«mâ€" On the Farm. g mam â€"qo..7aleo SEED GERMINATION. All sound seed germinates under onditions which y, and in the {right proportion a sup- uly of air, moisture and heat. The best time to plant or sow is hot which effects the quickest coniâ€" ng up of the seed, and its strong ubscquent growth, the air and [round must be warm enough for the eezls to germinate. Hastening thc coining up of the .eeds is of great advantage, as the, ilants grow up in advance of the Needs, which lightens the labor of Keeping the. field clean. Manuring the seed by steeping in- duces a quicker and stronger growth of the plant in the first 1-1 days, lay- ing a sure foundation for a subse- quent growth and enables it to quick- ly outgrow dangers from insects. The infancy of a plant is its critiâ€" cal period. Seed manuring supplies the nutritive properties directly to the young plant at this time when its organs are yet unfit to seek its pro- per nutriment over a wide range of soil. The vigorous development of the slant while young, is, moreover, a sure guarantee of its full perfection and ripening. give simultaneoUs- HElFER CALVES. Female calves are our dairy recruits Ind on their proper rearing largely lepends their future usefulness. Some lairymen of scant experience imagine that when a calf develops into the )iroportions of a cow, no matter what ricissitudes she encounters during heir growth, she is then ready to be- io-me a paying animal. Dairymen Ihould banish such false notions from their heads if they desire to possess :o'ws of any merit. Remember that :alves cannot be raised too well. It pays to force their growth all that you can. Do not slop them much with sour whey or old buttermilk, Feed both to them in a fresh state. They should have the free run of a partial- ly shaded pasture, in which there is a. good growth of mixed grasses, conâ€" taining some clover. Offensive surâ€" roundings, like proximity to a barn- yard or stable, is inimical to the healthy development of growing calves. Bweet skimmed milk as it comes from the separator or creamery will make bone and sinew for calves, es- pecially if a little oil meal be added to it. DESTROY BLACK ANTS. When your fruit trees lose their bark near the ground, look out for black ants. These pests will eat off a. girdle of bark next to the soil. Fre- quent inspection should be made, If the ants are found, trace them to their nest, which will not be far from the trees they are attacking. Having found their nest, you can kill them with bisulphide of carbon. Pour some of the poison into the entrance of the nest, cover the nest with a thick cloth, l0 weighted down with stones that the gas formed cannot escape. The gas formed by the evaporation of the aisulphide of carbon is much heavier than air, and, therefore, it will sink into the nest. displace the lighter lir, and suffocate the ants. Even the :rdinary conical ant hill can be clean- bd out by this method. Another way to destroy an ant nest is to pour karosine or gasoline into the heap, let it spread through the mass and then fire it. .Sugar will attract the ants. Scatter it freely about the nests. When the second ration of sugar is mattered mix a little arsenic with it. the ants cannot distinguish between the arsenic and sugar, and the diet will do them up. The best way to fight ants is the way that will kill till the workers and destroy the eggs it the same time. The firing method will accomplish this. POULTRY POLVTERS. Air out that hen house. A comfortable hen is generally a profitable hen. Shade during very important. Remember that a male is half the flock. Before saying that poultry on the farm doesn‘t pay think twice. Give fresh and clean water to the fowls several times a day and espe- cially let the first drink in the morn- ing be clean water. \Vater standing Weir night or for part of a day is liable to be full of dust. poison and parasites. These are not good for chickens. Eggs under the hen will range in temperature from 100 degrees for the hot weather is thoroughbred will displace all Japan Tea the same are Salada black is displacing all other black teas. those on the outside to 105 degrees for those in the center of the bunch. The hen shifts the. eggs from the center to the sides, besides turning them over once or twice a day. Poultrymcii who are looking for a duck should not overlook the Rouen duck. The lioucn is a large bird, is a prolific layer of green and white eggs, is not timid, is a good brooder, and produces rich, juicy flesh. The parts of the incubator nearest the lamps will be the warmest parts. If the. incubator be in a cold room, it