Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXIII. THE LIBERAL PRINTING 62 PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 6‘7 VP U , “ m gmixml ’ IS PUBLISHED EVERY wflURSDAY MORNING T. F. McMAHON. DR. JANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. Office Hours : p m Best fitting tccth, also replating, at lowest, prices. Good work. Gmduabe of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week, and Concord on Friday irgng 1 to 3 p_.>m. Calls Hromptlx attqnded to Disenébé 6f hBrses, cutfile anii ofiler domesticat- ed animals firemen by the latest; and most up- firoved methods Qddfeilow‘s Bldg, Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sts., Toronto, DR. T. A. CURREE, 1)e11tist, (Sucéessor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) Vii]! be in Richmond Hiil every \Vednesday. Office :â€"-Next door south of Public SchooL Br. W. Cecil Trotter, B. 3., DENTIST, Telephone 3368 for appointment, J. T. McElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON Remodelled.nnd newly furnished throughout. One of the most convenient and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample Irooms for commercial sravellare. Anideal stopping place for riding or driving pnrties.bicyclists, or farmers going to or returning from market. Electric cars untigpnrtias. bieyclis‘ts, ‘0} fur to or returning from market. Eli pass the door. Livery in connection F. J. GALLANOUGH, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, RICHlVIO ND HILL, $1 per annum, inadvanccfl Room 12, 124 Victoria St. Toronto. JOHN I’ALVIER. Cor. Bloor and Spadma Ave.. Toronto. HULSE HOTEL,‘ Every Accommodation for the trav- elling public. Member College Pb ysicians and Surgeonu, Out. RICHMOND HILL. DR. L. LAWRASON, Ripans Tabul Ripans Tubub BUSINESS CARDS. OFFICE HOURS 8 to [02: m: 6m 8 pm VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, DIAPIJE . THOROUGH LY REFITT ED. VETERINARY SURGEON, Emma ct Pnommwon. \V “x. Bogus B e\\\\ si , Thornhill. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. 3It‘frtrriunrg sz'dh'nl. 8 to 10 a.m.;12 to ; 7 to 9 p.111. ‘â€"'ANDâ€"‘ ule Mam. : flatulence. asant laxative. Prop Money to loan at 5 per 0911:. Barrister, Solicitor. Notary, m. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Office. Richmond Hill on Saturdays. LENNOX & 1‘1. ('E‘IEEP‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1. Adelalde St" East. Mouev 00 loan on [and and chattel mortgages at. lowest rates. Aux-om emceâ€"Remnved to the old post office. one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bunk. Newmarket officeâ€"Three doors south of the post crime. '1‘. HERBERT LENNox, G. STV. MORGAN. Aurora. N ewmarkot Barristers, Solicitors, (20.. 25 KING STREET WEST. TORONTO. East Toronto Office, Mr. Grant's residence Woodbndgo, every evening. Thornhill,eacb Wednesday from 10 to 12. JAS. NEWTON COOK & MACDONALD Mr. Cook Will he at Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. ' numu, 35mm 52 mm SALEM ECEARDT. 168 Wellington Place. Toronto Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock.ebc., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G.R.Gouldmg. Newton Brook. agent. for the above. License Auctioneers for theCounty o! Yorkxeâ€" spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nflueucc. sales attr-uded on the shortest notice and a. reasonaberatas. P. Quack-ass King ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN 1‘15 KEJLSE Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Snlesattonded to on shortest notice and at rea- sonnblerates Patronage solicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the County at York. Generalsales of implements, turniture.standing timber. etc. .attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronagesolicibed. P. 0. address Maple J. T. Saigeon. Maple‘ Licensed Auctionosr for the Counties of York and Ontamo. All sales of farm stock, &c.. at- tended to on the shortest notice and reasonahle rates. Mortgage and bailiff sales attended to. Residence. Stoufl‘ville. Out A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. Eve accommodation uer RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL Apn 13H: GOAL 6’5 WOOD HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c c wrongs Undertakers a' Emhalmers, suer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. Barristers and Solicllos's. MONEY T0 LOAN AT 5% life LEMQWQ @§=Ԥ$E EQQEE-zg . G. F. LAWRENCE, 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO BUSINESS FOR SALE. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER» 15, 1900. Eckardt d: Prentice igeon. J. K. McEwen, Maple. Weston. Saigeon & NBcEwen. WRIGHT BROS, Stokes & Blough. J. D. Rendman, COMMISSIONER IN THE 56mm. In Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity.” To PATENT Good Ideas Smith, to 5111650. Board. 31 da may be secured by our aid. Address, THE °"ENT RECORD, Balfimore. Md. MORGAN, TC J. H. PRENTICE Uniouviue 'Telerhone 298-1 Richmond Hill D BLOUGE The East Riding of York Plowmen’s Association held their annual plowing match on Thursday, Nov. 8. 0n the farms of Messrs. Doherty and Young, Ellesmere. The day was rather un- favorable for a lar e turnout of spec- tators. Thirty p owmen came out and did excellent work in the various classes. Mr. W. E. H. Massey donat- ed to the association a rize of an Ayr- shire bull calf, value at $60, for a sweepstakes prize for the best plowed land m the sod field. which was won by Mr. Alex. Sterling of Scarboro. The following are the prize-winners: First Class. sod, 4 entriesâ€"1st,,Frank Weir : 2nd, Jam-its McLean. S encer Crowley and N. Malloy were ehind time in finishing. Second Class: sod. 6 entriesâ€"15h, Alex. Sterling; 2nd, 1‘. A. Patterson; 3rd, ,Thomus Shadlock; 4th, Ernest, Willis ; 5th, John Malcolm ; 6th, Wm. Butler. Fourth Class, stubble, 7 entriesâ€"lst, Wm. Maxwell; 2nd, Herbert Ley; 8rd, John Lovoless; 4th, Thomas VValtnn; 5th, Gardham Tmum ; 6th. Hugh‘Dgherty. ' . Fifth Class, stubble, 5 entriesâ€"lat, Richard Wright; 2nd, Ernest Ley; 3rd. Arch. A. Walton; 4th, Horace Thompsqr}; 5th, Geo. P_a_ttvon.‘ Sixth Class, boys, stubbleâ€"lst.Robt. Conper-thwaite; 2nd, Vernie anry ; 3rd. Arch. Pilkey; 4th, Lyman Ken- nedy; 5th, Hamilton Hagvrman. Best, crown in first cluSS, James Third Class, boys, sodâ€"lst, John C(mpexthwajte; 2nd, James Butler; 3rd, S, MchuI-e. Best finish in fifth class, Richard Wfightt ‘ Bést crown McLean. Best crown in second class, A. Sterling. Best ’crown in third class, S. Mc- Clure. Best finish in fourth class, William Maxwell. ' Bers't finish in sixth class, Robert. Cogpel-ttlwajte‘. Bést finish in stubble field, Robert Cogperthwuitei. _ Pfowman that talks least to his horses and easiest on himself. Spencer Clflwley, Youn'g‘est, boy that plows. H. Hager- man. Best draught teamâ€"xlst, N, Manny ; 2113!, A. Pilkfly. _ . q Best tréum' Jud harness, general out- fit_c0_nsidel:ed, Pilkgy. _ Judges in classes 1, 3 and 4â€"A. Hand, W. Patton. J. Little. Classes 2, 5 and 6â€"Jnmes McLean, George Smith, J. L. Patterson. A box of clothing is being packed this week by the ladies of the Women’s Auxiliary of the Methodist church and is to be sent to the Deaconess’ Home, Toronto, to be distributed among the nede-_ The Women’s Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church met on VVed- nesday of last week at the residence of Mrs. M. Mchuald. Mr. J. H. Kirby, Mr. H. Rumbleand Mr. N. Shunk left last week to hunt deer in Muskuka. Messrs. J. T. Saigeon, C. T. Ham and D. Burgess attended Mr. N. C. Wallace’s reception at Woodbl-idge on the evening of the election: Miss M.3‘tong has rented a. couple oft-cams from Mr. M. Robinson and has moved in there this week. The Library Board met Tuesday evening, Nov. 13, 1900, in Sanderson’s Drug Store. Members present Messrs. Savage, Sanderson, Nicholls and McMahon. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Sandersonâ€"Nichollsâ€"That the book committee be authorized to purchase magazines, and newspapers for the Reading Room to the value of $50 for th§_pqmi}1g year-z-Cax-ried. _ -NichollsLSandersonâ€"That the sec- retary’s bill amountin to $6.55 for pyigting, postage, &c.. e paidâ€"Car- rle . Sandersonâ€"Nichollsâ€"That non-re- sidents Who purchase tickets entitling the holders to the pI-ivileves of the Public Library and Reaaiug-Ronm have them marked good to Dec. 31, 1901.â€"Carried. Our esteemed miller, Mr. Hislop. is confined to the house by sickness. \Ve sincerely hope he will soon recover. The mill is running as usual. Mr. Andrew Morehead of Mount Albert, was the guest of his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. John Leek, (wet-Sunday. The revival services are still going on in the Methodist Church here. Owing to the bad weather and dark nights they are very thinly attended. Evangelist Hill is a. forceful, earnest, speaker, and hard worker for the spiritual interests of his heurgysz The Board adjourned. Mr. Elliott, Secfétmy of the School East York Plowmen Public Library Headford Maple Board, in re 1y to two advertisements each in the Baily Globe and the Mail and Empire for a teacher for our school, has received eighty-three ap- plications. Of these fully eighty er cent. are ladies, and about sixty- ve percent. new material. The salaries range all over between $225 and $350 pefiannum. Mr. Josh. Hilts of Stvayner, who has just completed his season's enga e- ment with Mr. Menno Smith, Edge y, was visiting Tuesday at Homer Bros”, Dairytown. Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyd and Miss Mabel McKay of Creemox-e, have re turned home after spending a month with thair cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Gos- grpxe o_f Boncl’s Lake. V Miss Irene Cosgmve of Bond’s Lake, has gone to spend a. cnuple of weeks with relatives at Creemm-e. Mr. ‘V. J. Onsgmve (If Bond’s Lake, has gone to Glen Grove as motorman on the Metrupnliban. The report of the United States Commissioner of Patents just printed shows that 38,937 applications for patents, 2,400 applications for designs, 106 applications for re-issues, 2,059 ap- plications for registration of trade marks, 629 applications for registra- tion of labels, and 143 applications for registration of prints were filed in 1899. There Were 25,435 patents grant- ed, including designs, 92 patents re- issued, 1,649 trade marks registered, and 511 labels and 100 prints. The number of patents that expired was 18.134. The number of allowed appli- cations awaiting the payment of final fees was 8,037. The number that were forfeited for non-payment of the final fees was 3.997. The total expenditures Were $1,111,783.73. The receipts over expenditures were $113,673.30. The total balance to the credit of the Patent Office in the Treasury of the United States on January 1, 1900, was $5,086,649.61. Communication nf Messrs. Marion & Marion, Patent Attm-npys,Montreal, who will send, upon receipt of 10 cents, a. copy of the “ Inventor’s Help,” a 148 page hook, containing practical in- formation for inventors. Markham tnwnship. Markham Village... Scarboro township . York township . . . . . North Toronto . . . . . East Toronto . . . . . . . St. Paul’s \Vard . . . St. Matthew’s \Vard Returning Officer H. P. Crosby of East York. has made his official re- turn as follows :â€" - Totals . . . . . . . . . Majority for Maclean, The eldest son of Mr. Paul Kruger is a. prisoner of 0 Battery. Our shit-ts give satisfaction because when a. man puts one on he feels as if if. Was