yield. Cows should enter the winter sea- son in the best possible physical condi- tion, and this will not be. obtained unâ€" less they are humanely treated. Unless the nights are warm and pleasant at this season, it is wise af- ter the evening's milking, to give the cows a feeding of fodder corn or freshly cut rowen, and let them lie on dry bedding in the stable all night. "Have you tried 'Szilada' Ceylon and India Green Tea '! asked the deal- er off a consumer of Japan. “No. I never experimen‘ “ .,, suiil th:l C115: Ufllel‘. "Good rule, proved by it‘s excepâ€" tions." "llow so!" sLid the customer. "A n »w (on, grown on the. richest Text producing.r soil in lll" world-â€" Ceylon :inil Inll.Lâ€"pl't‘[l:lf‘t‘tl by modâ€" ern, cl--'Lnly m-icliinery methods, just as “Siliilu†lllaok 'l'ou IS.â€"-\\'Illllllll 111.! did of nerve, disturbing adulter- unis, may more :i l‘t’Vt'IlllUll to the male, n'nl :I pis‘ilivn benefit, rather lll‘lll (Ill injury, to the system. Now do you. grasp ih- Sillllll'HI I" "\'.-_<," SlilI the Gllsltlllli‘l', "I do." "lhs-‘l, take .‘l L'l‘ldl packet." lit-Mil ; .lnpnn 'l‘nn forever discarded, "Srll-iila“ Ca-ylon and lndiu Green Ten HIDDlOtl. 'l‘hi- llIlUV‘t’ conversition is sugges- live io you reader, if you drink: Japan Ten. The fodder can be. fed to them in their mangers, and will result in a much more bountiful yield of milk in the morning than if the cows lay out through a frosty night. __.__...__- AN EASY TONGUE. \Vhen H.lt.H. the Duke of Connaugh’t was learning to ride the cycle the gen- erally visited an unfrequented road on the outskirts of Aldershot to be free from public observation. On one of these occasions he was met by a young subaltern who was there for the same reason, and who, on recogâ€" nising his chief, attempted to salute, but in doing so lost his equilibrium and fell. His Royal Highness let go prove anything, one of his handles for the purpose of returning the compliment, when he also alighted on terra firma; but quickly picked himself up again, and with his Well-known characteristic kindliness, made inquiries of his subâ€" ordinate if he was hurt, when he re- ceived a reply which amply compen- sated for his accident. The "sub" picked himself up, remarking, " That any soldier would be hurt were he to witness the fall of Royalty." of Dodd's Kidney Pills an legion. The box is imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pills are imitated and the nameâ€"Dodd's Kidney Pills is imitated. Imitations are dangerous. The original is sak. Dodd’s Kidney Pills have a. reputation. Imita- tors have none or they wouldn‘t imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Do not be deceived. There In only one DODD’S. Dodd's Is the original. Dodd’n is the name to be care- ful aboutâ€" Dâ€"Oâ€"Dâ€"Dâ€"‘S KIDNEY _ PILLS iA CINCB‘. \Vrightâ€"I wish to submit this article on: the Daily Lives of Our Million- naires. Editorâ€"Don’t want it; too dry. Why don‘t you write about something with more snap to it? “'rightâ€"Gee “biz! I can’t imagine a bigger snap than a millionnaire’s life. Worth Ten Doliars a Bottle. Any person who has used Nervil- ine, the great pain cure, would not be without it if it cost ten dollars a bottle. A good thing is worth its weight in gold, and Nerviline is the best remedy for all kinds of palm, it cures neuralgia in five minutes; toothache in one minute; lame back at one application; headache in a few ]minutes; and all pains just as rapid- y.. IMIGHT HAVE LEFT THAT. Mrs. Starrenm~That Mr. SlOpily has skipped out without paying his board. Mr. Starboardâ€"Well, that should be a relief to you. You've often declared he. was an elephant on your hands. Mrs. Starvemâ€"I should say he was an elephant, for he's taken his trunk withi him. PliAt'lil’I'LLY INCLINED. 