r’x.< a. 12.5er :‘Evn/«llsni’lzl‘éztï¬ï¬‚ldlwi‘mliï¬wiJ’LiLw.J'ï¬â€˜yiuLWWnymWï¬ï¬iï¬imflgqï¬â€˜iW . {Elli , 19m 'RICHMOND HILL, November 8 '- Iu()(7 ALIAS. 3 Fire Brigade meeting will be held ‘ on Monday evening nex t. Regular meeting of Court Richmond on Friday evening. Before piiicliasing got. our prices for , ladies’ fur capi-i has, fur coats, etc. , Atkinson (t: Switzer. The resideiiCe immediately south of the High School is to rent. Sec adv. on another page. Two addresses will be given at. the Epworth League meeting on Friday evening of this Week. Men’s laiiudried shirts, good heavy cotton body, pure linen trout, ctlc. Atkinson d: Switzer. \Vni. McKinley has been re-elected President of the United States over \V. J. Bryan \\ ho has been defeated the second iiiire. At the Junior League iO~lil(Il‘l’(I\V ~(Friday) at -1 o‘clock, Mr. J. llï¬anderâ€" son will speak to the children on "The Light of the \Vorld." Best 200 yard spools, 4c. ; silk croch- ety, 5}c.; cortecelli silk spools, 5c. Atkinson & Switzer. The vote in Richmond Hill yesterâ€" day stood (58 for Mr. \Vallace, (54 for Mr. Campbell; majority for Mr. \Val- lace. 4. There were two rejected ballots. Mr. James McLean won ï¬rst prize in the championship class at the Eto- bicoke plowing match held on Mon- day, and also iirst for best finish in sod. The prize in the ï¬rst class was a silver cup and ten dollars in gold. Mr. IV. F. Maclean’s majority for East York, as given in the Mail this morning is 71.3; Hon. N. C. VVailace for \Vest York, 900; and Hon. \Vm. Mulock, for North York, 500 Men’s elastic web suspenders, cantab ends, cross back, nicely trimmed. 50c. a pair. Atkinson 6L Switzer. The adjourned meeting of the Quar- terly Board will be held in the school room of the Methodist church next Monday afternoon commencing at 2.30- Ladies’ fleeced lined vests, 300.; union vests, 5Ur.; all wool vests, 75c. Atkinson 6.: Switzei. At a meeting of the Board of Educa- tion on Thursday Mr. Conlin of Dur- hani county was appointed Principal of the Public School in place of: Mr. N. S. McDonald who has taken a position in one of the city schools. See the, range of men’s ties, suspend- ers, handkercliiefs. mufflers, caps,hats, etc., in the north window of the Con- crete. Atkinson & Switzer. Mr. Farquharson appealed to the. Education Department to have Miss Gohn’s papers re-read and as a result Miss Gohn has been awarded a Junior Leaving Certiï¬cate. \Vord came from Chicago Tuesday morning that Rutled e.Rice and Jones, who were arrested a )out the ï¬rst of June for robbing Ross’ private bank and the Post Ofï¬ce at Aurora. were ' discovered in a plot to escape from the jail. Am.â€" Men’s heavy knit shirts in nice dark . atterns, 50 and 750. ; men’s heavy lue drill shirts with polka dot, 750. .Atkinson &- Switzer. ‘J. Hall keeps a supply of Herbageum -with proofs from farmers that by feed- ing it, at a cost of only one cent a day ;per cow, they get about one-ï¬fth more cream. and that Herbageiim put in skim milk or fresh whey makes it as “good for raising calves and pigs as the whole milk, the cows thus returning a double proï¬t. With good food Her- bageum will keep up a good flow of mi k all through the winter. Good cooking ï¬gs, 40. per 1b. ; best table figs. 15c. ; halloee dates, 7c. ; selected Valencia raisins, 12.}c. Atkins son & Switzer. A reat treatwillbe enjoyed by all .xzvho ear the Rev. C. O. Johnston of Toronto. deliver his most interesting and instructive lecture in the Metho- dist. church, Thornhill. under the aus- -fowl, green peas and many home, ' 'furkaiid Rev. J. C."Keam, the funeral pices of the Ladies“ Aid. on Tuesday evening. November 13th. Subject: "Englishmen, Scotclimen. Irishinen .and Boer.