Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1900, p. 5

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my" '7 1â€"; failfzfihz'vrz‘rsx;Aikafixififi‘flg‘m; _' "WW - “"MLL’. "' ‘3ch ill/1"" C" if? ’ "t “ 18.11.? V g ‘fig‘ttéfiég w it]. Alia 9 i. 1 e MED RICHMOND llii.i., November 1,1000 .31 (eh, i 1-3533. Miss Jennie Hicks spent Sunday at home in the village. Stove. pipes 5c. Mason’s. Mr. C. Johnston of Newniarket spent a coupleof days in the Village this week. Imperial Oxford range, best. and cheapest. (l. Mason. Mrs. M. Storey returned lm‘t after spending a to"! Milton and other place-s. Gold braid in all widths for dress trimmings, also a nice range of brass buttons. Atkinson & Swiizers. Saturday v'eclts iii Mr. H. J. Saigcon has been re-eiigagâ€" ed as teacher for Jefferson school for the year ltltll. llis salary has been raised from $373 to SHIN). Fresh and sweet are l’uttcrson's boii bolts and chocolates. Atkinson and Switzci‘. Mr. Thus. Laue presided at the Libâ€" eral meeting held in Victoria Hall, Tliornhill. Tuesday night. Thespeak- ers were Mr. Arch Campbell. Mr. i\. \V. Rowell and Mr. lt. .1. Gibson. Try a lb. of cottage mixed, rice cakes, Java or (‘vuba biscuits, at 10c. a lb. Atkinson [t Switzer. {em Mr. Large and Rev. Mr. Stev- enson of the Newton l‘lrook circuit had an exchange of piilpits last Sunday. Rev. Mr. Large preached anniversary sermons. Everything in the hardware line cheap at (2‘. Mason's. The Village \T. (3-. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs. M. Storey next Tuesâ€" (lay evening. Members are requested to attend. Men’s cotton fieeced underwear, all sizes, $1 a suit; men’s wool fleeced under-Wear, $1.3-l a suit. Atkinson LX‘ Switzer. Mrs. Sivitzer and Miss \Viley are in Smith‘s Falls this Week attending the annual Convention of the Ontario \Y. C. T. U., the former as a delegate from the local union, the latter as acting Corresponding Secretary. The Queen heating stove is oneof the best stoves made. See it; at C. Mason’s. It is understood the People’s Plow- ing Match will be held on the farm of Mr. John \Yebber,Unionville,oii Tues- day, 13th inst. Vaughan match will be held on Mr. Thos. Rumbles farm, east of Maple, the following day. For fall wear we have a nice line of men’s colored kid gloves in dark and medium tans at 50c. 21 pair. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. J. T. Saigeon and family remov. \ed back to Maple on Tuesday after a, residence "here of about a year. Mr. Saigeon decided on this change as the house in which he lived was sold, and another suitable residence was not available here. There removal is to be :- regretted as they were valued citizens. You will save. money in fuel if you use an Oxford range. See. them at C. Mason's. Again we appeal to the Epworth League members, both active and as- sociate, to strive to attend Roll-Call service Friday evening at 8 o‘clock. Topic, “ Have you done your best,"b‘t. Matt, xxv.. ll-‘dtl. The door of wel- come is open to all. Men’s top shirts in navy blue drill, with white polka dot, also in plain black, at 750. each. Atkinson A: Switzer. The Board of Education will meet this afternoon to consider applications for the position of Principal for the Public School. Quarterly Services will be heldi next Sunday. The Quarterly Board will meet in the schoil-i-ooni of the. Methodist church on the. following. Monday at. 2.3“ p. m. m" l “7etliey‘s niiiice meat. ltlc.; non-, such stove enamel, 9L’.2 Do. 1 thi‘ll. starch, 5c. :- i l.ic}.eii, ham and tongue, 15c. tin. Atkinson i8; Switzer. ctxdbiAN nan ' appearance, The question of engaging a third teacher fortlii- High School will be taken up at the Regular iiis-etiiigiicxt Monday. if:llt‘-ll;|yt'l\’ should he at tlieniecting and let their views be known. ‘ Axo‘i‘iiliit DEATH. ; General sympathy is felt for Mr. and fills. (ii-org.