Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXIII. AT ME LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 3M; . n “ @112 gflzhml IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING T. F. McMAHON. D R. L ANGSTAFF. Gmdusto of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each woek, and Concord on Friday hum 1 to 3 p. Lu. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of horsés. cattle and other domesticatâ€" ed wipalsfirep‘ted by the latest and most up- Diseases 62 hots. ed animals treated proved methods. Office Hours : p. m J. T. Eflcfilmy, VETERINARY SURGEON Best fitting teeth, also replating, at lowest prices. Good work. Oddfellow’s Bldg, Toronto, cor. Youge and College Sta, Toronto, Telephone ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesday. Oflice:-Next dom- south of Public School. 13:. ‘33. Cecil 'L‘mfiier, B. 5’”, DENTIST, DR. T. A. CURME, Remodelied,nu(1 newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial travellers. Anidenlstopping place for riding or driving pnrcie5.bicyclists, or {tn-mars going to or returning from inurket. Electric cars pass the door. Livery in connection. F. J. GALLANUUGH, PALMER HOUSE, RICHMOND HILL, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY JOHN PALMER. - $I per annum, in advance.] HULSE HOTEL, Every Accommodation for the trav- ’ elling public. Cor. Bloor :iaId 51):”!!le Ave" Toronw. Room 12, 121 Victoria St. Toronto Member Collage thsiciaué and Surgeons, Out. Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Ripéms Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. RICHWEOND RICHMOND DR, L. LAWRASUN, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, BUSINESS CARDS. ‘ DIAPLE. THOROUGHLY REFITTED. OFFICE HOURS 81010215": (“08 [1 VETERINARY SURGEON, W “x . 309303 B exxX‘ksX , Emma I‘llornhill. 3368 for appointment, wetcriuarg misdimt. ERMM. 8 to '10 a. m.; 1 7 to 9 p.111. ROPRIETOB Glospm WW 2to2 - ' 2" Tn PATENT Hood ldaas may be secured by our aid. Addresa THE °"ENT RECORD. Barflmore. Md. LENNOX & MORGAN, HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Monev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at lowest, rates. Aurora ofliceâ€"Removod to tbs old 1703f. nflme. one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newman-ken ofliceâ€"Three doors south of the post omce. 1‘. HERBERT LnNNox, G. STV. Monmm, Aurora. N c-wmarket Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelaxde St” East. Mr. Cook will be at Maple on Thursday afternoon of each week. DI. TEEFY. NOTARY PUBLIC. COOK & MACDONALD EastToronto Oflice. Mr. Grant’s residence, Woodbndge. every evening. Thoruhill.each Wednesday from 10 to 12. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Luan I ings, cor. Adelaide and Victor Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Office‘ Richmond Hill on Saturdays. SALEM Ficmum'm J. H. PM:an 1C8 Wolimgton Place. Toronto. Unioavide Licepseu‘ {auctioneer for the C L1censeu Auctionegsrs for the County of Yoxk. Goods sold on consxgument. General sales of stock.etc.. promptly attended to at reasonable tubes. 6.1%. Gouldmg, Newton Brook. agent for the above. WNW}? I941? 4? 57°: » EPUNGAN, GE‘MHT 85 sKEé‘eHS JAS. NEWTON License Auctioneers tor the County of York ,re- spoctfully solicit you: patronage and friendly nflueuce. sales attPnded on the shortest, notice and a reusonaberawa. P. 0. address King Money to loan at 5 per cent J. T. Suigeou. Richmond hill Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Balesubcended to on short-estnotice and at res.- sonablemtes Patronage solicited. Licansed Auctioneer!“ the County of York. Generalsales of implements. iurniturestauding timber. etc. .nttended on th a shortest notice and at reasonable rates. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, REAGENT 311341355 Patron agesolici terdr.’ P. 0. address Mame Licensed Auctinuear for the Counties of York and Ontamo. All sales of farm stock, &I:.. ut- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgage and hailifi sales attended to. Residence. Stoufiville, Out Eve accommodation to guess“. 