made for him ; price 35c., 50c. and 75c. Atkinson & Switzer. The Quebec Legislature elections Willtake place on the 7th of next month. Prince Edward Island Legislature has been disolved, and elections will be held there on the 12th of December. Heinz’s special mixed pickles in bulk at 15c. per qt. Atkinson & Switzer. The Dutch cruiser Gelderland, with ex-President Kruger on boat-d has ar- I-iVed at Suez. In Algoma, Dyment has been elect- ed, and in South Perth Ex-b went the same way. Both are Liberals. Special line of men’s silk and W001 neck squares, nice plaids and rich col- (u-ings, at 50c., 75c. and $1. Atkinson 8; Switzer. The wife of Beverly Redditb,a Whit,- church farmer, committed suicide Sunday morning by drowning herself in a stream of water near Bogax-ttnwn mill pond. She had been mentally deranged for some time. The Government has ordered about 1,400 new cars for the Intercolonial Railway from different, Canadian firms. Children’s gauntlets in grey, brown and black, imitation Persian lamb,nice bright curl and good wool lining, at 75c. per pair. Atkinson & Switzer. The intended bride of Sergeant-Ma- 'or Edwards of the Royal Artillery, alifax, was waiting at the altar of Trinity church for t 8 Wedding, when news came that Edwards had commit,- ted suicide at the barracks. East York Returns Patent. Report Oak Ridges News Notes. . . . . . . . . . . 117 . . . . . . . . . . 139 l ..... , . .1065 Ward . . . .1207 Diaclean. .... 502 .... 97 .... 444 .... 560 .... 117 .... 139 .,..1065 ....1207 4131 I Mr. 0. A. Howland stated yesterday that if a petition sighed by representa- l tive business men were presented to . him, and if the feeling of the city gen- . em“ seempd favorable, he would enter I the lists as a. candidate for mayorulty. Clarence. the infant son of Mr. John Hayman of 40 St. Nicholas Street. To- ronto, was bumed to death h the u - setting of an oil lamp at 5.4 o‘cloc ' last evening. The a frantic endeavor to save her child, was prob- ably fatally burned. Edith, three ‘yezu-s old. was rescued from the burn- ing house by a brave little boy named Frank Brown. Frvsh again this week, anothcrlnt of Patterson‘s chocolates and hon buns, chm‘ulote almonds and 1 lb. boxes of choice confections. Atkinson and Switzer. Children’s grey Astrachan caps. large curl, silk lining. at $3.50; cheap er quality, $2.75. Atkinson &Switzer. Prof. Shuttleworth. city analyist, has reported on the advisability of To- ronto bringing part of her water sup- ply from V’Vhitchurch, a point three or four miles north-west of Stoufl’ville. The professor says there are 20 flowing wells in that neighborhood, yieldin a. daily flow of 1,530,500 gallons. ’ he water he says is bright and sparkling. and has an agreeable taste. The wells have been flowing for eight months. and the quantity of water is said to have somewhat increased. He could not however give any guarantee of permanency. The professor thinks the flow is from Reesor’s and Mussol- man’s Lakes. Navembe}: \Vill bring a Splendid Contingent 'of Young Men and Women into the several Departments of the Emma! Busiqass Bnflege”“ g wzufigfii 3: , Wm mmmfl TO RONTO. The nice thing about it is that you may enter- our School at any tinw and receive from our Ten capable Teachers that individual instruction and per- sonal care so necessary for your Suc- cess. \Vrite for our circulars at an rate, and get some particulars. 'A - dress . ' W. H. SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. Tuesday, Nov. 20th, 1900, V‘Vantpd, immediately, a girl to do housework and assist in a grocery The next meeting of the Counci! of tbe'l‘ownship oi Markham will be held at Unionville on Clerk’s Notice. [Single copies, 3 MN WANTED MRS. H At 11 o'clock 9.. m F. HOPPER Richmond C H BI‘IVEB, Clerk No 20

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