- Sclicll of (‘ai'r\ille. iii the loss of their children through i l y i that teii-ibli- lll.\5':i."l‘. diphtheria. x\ll" other deat h occurred a few days ago, , makinpr the filth in the past two ‘ fiiioiitlis. ‘ AN ACCIDENT. “'hat might lrive been a sci ions ac- cident liappt-ned in our village on , \Vcdiiceday evening of last week. Mrs. l ,' llicks, who had been in the city, was ‘ returning by the 8.4!) Metropolit.’1ii car. The car stoppcd at ('eiiti-e 'Sh'eet, but ‘iiefiirt Plzw. Hicks had time to get oil" it stailcd again, and she was thrown to the ground and received quite a shock. The conductor was in the front of the car at the time and therefore could not see when the passengers wi-i-eolf. The front is the place for the iiiotorman, but the rear of the car isllieplacc for the conductor, if the safety of the passengers is to be con- sidei'cd. Choice canned in ickerel, ltlc. a can : kippercd herring, I‘Je. : golden liai- luwel' dates. Tc.: new figs, 4c. Atkin- son 5»; Switxei'. VlC'l‘Oll l A SQUARE. A very siicecssfnl meeting in the in- terest of Mr. N. \V. Ron/ell was held in the 'I'ciiiperance Hall on Monday evening. The chair was occupied by T. \V. Kliiii-k, and the speakers were Messrs. Roland, ltanisdcii and the libâ€" eral candidate, Mr. RoWell. There was good order and the listeners were enthusiastic. Mr. Howell made one of the best speeches of the campaign gave the whole history of the. Crow’s Nest l’ass Railway, and dealt forceful- y with many questions such as Pre~ ferenlial trade with England, trans- portation, d'e. lle showed that the ’l‘ .1 . . . , s ' c ' , c \ . . . oi .es vi me as disuiiiterl as they were four years ago, and iiistanced the epi- sode between’Sir Mackenzie Bmvell and Hon. John Haggart. Mr. Rowell is making political friends wherever he speaks. air ’3: TIES. BuowN â€"5t 1-17 Fm ton St. Toronto, on Mond‘i v, (Jun. 2.... tho wife of J. T. Brown of a. daugh~ ter. Register. MONDAY, Nousâ€"Auction sale of fifty linan of cattle at the Palmer House, Richmond Hill ’l'oiinsii IDOLLllS. Sale at: 1.30. Suigeou & Mizlliieii, auctioneers. SAT‘JRDAY, Nov. iOHAuctiou sale of house, lit and furniture on lot- 16, con. 2.,Wechoi-k,tlie property of Mrs. Robb McLean. Sale at one o'clock. Terms Cash. saigeon & MCEWcu, auctioneer MONDAY, Nov. 127Cl'CdlLSflle of standing cedar on lot 3. con. to" Markham, the property of (Y. D. Reesor. Terms 11 mos Sale at 1 o’olook. k- karit 6; Prentice, Aunts. TorsDA-‘i. Nov. 1:3m(‘redit sale of farm stock, imp ementsfurniture, hay, grain, etc, on lot 23, rear 3rd con. Markham (near Victoria Square), the property of Robert Carver. No reserve. Sale at 10.30. lunch profiled Terms 11 months. Eckardt J; Prentiee‘ auctioned-:3, Wiznxi-zbw. Nov. ll â€"Creiiit sale of horses, cattle, etc“ at» Hughes hotel, 'l‘hornhi‘il. >t1l0 atlt’clock. Tor-mi: from 3 to 11 months. Ecl-Iul'dt dz Prentice, auctioneers. Best selected valencia raisins, 2 lbs. for 250. : best cleaned currants, lti'c. ; pure lard, 130. 3 lb. ; happy home soap 8 bars for 25c. ; cameo soap, 7 for 25c.; Richard’s pure, 6 for ,‘250. ; comfort soap, 6 for 25c. