JR CHAP [‘ER VII.â€"â€"Continued. t Mme. \Vhitney's Seminary for Young Ladies a magnificent, structure, situated in the suburbs of Baltimore. On either side of the pebbled walk which led to the main entrance were tall fountains tossing their rainbow-tinted sprays up to the summer sunshine. 'l‘he lawn in front' was closely shaven, and through the‘ trees in the roar of the building could. be seen the broad rolling Chesapeake \VilS dancing and sparkling in the sun-i light. The reputation of this imtiâ€"i lutiiin was second to none. Youngi ladies were justly proud of being ableI to say they finished their education: at Mine. “'hitney's establishment. I As a natural consequence, the school was composed of the elite of the South. (flung! clangl clangt sounded the great bcll from the be]- fry as Daisy, with a sinlking, home- sick feeling stealing over her, walkâ€" ed slowly up the paved walk by John Brooks' side toward the imposing» aristocratic structure. Poor little Daisy never forgot that first day at boarding-school; how all the dainty young girls in their soft white miuslins glanced in surprise at her when Mine. \Vhiiney brought her into the school-room, but she could have forgiven them for that if they had not laughed at her poor old Unâ€" cle John, in his plain country garb, and they giggled behind their hand- krerchie‘fs when she clung to his neck and could not say good-bye through her tears, but sunk down into her seat, leaning her head on her desk, bravely trying to keep back the pearly drops that would fall. “'hen recess came Daisy did not leave her seat. She would have given the world to have heard Rex's voice just: then; she was beginning to realize how much his sheltering love was to her. ts‘he would even have been heartily glad to have been back in the little kitchen at the cottage, no matter how much Septirna scolded her. All the girls here had the same haughty way of tossing their heads and curling their lips and lootking in- numerable things out of their eyes, which reminded Daisy so strongly of Plum-.1 Hurlhurst. Most of the girls had left the school- mom, dividing off into groups and pairs here and there. Daisy sat watching them, feeling wretchedly lonely. Suddenly a soft white hand was laid lightly on her shoulder, and 9. sweet voice said; "We have a recess of fifteen min- utes, won’t you come out into the grounds with [met I should be so pleased to have you come." The voice was so gentle. so coaxing, so sweet, Daisy involuntarily glanced up pt the face of the young girl bending over her as she arose to accompany her. She put her arm around Daisy’s waist, schoolâ€"girl fashion, as they unltked down the lone halls and out to the green grassy lawn. “My name is Sara Miller," she said; “will you tell me yours 2†“Daisy Brooiks," she answered, simply. "What a pretty name!" cried her new-found friend, enthusiastically, "and how well it suits you! \Vhy, it ts a little poem in itself.†Daisy flushed as rosy as the crimson geraniuans near them, remembering Rex, her own handsome Rex, had laid the same thing that morning he had carried her heavy basket to the gates of \Vhitestone Hallâ€"that morn- ing when all the world seemed to )thonge as she glanced up into his merry brown eyes. “\Ve are to be room-mates," ex- plained Sara, "and I know I shall like you ever so much. Do you think you will like me 7" “Yes.†said Daisy. pow." "Thank you," said Miss Sara, mak- ing a mock courtesy. “I am going to love you with all. my might. and if you don't love me you will be the "I like you most ungrateful creature in the world. I know just how lonesome you must be." continued Sara. "I re- member just how lonesome I was the first day I was away from mamma, and when night set in and I was all alone, and I knew I was securely looked in, I was actually thinking of tearing the sheets of my bed into strips and making a rope of them. and letting myself down to the ground through the window, and making for, home as fast as I could. I knew 1“ would be brought kick the next d.l}',i though," laughed Sara. “Momma is, so :triot with me. I suppose yours, is too i" l "I have no mother-or father," ans- . lived with John Brooks and his sister ‘ husband, and of the dearest relationâ€" (F (k. gr wered Daisy. "All my