Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Nov 1900, p. 5

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RICHMOND HILL, Pure Gold table junk- lOc. ; good corn starch, & 'SWiLze-r. The VV. C. T. U. wili meet, at Mrs. Derry’s Tuesday evening next. Underwear. hosiery, (-Lc.; ev9ryo thng in men’s goods; twu pair good wuul snx for 25c.; black ('aslum-re huse. 250.; heavy wool sox, 20c., 23c. and 250. [)(l' pair. Atkinson and Bwibzox. Messrs. Aubl-‘e'y and Muruis of Mont- real, Will he at. the Palms-1- llouse tu- flny to purchase horses. Minutes of Vaughan (funneil meet- ing held on Tuesday last will be given in next issue. For Toronto strect unu-kL-t for grain, butter and eggs. poultry. hl'i-‘f, apples, potutues, &c., sve inside page. Mr. Isaac Kaiser's sale. Int 5. con. 6, Vaughan, [ms lm-u p(3~:!‘.[)1)xu‘d until Monday next, the 19th inst. The full of smvw ruminds the curlers that another winter season is approach- ing. and :l meeting" to x-e-m'gunize the dub will be he'xd in at few days. Szmitm-y undvx'wvnr something pretty nice, sm-vicwxhlv, at; 470., 50c. kinson 8: :‘ u'itzer. Don’t fail to hear Mr. H. N. Shaw and his dramatic company in the Ma- §unic Ii:in tu-nmrmw (Friday) even- mg. At a 1 Monday A puinteg‘l t‘ wear. 'J weboug discount 500. At The topic for the Epworth League sex-vice on Friday evening is “Decision for Christ.” Four speakers will con- sider the subject under the phusos (lstv) What we lose by deciding fm: Christ, (2nd) \Vlmt, we gain by deciding fur Christ. Also a sulu. “Have you any room for Jesus," will be given. The invitation is to all. “ The Tr: and gone ory. The series, wh the very l tmtiun. New bnulfi t placed on UN Lihrm-y this v fl‘uosduy (-evoui m-e entii-cly m annual : New Yc At a meeting of 'held at the Meilm day the following aids for the yen 1- z Messrs. D. Hill & Company have in- stalled a new acetylene gas machine, and the result is quite satisfactory. They have four lights in the front shop. as well :15 lights in the cellar, mums of the residence and the bake shop. Hill Bros. are always up-to-date. ty Shh during tious 0 As he i is sellix The sale of farm stock. implements, etc., of Mr. Robert Carver, lot 23, rear 3rd con. Markham (nezu- Victoria ~§‘&71u;11'e). has been postponed until ' ednvsdny. Nov. 21. Sale to colu- mence ab 10.30. Shirts 8.: D1 awersâ€"â€"Men’s and boys’ all-wool and fleece-lined shirts and drawars. Bnys’ odd pants, heavy for winter. Bovs‘ suits, Men’s‘s oval-chats. Less than Toronto prices, for cash. Naughton Bros. Elgin Mifls. Rev. C. ( livered a It" ence in the hill, on 'J “ Englismt If you cuntt caperino 01' a see the line of ( ing at $7.50;‘ $5.25 upwards. I. Crosby, J. H. Brown, G. Gee, A ble. The first, ua Recording SLewur Boots & Shoes â€" Women's solid leather hunts, warranted $1 per pair. Men’s and hnys’ rubbers and sucks; men‘s felt boots ; boys’ and girls’school boots; at; right, prices. Naughtun Bi-os., Elgiu Mills. Headfuh pl-eachmi hexe lugt \Vomer I; () (3 stin hm) 50 FAMOUS PAINTINGS. Hill, an if; in L1 to mukla mitermiu th 11) ()V ht 0er! s for c: kinSon FRIDAY, NOV. 16. 1t rem lll irst named was nppnil SLewau'd for the circuit. GOOD LIGHT. 11v flu- :ape USU [in Eihcrzi. pinto buying a fur u- ruff. do nub fail to )erincs we are show- :u the I-ufis at from Atkinson & Switzer. an and fleece under- s are right here fur md got anteâ€"season .â€"â€"17, 20. 