Shinglesfloors,Sash,Blinds, , Flooring-SheatingégMculd- Ems. Etc. Until further notice Hails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post. Ofï¬ce as follows:- MIORNING u... 8.00 EVENING ...... 0.:5 N. B.--Ragisterod Letters must be handed in I least ï¬fteen Minutea earlier than the above menhioned hours for ciosinrr. OFFICE CLOSES AT 7.30 P M Are running full time (‘vory day, and we are therefore in a posi- tion to tum out wurk on the shun-test notice. We have a full stock of dressed and rough 7 p. m. Sundn FulmOI at. 2.210. Genaml prayer meeting Thurs my. evening. Mahmoud Lodge. A F and A M â€"Meets Mon- day on ur lvaiore full moon Com‘tRichuwud, A O Fâ€"Mcota second and fourth Friday Ivy Lodge. A O U Wâ€"-Meets fourth Tuesday of each month Comp Elam, S O S â€"â€"Meeta second and fomth Wednosmy R. T 01’ omperancoâ€"Meets ï¬rst Wednesday of each month Fim Brigadeâ€"Meets flrnt Monday of every month Public Library and Reading Roomâ€"Open Tuesday. Thursday and Sutnnlav (Wt-nings~ Emvonh L0ague~-Meem cvorv Friday. I’LAN Ii FLOUR MILL Church of Englandâ€"-Sorviccs at 3p. In. every Sunday. nd _ Presbyï¬eriqn Cllqrchfs‘e 3529531: 11 n. m y}. 111. Sunday School at 2.30. Prayer meeting ednesduy evening. Roman Catholic Churchâ€"Services on alter- nlta Sundays at D a. In. and 10.30 Antm. irMotbonish’Cnur‘ 'I p. m. Sunday S meeting Thursday Richmmaï¬ ï¬ié? Eï¬iï¬is I am prepared t and Ludius' ï¬lm I: A [m ge a improved 1‘ teresu. Fa: mission cl Leave Newmarket Len-a Richmond mu 7. sub, 9.55, 1w $.40. 3.55. 4.55. 0.40, 3.10 p. m 0: at Richmond Hill on anoc P R Crossing at 6‘ 7.20. 940, 11.30 a. m.; 1 30. 24:), 4.00 5 .10. 7.45 p. 111. Leave Richmond H111 8,10, 10.30 a. 111.: 12.20, 2.20, 3.30. 4.5U, 5.30, 8.35 p. m. A handsomely illu culatlon of any 5( year: four month METROPOLITAN TIME TABLE MUHH £13K? RESII limnhh éiflée POST OFFICE NOTICE Between Toronto and Newmurket‘ LUMBER, Village Directory. Prepared bemry um? Reading Roomâ€" Open Thursday and Suturng evening? 1 League-Meoca cvorv Friday. â€"â€"OURâ€"â€"-â€" AND FACTORY 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENC Ve also have 4.15. (5.00 GOING SOUTH GOING- NORTH rVbhm‘châ€"Sewices on alter- a.1n.aud l0.30 n. m. h-â€"Servinos 11610.30 8.. m.. and 30. 9.1 N TRADE MARKS k DES!GN3 COPYRIGHTS &c. 0nd Iiill M. TEEFY. Postmaster. $114083 MON EY 15 a. m.; 2, 3.15. In. 9.55. 11.55 a. m., ldiug ii: loan Sept. 27. 3m. And a. good article at a. In obtaining This result is attained in all orders placed with Of all kinds at 5 cents a bag. Chop- ping every “'ednesday and anlurday. On any of those days you can get your grain ground While you wait. Also gristing and exchanging wheat for flour. All kinds of flou; and feed always on and. Choice Family Flour and Manitoba Patent. Try a barrel of my 5 ecial b1 and of Manitoba Flour for iome-made broad. Market price paid for Feed Peas. Call and examine my carefully selectâ€" ed assortment of Tweeds, Serges, Fancy VVorsteds and Trouserings. Any Flour will make Bread, but we will guarantee There is New Fall Fashion Plate Now on View. The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he will during the winter months Eiigh grade Family Flour IS' Wood’s Phospbodine is sold in Richmond Hill by W. A. SnudersonDrugglst. EMPIRE MILLS - NEWTUN annex Moo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipl ot-prgce, one aokage $1. 31;. 85. One will plead oume amphiets free to anlvnaddreas. The Wood Company, w (18011011! BELLE ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ â€˜ï¬amic’e’d 13cm 31 forms 0 Sexua \ 'eakness. all eï¬â€˜ects of abna 9r excegs,_ Mentsl_ Won-y. Exggsgjvg nag of To , A _._A 19-2 Came to the premises of the under- signed, lot 47, con. 1 Vaughan. on or about October 30th, two sows. The owner may have same by proving property and_ paying expenses. The residence immediately south of the High $011091: .11va to 19-tf Five registered Scotch Collie pups. about 3 months old. 20-2 T. LUDFORD, To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist longer, and better flavor- ed bread with less lab- or than any other flour. A. J. Hume, Tailor, Richmond Hill. H. B. Schmidt. Honest Work )S. HALL, A. MOODIE, Terms Cash. IL Jade to suit. the. people and SOL). at, a reasonable price. N AUG HTON BROS. Pups for Sale Satisfaction Low Price. Chop G} rain 31m: gavmiscmmta T0 RENT STRAYED ‘4 $3171 Eï¬E'E-eZSEEéï¬aéï¬iiï¬ drugglstsiu Canada. 