life I have Septima, on the IIurlhurst Plantation. I call them aunt and uncle. Septima ‘has often told me no relationship at all existed between "You are an orphan, then .7" sug- gested the sympathetic Sara. "Is there no one in all the world related' to you?" "Yesâ€"noâ€"o," answered Daisy, con- fusedly, thinking of Rex, her young ship in all the world which existed between them. "What a pity," “\Vell, Daisy," she cried, impulsively, throw-i both her her and sighed Sara. ing arms arountl giving her a hearty kiss, "you and I: will be all the world to etch other. morrow, and of his wild griefâ€"more bitter than deathâ€"when he had found the cottage empty. “It reads like a page of a romance," said Rex, with a dreary smile, lean- ing his head on his white hind. "But I must find her!" he cried, with en- ergy. “I shall search the world over for her. If it takes every cent of my fortume, I shall find Daisy! Rex looked out of the window at the soft, fleecy clouds over-hmd, little dreaming Daisy was watching {those selfâ€"same clouds, scarcely a a stone’s throw from. the very spot where he sat, and at that he was nearer Daisy than he would moment 'be for perhaps years again, for the strong hand of Fate was slowly but surely drifting them asunder. For some moments neither spoke. "Perhaps," said Mr. Tudor, breaking the silence, “there was a previous lover in the case 3" "I am sure there was not 1" Rex, eagerly. Still the idea was new to him He said I shall tell you all my Secrets and‘ yOu mud tell me yours. There's some girls you can trust, and some you can't. If you tell them your secrets, the first time you have a spot your secret is a secret no longer. Every girl in the school knowsall about it; of course you are sure to make up‘ again. But,†added Sara, with a wise expression, "after you are once deceived, you can never trust them again." "I have never known many girls," replied Daisy. "1 do not know how others do, but I'm sure you can al- ways trust my friendship.†And the two girls sealed their com- pact with a kiss, just as the great bell in the belfry rang, warningthom they must be at their lessons againâ€" recess was over. CH ttPTER VIII. In one of the private offices of Messrs. Tudor, Peck 8: Co., the shrewd Baltimore detectives, stood Rex, waiting patiently until the senior member of the firm should be at leis- are. "Now, my dear sir, I will attend you with pleasure," said Mr. Tudor, sealing and dispatching the note he had just finished, and motioning Rex to a seat. "I shall be pleased if you will. permit me to light a cigar," said Rex, tak- ing the seat indicated. "Certainly, certainly, smoke, ifyou feel so inclined, by all means," re- plied the detective, watching with a puzzled twinkle in his eye the fair, boyish face of his visitor. "No, thank you," he said, as Rex tendered him an Havana; “I never smoke during business hours." "I wish to engage your services to find out the whereabouts ofâ€"ofâ€"ofâ€" my wife," said Rex, hesitatingly. "She has left meâ€"suddenlyâ€"she fled â€"-on the very night of our marriage !" It hurt Rex's pride cruelly. to maket this admission, and a painful flusht crept up into the dank rings of hair lying on his white forehead. l Mr. Tudor was decidedly amazedt He could not realize how any sane| young woman could leave so hand- some a young fellow as the one before him. In most cases the shoe was on the other foot; but he was too thor- oughly master of his business to ex- press surprise in his face. He merely said; "Go on, sir; go on t" And Rex did go on, never sparing himself in describing now he urged Daisy to marry him on the night of the feJte, and of their pirting, and t come ? adored Daisy with a mad, idolatrous adoration, almost amounting to wor- ship, and a love so intense is suscepâ€" tible to the poisonous breath of jeal- ousy, and jealousy ran in Rex's veins. tHe could not endure the thought of Daisy’sâ€"his Daisy'sâ€"eyes brighten- ing or her cheek flushing at the ap- proach of a rivallâ€"athat fair, flower- “110?. face, sweet and innocent as a child'sâ€"Daisy, whom he so madly loved. "\Vell,†said Mr. Tudor, as Rex arose to (ternrt, "I will do all Icon for you. Leave your address, please, in case I should wish to communicate with you." “I think I