Ygen. XXiIvI. IKE LIBERAL PRINTING& PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, ONT. . ‘9 ', V 97 “ @112 gubmi IS PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY MORNING T. F. McMAHON. D 8,. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. Gindunto of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental School, will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday Stain 1 to 3 pz‘m. Jails promptlxattonded yo proved methods Diseaaes 6! horses, cutéle au'd ther domesticat- ed nuipnls‘yregted by the latest and most ap- Ofï¬ce Hours : p. m Wm. Regen Bemï¬st, Room 12. 124 Victoria St. Toronto. Best ï¬tting terth, aiso replating, at lowesc prices. Good work. 0ddfellowâ€s Bldg., Toronto, cor. Yonge and Coblege Sts., Toronto, J. T. McElroy, VETEBXNARY SURGEON Bomodelled,u.nd newly furnished throughout. One of she most canvenieub and comfortable hotels on Yonge Street. Every modern con- venience. Sample rooms for commercial wavellars. Anideclstopping place for riding or driving parties,bicyclishs. or farmers going to or rot thing from market. Electric cars pass the cor. Livery in connection. DR. T. A. CURRIE, m. W. Seal: Troiï¬ar, B DENTIST, Telephone 3368 for appointment. Will’ be in Richmond Hill every \V ed 1) esd ay. Ofï¬cmâ€"Next; dum- south of Public School. TERMS $1.00 PER DAY. . so!“ PALMER. - Prop ; HULSE HDTEIL 3' Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, F. J. GALLANDUGH, Every Accommodation for the trav elling public. HULSE HOTEL} BIAJPLE . ‘ THOROUGHLY REFITTED. ’: Cor. Bloor and Spadma Ave ’l‘oronxo. $5! per annum, in advance.] Member College Pbg'siciaus mud Surgeons. nt. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Eipans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) RICHNIOND HILL. DR. L. LAWRASDN, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, RICHNIO ND HILL, BUSINESS CARDS. 'OFFECE “(mags 8t010nlnzï¬to§pm VETERINARY SURGEON, Enrron & Pnonmro“. Thornhill. ttcriunry Medical. â€"â€"AND__. mum. 8 to 10 a. m.; 7 to 9 p.111. 2t02 Money so loan at; 5 per cent. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, 86:. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold me Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria. Streets, Tomnto. COMM] SBIONEB !N THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORGAK 1‘31. ’PEE F‘Y. NOTARY PUBLIC, Monev to loan on laud and chattel mortgages at Lowest rates. Aurora ofï¬ceâ€"Removed to the old post omce. one door west of the entrance to the Ontario Bank. Newmarket ofï¬ceâ€"Three duoxs south of the post. oLï¬ce. T. HERBERT Dawn. (1}. BTV. MORGAN. ' Aurora. Newmarket Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: N0. 1. Adaimde St“. East. East Toronto Ofï¬ce, MY. Grant's residence Woodbrxdge, every evening. Thornhill.eaob W‘ednesday from 10 to 12. COOK & MACDONALD Mr. Cook Will he at, Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. nvï¬m, WANT 3:, sxms Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on cousignmg‘ut. Geunrgl sales of stock.etq., promptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R.Gouldmg, Newton Brook. agent; for the above. JAS. NEWTON SALEM ECKABDT. 1C8 Wellington Place, Toronto. License Auctioneers for the County of Yong-e- spectfully solicit your patronage and friendly nfluenoe. sales attended on the shortest notice and a. reasonnbemtee. P.O.add.reas King Licensed Auctioneer for the County 91 York. General sales of implements, tumiturestanding timber. etc. ,attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patronagesolicibed. P. 0. address Maple Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Sales attended to on shortest noticg and at tea.- sonablerates Patronage solicited. J. '1‘. Saigeon. Maple Licensed Anétionesr for the Counties of York and Ontario. All sales of farm stock, &c., Mr tended to on the shortest notice and reasonable rates. Mortgnge and bailifl sales attended to. Residence. Stouflville. 0113; Eve accommodation to gun“. Boud.$1 bar (10. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIT’V EIIIJLS A large stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at, both places. Apnly to 13-“ RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL CGAL 8:: W001) BUSINESS Barristers, Solicitors, &c., 25 KING STREE‘;T WEST, TORONTO C STOï¬ES Undel'mkers G: Embalmers, ‘IBERAL Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. ï¬ï¬‚ayï¬bfl Eflmflfle, A. G. F. LAWRENCE, 158 KING STREET EAST. monoxro FOR SALE. m-riglers and Solicilors. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1900 Eckardt & PI entice WRIGHT BROS §aigoon a; McEwen. Stokes & Blougll. £2. $3.210â€, J. D. Readnm n, W. ILPROCTOR Richménd Hill N. E. Smith. 95mm. I-‘n Essentiais, Unity,- To PATENT flood Ideas may be secured by our aid. Address. “IE °"ENT RECORD, Balthnm. lid. J. H. PRENTICE Umouvnle Eelerhcno 2984 J. K. McEwen. Weston. D BLOUGE Our system of cold storage, both as regards the cold stmage ï¬rms them- selves and the cold storage cars for transponmtion, are making rapid strides toward perfection, and it will not 136; long before we have in Canada. a cold storage system equal to any- thing in the world. At present there is nothing so much talked of or written about in the Canadian press as nccesr sity for perfection of the means of placing our perishable goods on the foreign or English maiket. Canada is becoming a. great country, this is rec- ognized by all. That the greatest rev- enue of this country must come. through its agricultural soul'ses isa oint Luxlésputcd. The live question efm-e the farmeis then is which de- partments of their farms will yield them a quick and paying retlu n ? Un- doubtedly, of all the comparatively undeveloped sources of agricultural wealth none will more surely ï¬ll the hill than poultry. The demand for the superior quality on the English market is unlimited. The home mar- ket is rapidly increasing. A help to this development is the cold storage system of the Department of Agri- culture and the furnishing of reliable instructions as to ltry culture from the Experimenta Farm system and the Commissioner of Agriculture. But the most direct aid is in the shape of such large ï¬rms as the Canadian Produce 00., Toronto, who buy the chickens from the farmers and do the fattening. packing, and shipping of the birds. ‘ PRIVATE ENTERPRISE TO THE’ RESCUE. By means of private enterprise the expense of initiation and the risk of loss which inevitably attends the op- ening up of new enterprise will not come out of the pockets of the farm- ers. It may be that when the superior quality of our product is known and appreciated on the British market, and the prices established so that we will know what it is possible to get, that the time will be opportune for the individual farmer or association of farmers to fatten and ship for them- selves. By that time our farmers should be well acquainted with meth- ods of shipment to an already estab- lished market with guaranteed prices. DEVELOPMENT ALREADY RAPID. This year the poultry trade with Great Britain has developed as it never has before. As early as the middle of last month one ï¬rm has sent to Eng-land a shipment of Canadian chickens which is ï¬ve times larger than all shipments sent before from this country in any previous entire year. Next year there will be a de- mand for chickens unheard of before. The farmers for the present year, and probably for the next, should not try any direct shipment, but ï¬nd out and send his chickens to the most reliable ï¬rms in this country. It may not pay the farmers to do the fattening. but it will certainly pay them. to mise chick- ens to sell to the large ï¬rms who will do‘the flattening and shipping. My services are at all-times at the use of the farmers. It is my duty and pleasure to give full information as to the best breeds for the farmers to handle, how to rear and fatten the chickens, where and who best to sell them to, together with all such practiâ€" cal information as years of experi- mental work is calculated to make of value to farmers. 