25, 35 and Cummittve was ap- aumgements for the em; to be given on the Quarterly Board :lisL Church on Mon- were elected stew- â€"J. A. E. Switzer, Sanderson, S. M. ‘ Helmkay, \V.Rum- {ued was appointed No'vembm- 15, 1900 witzel value of $86 \vm‘e Ives in the Public md were given out Many of‘flm works l]( y-Hst, who has uiul services at ‘nst few weeks, thndist Church ling. of Toronto de- fair-sized audiâ€" church, Thorn- eniug. Subject men, Irishmen xe ill â€" these 1119 vce lined and Jul 750. At,- at the Novel- .huted sheets iviug quota- liS business. me lines he nv figures. [ fluvms. Atkinson irignde Posters are out announcing the pre- sentation of a drama “Richelieu” in the Masonic Hall l-‘riday evening. A glance at. the px-ngmnmies and the cast of clnu-actvrs will cunvince anyone that the perfm-munce will be too guod to miss. Mi. H. N. Shaw makes an ideal Riclivliml. and his support, is said to be exceptionally good. The preSs commean an e most, favorable wher- evvr this mmpany has given perform- ances, and Mr. Shaw shines particular- ly in his best play Richelieu. The Vaughan Plowing Match which should have tukt-n place on Mr. Thus. Rumblc's farm nrm- Marple ygstexday has hcvn pnstpnnvd Imtil'Tue'sday Dex-L on account of the snow storm. Nun-residents \VlH wish to have the privileges of the Public Library and Reading Room should renew their tickets atoncv. The new year com- menced on the first of November, but tickets purchased now will be gund to Dec. 31. 1901. No fumin within a radius of twu llllll'S should dn-ny them- selvvs nf the privilege offered at 50 cents a ymn'. Get a ticket, at THE LIBERAL “map. Thoreau'e about, 2500 volmm-s of guml hunks tu selecl- from, us well :19 the best- class of magazines. COURT OF REVISION. A Court of Rm'ision for the revision of the voters” list, for Vaughan town- ship for 1900, was hold at Maple yes- terday. There was a large number of appeals, and must of them were allow- ed by Judge Morgan, who presided. I-Iou. N. U. \‘Vallnco and Mr. J. ‘V. St. John were present nn behalf of the Conservatives. and Mr. A. J. Anderson and Mr. Frank Sinith fer the Liberals. in the, Masonic Hall by Mr. H.N.b‘haw and C-mnpuâ€"ny 01) New Years’ Night. This pupulur Dramatic Company will he here Friday (Wening of this week when they will pres-int, Lord Lytton’s great drama, “ J.iuhelieu, ” in live acts, under the auspices of the Public Library. There will he 18 performers, and Mr. Shaw will be well supported in every part. Doors open at 7.30; perfnrmance to commence at 8. Prices 25 and 35 cents. Reserved seats may be secured at Sanderson’s Drug Store. With dmv One of the most touching incidents in the life of Christ was the scene in the Temple, where, as a boy of twelve. he was found in deep discussion with the chief priests and sages of the Jew- ish faith. It is a subject which has ever appealed to the poet and painter, and few episodes in the career of our .Saviour have been more reverentlv de- picted by pen and pencil. The great- est of all the pictures in which the child Jesus is shown in the Temple in disputation with the Rabbis, was painted by Hoffman, the German master. The coloring of this painting is superb; and the drawing of the faces of the principals wonderful, This is particularly true of .the face of Jesusâ€"the countenance is full of boy-' ish beauty, inter-fused with a. high and holy intelligence. No more beautiful conception of the face and figure of the Master has ever been plaCed on canvas. Around Him are shown the Rabbis, grave and thoughtful men, whose astonishment at the wisdom of the youth is strikingly depicted. The painting, “Christ in the Temple,” has been accurately reproduced in the most delicate colors in keeping-with the subject. It is in size 17x24 inches. and is a. beautiful study for every Christian home. Our readers will be interested in knowing that the Family Herald and \Veekly