shall go back to Allen- dale, remaining there at least a month or so. I have a strong con- viction Daisy might come back, or at least write to me there." Mr. Tudor jotted down the address, feeling actually sorry for the hand- some young; husband clinging to such a frail straw of hope. In his own mind, long before Rex had conclud- ed h‘is story, he ind settled his opin- ionâ€"that from some cause the young wife had fled from him.with some rival, bitterly repenting her mad, hasty marriage. "I have great faith in your ac- knowledged ability,†said Rex, grasp- ing Mr. Tudor’s outstretched hand. "I shall rest my hopes upon your find- ing Daisy. I can not, will not, believe she is false. I would as soon think! of the light of heaven playing me false as my sweet little love !†O The dark mantle of night had fold- ed its dusky wings over the inmates of the seminary. All the lights were out in the young ladies’ rooms -â€"as the nineâ€"oclock call, "All lights out!" had been called some ten minâ€" utes beforeâ€"all the lights save one, flickering, dim, and uncertain, from Daisy‘s window. "Oh, dear l†cried Daisy, laying her pink cheek down on the letter she ,wvas writing to Rex, "I feel as though I could do something very desperate to get away from hereâ€"eludâ€"«andâ€" back to Rex. Poor fellow!" she sigh- ed, "I wonder what he thought, as the hours rolled by and I did not Of course he went over to the cottage," she mused, "and Septima must have told him where I had gone; Rex will surely come for me toâ€"mor- row," she told herself, with a sweet, shy blush. She read and reread the letter her trembling little hands had penned with many a heart-flutter. It was a. shy, sweet little letter, beginning with "Dear MI. Rex," and ending HAVE you ism i m A severe caseofchronic Asthma. which would yield to no other treatment cured by Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, The symptoms of asthma are keenly distressing and are not easily confused with those of any other ailment. ’l‘pe victim is suddenly aroused by an in- tense anguish in the chest, the breath- lng is accompanied by aloud \\ heezing, the face becomes flushed, and bathed in perspiration; he gasps for air, beâ€" lieving that each moment may be his last. After these. paroxysms, which may last for hours, the patient usual- ly falls asleep to arise next day weak, languid and debilitated. Dr. Chase‘s treatment for asthma consists in the combined use of two of his remedies, llr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and turpentine and Dr. t‘hasc‘s Nerve h'tzoil. Asthma is a nervous disease and the attacks are brought on by some irritation of the, nerves along the air passages. These nerves are soothed and quieted and immediate relief afforded to the pati- Hit ‘:y the use 01' Dr. Chase‘s Syrup of: Unwed and Turpentine. In fact asthma is frequentg.’ 'j. \rou :hly cured by the use of this it 111' if alone, as is :vitlennnd hv the testimonial quoted below. In most cases, however, it is found advisable to combinv the two remedies, Dr. Chase‘s Syrup of Linsred and Tur- pentine and Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The former asa local treatment acting directly on the bronchial tubes and air passages, and the latter asa nerve re- storative to build up and strengthen the whole nervous system. It is con- fidently believed there is no treatment extant that is so perfectly successful in the cure of asthma as the combined use of these two great remedies. Mrs. George Budden, Putnamville, Ont., says :â€"“I feel it my duty to re- commend Dr. Chase‘s Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine, as I had the asthma very bad; could get nothing to do me any good. A friend of mine persuaded me to try this remedy, as he had tried it,and it proved successful. I tried it and it cured me. I am thankful [0-day to say lam a. well woman through the use of this remedy,l keep it in the house all the time and would not be without it." Dr. Chase‘s family remedies are for mile at all dealers, or from Edmanson, lBatel is 00.. Toronto. with, "Yours sincerely, Daisy." It was just such a dear, timid letter as many a pure, fresh-heirled luvlu‘l young girl would write, brimful of the love which fillet her guilelcss heart for her handsome, doboniir Rex â€"with many allusions to the Secret between them which weight-d M) heavily on her heirt. soiling her lips for his deir sike. After sealing and directing her Precious letter, and placing it in the letterâ€"bag which hung at the lowâ€" back ‘to her own apartment and crept softly into her little white bed, be.