0111 re able medicine discovere . s A x strictly f Wood's Phosphodlnog JOH’N DENNISON. JAMES NEWTON. -â€"AND-â€" SELL IT. are!“ English iflwÃ©ï¬ Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill. Elgin Mills. lam MELLE The latest patterns in Designs and Colors, Bordering and Ceiling to match, trom 3 Cents up. Mixed Paints in all colors; Oils, Varnishes, and Turpentine ; Paint Brushes in all sizes at the lowest cash prices. Usual stock of Our fee returned if we fail. Any one sending sketch and description of any invention will promptly receive our opinion free concerning the patent- ability of same. “How to Obtain a Patent†sent. upon request. Patents secured through us advertised for sale at our expense. Patent take} out through us receive special hotice, Without charge, in THE PATENT RECORD, an illustrated and widely circulated journal, consulted by Manufacturers and Investors. Send for sample copy FREE. Address, The Liberal and Weekly Globe to J an. 1, ’01 The Liberal and Daily World Ff for one year The Liberal and Daily Globe for one year The Liberal and Evening {"9 5m Globe for one year Q) ‘ U The Liberal and Daily Mail and Empire for one year ' ° The Liberal and Evening 3 Mail 80Empire, 1 year ' The Liberal and ,W’kly Mail and Empire to Jan. 1, ’01 The Liberal and Weekly Globe ï¬njgh 1 ’n1 Evans Building, WALL - PAPERS The Liberal and Daily Star for one year The Liberal and W’kly Mail and Empire to Jan. 1, ’02 The Liberal and Weekly Globe to Jen’y l, '02 GLUBBEN G- A Complete Stock of Furniture SQE PEENTINQ“ FEE SH GROCEBIE S AT SAVAGE’S. $1.00 A YEAR. SUBSCRIBE FOR VICTOR J. EVANS 8t. 00., ii. :11) eral Q Always on hand. (Patent Attorneys.) .__AT__ WASHINGTON, D. c. At bottom prices. $1.725 2,752 12.?5 4.50 Received in Savings’ Bank Depart- ment and interest allowed at agent. for the Mussey-lâ€"Iurris Labor- Saving Machinery. V‘Vaguns, Plows, Scufllm's, &c.: also the Sawyer 85 Massey Engines and Threshex's, the Bruntford “find-Mill. and the Up-tw Date T‘cmm‘tn Fanning Min. All Mussoy-Hnn‘is l'(’pai1’3 kept by H. A. Nicholls. Richmond Hill. Business solicited. B No. 1 and No. ‘2 so]! in Richmond Hill by W A. Sanderson Dzug isb. Plow Points for all the principal plows at Half a, mile WOst of Richmond Hill. Fifty cents a, hundred allowed on wrought 01- cast iron. Shop opg‘n every night until 8.00. Cider made every day except, Saturday E‘ E "2%; mm 52, mm SHE‘SMR Of Canada FéK HIGHEST CURREHT HRTES. General Bankmg Engines Transacted. For other particulars call at. the Bank. The Next Sitting of Division Court for No. 3, County of York, will be held in the Court Room, E! I (0f therï¬rmr of Eckardti & Prefnt-fce], Ia successfully used monthly by over 10.000Ladles. Sate.eflectuul. Lndiesask your drugglst for Cook‘s Cotton Root (4m- d. Take no other, as all Mixtures. pills and. mlmtlons are dangerous. Pvloe, No. 1, $1 er box- No. a, 10 degrees stronger,†per box. 0. 1 or ,malled on receipt of price and two sâ€"cenli atom a. The Cook Company Windsor 011:. w 95.} 9nd 2 gold gnarecognmended lay on mTpofaélBlé Diggiéii hi Canada. RICHMOND HILL DIVESN = WET. Emmi J.H.P Remedies. I don’t know what is thoir composition, but this rant-fly of mine is cmnpnsvd of Fluid Extructuf \Vbite Pine, \Vild Cherry. Balm of Gilead Buds. Spikonzu-d. Blond Root, and Syrup, beautifully mixod and nice to take. If, is pn-pul-ed by nw, and me (ml , W. A. Sundersun, Richmond Hi1, and Sold at, 25 cents per bottle, and called Magic Cough Remedies. I composition is cmnpnsvd Pine, \Vild Buds. Spik: Syrup, _he:u1 Cough Syrup for Coughs Mnd'CiuIds’, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pm, gives in); mediate relief. IL is cmnpusod of the host remedies in the market, toâ€"duy fur the treatment, of coughs and colds. You ask, what is it. amywny P Well. I can tell you. Othr mm; mm, RICHMOND HILL Notice of Withdrawal not neces- sary. All deposits payable on demand. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia- Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabulcz cure lxaadache. mam, EGEMER 3, 1900 Cnpin Rest EILL CUUGH ,Oook's Cotton Root Compound. J'. F. ROWLAND. SYRUP Commencing at 10 a. m. $52? MAGIC U2 1Q) DEPOSITS T. F. MCMAHON CLERK _ON_ h rw "Luv. 1;!" i1\ ’ ' @‘éï¬â€˜Ã©mhï¬- 43"“ XV. MAGER, Prop. 3 1V}?! (5 g. $51,000,000 700,000 omach. AGENT