will require care to keep the temper- ature even throughout the egg cham- ber. Incubators cannot be successfully used unless the grower will shift the eggs every day, besides the mere reversing of the trays. Shifting will aid to bring an even hatching. If the legs of your hens are per- sistently scaly, dust them tho/rough- ly, daub the legs with lard and sulâ€" phur, and keep up the treatment until the legs are smooth. Chickens like and will thrive on sweet milk. Use glass or glazed feed- ing veseels, and be sure that the vessels are not covered with soured milk. Soft food is necessary for chicks. All soft foods, especially starchy ones, ferment quickly. Therefore watch carefully. Never put eggs under a scale-legged hen. is the deadliest and most painful malady to which mankind issubjcct. Dodd's Kldtisy Pills will cure any caso of Bright's Disease. They haw Mvor hilod in one sigh case. They no the only remedy that ever has cured D, and they are the only randy that can. There are imitations of Dodd's Kidney Filmâ€"pill, box and nameâ€"but imita- tions are dangerous. The original and only genuine cure for Bright's Disease is @0308 KDNEY PILLS Dodd's Kidney Pills are ï¬fty cents a box at all druggists. ., CHURCH OF FOUR STEEPLES. The Herman Art‘lltlz‘t'l'i FIIHII)‘ Slol‘!’ 0' Hts Experience |wllli the flbflicers of :1 Texas Bilpllst ('hlil‘4‘ll. The chief engineer’s draughtsman, Mr. Bock, was a severe-looking Ger- man, who rarer cracked a smile, and more rarely told stories. \Vhen not otherwise engaged, his favorite 0c- cupation was to keep his limekiln go- lng; in other words, to stuff and light his pipe. One evening, when the 510 k of camp lore was near low-water mark, he was, after much persuasion, induced to unbosom himself. “Dere Isn’t [lluth to tell. I 'to Texas fifteen years ago, und as I didn’t know a vord of English, vent to San Antonio to look for a, job. I am an architect und vorked for von old German rascal two years for $15 a moat und board. I hot to make all de designs and galculations, but I vas so green dot it dook me dwo years to find out dot my vork vas vorth more money. Don I got mat und quit und hung out my own sign. "In tree days I got my first inde- pendent job. It vas a bian for a Bapâ€" [lst church in a town sixty miles from de railroad. I made a very fine him of \‘on imitation Gothic church, vit ran fine decorated shteeple, und den I took my book of designs und de blan und vent to (lat town to 580 de deacons‘. Derc vas only five deaâ€" cons, but dey made me trouble enough for a dozent. Von deacon he Ilkt'tI the shteeple very n'iuxh. und' tiec didn’t vant any chucherbrear vork on it at all. De Oder deacon didn't care about the shtecple, but said dat de roof vas too shieep, und dt' breacher said dat my buipit was al- right for a Catolic Church, but no for a Baptist Church. De five deiICUIlE vas rich gattleman und made a great deal of fuss aboud dc bias, und beâ€" came Ifore the meeting vas over dcy got to fighting aboud it. I couldnt swear like dem fellcrs if I tried a. hundred years. Von got shot In de arm. und vas intended for anoder man. I Jumped oud of ilcr vinder und run to de hotel, but as I couldn't get a hack dat evening I hat to stay in town. De gongl‘egation vas getting egt'idcd, too, und 1 vas very anxious [U get back to ininc sick vife. vich l li-uen'i got ~\ct. "About (3 o'glo;k next morning (to deacon vat vas shot in de arm, came to my room unit asked me if I coud make. a lliilll for anoder kind of shiec- ple. I showed him my (ledgn book, und vcn he. saw do picture. of do} minaret on a TUIktkl] musk, he vas! \‘llit vit delight. "Dot's (‘hoost vat It am looking for; put (hit in do; blan.'i Den came anoder deacon, and told me he. didn't like six-cornered or roundi shtceples; he. vantcd a gold IIai’d-. shell B'plist tower vit four corners! I found van in do book dat suited 'I’ut dat on de church, Before, him egzacly. says he, und goes downstairs. I could get. to breakfast in anoder deacon und said he didn‘t vant no candle cxlinkwishcrs on do church, und selecting a high, slender shtccple from de book, he told me to put (lat in do blan. l‘Vile I vas talking vit. dose fi-llci‘s dc stage started for San Antonio und I vas awful anxious to see mine sick vife. Dey notified me dat dey vould hold anoder meeting (lat, afternoon. I vent to bed, sent dem my design book und asked to be excused, as I vasn't feeling Volt. Dcy nearly had anoder fight, but de breachi-r he got dem to gompromise, and I got de order to change the blan. I put tree (2011108 less I changed de bulpit. I changed dem. "Ven you go down to dat town, you