â€" side Sara, and was soon fast asleep. dreaming of Rex and a dark, hautrhty scornful face falling between them and the mocking face of l’lumi llurlhurst. sunshineâ€"I he cold, early in the morning, Setllnll‘ the lot- ters of which she approvel, and re- turning, with a severe reprimand, those which did not come up to the standard of her ide‘ls. "\tht is this?" she cried, in amaze- ment, turning the letter Daisy had written in her hand. “\Vhy, Ide- the least compunction she broke the seal, grimly scatnning its from beginning to end. If 'there was anything under the sun the madame abomina'ted it was love-letters. It was an established fact that no tender from the academy; the argueâ€"eyed madame was too watchful for that. With a lowering brow, she gave the bell-rope a hasty pull. “Jenkins,†answering her summons,"‘send Miss Brooks to me here at once!“ “Poor little thing l†cried the sym- pathetic Jenlkins to herself. "I wonder what in the world is amiss notw? There’s fire in the madame's eye. I hope she don’t intend to scold poor little Daisy Brootks." Jenkins had taken a violent fancy to the sweetâ€"faced, goldcn~hlaired, timid young stranger. “It must be something terrible, I'm sure i" cried Sara, when she heird the madame had sent for Daisy; while poor Daisy’s hand trembled soâ€"she could scarcely tell whyâ€"that she could hardly bind up the golden curls that fell down to her waist in a wavy, shining sheen. Daisy never once dreamed her let- for was the cause of her unexpected summons, until she entered Mme. VVhi‘tney's presence and saw it opened â€"yes, openedâ€"her own sacred, lov- ing letter to Rexâ€"in her hand. Daisy was impulsive, and her first thought was to grasp her precious letter and flee to her own room. How dared the madame open the precious letter she had intended only for Rex's eyes! "Miss Brooks," began madame. im- pressively, “I suppose I am right in believing this epis‘tle belongs to you?" . To Be Continued. â€"-â€"‘Dâ€"â€"-WHEN JAMES I. WAS KING. Salarit's 'l'hit nave Grown and Her-I15 That Have "antsllml. The new volume of the historical manuscripts commission, relating to the manuscripts of Lord Montague: of Beaulieu, contains some interesting tables of the salaries paid to public officials about 1007-8, says the Lon- don Daily Mail. The lord treasurer of England look a salary of £363, with £15 extra for livery; the chancellor of the exchcqu- er, £13, and £12 for livery. Now the first lord of the treasury gets £5,000 and the chancellor £5,000. The lord chancellor of England had a'very fat berth, embracing a. fee of 2.33 aday, 15.00 for attendance in the star cham- ber, £300 annuity, £41 for clothes, two tuns of wine, and an odd £72. from somewhere or other. The lord chief justice took £248. At that time there were various in- teresting Law offices that have now, unfortunately, quite disappeared, such as the clerk of the hamper, the prothonotary, the chuffer of wax, the crier, and the joyners of the tales. The latter office must hive been ex- tremely underpiid at 15.0 a year. The lord admiral received £133 as pay and £400 for food. The "Clarke of the .storehouse at Dettford strand" re; ‘ceived £32 133 4d :1 ye ir, and was alâ€" glowed one clerk at 13 a day. The >r0yal “surgians†get £30 apiece, "phisitians," £100 apiece, and apatheâ€" ‘caries, £2 13s 4d apiete. t There were also full staffs of of- ficials for pantry, buttery, cellar, larder. lkitchen, scullery, beds, bake- house, spit-cry, confectionery, pastry, pi-tchei'house, chaundry, wafer and and woodyard. laundry, or end of the corridor, Diisy hurricd‘ Mine. Whitney, as was her clistom,. always looked over the outgoing mail‘ clare, it is actually sealed !" \Vitholut‘ contents billetâ€"donux found their way, she said to the servant FADING AWAY. THE CONDITION OF YOUNG GIRLS WHO ARE ANAEMIC. 1 his [Record In or llqwelal Value to Parents â€"Il Is a ilt‘isafll‘ from a “other as “others of Gran lug Girls. Among the. young girls throughout Canada who owe good healthâ€"per- ,liaps life itselfâ€"to Dr.