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. ‘Nallace’s Meeting. Although the weatheI was unfavor- able a large crowd greeted Hon. N. (3. \Vallace at his meeting on TUK s lay evâ€" eniiig.The Masonic Hall was Well filled and the five speakers got a good hear- ing. The committee had tastefully de- corated the hall with flags, plants,&c., and besides easy chairs several choice pieces of furniture were placed on the platform. There were also several mottoes, as well as pictures of Qliccn Victoria, Lord Roberts, Sir Charles Tuppcr and llugh John Macdonald and other popular personages. Mr. J. ll. Sanderson presided. 'He said he was proud of being a Canadian, proud of being,r a Conservative,and proudofbe- ing a loyal British subject. At this point he started The National Anthem in which all joined heartily. An inviâ€" tation was extended to opposition :peakers but. no one was present to speak for either Mr. Campbell or Mr. ltowell. )lr. \Vallace was the only speaker present when the meeting (ll)t‘l1t'tl;£l:ltl consequeiity be commenced proceed- ings. He was pleased once again to meet the electors of Richmond Hill and ‘ congratulated the village on its neat I good sidewalks, the” _\li'. \Yallace said he had invited Ali-.tlaiiiir bell to hold joint meetings, but could not make ai'i-.-iiigeiiieiits with him. lies i The Canadian Magazine published in . Toronto is a welcome monthly in Canâ€" adian homes: The November Iltllllllt‘l" just to hand contains imich interesting and useful reading. There are a mine .’ her of good stories, the copy is well il~ lustrated. but probably the article which will be read with Iiiost interest git this p' -ticular time will be " The: Story of iulit tieneial Elections" by ; ueiicy been stolen from him b fei-i'ing to the fact that Mr. fat. .lohn ' had attended a iiniiibi r of Mr. Camp» hell‘s meetings he said that Mi'.St..lohii would have been the load melwr for ‘ \Test York to-day had not the condit- lint t'aiiada did not want tliciii. lCiig-' land was not the hire Trade country she was soiiictiiiin-s i-epi'eseiitid to be as she now puts ltlll percent. duty on the poor iiiaii‘s tea. .\li'. \Vallace did not like the present franchise .\ct. as he was told th' r.- were L0 men in llicls- iiioiid llill toâ€"day who could not \‘otc because they had moved in fioni an- other riding during the past 12 or l‘w’ l months. lie did not believe in adopt- i iiigr the pro\ initial franchise as a man i in Ontario has only one vol-,- and in (Quebec lieiiiiglit have half a do'/.cn. 1 They had given usa lictlislriluit ion bill \\ liic'ii was ieally not with a population of 4,001) had two members; Toronto with ZIIUJIUU had only four members. Brant got more. Hit‘lllln‘lS in proportion to its popula- tion than Toronto because that. coini- try was Liberal while Toronto was (‘onscivativu The iniquity of the l Diunimoiid ()ouiity railway was next tonchcd upon. ()iie iailway between Montreal and Que bee, could do all thM work but there were three, the (‘. |’.ll. the Grand Trunk and the South Shore road. In the fact-of this they subsi- (lized a ltilll‘ll), paying$l,tit)t),tltlo wlieie $AltitlJJllll was quite enouin (‘i-rtain (lrit contributors to the campaign fund had to be recouped and (‘anada had to 'pay the bill. The Senate hail done their duty in throwing out the Yukon -dea' which was a fraud. Sneaking on Prohibition, Mr. Sydney Fisher pledg» ed the (ioverniiiciit to pass the mea- sure. if the plebiscite showed a l“:lj(ll'- ity vote. They Were derived. The voting was a. fraud as the people of Quebec seemed to be Voting for the next, four weeks. Mr. Tarte was then attat ‘crl for his extravagance at: the Paris exhibition and his utterances which were disloyal. The French in Quebec had been given equal lights in Canada, but they had proven them- selves disloyal. Quebec. had sent or- ders to defeat Mr. “'allace at any