†Everybody welcome. Ad- v mission, 15 cents ; Children 10c. For evening wear we have a nice line of men‘s open bosom shirts with reinforced back, cuffs attached, at $1 a. piece. Atkinson & Sivitzer. Frank Leslie’s Popular Monthly has a large subscription list; but it should be larger. Its management is more energetic, its plans better than ever before. As an added stimulus toward an increase, the Monthly offers no less than two hundred and Sixty-four (264) i'izes in cash to the men and women. oys and girls, who show most energy -,in securing new snbscribers. This offer means that time and energy shall be well paid for. The price of the magazine is one dollar a year. Its contents appeal directly to people who I care for good and timely literature. A . few spare hours a week will add to your income substantially. If you want work that will pay vou, write f for terms to Frank Leslie Publishing I House, 141-147 Fifth Ave, New York. rt'asr; FOUND 3 A lady‘s purse containing a sum of money 'and a few enclosures was pick- ed up on the 5.40 Metropolitan car. Monday evening, going north. En- quire at Till-I LIBERAL ofï¬ce. Regular i-li'e. \i-oiiieii‘s cashmere hosc ' 3 sizes, 22".: special value in nieii'S' noikiiig sox. Atkinson & Switzer. BUSINESS EDYUA'I‘ION. . A school that meets all the require- ments for a good practical business: traiuiugis tho Central Business Col- lege. 'l‘oronlo. \Vith its splendid equipment. and large staff of skilled teachers it is proving worthy of the extensive patronage it enjoys from year to year. Itis well worth while. for anyone interested in education to write for the circulars of this school. See Card in this hisllf’. Nothing llii‘t‘l‘ for fall wear for chil- dren than a nice serge or leather tain, or a wool toque; 3e:- thc range in the north window of the Concrete. At.â€" kiiisou is" Switzei'. VAUGHAN MATCH. Bills are out announcing the animal plowing match of Vaughan Plowmen‘s i\.:‘soi-i:itioii to be held on the farm of Mr. 'i'lios. lliiiiible. half a mile east of Maple, on \'.‘eiliiesda_v of next week. Lunch will be provided for the plow" men, directors and judges on the grounds, and dinner at the Huise lloiise, Maple. After the recent rains it. is expected the land will work well. For particulars not on the bill apply to the secretary, Mr. Jas. McNeil. Maple. Something that cannot, be beaten is our $1.20 wrapper, made up in heavy wrapperette and nicely tucked yoke. Atkinson A: Switzer. BALL AND SUPPER. Mrs. T. \Vatson, of the \Voodbine Conservatories. gave a ball and supper in honor of the Soldiers return home. as well as Mrs. \Vatson’s birthday. The room was decorated with red mountain ash berries and blue and white bunting. The ladies dressed in scarlet and red satin ; Mrs. J. Allan in crushed strawberry satin. Miss Allan with Professor Allan, who presided at the piano, gave some popular duets. The slipper consisted of oysters and other good things. The party broke up at mid- night with many thanks and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. lVatson. Men’s heavy fleeced underwear in cotton or wool, all sizes, 50 and 75c. each. Atkinson & Switzer. TOO MUCH LATITUDE. “7e are inclined to think the village council is a little easy on individuals who frequently come here and make themselvesa nuisance on the street. Last Saturday evening a man whom the boys called a “ quack†doctor gathered around him such a. crowd and indulged in so much loud and idle talk that ladies going to the post ofï¬ce had to return home rather than pass the noisy crowd. In such cases the noisy individual should be removed. or the gang of boys and yo‘ung men made to disperse. Our village con- stable could have stopped the annoy- ance with a word. The band stand is also being kicked to pieces. and no notice seems to be taken of it. Such latitude is bad for the village and bad for the boys. This week we will make up one of those new Cheviot overcoatings we are showing in iron gray and black, for $16, and ï¬nished up with the best im- ported trimmings. Atkinson and Switzer. THE LATE MRS. MORTLEY. Mrs. Mary Ann Mortlcy. a. native of Lincolnshire, Eng, and a. resident of Toronto and the County of York for upwards of ï¬fty years. died at her late residence, 18 Alexander street, Toron- to, Thursday (Thanksgiving) evening, 18th October. The deceased lady Was well known and highly esteemed, es- pecially in the. districts of Thoriihill and Richmond Hill. She was an old member of the Carlton street Metho- dist Ohurch. and for many years took a zealous interest in church work. She left three children in Toronto, R. S..