vill find a vooden Gothic church on a stone foundation, vit a French mansard roof, a Gothic steeple, a Turkish minaret, und dwo Oder kinds shteeples, und {1 bulpit dot looks like, do desk of a. chusti-ce of do. peace. Dey paid me $150 for do job, und dey vas so vell satisfied dat dey vantcd to put my name on the corner stone as architect. I paid the stone cutter $5 to forget all about it. "A gompromise is a grand dingâ€" sometimes." â€"__+â€" LA\V ON BABIES" FOOD. It is not generally known that in Fa‘ance it is a penal offence to give any form of solid fool to babies unâ€" dea‘ a year old, unless it the prescribed in writing by a properly qualified medical man. Nurses are also for- bidden to use for their charges any sort of feeding-bottle having a rubâ€" ber tube,. These and other equally stringent laws have recently been enacted by the French Government. for, in despair of increasing the birth- rate Oil the country, they are now doing their utmost to save the lives of the coinp.t1‘atively small number of babies who are born. .___o__. A GIGAN'I‘IC \VO RKSHOP. The greatest workshop in the world is that of the famous Krupp at Es- sen. It emplioys between 20,000 and 35,000 hands, nearly all of whom re- side in dwellings belonging to the firm. In 1113 great mill of Essen are 1,195 furnaces of various kinds; 286 boilers: ninety-two steam him- mea's of from 10) It). to 10,00) 1b.; 370 steam engines, with a total of 37,- 000 hinrse-puwcr; 1,7.“ different nit chines, and 236i cranes. The eleven high furnaces piroitu'c about 600 tons of iron daily, and 2,733 tons of coal and coke are used each (lay for fuel. __._.__. EVAPORATION FRO .\I TR E Em Some. Sill'lillls' facts concerning trees have been discoverel. A single oak of good size. is said to lift 113 tons of water during the months it is in leaf. This moisture is evaporated and rises to form rain clonls. From this [Sti- mate of the libor of asingle oik we can gain some lieu. of the immense force which the forests exert in (‘qtl'ii- izing the evaporition and precipitan Wow and. prev-dim: periods of IDUII-l dation and drought. ' /Z/ /W5Wdfl 4/ de breacher he got a black eye, \ich‘ “ PRESCRIPTION GARE" become 80011-4mnh0801'. If you have any correspond with l â€",. There is peace in power, the. men who speak With the loudest tongues do least; And the surest sign of the mind that is weak Ls its want of power to rest. It is only the lighter water that flies From the sea ona windy day; And the. deep. blue ocean never replies To the jubilant voice of the spray. "A Man‘s a Man for a‘ That." Even if he has corn: on both feet. But he. is a stronger, happier, and wiser man if he uses Putnam's l’ain- less Corn Extractor and gets rid of the unsightly corns painlessly andat once. Mrs. Biliggilthâ€"II‘OHV do you like my new iiil‘lI' Mr. Hugginsâ€"How do I knvm-j lliavcn‘t seen the bill yet. TH I4} LEARN [CD SOQ‘IETII‘LS Through their members have testifi- ed to the great efficacy of Putnam’s Painless Corn Extractor. It pio- vokcs no line of demarcation, st-cur- mg alike the good will of tho highest and the most humble, and with strict impartiality, removing with equal cclerity the corns of each. Try Put- nams Corn Extractor. \A looking glass is kinder to us than the wine glass, because it reveals our defects to ourselves only, while the latter reveals them to our friends. To CUBE A (‘OLID [N 0V!) DAY Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money if it. fails to can. E. W, Grovel‘ signature is on eachbox. 250 The trunk of the elephant has no fewer thin 4,000 musclesâ€"at least, so said Cuvier, the famous compara- tive anatomist. The whole of the muscles of a man's body added to- gether only number 527. _â€"1_ MONTREAL HOTEL DIREBTORV. The †Belmont," Free Bus $3.52; "7â€"- wâ€" l Ami ‘ EOUSI-l‘ï¬â€˜ll‘ul'flï¬Ã©'ï¬ï¬‚ l W W du- LOUD CH BEES. Men of Rugby, cried the aspirant I to political honors, if you are so back- ward in (aiming forward we shall be all behind, as we were before! Then he sat. down. FOR OVER FIFTY YBARs MRS. WINSLOW‘S SOOTHING SIB-UP In. Ind by mothers for their children teethth II. who the child, solcaiu the gums. allay! pain, sun its sad la the has: remedy for disnhm. 5‘.- bath. Id by on drusgim Lhrou bout ch world. Ban-I M uh for " Hrs. Winslow’s nothing Syrup.