price. There were now 70 paid men in \‘i'est Yoik to do it. He referred to the Boer waraiid said the (ioveriiiiient did not send thecoiitiiigeiit until forced by public opinion and the (loiiserva- tivcs. Mr. \Tallace referred to the (‘ook letter, .loliii (lhailton‘s address, &c., and left about 10 o‘clock to speak at a meeting in Maple. He was loudly cheered as he sat down, and was pre~ seated with a bouquet by one of the ladies present. Mr. llelaud 0. Harvey was the next speaker. He reminded the audience that he. stood on the same platform four 3 cars ago denouncing Sir Charles Tupper for his stand on the Manitoba SL’liUUl question, but now as that. was settled he was anxious that he should be returned to power. The present Government had taken all the dutyoff binder twine and barbed wire, but the price was higher than ever. \Vages were lower for the working man and farmer’s priccswere poor. Referring to Prohibition he went farther than Mr. \Vallace, saying that Sir \Vilfrid Laurier had pledged the Government on that question. He denounced Tarte but thought the French in Quebec were a loyal people. He predicted 500 nia- jority for Mr. “'allace on the 7th of Novenibei. 1dr. (Jen-son of Montrud, was next called upon. He waded into Tarte fiom the beginning. saying the latter had been bitter in his attacks on the Orange Society. Lanriei- was an able man and a credit to Canada, but Tarte wasan arch traitor. The Fiench in Quebec are loyal if you do not inter- fere with their religious belief. He asked the electors to support Mr. \Vallace. Rev. Peter Campbell came next. He considered he had as good a right to take the. platform and talk politics as Rev. Dr. Dewart, who a few years ago contested a constituency. Noâ€" body found fault with Dr. Dewart, and why should they find fault with him. He deplored the corruption of Liberals in the elections, and said that though Mr. Rowell posed as a good man he never heard of him denounc- ing the Liberals for corruption. Rev Mr. Campbell was very eloquent and made the usual charges against the Government. We sell nothing but the newest and best Gems’ Furnishings That can be had, and offer them at the lowest prices possible See. the stock of Man’s Hats We are showing in Alpins, Derbys, Fedoi‘as, Caps, Chil- dren’s Tams, etc. Ball and see iiii stall. it is sure iii please in. Best 4ply English Collars, 3 for 50 cents. ATKIN SON PERE- DRUds _ Ecleetric Oil, 2 bottles for 9.30 Carter's Pills, 2 bottles for 250 Chase's Pills, 2 bottles for Se Dodd’s Kidney Pills, 336 Williams' Pink Pills, 3.50., 3 for $1 Cl‘ase’s Ciiturrah Cure, 150 A gnew’s Caturmh Cure, 40c Chase’s Ointment, 40c Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25¢ Beef, Iron and Wine, 500 Paiiie’s Celery Compound, 67:: Hood's Siirsapu rilln. ti7c Aver's Hair Vigour. 65c. Luby's dair Renewei', 400 Steven Champions Liniu exit forRlieumcitis-n, :5 I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - AND PATENT MEDIcINES AT CU‘I' RATE PRICES. m I Fellows Svi'vip Hyponhosphites, $1 Hurdocli lil-u‘l Hitters, (Sic l lil‘s‘ee's l’oul‘ry Panacea, 30c. l 1:” l (Ilover Compound. (350 I Lactopepliiie, 7.30 Fly Poi sun Pads, 3 for 5c ’ 5* ' " v Papcr. 4 sheets for Se. 'illl , its, :ic 1b.. 9 lbs. for 35:: S'iliili-irfiC. lb ,9 lbs for 130. t‘.) lIllLlUll l’owd :l'S, all kinds You own Receipta mallo up Ifiiio'iully from pure d ' Halpi; ‘lilii_;:ish t‘oa l1 HI Powder, 25c limidah. itrvizi Cum, rm: Cram. lain “arm-Mince coal oil, 133 a. gal Fly Oil to keep the.» off your cattle. O. D. DANIEL 86 CO. \VIHOLESALE AND Hi... TA”. DRUGGiSTS. Opp. Clyde Hotel Mr. Bond, an exâ€"niayor of Toronto Junction, closed the meeting. lie thought Mr. Campbell was trying to bribe his town by the (ioverniiient offering $5,0th to build a post office. lle had also promised them postal de- livery, but it would not be needed if a. post office were built on the fifteen sites chosen. lle gave Mr. “vallace iiedit-l'or ouilding up the National Policy, the (.7. 