303411.81 Der d9. A large stack of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Apbly to 12H! COAL & WOOD VVRIGHT BROS 25 KING STREE~.T WEST, TORONTO C STOKES (Ind (wankers a: Embalm ors, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Barristers and so” Im-s. He égawm Qfifii’flm EGBQa‘Efle, : G. F. LAWRENCE 158 me STREET EAST. TORONTO BUSINESS FOR SfixLE RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1900. Eclizu'dt & PI entice Saigeen a: McEwon. Barristers, Solicitors, 5:0 smokes & Blough. J. D. Readman, COMMISSIONER IN THE “C R. PRUCTOR Richmond Hill N. B. Smith : itor. Notary, Sac. In Essantials, Unity; in Non-Essantials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” mm. our'aid. Addreg E °"ENT RECORD, Baltimore. Md. Hbfi. Teler 1] one 2964 J. K. McEwen. Weston. Loan Build D BLOUGE m Majority Will be over Fifty. The great political fight is over and the Liberals have been returned to power with an undiminished majority. The Conservatives made gains in Ontario, while the Liberals gained in Quebec and the east. All the mem- bers of the Cabinet have been re-elect- ed with large majorities, while Sir Charles Tupper, Hugh John Mac- donald, G. E. Foster, Dr. Montague, Nicholas Flood Davin, Sir Adolphe laron and other prominent Conserv- ative leaders have fallen. Toronto placed four Conservatives at the head of the poll, and East and \Vest York returned their former members. Messrs. W'. F. Maclean and N. U. \Vallace, with large majorities. Among the Liberals defeated are Mr. Arch. Campbell, Mr. Jus. McMullen, Dr. Landerkin and Mr. Gibson of Lincoln. The members of the Cabinet who were most bitterly attacked and misrepresented during the contestâ€"â€" Messrs. Blair, Tarte and Siftonvall scored magnificent victories. The folleing are the gains and losses in Ontario: Ottawa. Hamilton (2). A Centre Toronto. Peel. ‘- Prince Edward. Frontenac. South Victoria. Cornwall. North Ontario. East Hastings. East Lambton. South Grey. South \Veutworth. North Middlesex. Centre \Ve-llington. North Wellington. North Leeds and Grenville. Brockville. Cardwell. Lincoln. South Waterloo. Total 22. The following is a. summary for the different provinces : Ontario. . . . . . . . Quebec . . . . . . . . Nova Scotia .. New Brunswick P. E. Island . . Manitoba. . . . . . . British Columbia. N. VV.T Totals . . . . . . 131 73 4 Elections to be held in Burrard and Yale, Cax-iboo. British Columbia ; Nipissing and Algoma, Ontario; and Ga_spe,_Que_bec. MISS E. E. GBEEN’S ELEVENTH LETTER. In reviewing my diary for the last six Weeks I find I have nothing partic- ular to relate, not having been to any special place of interest. However, my readers may like to know some of the general things I have had the plenasurg of upping during my travels. LIBERAL VICTORY. London. South \Vellingtou. Wentwurth. South Rean-ew. \Vest Nortllumberland. Bothwell. Haldimand. Gleugzu'ry. North Bruce. Total 9. TGt-cil in House, 213. Across the Ocean. Conservati'ie Gains. lumbia. . . Libel-a1 Gains. Libs. Cons. Iud. 57 16 spent, and the peaceful hour of low or bi h tide is an acknowledged fact. X e went to a. very amusing concert on the pier, which, by the way, isa very fine structure, and from there we had a. fine promenade and good Vic‘V oi Skegness itself. Donkey rides seemed to i)e.the order of the day, and I was much amused to see a. very stout lady approach the poor beast in web a way as to cause the animal to look at her with utter con- tempt. As she was about to mount she found it was “no go,” and the only satisfaction she could get was from the driver who exclaimed, “Its no use, missus, he’s seen you, and even if you blind-folded him he knows how heavy yoii are.” Returning: to Malton we arrived twenty minutes too late to catch the last train home, consequent} we started to walk and had covere( some distance when the sound of horses’ feet caught our ear, and when my brother pulled the pony up we were not sorry, and in a short hour we reached 01d_Dalhy, til-ed but happy. ‘ Another day I go for a spin through the country. I notice several women and children collecting wheat, etc., which has been left by the farmer when cleaning his fields. Upon en- quiry I find they are “ Gleaners,” and the cereals thus gathered are used by the poorer class to make flour or feed the poultry. In another place I see people picking blackberries. while men are gathering the fruit from ' neighboring treesâ€"plums, damsons, ‘ apples and pears seem to be the chief ‘ kind. If England lacks anything, it falls short of the abundance, of peach- ‘. es, grapes, cucumbers. and tomatoes ' such as Canada produces. I priced! some peaches in a city a week ago and , they were only ten and twelve cents each. about the size of an ordinaryi apple and not ripe, so its no Wonder I ‘ have seen peaches in my dreams, for I in reality I have not tasted any since 1 last summer. However, if you can’t buy fruit you can get eggs at “ eight 1 for twenty~live cents, and butter thirty cents per lb,” only don’t spend . all your money at once, as you might 3 like some Stilton cheese, for which: Leicestershire is noted. at 25c. and 30c. ‘ per ll). I have heard several people praise Canadian cheese and I saw some in a shop not long ago and the manager told me he had a. secret lik- ing for our goods. and others helva to children with