\Iortley, publisher of The Merchant; Henry E. Mortley, and Mrs. W. A. Gardiner. The remains were interred on Sunday, Oct. 20, at Thornhill cem- etery.,after a beautiful service at the conducted by Rev. Geo. R. being attended by many friends in city and country. Her death came peacefully, and the Christian fortitude and cheerful ._.spirit. with which she bore her painful illness was very re- markable. PERSONALS. Mr. D. Hngill‘ of \Toronto Junction spent ‘Vednesday in the village. Mr. Alfred Read of Victoria Square began his High School course, Tues- day. Miss Gertie Brown of Toronto spent Saturday last in the village with rela~ tires and friends. Mr. \V. Brydon of Toronto Junction Model School. spent Sunday with his uncle, Mr. J. H. Brydon. Mr. John Richardson. M. P. P. for E. York spent Friday night and part of Saturday in the village and vicinity. Rev. N. \Vellwood, F. R. H. S. is 3billed to speak at a. Sabbath school convention in Aurora on Friday of next week. Miss May Storey returned from Lowell,..\lass.. on Monday after spend- ing the past, three months with her brother, Mr. John A. Storey and fam- I ily. i sented him Master Chas. \Viley left Friday for ‘ New York where he purposes remaiu- ‘ ing for some time with his lllll‘lL‘. Mi". ‘ Douglas \Viley. Mrs. \V. Cooper, and daughter. Ger- ‘l tie. are atti iidiiig at the bedside of the ' former's brother and daughter. who are ill of typhoid fever at Uxbridge. Mr. Geo. \V. Ness, traveller for lley- wood Bios. & \Vakeiield (10., Chicago, made a. visit with his parents at Dollar, and spent Friday with his sister, Mrs. Arthur Cooinbs. Mrs. R. G. Slagge of Chathani, who visiied the past six \veeks with her uiotherand sister in \\'iiiiiipeg,isspond- ing this week with her brother-in-law, Mr.T.F. McMahon. and children. Address and Presentation. The teachers and pupils of the dif- ferent departments of the. Public school surprised the Principal, Mr. N. S. MacDonald. Friday afternoon by invading his room, and taking posses- sion for about an hour. “'hile they were there an address signed hv a committee, was read by Master Starr McMahon, and Miss Jennie Clark on behalf of the teachers and pupils pie- with beautifully bound copies of Tennyson, Longfellow.\Vliit- tier and Burns. Mr. MacDonald feel- ineg replied, thanking the donors for their mark of appreciation, and refer- ring to his pleasant associations with them. The following is the. address :â€" DEAR TEACHERâ€"IVE have learned with mingled sorrow and regret that you have decided to leave Richmond Hill to pursue the work of your chosen profession elsewhere ; on the other hand we. have heard with the greatest pleasure that this is an advance for you both in position and in the re- ward you will receive for services ren‘ dered. In school our relations with you have always been pleasant and iii- striictive to us as your pupils and now as the parting day draws ne:1r,\ve wish to express to you our appreciation of your work and to say we hope you will continue to be successful in your new sphere of usefulness. We would also ask you to accept this gift as a. small token of our esteem and as a remembrance of happy days at our Richmond Hill Public School. \Ve are sorry you are going to leave us, but we are very glad of your suc- cess, and pray that the blessing may follow you in the enjoyment of that success, the, blessing which Almighty God promises to his children. .Aâ€" Carrviile. Some. of our town citizens went‘ to Toronto on Monday to join in the great reception given the Canadian heroes. There has been a great deal of sick- ness in the neighborhood this fall. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trickerspent Sun- day at the home of Mr. Jon. Ness Headford. Mr. \Vill Gardener of Woodstock and Mrs. Wm. Ough of Holland Land- ing have been visiting at Mr. James Baker’s. . - Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Graingcr visited friends at Cosy Nook on Sunday. Miss Mabel Snider of Edgely spent several days of last week with her sis- ter. Mrs. John Baker. Miss Annie Baker has been visiting her friend, Miss Violet Pleasance. Langstafl The following is the Horior List of Langstaff school for Octobei :â€" IV Classâ€"Emily Boyle,Mabcl Good- erman, Morgan Boyle. Sr. IIIâ€"Almedia Clubine. Jr. IIIâ€"Margarite Boyle. Annie Chapman, Gene Chapman, Emma ‘Veldrick. Sr. IIâ€"Freddie Page. Jr. IIâ€"Herbie Lueshy. Sr. Pt. IIâ€"Fred Chatterly, Ethel Flavelle. Sr. Pt. Iâ€"Alice Page