Star of Montreal, have secured the right of this famous picture for their subscribers this year. They have also another interesting icture entitled “Home from the €Var," representing the happy return of one of our Canadian soldiers from South Africa. It is a splendid souvenir ofi the late war, and appeals at once to every Canadian. It has been specially ainted for the. Family Herald and Veekly Star. and ,will he sent along with the picture, “ Christ in the Temple,” to every Family Herald sub- scriber new or renewal. An interest- ing descriptive pamphlet will he sent free many of our readers sending a request for it by post card to the Fam- ily Herald and “'eekly Star,Montreul. Men‘s heavy 1 mountain mule f 50c. perpair. At Assessor Harry Creighton was also presvnt. The work 01 the court pass- (‘d 011‘ very agreeably. and Adelaide streets. The pictures were placed in position yesterday morning, and throughout the day thousands viewed and admired them, the general opinion being that this year’s display surpasses that of any previous year,notwithstanding the lat- ter’s high reputation. The plate enâ€" titled “ The Last Farewell," which de- picts a pathetic scene in connection with the South African war is creat~ ing much favorable comment. It is beyond 'houht one. of the best; of its kind ever offered to the public. “Rose- mary,” “Night,” “Apple Blossoms” and “ The Soldiers Return ” are all ex- cellent specimens of the litlmgrapher’s art and with thefull-pageillustrations “A Canadian Girl,” “Studies from Nature. ” (the baby page), “ The Even- ing Star” and “In Pastures Green ” make a collection worthy of a position on any wall. The pictures will he. on exhibition in Oak Hall window for one week. Order at THE LIBERAL office. Manywill rmnmnlwr with pleasure p119 Al:1s§/play._U11_dey Twp» Flggg, given in the Masonic H; and Company on This pupulur Dru hp hvre Friday ex whe-n they will p1 beyond 'I) kind ever mm-y," “ and “ The ‘I'fnl-nimfce to (x and 35 cents. - sccurcd at, San HRISTMAS ( CHRIST IN THE TEMPLE. t of Ifm'ision for the revision ,ex-s‘ list; {01- Vaughan town- 900, was hold at Maple yes- Ihere was a large number of TO B EA DERS. ule POSTPOFED. ‘ RIC lauther mitts, with face, wool lining. at Lkinsnn 6.: Switzer. HELIEI JOBE PICTURES. Mr. R. \V. Glass of (Inukstown spent Sunduy with his mother here. Mr. A. Newton and Miss L. Newton of Newmzu'kvt slwnt, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. \V. 15. \Yiley. Mr. Dan Atkinson and Miss Rose Gm-tley of Tux-(mu) wow the guests of the Misses Switzt-r uvm' Sunday. Miss McCarty of Michigan and Miss Ruby I’ugsley of North Toronto are spending the Wee-k with Mrs. Glass. Mrs. Green. Mrs. Spence, and Mrs. Wurkic, all of Tunmtu sprnt yesterday uftm-noun and evening with Mrs. Bert. Hopper. Miss Edyth Switzm' acted as accom- panist at a, concert given in St. Clar- ence Ave. church, Toronto, on Tues- day evening. Miss Cybelln Light-font of Clm-kson purpuses spvnding Llw full and winter months with Mr. R. Gznhutt and fam- ily and will attend School while here. Mr. W. R. Proctor and Master Leon Pructm' came humo Saturday fran Ban-iv. The forum-:- returan Monday hub the luLu-r will spend the winter here. Mr. Snundersof the Niagara Vapor Bath Cumpany is at, the Palmer House and would be glad to have any of the citizens call and inspect the sim- ply derived and pupulur health preser- verand home luxury much used {or many ailaments. Mr. James McCunnghy, a clerk in the. Toronto Post Office. is cnnfim-d to his bed with e1~ysipelas,ti10 rvsult of an accident a week or ten days ago. Mr. McUonaghy threw himsvlf in front of a bicyclist 0109.3ng 