games, cheery cup of tea. The Harvest, Festival has come and game; the church was prettily decorat- ed and the music was well rendered. Ou thy Monday your correspondent, and others help 1:1 to entertain the children with games, etc” after a. Yesterday the hounds passed through our yard, the lords and indies follnwing. The effect of the scarlet. amid the fading and falling leaves was very pretty. _ Still another visit to the woods where I am reminded that “ The mel- ancholy days have come, the saddest of the year.” The grass begins to wither and the dew falls earlier than usual, the sun sinks to rest amid the waning hours of the afternoon, the children loiter no longer at their play on the village green, the trees are bare and ghostly and the sound of rustling leaves tell the story of a dy- ing season, once beautiful, now almost forgotten. Amid these things I re- turn to my friends, where some one Is singing Tosle’s “Good-bye.” As the passionate intensity of the “ Good-bye forever, Good-bye. Good-bye.” rings out, charming, almost divine, I am taken back in thought to Canada, where the summer’s sun may cease to shine for the present, but it shall burst forth anew in the glorious days of an Indian Fall, or a. sparkling; and jolly Winter, cheered and relieved by the sound of merry sleigh bells, or by a proper Canadian fire. The Grove, Old Dalby, Leicestershire. The annual plowing match of King ‘ Plowmen's Association was held on the farm of MP. Hugh McTuggart,near Noblvtun, on Friday, Nov. 2. The ‘ weather was favorable for a. good turn ’ out. Twenty-six competitors appear-i ed,eighteen in sod and eight; in stubble. A goodly number of spectators graced i the occasion, among which was a good sprinkling of ladies. ‘The following gentlemen acted as judges, giving entire satisfaction in every case :â€"Messrs. Murray (Joates, Toronto; James Fennel]. Bradford; Wm. Rennie, Toronto; \Vm. Robin- son. Maple; A. Hollingshead, King; A. Campbell, King Creek. The following are the names of the successful competitors : First Classâ€"lst, Spencer Crowley. Stroud; 2nd. James McLean, Vaugh‘ an; 3rd, Neil Malloy. Vaughan; 4th. Frank YVeir, Markham; 5th. “’11:. Patteisou, Churchill; 6th, R. Stiver, ThTI-d Ciass-ist, B. s. RUSS; Kifig; 2nd, Geo. Patton, King; 3rd, ‘V. J. an; 3rd, Neil Malloy. Vaughan; 4H} Frank “Heir, Markham; 5th. \Vm‘ Pattelson, Churchill; 6th, R. Stiver, Markham. Second Classâ€"lst, Wm. Hzlustraus er. \Vuod Hill; 2nd, James Cameron Vaughan; 3rd, \V'm. Hannah, King. King Plowing Match. Malloy, Vaughan ; 4th, \Vm. Murphy, Dunkeronn. Fourth Classâ€"lst, T. H. Lawson, King; 2nd, J. W. Reive, Churchill; 3min Fel-gpspn: King; _ Fifth Classâ€"“list, Alberthaker,King 2‘19: $911153“ NICQLIÂ¥F%.Y%II&han- Sixth Class (Stubh}e(â€"‘ist, Wm. Cameron, Thistletcm: 2nd. James A. Jztrr‘nieson, ijg; 3_rd, E. Pratg, King. Seventh Cla‘lséâ€"lst; Wm. SbI-oufé, Kin ; 2nd. Geo. Riddell, King; 3rd, H‘ g WW9", King: _ l Eighth Cl;iss'â€"1st,,‘Edgorton Sproule, King; 2nd, James Breedon, King. SPECIALS. Best roomed and equipped team in: the fielg, James Camemn. Best six crown furrows in 1st class, Spencer Crowley. Best, finish in 1st. class, Spencer Crowley. Best ins and outs in 2nd class, Jas. Cameron. ' . First boy finished getting a, prize in sod, A. Baker. Best six crown furrows in 5th claSS, S. McClure. Concord school report for October is as follows :â€"â€" Sr. IVâ€"Elmore Ream-an, George Miles, Alunza Watson, Lizzie Cooper. Jr. IVâ€"Elsie Troyer. Sr. IIIâ€"Pearl Pearson, Lizzie Mu- lock. Jr. IIIâ€"Margaret Stewart. Sufiâ€"Birdie Rid(lell,\Vilkie Bowes. Estella. Reaman, Ethel VVhitmore. Jr. 11â€"Jessie Bowes. Pt IIâ€"Mary Galland, \Vilfpid Kef- fer, Ella Ruamnn. Pt. Iâ€"Opal Stewart, Dessie Poole. Present every dayâ€"\Vilkie Poole, Jessie Bowos. Best six crown furrows in 7th class \Vm. S mule. Best nish in 7th class, G. Riddell‘. Best finish in 8th class, J. Breedon. Aggregate attendance 571. Novemb er W figfi‘4fi3m i * Gem! Business'fi 3% (Mega g mmz The nice thing about it is that you may enter our behonl at any time and receive from our Ten capable Teachers that, individual instruction and er- soual care so necessary for your ‘uc- cess. W1 itve for our circulars at; any rate, and get, some particulars. Ad- dress Yongo and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. A num Apply $0 Highest daily attendance, 35. Average daily attendance, 25. E. J. A. JOHNSTON, Teacher. \Vill bring a Splendid Contingent of Young Men and \Vomen into the S(‘\'€X'.‘l1 Departments of the FOR SALE [Single copies, 3 cts. Ill 1- of Cotswold Rum Lambs Concord. \V. H. SHA‘V, Principal. TO RON TO. T. JOHNSTON, for month No 19

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