Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Nov 1900, p. 8

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‘- METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE Between Toronto and Ncwnmrkct. GOING NORTH LonveC P R Crossing at it, 7:20. 9.40. it :10 a. m.; 1.30, 2.40, 1.00 510, 7.l5 p. in. Leave Richmond Hill «.10, 111.230 a. in.; 12:20, 2:20. 35.30. 4.50, 6.30, 5.36 p. in. GOING SOUTH Leave Newmnrkat 7.30, 0.15, 11.l5 a. 2, 3.15, 4.15.000 ".30 p. m. 1 Leave Richmond Hill , .10. 0.3.3, ll.55 u. 2.40,H.55.-155_0.40,H.10 ]i. in. in. ; BL. POST OFFICE NOTICE Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post 01th as rollnwmâ€" MORNING , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 EVENING .. 0,15 N.B.--R0glater(ul Lotion; must he handed in I least Fifteen'llorthan the above mentioned hours Ior olmiuv OFFICE CLOGF ' M. ' \T "135C I’ M .HFY. Postmaster. l Village Directory. Church of England-- Semi-rs nt fl p. in. every Sunday. _ Presbyteriun Churchâ€"Son ll‘t'S at ll n. 111., and Prayer meeting 'l p. m. Sunday Suliool tit-1.1m. Weilncsrlu U\'elllll;t. ' Romun .ntholio liliuroli -Sor\'u-ns nu ulter- mrtze Sundnys at!) n. m. and 102:!) n. in. Methodist Church *5l'l'\"|‘t .~ vu- lotto a. 111.. and '71). in. Sunday School u: 2.15”. (h-ncml prayer meeting Thursday. CYPlllllL'. Eiclnnond Lad-go. A F llllll A M â€".\Ieets Mon- duv on or before full moi-.i CourtRichinoml, A O 1" â€"Mcci3 second and fourth ll‘riduy Ivy Lodge. A O U \Vâ€" \[eets fourth Tuesday of ouch month Camp Eluln, S O S lâ€"Moetrr second and fourth \Veilncs liry R '1‘ of’l‘cmpornnceaMcots first Wednesday of ouch month Firnl-lriguduâ€"Mt‘cts first month Public Library and Bottling Romn»0pcn Tuesday. Thursday rind Satvmlsu' evenings Enworth Lon, icâ€"Mcots G\‘l‘1\' Friday. Monday of every ‘ Elihmiiilliilllfilii AND l‘lUTURI Are running full limo oroi-y day, and we are thcl vl'orc in a posi- tion to turn out work on the short :‘t notice. We haven full stock of dressed and rough LUMBER, Shingles,Doors,Saslifilinds, Flooring-5110 g,l/lculd- ings, Etc. , . Jr" L-.. a \Vo also have I’LAl‘Q E3? Prepared for building 5% X I; () \Vhich we will soll at a reasonable price. L. INNES it SUNS. YEARS’ 5O TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c. Anyone sending a sketch and description may nulckly :isecrtnin our opinion free whether, an invention is probably patcntn‘ole. Conmuimca- tlous strictly confidonial. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldr‘Sl .i v ‘ cy for seem-nu: patents. l’aitcuts takvu tl uh Munn & Co. rccclvc eprcirll "uric, without; charge, in the Scientific Etienne. Ahandsornely u 'n‘nd weekly. In: ' culatlnn of : lir' journal. 'l‘omu year; four n . :L‘lLl liynll nou'sil . MUNii 51' BrunchQ .. . Riclna: 0:36 1' are more “flifigfii Inuiprapuroil ll) 47 I ll}- mut laidi-u :‘l'l n". nut-sod fillll putrt ‘ ‘ ,.;k:| 2.2-“ w s l \. ,..‘3 U I g l Hi) ETC-Y r‘V‘lV .11 'Li ‘ », "J... 7,4".-.. A» "‘syâ€"u lL~.&$I-. t' 'ia.‘:.'\ .5....:. E l. LL}. ' T. ,. -. pr. .