1’. IL, and for inducing the Lozier bicycle works to settle in the Junction. He did not object to the proposed (‘aiiada National Rail- way, blit could not trust Mr. (‘amp- hell. although the latter admitted he had not a. dollar in the undertaking. Theie was a good deal of bulfooiiery iii the latter part of the meeting. The meeting closed with cheeis for the Queer. 2i;.tl_.\li-. \‘i'allaae. _-.<» Pretty range of mars n"-cl-;\\'ear in all the newest wean-s and colors, coin- prisiiig flowing ends. lufi's, bows, strings. four-iiiâ€"haiul, t'lt‘.. at 25c. and y illigal methods. Mr. \Vallace spoke of the broken pledges of the t‘roi'eriniicnt. They promised to reduce the National debt, but they had increased it as it ‘ A. H. N. t‘gliliiuliouii._ \Ve have always made it a point to be strictly up to date in our hat de-» partinentv: see the pretty fall Derbys we are showing at $1.25. Atkinson k Switzer. EAST YORK l’LU'WING MATCH. The East York Plowing Match. open to the Dominion, will be held on . the Tul'll‘> of Messrs. Doherty and] Young, Ellesmere Village. on Thurs-f day next, the t~tli of November. Thei e , are six classes and the EHJlZuS' offered“ are larger than usually given. l’low- l ing eniiiireiices at 9 o'clot',. Any; coinmuaicatimi Lobe addre- cd to T ‘ liood, hcci-etai-y, Milliken. , was now $l.i,’(iil,UUO more than it \ its . in 1596. This h:- said was i‘iijiistifiabfc Speaking of the Preferential tariif llt‘ said the (“iiiadian GOYt‘l‘lllllt'llt llatl' played a trick on Britain. raised the duty. and then ltm‘vi'etl ll per Cent. and called it a lll‘t‘ft‘lilllt't‘dtl’ contended that England's trade pcli: . 50c. Thev Iii .‘l, . of etc zviucure. Pamphlets free to any address. Atkinson .\' merit/er. Wood’s iPhosphodine . " ' The Great English amazy. «i Sold and rccminiended by («I druggists in Cainda. Onl red \ . ’ able medicine (i cover-3... SA t; ‘m‘puekagcx guard, '! to cure a! 1 forms of Sexual Weakness, all ( ii‘ects oi abna i or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To oacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt . price, one package 5!. six. >5. One trillplew v The “bad Company, Windsor, 085' was unfair to us as the Motherconnzi, ,3? m, ., pm, Thu gm ;u inc’ “mm; . should give all her colonies a pref-.13: ‘ :1 ii t~ ..\. Sandi ~. ant-e over hostile nations. The Biizisli colonies should be able to supply Great Britain with her food supply,as in cast- of war against other nations she could he starved out in a month, and would have to surrender. The Government had spent money in bringingthehonkâ€" . hobors and Galicians to this country, ed on the shortest notice. Dry Pine and Hemlock Slabsdeliver. ' Apply to 6 MICHAEL BROS. ‘ ' BLTH'Y L‘L‘STEHS. Fl Y _\'l'.'f.\. If“ YOU WANT TO BUY A PM 3ft}, ORGAN, TlCS. is the place to Good SL1}: k (Jo. ll, Hui :u ~ .~ at right prices. -.v-. -' .‘. .» i I n guaranteed. " .i'jlxri. \'_\!,'S'rIS, and other supplies al \‘Cx: ..i \l t: 2.. I‘\"“ ...‘ i. l.>2tl .‘.(‘ Fol). The Shotsninii. Sieriis ii t\' l). and (‘4 lllllllilil Bicycles, at f1 oiii $35M! to final"). .\ll tuilv guaranteed. REPAIRlNG PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. (1} E a“) . 31 c I) () 35' A141,)

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