Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Nov 1900, p. 4

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New Advertisements. ‘Chun eâ€"H. C. Bailey. Chaufiu- Imperial ‘Ot111 CO. Chan 'eâ€"Jerry Smit . Vaughan Council Jas.B.McLean. beta I. O .1 Novcmbcr 8, .1900 RICHMON‘D HILL. THE SOLDIERsi RETURN. Canadians and loyalty are synony- mous, but it is doubtful if patriotic rejoicing and enthusiasm ever before i‘cached the proportions assumed in Toronto Monday afternoon when the heroes of I’aardcburg returned from the battle-fields of distant Africa. From the time the train steamed into the C. P. R. Station yard at North Toronto till the brave boys reached the armories there was a continual and spontaneous outburst rof welcome all along the line, and the participants'in the demonstration must have numbered nearly 200,000 people. Those who were not present on the occasion can get an idea of the immensity of the procession from the fact that it took fully an hour to pass a given point. Scenes witnessed along the streets will never be for- gotten, and taken altogether Monday may be said to be the greatest ‘day in the history of Toronto. The dc- corations of many public and private buildings were magnificent, and the humblest cottages in the most unfre- 'quentcd streets bore evidences of loyalty and patriotism. But beautiful as everything looked in the daytime it was nothing when compared to the evening when the places were illuminated by thous- ‘ands of electric and incandescent lights. The decorations and illum- inations at the City Hall and other places left nothing to be desired,but those on the line 'of march between the arch at Queen Street and the Parliament buildings Were simply ‘gorgeous. There were many sad homes to be ‘ sure, caused by the deaths of‘rela- tives and friends, but the sorrow seemed to be absent with the tens of thousands who gathered to give a joyous reception to those who were fortunate cit-ought to return to their ‘country and their homes. Canada, - from one'end to the other,appreciates "the services rendered by her brave sons. and she showed it royally in FToronto on Monday. 3King Township Council King Council met at VVatson’s Ho- tcl, Loch Ern, on Saturday. October 27th, 1900. The following bills were passed; VVui. Clcland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 45 Geo. Teasdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 75 J. Crook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 Geo. Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 I). \Vilsou . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 J. \Vilson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 95 VV. Barkwcll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 05 A. Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Bell Tel. Co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 65 H. \Vcbb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 80 J. “’atson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l 80 0. Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 70 F. Egan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 20 J. Patterson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 00 J. Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 W. Breedon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 \V. Andrews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 M. Hoover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 50 \V. Kcrl' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 S. Lundy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 00 Messrs. Burns and Rogers were ap- oiutcd a committee re draining Mount icllick Pond. The ri-eve and Messrs. Gullagheran‘d Rogers were a pointed a committee to consider the a visability of removing the Schomberg lockup with full authority to act as they think it wis- - dom so to do. The action of the reeve in sending George Fulkison to the Hospital for 4 ' weeks Was confirmed. The reeve was further empowered to extend the time in hospital if necessary. The clerk was instructed to notifv the township solicitor to defend the appeal action of Bogart vs. King and to secure the service of Mr. Shepley to argue thecase. The