'l'he sm'ilh-st army in the world is thii of the State of )lor- «snot, which lies between Belgium and Germany. The size of this sni ill coun- iiry is only four square miles and its army consists of one man. who is also the police force. thus combining in his own person the entire military and civil forces of the country. lion-snot is an ideal and indelwmlent republic. unâ€" :ind ton C(lllllt'll- der a burgomnster men. Apart from Moresnot and other diminutive States such :is San Marino, Luxemburg, with respective armies of ill, l'3ti. and men, the smallest European standing Willi a total Monaco, and their .27) army is that of Servin, strength last year of lll,lltltl men. The pe.1ce strength of the armies of Eurâ€" ope amounts to nearly llltllltHlOll llH‘ll, which would be increased to at least 15lltl0,000 in case, of war. In propor- tion to population Denmark maintains must and l’lngl'ind fL‘\VL‘Sl soldiers in times of peace. “4“ A \VI'IDllIX‘tl l‘Rl'Sl‘lN’l‘. or practical importnn e \xould be a bottle 0. the only >11l’t‘-[l(l[l r'o.:i cure â€"l‘utunm's Painless Corn .l‘lxtract-vr -â€"â€"which (:‘in be hall at any drug sit) e A continuation of th- honeymoonand the removal of coins both zis<u:el by its use. Beware of imitat:ons. STRATEG r. \thtl did you expect to prove by thatl exceedingly long winded arguâ€" ment of yours? asked the friend. I didn‘t expec tt oprore anything, answered the orator. ,All I hoped to do Mas to confuse the other fellow so that he couldn‘t prove that I didn’t a am, This signature is on every box of the zenulno Laxative Bromeruinine rabies the remedy that cm- a cold in one do, PUTTING A HEAD ON IT. This is a great story, said the new reporter, but I can’t think of agood head for it. It’s about a trusted employs, whose accounts were found to be crooked, and when he was ac- cused of it dropped dead. That’s easy, said the Snake Editor, helpfully, head it Died from Exposure. WWII“. INTEL DIRIOTOIV- The “‘Balmoral," Fm Bus 3.52:; 77 A T _uoomâ€"0ou AVENUE H005! m n lakf'a; wâ€" SlZING THEM UP. O How do you like your new quarters? asked the landlord, pleasantly. The new tenant in the modern apartment house looked the rooms over sadly and rejoined;â€"Thiese aren't quarters; these are eighths. FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS IIRB. WINSLOW‘B SOOTHING SYRUP his boss Ind by mothers for their children touching. It not). the child. Ioftanl the gums. ollnys psi; ow. wind lie. and Is the but remedy for diurban. 2!)..- bank It! by all dmnists unou hour. the world. loan Ind In for " Hrs. Winslow'- nothing Bywp.‘ THE VERDICT. A Coroner's jury delivered the fol- lowing original verdict on the sud- den death of a merchant who had failed in business ;â€" lVe, the jury, find from the doctor’s statements that the deceased came to his death from heart failure, sup- erinduced by business failure, which was caused by speculation failure, which was the result of failure to see far enough ahead. 5â€"- $100 Reward. $100. ‘he readers of this aper will be pleased to to ~rn that there is of east one dreaded disses. L {L science has been able to cure in all its 5 A xes and Ina: is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical irnternity. Cutorrh being a cons. titutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is takeninter lutII)’, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby des- troying the foundation of the disease. and giving the patient strength by building up the on natitution and twisting nature in doing its yvork. 'I‘he propricto s have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer one Hun- dred Dollars for any one-Is that. it fails to cure. Send for list of testimoniala Address. 1", J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by druvgis‘s. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best) VlRT UE NO ltElVARD. It was pretty ll‘ll‘d work pulling you out of the, water! Yes, but you'll get on my account a medal from the. Humane Society. Since I’ve. assisted you to obtain this great honor, don’t you think you ought to give me something for my trouble? 11’ YOU drsirc to taste how good a cup of tea can be TRY LLA It will surprise you that such it good too can be bad on In Lead Packets, 25. 50. 4o. 50. 