~._-.~;'. Calls 1‘1": . l J. m {-‘H. "3: RIF-l l"i".\'l M 0 .\l I"l lr'l l.ol~1~-‘ 7', lilt‘iilltfix‘l? Ilil I.. r . W ' .LJ aler gtlvcrtisrmtnts. l Millard of Thanks { Lancnnnnn FARM. Oak ltitlgi-s,()ct.15.1900. To the Officers and Members of Thorn- ‘ hill Council, No. 1:20, (‘. O. C. F. DEAR SlR,â€"I desire to express my gratitude to you and to the Ot‘t‘irors of the Grand (‘ouncil for the prompt payâ€" ment of $2060 bring tho amount of ro- . liof fund, (Yortiticate, and Funeral l Benefit lit-Id by my latchusband, Dan- iel Grogory. I also express my sincoro wish that your nohlo order may con- tinuo to prospor, and rocoivo the bloss- ings of thoso who liavc boon, and those- who may be bonefittodr. th-atofully Yours, Mns. DIARY Axx GREGORY. It‘ALIiD TENDERS addrcsscd to tho uudorsignod and endorsed, “Tou- (lcr for \Viarton “'harf" will ho ro- coivod at this offico until Friday, tho 2nd Nm‘ombor, inclusivoly, for the construction of a wharf at \Yiaiton, County of llruco, Province of Ontario, according to a. plan and a. specification to be soon at the office of H. A. Gray, Esq.. Engineer in charge Harbour and and Hiror \mGs for Ontario, Confedâ€" eration Iiit'o Building. Toronto, on up» pllcation to the Post master at. \Viarton Ont., and at the Department of Public “’orks, Ottawa. Tendors will not bo considorcd un- less made on the form supplied. and signed with tho actual signatures of tendorors. An accepted cheque on a. chartorcd bank, payablo to the order of tho Illin- ister of Public \Vorks, for thirtoon hundred dollars ($1,300.00) must noâ€" company oach tender. The chock will be, forfeited if the party declino tho contract, or fail to complete the wm k contracted for, and will be returned in caso of non-accoptancc ot' tends-r. The Dcpartmont does not hind itself to accept, the lowest or any tender. By Order, JOS. R. ROY. Acting Secretary. Department of Public “'orks, Ottawa, October 12th, 1900. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without. author-it y from the De- partment will not be paid for it. EALED TENDERS addressed to tho undoIsigncd.mid endorsed “ Teodor for “'orks at Port Colboruo ” will ho roccivod at this ofiicc untill Friday,tho 9th of November. inclusive-1y, for the construction of a breakwater and for rock excavation at Port Colborno, _“"ellaud County, Province of Ontario, according to a plan and specification to be seen at the ofiice of H.A.(7‘rray,l‘lsq.. Engineer in charge Harbour and River \Vorks for Ontario, Confederation Life Building, Toronto ; the Residont lin- giuoor‘s Room 411, Merchant Bank Building, Montroalamd Mr.Ph.BoIand, Clerk of \Vorks, Quebec, on applica tion to the Postmastor at, Port Co'â€" borne, Out., and at. the Department of Public \Vorlts, Ottawa. Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the form supplied, and signed with the actual signatures of tonderers. ' An accepted cheque on a chartered bank payable to the order of the Min- ister of Public “’orks, for thirty thousand dollars ($311000) must accom- pany oach tender. The cheque will be forfeited if the party decline the con- tract or fail to complete the work con- tracted for, and will be returned in case of non-acceptance of tender. The Dopartmcut (loos not. bind it- self to accept the lowest. or any tender. By Ordor. JUS. It. ROY. Acting Secretary. DEPAWJ‘MEXT on Pcnuc Wouns, OTTAWA. October 10th, 1900. Nowspapcrs insorting this advcrtiso- ment without authority from the Do- parlmont will not be paid for it. .illliiPiRE is dinners Efifillli Tho innit-rsiguotl bogs to annouut-o to I the public that he will during tho 9 wintrr months {Who}; (7‘: Pair: .Of :ill Linds at .3 cools a bag. pint; oror)’ L‘hopâ€" View: it «Add 3' mm": maturduy' . tin .inx' ti tins-u :l r: you can got your _ ~“u gimiii-i \2 .lllt’ you wait. _‘.l~ogrl\tii:g and cx'clicuiging “ht-at for iiour. ‘.\'.l kinds ot~ lionr :lll’l I'm-d .ilwuys i ll ' hand. l'iltlit't‘ F:§‘.llll_\' idltvll‘ ninl :Z~I.ill'll:' i’:..i iii. lit" :1 ion] or my ri'li‘iitl l=i ‘l’ii « 1‘ mammali- . luliilt l'.l l’lxtur it; hr , . " lll Lauri. . .‘i‘i'i‘t‘IN. .! l‘l‘vll l). O. c? The Libernl and Week Globe to Jan’y l, ‘02 The Liberal and VV’kly Mail and Empire to Jam. 1, ’02 The Liberal and Daily Star The Liberal and Daily World The Liberal and Daily The Lib eral and The Liberal and Daily h. The Liberal and Evening __ fig, Mail 80 Empire, 1 , a). The Liberal and VJ’kly life. and Empire to Jan. 1, ’01 The Mixed Paints in all colors; Oils, Varnishcs, and Turpentine; l";:lill Brushes in all 5.1 s at the lowest criin prices. {Ecru Usual stock 0 1- l. \7 (J for one year for one year A lv'T for one year Globe for one your and t _,_ 1.: O J AT SAVAG The latest patterns in Designs and Colors, Bcrdcring and 8; ’3 EL (:3 ..,.._..1 Li mpire for one y iberal and Weekly CZ'TObS KL Luna“, 1% {,I 3 4 r _- A»}>.\'.\; 745‘ £an Eli} ',; 5,2." 9;.1‘ l’ A Jr, rug. "! " q t. :1 a a :4 .43, h ‘. 3 â€" ‘. W} m .23.. fiâ€" it‘s “3‘4 hung.» lobe Evening ’7"? 9 5° law if?” is? ll. 1" ’ ‘ 2‘- ‘ll. '7? “"i "5. {It '1 g if; r is: m l. xi. it 5:: “h 7 Cf) . Ceiling to match, irom 3 cents up. ac . 1, A. q _ ma EELGLO rut-5353i: ST E Always on hand. 4 I i-E “r ‘3‘ F 0 if: idyllic life FEE SH Guccnnins Our fee returned if we ability of same. secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent taken out; through us receive THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted At bottom prices fail. An A “How to Obtain a. Patent.” sent upon by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy F REE. 'Ehun'e in. Satisfaction In obtaining 13. .LJ. And :l good :ii ticlo at a. an Ll" a a: mm -d .s K; L) Address, VICTOR J. EVANS a. co., (Patent Attorneys,) .u « ~.~‘A will 311 and broad that t ‘Norl: X... 15.; one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- Patents request. special notice, Without charge, in wnsumcron. D. c. ‘3 warm Any Flour will make Broad, but we arantcc llllEllllll Still: To mulx'o moi-o broad, llfIlllt‘l‘ broad will lil‘l'll moist. lonu‘rr. and bottor flavor- (‘tl broad \Vitll it-ss labâ€" or that! any (lillt‘l‘ TAOâ€"EFT i [t E Ship“), Ilour. but”;(“ililziitl is itiloilitil ill :lll oltlol's 2:. J. Hume, j t 4 - i H. n ‘ l.