council then adjourned to meet at McBi-ide‘s Hotel, King City. on Thursday, November 15. at the hour of 2 o‘clock p. m. Guns. PATTERSON, Clerk. Sherwood S. LEMON, Reeve. Mr. J. Kefi‘er was visiting at Carr- ville on Sunday last. Mr. \Ym. Boddy of “'oodbridgc. was renewing friends and acquaint- ances here. taken a situation. ; Mr. Henry Kei’fcr. an old and highly ,‘cstcclucd rcsidcnt of Sherw'ood. who 'Inct. with an accident the other wcok. i was able to bi out the first time on the l 23rd ult. l Mr. anric of (lurrvillo. our now lpostunu-rlcr and general manager of ourstoic. has tukmi possession. Th: iniail will ho kept directly opposite thi- ‘blacksniith Shop Now. Mr. Frank Kcll'cr, who was ill and ‘ under lll!‘ doctor‘s cnrc. is able to In- out and is busily engaged at his work. Mr. .lauics ll. Kl'lfl‘l'. we are sorry to say, is still undcr the doctor‘s care. but. hope to $06 him around again soon. , The Ladies' Aid in connection with the church incl at. tho homo of Mr. N. Shuuk, Maple. on \Vcdncsduy, Oct. 21. Mr. Mark Harrison and wifc and Miss Tenn Kelli-r Were visit ing at Mr. I. Kclfcr's 'l‘ucsdny evening. The Lutheran choir was tcndcrcd a supper at the home of Mr. ‘J. Julian, Tcston, :t mcmbcr of lllt‘ congregation, all being present cxccpt Miss Ettic Luhmcl'. Mrs. A. Bndka. of Toronto, spout Satin-dnyuudcr the purcutal root" of her mother. Mrs. A. Kcll’cr. ._. Patterson. School Report for October :~ Sr. lVâ€"R. Rumble. Jr. IVâ€"A. Rumble, V. llislop. Sr. IIIâ€"lll‘iumblc. V. Charlcs. Jr. Illâ€"E. McNair. I. Keith. J. Rumble. Sr. IIâ€"F. Rumble, S. (Thnrlcs, S. McNair. Jr. Ilâ€"J. Kcith. Uâ€"J. Rumble, G. Major. A. McNair. Bâ€"-J. Hislop, It. Rumble. A~J‘. Rumble,M.Uharlcs,N.Ruuiblc. Present every dayâ€"A. Rumble Jessie Rumble. Josie Rumble. S. S. No.4, Markham. Report School Section No. 4, Mark- ham for October : Jr. IVâ€"Elsie Brilliuger. Sr. IIIâ€"Leva \Viudiows. Oosgrovc, Stuart Read. Jr. Illâ€"Foster Hickseu,Ailie Rands, Roy Nelson. Jr. IIâ€"Gora Brilliuger, Ella. Cosâ€" grove, Alex. \Villiams. Tablets IIIâ€"Harold Smith. Gertie Nelson. K Tablets, IIâ€"John‘ Cosgrove, Rolph Vi'illiams. Tablets Iâ€"Maggic Baker, Rolph Ba- ker, H‘crman Mortsou. Maggie no reflection so i . dainty, no light so J i' charming as the ' mellow glow that comes from c " Wax genetics _ é Preparedln manycolortlnts to harmonize with pur- rounding?1 ip dining room rewmg r o . bed room or ha I. gala everywhere. ads by IMPERIAL FDRA dTTEll tall“ You can OFFICE a portrait of SIR WILFRID LAURIER, Which has been reproduced by The Herald Publishing Co. of Montreal. from the latest and most natural photograph of the Premier ever taken. The portrait is about 20x16 inchesâ€"â€" just the right size for framing. Leave your order. Subscribe for THE LIBERAL EMPIRE MILLS stems BROOK The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he will during the winter months Chop G‘rrain Of all kinds at 5 cents abag. Chop- ping every “7ednesday- and Saturday. On any of those days you can get your grain ground while you wait. Also gristing and exchanging wheat for flour. All kinds of flour and feed always on hand. Choicei‘Family Flour and Manitoba Patent. Try a barrel of my special hi and of Manitoba Flour for home-made bread. Market price paid for Feed Peas. H. B. Schmidt. Sept. 27. 3m. _ VVe are very sorry to lose Miss Tcuu Kclfer. who has gone to Toronto and get at THE LIBERAL Etch" may be your spot-lull)“. in? pairing fine walc‘ncs is spcciulty. ‘ Tho most prolitalilc work it; all lines is (lUllt‘ by Slit-t‘lélllQlS. You will find it profitable lo pay a fair price to a good win k~ man when your watch um'ds repairs. ‘ It is not thi- repairs lclt, unâ€" douc that. llljlll‘t's‘n gm’ 1. watch but, it is by having; ri-puirs llll~ Prllpcrly done that ruin watch- es and makes them so (lllllt‘llli and cxpcusivc to put in lizstâ€" class order. Try Inc on a ditlirult repair JERRY S MITRE. PRACTICAL “'A'l‘t ‘1 {MA Klill. 1 1 7 EL 9‘: ‘3 ii is “ ll“ Hi . The subscriber would lesimjlflzlly llllll'.lltf‘ M the put-lie than having reliuiltilic chopping null And doubled its capacity, he will during the busy chopping season and until job-Sntisfaction gunrautcml. N _,.