60. . CEYLON TBA. reasonable prices. My Electric Belt; lit a quick and positive cure for weakness in man. The vita‘lzina clectrlc power is given direct to all weak purl», developing the full natural vigor of health. It) makes tho blood warm and tho nerves as strong as stool. I want every man who is weak from our cause. or who suffers from lsmo back, rheumatism. weak stomach or uilln kidneys, to be cured by it. pay me when cured. and then taï¬ his friends. DR. MCLAUG H LIN’S OFFER. I am not giving belts away. I am simply curing ï¬rst and asking my pay aftei ward. am doing this because I can do it. I have It" Electric Ilelb which DOES CURE. and any T man cm. ()ch 5‘ 1900 honest man who will secure me can have my Holt and pay me Dr McLaughlin, when cured. Is that fair! I can do this because I have the Dan an: After trylng differ. best Electric Belt; in the world. My Belt: ls twl'oe as strong ent prvscdptwns for 'ncrvous- in: any other, and it is the only one than can be worn with any 25:33:35! largo!â€â€˜fmlg‘mynfvg‘m comfort. It does non burn. Call and consult me today. or “Mm “kits. within awe)“ I lslond l'olr mg bovllltï¬ll‘ljso page book, which tells my story bean to improve, I would not one“ 5" em: Re“ 6 ‘ from cost me and be without one Y S 130 on gc t., Toronto. Yours truly, F D) er tulu- ti n time»- what the belt 111 Wi'ton Ave ,. . .. m. . I1 ,. W" “ .wseuxuu'“ o'm" T Wm M“ “mac llfll‘tl WOOtl lliiiisli. For handsome effects, smooth even surface. shiny and glossy paints, get a palm. that's made 01‘ right. itâ€"made rightâ€"ground Mills are made by experienced chemists with proper machin- eryâ€"mixedjust right for pro- per effects, wear and tear. they stand for economy. Ask your dealer. ll. lllllllll ESON, Plill Odell M0 NTREAL. Est'd 1841 ‘ Om~‘ By Investing From One Dollar to One Hundred Dollars. and HOW IT WILL flRflW WHILE YOU ARE SLEEPNG. The undersigned having secured a block of stock in one of the safest and best-known Gold Mining Companies in Canada, which has been working for two years, has large ore bodies opened up, new machinery and buildings costing forty thousand dollars, all fully paid and no liab‘lities of any kind and is likely to be in a posi- tion to pay regular dividends in a short time, having decided, instead of dealing with large English or European Capitalists, to deal direct with The People, believing there are many who are saving and am- bitious to make money but on account of limited resources, The Door is Closed Against Them. Remember the greatest fortunes in the world have been made in mining. poor and struggling men and women have made them- selves comfortable for lite by careful and judicious investment. For further particulars send full name and address to Department “W†FOX a nose, Mining Brokers. 19 O 21 Adelaide St. East; TORONTO. Members Toronto Mining Exchange; “ Toronto Board of Trade. AGENTS WANTED. To send for our complete Data-u legu- of Sheet Mum: and Book! with Buolal rate! Sulphur IlS also frequently used in the manufacture of woollen goods and white paper. 1 telltale w P c 1047 ‘xTeacherS CALVERT’S catholic Dlolnfoctanto. moo. Olnt- meat. Tooth reunion, .10., have been awarded 100 medals and diplomas for superior excellence. Their regular use pnvenb tnwa- oua diseases. Ask your dealer to ohmic I supply. Lists mailed free on application. F. G. CALVERT 8: 00., WOHIBTIR IIGLAND. C m Memo.» m Metallic Oeilin . . . . .._. ...:.;m=v..=~;,;-â€" YUUO/OVERGOATS RQYOE & 00. ‘58 Yam at. Toronto, Ont. Wanted THE MOST NUTRITIOUB- EFFS’S GRATEFUL* OOMFORTING. COCOA BREAKFASTâ€"SD PPER. Douglas Bron. mm, mm A mus. . d f d'd Suits woull look better dyed. If no agent 3m“. m 3? our: in your town. lwrite direct Montreal, Box 15o l Removdu Wash; “Hun. ' Will 83 W., Noam BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING CO. mm“ l Catholic Prayer “222: “'"w‘ Religion- !ontmn. and Org-3:: a; "n A .L mun am'm' We casingsâ€"New lnporMhu M M Sheep and American 110: Cuminâ€"rulinle (gallon (uh! prices. PARK, 8 cxwrusco.,rm POULTRY, BUTTER, EGGS, APPLII, ud other PRODUCI. to truer. boot. unh- epur In The Dawson Commission 00., le tad, nor. West-Marks! I. oolbcrm IL, I’m /