144 964 Majority for “Mlluce, 820. Then-e were 59 rejected haunts, a small number when the immense vote polled is considered. It is hoped by a series of letters, of which this is the firstl to interest the farmers in a. poultry department of their farm which will give them,surely and quickly in the near future, a. rev- enue equal to any other branch of farming industry. All information as to breeds, care, feeding and fattening, etc., will be furnished free on applica- tion to my Department, Experimental Farm, Ottawa. Toronto . . . . . . . . . . Toronto Junction York To‘vuship .. EtobicokeE. . . . . . .. VVoode-idge . . . . . \Veston ‘ . . . . . . . . . Richmond Hill. . , . North Toronto. . .. Vaughan . . . . . . . Mr. P. Ellis, the Returning Ofï¬cer for West York, has made his ofï¬cial reckoning of the returns of the dep- uties in the 88 polling sub-divisions in the riding. It has been shown that over 9000 votes were polled, and that Mr. VVallace’s majority over Mr. Campbell was 820. The following are the majorities from the different ml;- nicipalities : Our! Poultry and British Markets. in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charify." West York Returns A. G. GILBERT, Manager Poultry Dept. Campbell. Wallace 472 The council met on Tuesday, 13th inst). The reeve in the chair. Mem- bers present: Messrs. Boyle, \Vuts‘on nn‘dflMnnny. _ _ Minutes' of last meeting read nnd apquye-d. WW ’Malloy‘XVatsnnâ€"that the treasurer pay the following road accounts : VVa‘llnce Bros. for gravel . . . . . . $ 2 10 Mrs. Thompson, “ - . . . . . . 2 45 Geo. Elliott, “ . . . . . . 2 10 Hicks Bros, “ . . . . . . 4 55 Peter VVardluw, †. . . . . . l 19 H. Kaiser. road scraper . .. . . . . ll 00 G. J. Lawrie, repairing hills, etc 13 55 Bobtgv‘VatStlntgmvel _. . . . . . . . . . Jas. Husonkbaï¬iuce of account. 58 00 Jas. Huson, breakwater, posts, stone, etc . . . . . c . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 26 S.McDonald, balance of account 4 55 Adam Dalziel, gravel . . . . . . . . . . . 167 14 J. M.McKinnon. logs for culvert 2 00 Yonge St. Account Wm. Chatterley, work . . . . . . . . . 27 00 W. Chatterley, Work with horse 20 00 D. W. Clubine, work . . . . . . . . . . 17 50 J. Morlson. work . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 J. Jewitt, work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 VV. Hopper, breaking stone . . . . 5 ' â€"Garried. Mal]ey-Watsonâ€"-that the treasurer pay the following accountg : A. G. F. Lawrence, services re court of appeal l . . . . . . . . . . . . l A. Bl-yson, attending Railway Com. re Metropolitan . . . . . . J. N. Boyle, attending Railway Com. re Metropolitan . . . . . . W. H. Clubine. attending Rail- way Cum. re. Metropolitan. . Hart & Riddell, statlunery. . . .1. Court of Revi¢ion was held here on Tuesday of last week, with Judge Morgan presiding. A few changes wele made in the voters’ list. The hunters returned from Parr Sound last week. Dr. Sisley and Mr. T. Cousins each brought home two ï¬ne deer, and each of the second palty brought, one. There is abundance of game this seaspn. â€"â€"â€"Garried. The council adjourned to meet at the Town. Hall, Vollm'o, on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 10 :L. m. V V Revival services are still in progress in the Methodist Church. The attend- ;«mce is small, as Hm weather. in so an favorable. Miss B. Powers, who has taken a course of training in a New York hos- piEll, is gorge I‘LL] n. visitfl _ Rev. F. C. Keam of Thornhxll, 0c- cupied the pulpit of the Methodist Oiggl'ch 911 Sunday‘moyning. Mr. Albert VVoGd 0f Oszville, was vi§i_ting51t his hpme here qver Supgay. Mr. VH. Franks slipped and fell (in Monday morning injuring his side. He will not be able to be out for some time. The VV.M.S. met this week at the home of Mrs. J. Oliver. ' Mr. and Mrs. Mathean of Flesh- erggn, are mqying into the. vill_age. _ Mrs. H. Baileyvretur'ned on Tiesday evening after spending a month with fri_e_1]ds_in yIcKpgspm't, Pg: Mr, Lorne Perkins spent Wednes- day paper-mg. _ The London Evening Standard says that Lox-(I Roberts was thrown from his horse and sustained severe injuries. The War Ofï¬ce has no conï¬rmation of the report. Miss L.