“ l Yaw lll'\"“lll‘i-!lll}' ‘-‘lv<‘t~i # . I‘â€" J ' " s“ N iLII,‘.vE'-'l‘0.‘~1 Brace. I >‘ (Is on} 'l'lousx-rings'. ; W 37.1113 Sh_ ' v»: KL l. s ..‘i l “About... m ~sc.m-_.\..-' aw Cough Syrup for (oil;le and Colds, Asllun-i. :i' t‘. Bronchitis“. t'il'., giros im- in ‘1li.l!cl'n it i.\ coiiipns‘otl Ol- l‘lll‘ box! l't‘llll’tll(‘\‘ in tho llliil‘lit‘l to-dayl'or tho tl't‘dlilll'lll of t'ouglis and colds. You ask, what is it. allvway? “'t-ll. lt'JIII 11'” you. ()llll‘l' COUGH loliiodios, I don't know what is thoil‘ composition. but this ionu-dy of mine is compose-d of Fluid l‘ixti'acl tit" \\'lilio I’iuo. \‘Iild (‘lu-ri-y. [him of Gilord i;ll\l.<‘ Slllkt‘llill'd, lllluul liltUL and Syrup, braillit'ully llllXt'll and uicc to truko. II is lll't'lmll‘ll by mo. and IMO onlv. \‘\'. .\. fiiiuloinou. liii-limond llottlt‘. Hill. and sold at 2.3 (mills {)1'1 and oallod Magic t‘ough 3‘??? OH tlioproiuiws, Richmond Hill, a thoroughln'oiiHliol't-liornlmll. Tcrms T. I.I'DI“URD. lilt‘lllllt‘lld l'IiII. '9’» Trifle. Wt'fl'lj‘o ’ "at :~ k-l : ’ . \E . m“... hbfiuls‘ .2. .P. Elsaiqsn‘villo. (Oflho firm of l‘ii-kardt &' Prentice), agent for tho Masm-y-llarris Laborâ€" baviug Marlrins-ry, \Viig'tllls, Flows, ‘x‘rut‘llors, 'i'.: also tho Sawyer &1 .‘riassoy Iiiisrim-s and_Tlirt-shorn, the linintl’oi'd \Viud-Mill, and the Up-to- Date Toronto Fanningr Mill. All Itiassoyâ€"llarris ropairs kzpt by H. A. Nit-holls. Richmond Ilili. Business solicitcd. « t v cock 3 Cotton Root Compound 5} Is successfully used monthly by over 10.00n Ladies. Sate,eflectunl. Ladiesasl: ‘ your druggist for Cook‘s Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and. imitations are dangerous. Price. No. 1. $1 per box; No. 13,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed or receipt of price and two 3-cent stem 5. The Cook Company Windsor, Ont. 03. 1 and 2 soldand recommended by all responsible Drugglsts in Canada. Ltrt' No. l. and .\'o. '2 soil in Richmond Hill by c 5.: $3 s Eclilltltli tEI-di‘lti ti Plow Points for all tho principal plows; at a? ,,v utility, Half a milo west of Richmond Hill. Fifty cents a liundrod allowed on wrought or cast iron. Shop open every night until 8.00. Cider made every day except Saturday \V. MA G ER, Prop. illiill (bf Canada lilCI'lI‘ilONl) HILL $1 .0 00.000 700,000 “l (inpizail Rest A DEPOSITS Roccivod in S-irings' Bank Depart mont and intcrost allowed at lilfilllit'il‘ Ellilliiii'l' HRTES. Notico of withdrawal not nones- sai'y. All doposits payable on demand. '3‘! r' Eensgal Barkiné Buttress Transacted. ; For other particulars call at the Bank. 3. FWLAI‘TD. 771 1 U. u. .»\(i' I‘IN'l‘ ii: Oilâ€"l LTC‘ N D IIIL Li :v 37 - V * . l [\3 ion ('ourt tor No (I: ‘ "‘i I 1‘... will llt’ llt‘ld ll'i" ’ nil“, ilmlil. .{ V ._ “‘ ’ r‘i'l 3,1300.

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