Emma Chap- man, Garland Langstaff. Jr. Pt. Iâ€"Florence Richards, Mabel Chatterly, Irene Chapman. L. \VALDRON, Teacher. Sale Register. SATURDAY, Nov. lOâ€"Ailetion sale of house, lot and f milure on lot 16, con. ‘2..WestYoili,the property of Mrs. Robt McLean. Sale at one o'clock. Terms Cash. Suigeon & Mch‘wsn. auctioneers. SATURDAY, Nov. loâ€"L‘rediiisale of wood. (to... on lot 8, con. .4, ’King, the pi'iperty of Alfred Liovd. Sale at 2. Terms 8 months. Stokes & Bioiigb. auct‘oncors. MONDAY,Nov..12â€"Credit sale of standing cedar on lot 3. «111.10,, Markham, the property of C. D. Beesor. Terms 11 mos Sale at 1 o'clock. Eoimrdt & Prentice. Aucts. TUESDAY. Nov, 13 â€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements. furniture. hay, grain. etc.. on lot. 23, rear 3rd con. Markham (near Victoria. Square), the property of Robert Carver. No reserve. Sale at 10.30. lunch rovided. Terms 11 months. Ecknrdt & rentice' auctioneers. WEDNERDAY, Nov. ii -Ca'e<iit sale of horses, cattle. etc, at Hugzheb‘ hotel.’1‘hornhill. Sale atlc'cloclr. Terms from 3 to 11 months. Eckurdt & Prentice. auctioneers. his? ass MUNN. &_ C0 Mike SCYRXT'FIQJLMERICAN. con- tinue to act. uS-‘thiï¬ï¬‚norï¬ f ..- Patent. vents THUS Marks. C0 yrichts. for the boiled Jaws. nude? England, ‘rancc. Germany, ctc. Hand Book abqu.] Paiviits sent free. 'I‘Iiirt} en ymirs' experience. Patents obtained tlir- 1 ’UNN 3: C0. are noticed in we Scxsx‘riric AMER tax. the largest hasnaud riosxwideiy circulated scientiï¬c paper. $3.203 year W-‘skiy.> Splendid engravings and‘interestinx in. yr-rmution. Specimen copy of I he Scientiï¬c Amer- ican sent free. Address MUNN k 20.. SCIXN'HPIO unaware (Jame. an Broadway. New York. .. â€"i Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. I Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. ' Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules: at druggista. Ripans Tabuies cure billousness. l Ripans Tagalog: for spur stomach. We do Men’s Hats ATKINSON What we say We do do! We sell nothing but the newest and best Genis’ Fuinisiings That can be had, and offer them at the lowest prices possible See the stock oi We are 5. Derbys, Fedoras. Caps, Chil- . dren’s Taiiis, etc. call and see fliii sick. It is sure iii please you. Best 4ply English Collars, 3 for 50 cents. â€"â€" showing in Alpins, AND SWITZER. .2" PURE DRUGS AND PATENT MEDICINES AT CUT RATE PRICES. Eclecti‘ic Oil. 2 bottles for 250 Carter’s Pills, 2 bottles for 25c Chase's Pills. 2 bottles for 25¢ Dodd's Kidney Pills, 30c Williams' Pink Pills. 35¢... 3 for $1 Chase’s Cotmah Gin-e. 150 Agnew’s Cabanah Cure, 40c Chase's Ointment, 40c Perfect Eczema Ointment, 25c Beef,1ron and Wine. 50c Paine’s Celery Compound, 67c Hood’s Siirsaparilla. 67c Ayer's Hair Vigour. 65c Luby’s Hair Renewor. 400 Fellow‘s Syrup Hypovhosphitcs, $1 Burdock Blood Bitters, 65c Hesse‘s Poultry Panacea, 30c. Red Clover Compound. 63c Lactopephcie. 750 Fly Poison Pads, 3 for ac Sticky Flv Paper. 4 sheets for 56. Epsom Salts, 3c 1b., 9 lbs. for 25¢ Sulphur, 3c. “3.. 9 lbs. for 250. Condition Powders, all kinds; Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure drugs Halpins' English Condition Powder, 25c Kendall’s Spriviii Cure. 75:: Steven Champions Linin ent for Rheumatism, 25 Canadian Water-white coal oil, 18¢ a gal Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle. i C. D. DANIEL 86 CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGHSTS. I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO Opp. Clyde. Hotel W. 3'. ._-â€"0 IF YOU WANT TO BUY A PIANO, ORGAN, OR saiiiie iiiciiiNE CALL ON OR' WRITE C LiARK, Richmond Iiill. Easy terms oi payment. RICHS‘IOEIYHE 13L†HARNESS -~ SRO]? Samples always on hand. Makes nothing but first-class harness and at prices as low as can be bought anywhere. The Right Place to buy your Horse Blankets of all kinds. - SASKATCHEWAN AND BLACK COVVHIDE ROBES. ALSO AGENT FOR IMITATION LAMB COATS, with rubber interlining, is warmer, Will look better and wear longer than any other coat on the market for the same money. Call and see them. Also full line of Winter Gloves, Mitts and Gauntlets, \Vhips, Trunks and Valises and other supplys always in stock. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0. ; GEO. IVIQDONALD