~ Rumble -is spending the Week with friends in Toronto. The roads are very muddy around here. 35 bars Happy Home soap for $1; 25 bars Comfort soap for $1. Atkin- son & Switzer. On account of the bad weather Miss Gertrude Niphols was unable to give her reading at the Epworth League on Tuesday evening. Tuesday night nearly ilways brjngs us e storm. Mr: Nornian CaY‘ver intends going to London soon to practise for a Vet- erigzu-X surgeon. Mr. Cecilklinck, formerly of Rich- mond Hill High School, has succeeded in getting a. school on the 5th com, about two miles from here. Ladies’ ï¬nger purses in real leather. at 50 and 75c. each. Atkinson and Switzel‘. Mr, J. B, Klock has take!) legal pm- ceedings to be declared elected for Nipissing. claiming that; the postpone- ment, of the election was illegal. The milk wagon of Mr. Jas. W911- man plies daily up and down the mggidy road. . The'large sale of Mr. Rubt. Carver’s togk place on \Yefinesday, 21s? inst. ‘ On account of the Weather the meet- ing which was to take place on Mon- day last to see about, getting new 8.8. supplies and other things, was a. failâ€" ure, nothing being done. President Kruger will land at M seilles to-day. Vaughan Council Vic boria Square News Notes. Maple $16 00 $210 245 210 455 119 1100 1355 889 275 Zl I‘- Best cooking ï¬gs, 423.: best golden dates, 650.; California seeded raisins in ackages, 11, 15 and 160. Atkinson, «Sc ‘witzer. Aurora has a nil) decided to hold 1!. Christmas mar'et this year. They‘ 1~oniise $150 in prizes, and Messrs. aville and Ratclifl’e are appointed a. committee to look after subscriptions. This week, 3 cans Aylmer tomatoes for 25c. : 3cons Aylmer corn for 250. ; 3 cans Aylmer Champion of England Pens for 250. Atkinson & Switzer. Boers surprised an outpost, of tho “ Buffs " south West of Balmoml, Nov19. Six of the “Buï¬s†were killed and ï¬ve were wounded. An ofï¬cer and thirty men were made. prisoners. . This week. 18 lbs. best granulated sugar for $1; and 20 lbs. best; St. Lawrence yellow sugar for $1. At- kinson & Switzer. This week, 3 boxes Madam Roy‘s complexion soap for 25c. ; 12 cakes of Richard’s castile toilet, for 25c. Atb kinson & Switzer. The result, of the recount in Selkirk is not given yet. Mr. Hashim, Gon- servabive, claims H.106 of ballots mark- ed opposite the name of the constitu- ency, and Judge Walker has reserved his decision. Miss Isabella. VVhit-ton, sister of Mr, Jnmes Whitton of York Mills, con- tracted typhoid, was removed to Grace Hospital, Toronto, and died on Sunday. Deceased was in her 2151: year. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Tuesday. TO RONTO. The nice thing about it; is that you may enter our School at any time and receive from our Ten capable Teachers that individual instruction and perâ€" sqnal care 59 necessary for your Sucâ€" cess. Write for our circulars at any rate, and get some particulars. Ad- dress gcen‘naams's' 1 Bolege :1 I 1 27%; r59... Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. New Set of Rubber harness, will sell cheap or exchange 1101; gifts. us \Vood'sPhosphoJineis sold in Riclmchi Hill by \Y. 5:. Sandersonpmggmt. NOVmeeZ’ Any Flourwill make Bread, but we will guarantee uuxua m. GCLUDA n :uaucaa. an cucuw u. up»... or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To bacco. Opium or stimulants. Mailed on race! of price, one ackage $1. six. 85. One will 01’sz cure. amphlets tree to any address. The Wood Company,W1ndsor, on JOS. HALL, A. MOODIE; High Grade Family Flour AURURA FLOURING MILLS; The Great anliah Remedy. Sold and reoommendedby g druggists In Canada. 01;? re able medicme discover V. - .s u [cages guaranteed to cure MERWA ELLE: Mo re. Aflar. Will bring a Splendid Contingent. of Young Men and Women mto the several Departments of the To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist. longer, and better flavor- ed bread with less lab- or than any other flour. Made to suit the people and sold at a reasonable price. It is strictly NAUGHTON BROS. FOR SALE 20-tf [Single copies, 3 cts. \V. H. SHAW, Principal. Wond's Phosphodmg, F. '3. GALLANOUGH, â€"ANDâ€" SELL IT. Thornhill, No 21