+_,A m. ‘ DEAI’IJ in further notice chop Monday. ‘b'ednesqiay am] Sn!!- urdny of each work. He is also still keeping ALI. LUMBER on hand and in it few lll‘VS will be Dre arei to supply DRESSED Iillllltlill uf nll kin sand do I’LAAIVG AND l-lA‘l‘t'lll’NU of all kinds at lonestprices. Patronage solimted ; satisfaction guaranteed Henry arsh. J. T. SAEGEON, liiclnnond Iii“. Agent for the follmxinz stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: Manchester, of LondonEng, BRITISH AMERICA. OF TORONTO, CANADA. â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" GORE, OF GALT, A First-class Cash Mutual. YORK MUTUAL, Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming comv pany for the farmers of York Co. Business St-licited. "finial. $1.0 Ill [Toronto alumna. PRICES AT FARMERB’ WAGGONS. t? Wheat,wliite. per bush ............... S 0 (:8 S O 00 Wheat, red, per bush . U 68 0 00 Wheat, goose, per h sh . 0 CG 0 00 Oats. per bush .. . O ‘28 0 30 Pens. per bush .. . 0 60 000 Barley. Der bush . . 0 40 0 46 Turkeys, per 1b ......... . 0 09 t‘ 09 Dressed Hogs, per cwt.. . 6 50 7 00 Geese, per 1!) ........ . o 05 0 06 Chickens. per pair . 0 :50 0 55 Ducks.per pair . . 0 35 0 60 Butter, in pound rolls . 0 18 0 21 Eggs, fresh ............. . 0 19 0 22 Potatoes, per bag . O 30 0 35 Apples, per bbl .. . 1 25 1 50 Hay. clover . . 13 00 13 50 Hay, timothy , . 00 00 00 00 Straw sheaf ..... 9 50 0 00 THE SUN Life Assurance 00. OF CANADA Assures on all the modern plans, and is one of the most prosperous and progressive companies in exrstence. Premiums low. policies unconditional and nouforfeita/ble. Take a. policy with the district agent. T. F. McMAHON, LIBERAL OFFICE. - RICHMOND HILL “ FOR SALE In the Village of Eichmond Hill, Modern Brick Dwelling good Consisting of ten rooms. with one acre of lend, well and two ciaterrs, hennerv, cow sheds. stable for two horses, all up-to-dnte and in first class condition. A rare chance to purchase a good home ate. nominal cost. Terms reason- able. A l to lS-tfpp y W. B. PROCTOR GOAL & . WOOD For Sale. First-class Beech and Maple deliver- ed on the shortest notice. Apply to W. R. PROCTOR FOR SALE By J. H. Sanderson, V. 8.. Richmond Hill 1 House and Let opposite the High School on Yonge Street. 1 Gladstone cmiage. 2 seats. pole and shafts bob-sleigh attachment. 2 Set Single Harness. 1 Set Double Harness. 2 String of Bella. Sale rooms In his stable at the rear of drug store. cor. Yonge and Centre Ste. 12-“ -' KINDS OF ' 1Q“... A'p’,»;r_â€""-_: Jena“. “us-1* fel\_~.3x'.'f_:._-:y.;rn;».: a. t :_-5 >3." \ss m-r21.\\-'*.£.~:'n?:.m - : _=~w.: . "at: :nPMM manu§g .â€"â€"â€"‘. . n . mm‘umww“ u-..m~ c *‘x . 6 3'3 0. ‘59:) Any customs '- presenting this Coupon and $8.45 I‘\â€"7 , Wlizi. receive 1 bbl. .“ Gold Medal " l Flour ' h‘eedl on Satiriâ€" \Vc handle the following Reliable brands of Flour: dar l â€"__. , Nov. 10. ; l l l :‘ l I rihcme, Gold Medal, Hick’s Favorite, lCampbeil’s Monarch, Queen City, 86 Toronto P'rlde. l Full supply ‘Bran and Shorts on hand. Prices. H. G. BAELEY, MAPLE. ‘ r H ' Popular Prices 11 Hardware Store C. Mason has on hand his stock lateral triad tastes Vt'hicb he will sell at rock bot! tom pl ices for cash. Also Stove Pipes. Elbows. and Stoves of all kinds. All kinds of Hardware, Tinware and everything in the tin and hardware line cheap. Repairing Promptly Done Richmond Hill hichmoud )- c. M son, wagons a co. Best Gun Powdcr only 30c. per 11). ' Shot 4 lbs. for 25c. llcvolvers only $1.50 each ‘ Shot Guns, single barrel, breech loader. Shot Guns, double barrcl, breech loader, $10 Shot Guns, double ban-cl, mussel loader. $8 Air Rifles, 75c.. $1 and $1.25 are fully guaranteed, and are less than wholesale prices. Our Sporting Goods \NiLKlNS & 00.. 168 King doors west of George Street, Toronto. St. East, 3 AGENTS FOR THE People’s Life Insurance Company. Head Office. Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto; and The Standard Mutual Fire Insurâ€" ance Company, A purely Farmers’ Company, head office, Markham, Ont. For particulars call on the agents, Residence, Richmond Hill. lRepairs *‘for all kinds of Machinery.

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