†l I There never did, and there never will, exist anything permanently noble 1 and excellent in the character which is ‘ astranger to the exercise of resolute self-denial. Are You Weak ? Are you suth'rin 4 from nervous or functional weakneu , kidney, liver or stomach cum- plaints, rhuumari‘m. lame back p ins or aches l in any pal t, of 3 our body *7 Do you feel yourself 3 grown-g feeble and old too soon? If _\ 0a are a : man wiih ih _- weakncsd hat results from ab~ min: the laws of nalure. or a woman with the inanyaiiiiients irom which women suffer, I can guarantee you a rare ll thch month with my - omlez'tui [In 0 in Ilsli, which cures while .\ou Heep. Rice ricin cu'a~ bov an-c ii 1-. storm illusirnnqrh which )ou have low. Drugs ran brand.- tlicy hu’e IO -ti~i-- g l to give you. h‘ill ' our body with new :tali y from my won! iful hlecl'lc Ilcli. m d be lit] \VIII take I: C pave of disease. joyous hxpsiness will mori (mic (lcsp 121‘. )our days will by: full of ambition and. your sleep wnl be resin] and res i‘re~ hing. Three Months’ Trial. Any honest in n or woman can use. my up. plim me three mi nzhs. ani'. pny lur- only when cured. or 1 ‘Vlilbt'qd ii at a very low price for caâ€"‘n. \Vi'iie for beautiful iilustr tied book. which tells how easily you can be cured, and gives pictures of my method of treatment. and hundreds of letters from my gr teful vat (min. i :1 act it. closely “sled, free. Call and consult “ilfrce. DR, M. D. l‘ï¬'» LA‘JGHLIN, Is used in Blending the various teas used :11 comprising ELL UEYLON TEA. tnus accounting for its unequalled purity. not on good advice and In Land Packets '25, 30, 40. 50 and 80., 180 YONGE ST.. TONONTO, ONT. J- _ W 7%% My... different shiei-plcs und one minaret on dat church, und I just got the blan finished van in comes do last deacon und vants do roof changed, und de breacher vouldn’t breach un- Poultry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce, us. We want I00 OARLOADS to supply our tr ado. The Dawson Commission Co , limited, Toronto. m \Vhen an employer has trouble with his hands it wouldn‘t do him much good to consult amanicure. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of thls iaper will be pleased to learn that. there i~ at. cantons dread“! dlseas. that science ha< lJUOJ able to cure to all it. stages and that. is Catarrh. Hall's Cutorrb (Tux-eis the only positive cure now known to the medical trntcrniiy. Cntarrh being a. coin. titutional di~ca~ic, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's (Yatarrh Cure Is tnkm Inter. nally, act-ins; directly upon the blood and inucouysurfares oi' the system, thereby dos. ircylng the foundation of the dime, and givmg the patient. strength by buildin up the (‘n‘nï¬tlblltlon and misting nature in olngdtt work. The proprietors have so much faith in HE curative powers, that; they otter one Hun-i dred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Sand for list of testimonials. Address. I“. J. CIIICNEY&CO.. TeledO. 0. Sold by dru 'gts‘s. 75c. Hall‘s Fomi y Pills are the but: The. people of the United States consume. it is said, 200,000,000 bottles of pickles annually. W P C 1048 7777777 CALVEan Carbollc Dlsinfootantl. monk, Tooth Powdoru, at... web's: awarded 100 medals and diplomas I. ml in excellence. Their re nlu- on m DID diseases. Ask ygou dour†supply. Lists mailed {m a “Inâ€. F. G. GALVEIT & 60., HANOHEBTER - - Iflm SLATE, TILE and DOUGLAS nos" METAL ROOFS T0356"? “on touti- o Sausage casingsâ€"New I'm hon lhglh Sheep and American Ho. Onionâ€"rm a. [CM prices. PARK, umoxwmsm. MILLS, mus & W8, . 3mm . smov Rich-1AM“. W.,, “F... Catholic Prayer W Religious Yin-ans, Stalin's, afl M new Music Teachers Wanted ‘ .,_ ._2 R o a F l N c aggwmgtg 2;; let i“ °':°§i $3.2" “rmm u l c n l Bosl ru.m.'noo:i)1§é w†or" - tun, Toronto, (ion 15 our ‘ ' mount. EstthsaIur-lahod mode A sinusitis-h wed M) any um 01 memory. I a. DUTHIE& sous. Adaiudoï¬ maulâ€"mm: CLEANING # “319"†LADIES’ . . . °‘"“"° SUITS Can be done perfectly by our French Process. Try It BRITISH AMERIDAN DYIING 0.. MONTREAL, TORONTO, orrawn a QUEBEC), THE MOST NUTRITIOUS. EPPS’S GRATEF‘ULâ€" COMFORTING. @GOA BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. "ONE POUND CARIES†FOR HOUSEHOLD USE Laundry, Washing Clothes, Ironing, Setting Preservu. PARAFFIN‘ Sam'l Rogers. Presto Toronto Ask your dulr-r for it. The Ganada Permanent and Western Canada Mortgage corporation. Board of Directors: Presidentâ€"George Good-than. ls: Vice-Prcdrlint and Chairman of lixzcutivo J “m m" . . Comini'tL-ci 2nd Vlce-PrnldonDâ€"W. H. Benny. Ralph K. Burgess. D. l;¢thersï¬ ;. ‘ ;. “T80 - H00 . ( rorge [- ( ll, 5- Nuanmn B. I‘. Inlay, Winnipeg, Mn. éi'toï¬lhizT' rndemk Wyld, $23,000,000. Head Ofï¬ce: Toronto 5'..TOROITO. BRANGH Orncnâ€" Winnipeg. Mam, Vane“. I. 0., St. John, I. I. WALTER O. LEI. Ger-oral Mall-gar Winnipeg. Man. Alfred Goodcrham. C. H. (:ccdorhsm. W. U. Gnoderhsm. George W. Lcms. ASSETS -