\Vliliams' Pink rim, Mia-s Hattie Althouse, of :L‘ainpden, Ont. \Vhen a representa- tive called at the Althouse homestead to make enquiries as to the particu- lars of the cure, he was cordially re- ceived by Mrs. Althouse. who readily consented to give a statement for publication. "Up to the age 01 fourteen years,“ said Mrs. Althouse, " my daughter Hattie had always ‘onjoyed the best of health. Then she began to complain of weakness, and ‘grew pale and languid. \Ve tried sev- eral medicines, but'instead of helping her, she was steadily growing worse, land we became alarmed and called in a doctor. He told us that her blood was in a very watery condition, and that she was on the verge of nervous prostration. She was under his care for several months, but still kept growing worse. She had become very pale, had no appetite, frequent headaches, and after even slight excr- tion her heart would palpitnte vio- lently. As time passed, she seemed to grow worse and worse, until at ,last she could scarcely move about. and would lie upon a. sofa most of the day. At this juncture she had occasional fainting fits, and any fright, as from a sudden noise, would bring on slight attacks of hysteria. Both my husband and myself feared ,that she would not live more than a few months. It was while Hattie was in this condition that I read an amount of a girl cured of a similar ailment through the use of Dr. \Vil- liams’ I’Lnk l’ills. Then I decided that Hattie should give them atrial. and procured three boxes; when she had used them there was un- doubted improvement in her condi- tion, and we felt hopeful that she woiull regain her health. She con- tinued using the pills, and from that on daily made progress toward com- plete Her appetite re- turned; color began to come back to is P111 recovery. her face, headaches disappeared, and in the course of a few months she was as well as ever she had been in her life. It is now more than two years since she discontinued the use of the pills, and in all that time has enjoyed the best of health, with ab- solutely no return of the trouble. I can scarcely say how grateful we feel. for what Dr. Williams Pink Pills have done for my daughter, and I woult strongly urge mothers whose daughters may be ailing to give them Dr. Williams“ I’ink Pills at once, and not experiment with other medicines." Dr. \Vittiams‘ Pink Pills create new blood, and thus reach the root of the disease. In the case of girls merging into womanhood they are almost inâ€" dispensible, and their use is a guar- antee of future health and strength. Other SO-culted. tonic pills are mere imitations this medicine and shoull be avoided. If your dealer does not keep them they will be sent pomp-aid at 50 cents a box_or six boxes for $1.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. of -_._...~ _. . _~ SUBMARINE BOATS. .â€" England'n Torpedo “on! Bullder says That :‘nmu I‘llh' :inals .tre Mil hem-wary. Mr. Thorneycroft, England’s torpe- do boat builder, has been expressing interesting opinions on submarine boats. He does not believe it neces- sary for Great Britain to build sub- marine boat's, even if the experiments of other nations have been quite suc- cessful. He is carefully studying the problem of devising a submarine destroyer should it ever be necessary. Mr. Thorneycroft regards the Amer- ican submarine boat as the best type yet made, but he doubts its efficacy even for harbor defences. "A shell dropped in the neighborhood of i submarine boat,†said Mr. Thorney- croft, “and exploded either level or below it would afford sufficient shock to crumple up the boat. Possession of a submarine boat of your own will not help you to find an enemy‘s. They tare at present of too limited range i and insufiicient propelling power to be really a serious factor, and the un- satisfactory problem of keeping a level keel under water is yet to be solved. If 1 ever have to go under water with a submarine boat I will prefer to sit outside." In spite of the pessimistic opinions of Mr. Thorneycroft, the British Arl- miralty has at last decided to grant a submarine boat designed by J. E. Howard of Tasmania on official trial.