3 street in order to save a woman and child, and in this way became 2i victim of the careless Whveisman. IN THE MASONIO HALL Friday Evening, .Nov. 16 DOORS OPEN AT 7.30. PRICES - 25 & 35 Cents. Reserved Seats at Sanderson's Drug Store. o'clock. ’1 arms 11 u Prl-‘ULICG. nuuunneers. SATURDAY. Nov. 24â€"C1'edi stranding timber. mom con. 7. Markham. the THE - LIBERAL- Wm. Macklem. Sale at 1 o’clock. Terms 11 months. Eckm‘dl. & Psentxca, Aucts. WEDNESDAY, Nuv‘ 2840mm» sale of farm stock. imp emeuts,furuit.ure,etc.. on lot 26, 2nd cnn. Vaughan. the property of Walter Hislop. bale at one o’clock. Terms eleven - months. Enigeou 65 Mth en, aucts. TUESDAY. N ov Warm-e41: Handing tug prppe p. 3.? fimmafie as: a' Emamfisa Harmagg {HE \‘VV’V ’ a v- . I I4] “ RICHELIE S ubscri be for FOR SALE BERSOIV ALE. Sale Register. THE H. N. SHA\V fliib BUN} “'ILL PRESENT 'ening, .Nov. 16. § OPEN AT 7.30. I a ‘sale of 12 y hardwood a.‘.e of 10 acres. 0! 1, con =1, Scarbure; rourxnley. Sula M 1 unhs. Eckurdt and acres of ,on 10123. the late EPAJRLNG PROMPTLY. ATTEND ED TU. Eclectric Oi1.2 bottles fnr ‘25:: Carter's Pills. 2 bottles for 25:: Chase’s Pills, 1! bottles for 25:: Dmlxi‘a Kidney Pills, 300 \Villinms' Pink Puls, 350.. 3 for 51 Cl‘ ase's C»1tarrtth Cum, 15c Aguew's Cantu-rah Cure, 400 Chase's ()inrment, 40c Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 25c Beef,1rou and Wine, 50¢ Pniuo'a Celery Compound, 67:: Hood’s Smrsapal‘ilm. 67c Aver's Hair Vigour. 650 Luhy’s Hair Rouewor. 400 Szeveu Champions Linitx ant for Rheumatism, 25 “WHOLESALE AND EKE'H‘AEL BRUGGI§T$ 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO u - Opp. PURE Richxnend E Easy terms of payment. Samples .31 gagwwwwwwww LLATKINSON & SWITZER m L5. ATKIESGN «£22: lakes, nothing but fix Cold Waather Store News ! Now that cold weather has made ikS appear- ance it is sure to make brisk selling of Men's : Underwear, Ladie‘s’ Underwear, Heavy ' Shakers, etc., and here are a few of our ' 551:; 506 Men’s all wool Shirts and Drawers in nice soft Scotch knit, all sizes, each.... Men’s heavy cotton fleeced Shirts and Drawers, nicely faced, each .................... Men’s heavy wool Sox, manufactured 25c: from good home made yarn, per pair... g. Men’s all wool Shirts and Drawers in 5 nice soft Scotch knit, all sizes, each... 0 Men’s heavy cotton fleeced Shirts and Drawers, nicely faced, each .................... Men’s heavy wool Sox, manufactured from good home made yarn, per pair.... 6 Ladies’ Hygeian Drawers, 25c., 40c. and 75¢. per pair. Ladies’ Hygeian Vests, Puritan brand, 15c., 23c., 25c., 40c., goo, 75c. and it?“ each. Ladies’ fleeced lined vests. long sleeve, buttoned front, each ................................ Men’s heavy winter Caps, pull down style, in good heavy tweed and melton, leather and cloth peak, at 40c. and 50c. each. Heavy Shaker Blankets, in borders of solid blue or pink, at $51, $1.25 and $1.95 pair. In order to make room for an of Christmas goods we are off} ducements 1n all departments. The Right, Place to buy your Hm: ASKATCHE \V AN. _AND .BLAL ALSO.AGENT 1 DRUGS G. I). DANIE Fly Oil to keep flie AND FATE AT CUT RA ell-Iss harness and at pr bought anywhere. ... BififiJONJ CL“ L5&RK, TENT IvTT‘DICINES @Z‘é‘é EL 86 CO. SWITEEE IF YOU \VANT TO BUY A IANO, ORGAN, FOR In: A- 5%.! 'ICH iii”. XWEI)‘ CALL ON OR WRITE ‘.V {1V OXVHII on U -. the: Hunt! nk 3'10 9719C Mn m CI] 56 ts of is, \Vhips, Trunks 1 stock. on hand. xi 9 P "'2; Ff . a an: is warmer. will look market for the 5 low as can be 3 stock ia l in- .1 ROBE «11 kinds. a1 oil, [Go a. gal Opp. Clyde Hotel §$§ESHHNE

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