During? the recent contest in the Dominion elections there was a sectio‘n of people who seemed notto care to hear about the actions of the Government during the past four years, or what the ministers Were likely to do in the 'future. The only question which "they seemed to have any interest in Was “ What about Tarte.†The question has been satisfactorily an- swered from many platforms, but one of the best things we have seen is taâ€" ken from a speech delivered by Mr. Andrew Pattullo, M. P. P. The Duï¬â€˜erin Advertiser quotes him as fol- lows : Dropping his voice to very solemn iones, Mr. Pactullo went on to say ‘that be supposed it Would be so un- til the end of time.. “ Mr. Pattullo told why those tories disliked Mr. Tarte, and made a vig- orous defense of the Minister of Pub- lic Works. In spite of all this, said be, when we show what the Laurier 'vaernment has done for the coun- try, we are met with the cry. “What 'about Tarte ? †When we show that labor is plenty and wages good, the ‘answer is, ‘ What about Tarte ?‘ When we prove that the policy ofthe Liberals has made the manufacturers and the business men and the farm-- pers prosperous, there is the old re! “frain, ‘What'ab‘out Tarte ’ ? †RICHMOND HILL. NOVemb’ex “ Even at the last great day, when all things here shéll dissolve, and the elements melt with fervent heat,when the last trump shall sound, and the politicians of the world be called te- gether to receive their ï¬nal sentence, even on that solemn night, away oï¬â€˜ in afar corner, there will be some restless, miserable little individual who will shake the ashes from his hair kick the coals about his feet,and interrupt the proceedings by groan- ing, ‘ What about Tarte ’ ? †Mr. Pattullo, it is said, had no fur- ther questions asked him after the above little burst of eloquence. bbangeâ€"H. C. Bailey. Change- Imppriu] Oil Co The Globe of Monday points out that for sending the Canadian con-. tingents to take part in aforeign war there was only one precedent. This was in l885‘when Great Britain - had on her hands an ugly conflict with hordes of fanatics in Egypt. At that time the offer of a. contingent fully equipped was received and ac- cepted from New South Wales. The British Government communicated to Canada on the same lines, but the answer was of the most‘diseouraging description. They were told that the Canadian Government was “ready to sanction recruiting by Canada for: service in Egypt or elsewhere,†but that the whole expense must be» borne by the home Government. Oh those terms the contingent was not accepted. If Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s Government had taken this incident as a precedent no con« tingent would have been sent to South Africa. The refusal in 1885 'Was under a Conservative Govern- 'ment led by Sir John Macdonald, and in that case there was no charge of disloyalty. @119 £311an The general interest that is now being taken by the farmers of On- tario in the question of poultry rais ing is due largely to the very prac~ 'tical methods that havebeen adopted by the Dominion Experimental Farm at Ottawa. and the Ontario Govern- met to prove to the agrieulturists of the country that there is big money to be made in this particular line. Heretofore the farmer has looked upon the hen with contempt, and left it to scratch for a living about the barnyard. He took no care to pro- cure the most proï¬table breed of fowl end consequently in the 3b: h is †WHAT ABOUT TARTE? †Ne W Advertisements. THEN AND NOW. ‘22. i900 Mr. J. W. Garvin of Toronto, writ- ing in The Mail of Monday, says that “ the leadership of Sir Charles Tup- per during the last four years has been remarkably astute and brilli- ant, and that no blame can fairly be laid on his shoulders for the party's defeat.†Mr. Garvin then states that seats should be found for Hugh John Macdonald and George E. Foster, the former to become leader of the 0p- position, the latter as ï¬rst lieutenant. Speaking of Hugh John Macdonald Mr. Garvin says :â€"†The party’s love for the father has fallen like a mantle upon the shoulders of “the ’33 . SOB derived comparatively little proï¬t therefrom. But the Poultry Depart- ment of the Experimental Farm is doing a great deal to convince the farmer that by securing a proper kind of bird and'keeping them on a large scale, the very best ï¬nancial results may be obtained. The faith that the Government has in this in. dustry is clearly illustrated in’the ap- pointment of sixty lecturers to tour Ontario for the purpose of’ instruct- ing the farmers on the question of poultry raising and to teach them the best methods of dressing their birclsfor the British markets. In addition to this splendid effort, Mr. A. G. Gilbe’rt, the Superintendent of the Poultry Section of the Experi- mental Farm is writing aserics of articles on the subject, the ï¬rsttf which appears elsewhere in this pa- per. In an interview given to therpress after his. defeat in Brandon, Mr. Hugh John Macdonald, referring to pl‘ohibitionists, said :â€"“ The trouble is that prohibitionists vote with their political party, and the liquor men, both Conservative and Liberal, vote and work against theyparty ‘wh’i‘ch favors ~prohibition. In future the prohibitionists may thank themselves if neither of the great political parties consent to take up their cause.†There are douthESS‘e'xce'ptional' cases, but in a general way MrZMacdonald’s statement is correct. '1‘here is Satisfaction In obtaining This result is atmined'in All-orders placedwith And a. good éu‘ticle it. a. Call and exa‘mine‘my carefufly select- ed assortment of Tweeds. Sel-ges, Fancy VVor-stéds and Trouserings. Five registered Scotch Collie pups about 3 months old. 20~2 T. LUDFORD, New Fall "Fashion Plate Now‘on View. unequausedtzx Elï¬REKfl Hï¬RHESï¬GEL Une ualledby an other. Ben egrsuhard leaf erï¬ofti Especially prepared. Keeps out water. I A heavy bodied oil. EsékTin an Localities An excellent preservative. »Reduces cost of your harness. Never burns the leather; its I Efï¬ciency is increased. ecures’ best service. titches kept from breaking. /) HARNESS A. J. Hume, Tailor, Richmond Hill. Some Reasms‘. Why You Should Insist on Having Honest Work Terms Cash. Pups 'for Sale Low Price. Manufa'ctured by Imperial on Company. other‘ Richmc :1 Hill He is also still keeping ALL KINDS OF LUMBER on hand aud in a, few days will be prepare} to supply DRESSED LUMBER of all kinds and do PLANI‘JG AND MATCHING of all kinds at. lowest prices. Patronage solicned ; satisfaction guaranteed JiT. SAEGEON, RIAPIJE The subscliber would Vrespemfully intimate to the public that having rebu-ï¬t the chappmg mill And doubled its capacity. he will during the busy chopping season and until futher notice chop Monday. Wedneu’my amfl Sal- urday 0! each week. Manchester, ‘of LondongEngԠBRITISH AMERICA, GORE, ()F GALT; Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the cnming com pauy for the farmers of York Co. Busineso‘ Suï¬-cited. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. Give It a Lime ï¬il. Assures on all the modern plans. and is 9110 of the most m'osgerops and progresswe companies in existence. Premiums low, policies unconditional and ' nonforfeimble. LIBERAL OFFISE . First-class Beech and Maple deliver ed on the shortest nggice: in)pr to_ By J. H. Sanderson, V. 8.. Richmond Hill GOAL £5 WOOD 1 House and Lot opposite the High School on Yoxggze Street. _ 1 Gladstone Carriage, 2 seats, pole and shafts bobsleigh attachment. 2 Set Single Harness. 1 Set mums Harness. 2 String 'of Bells. Sale rooms in big gtahlv at the rear of drug store. cor. ibis Mud Centre Sts. Inv'the'Village 6f Richmond Hill, Consisting of Ben rooms. with onshore ofï¬â€˜good laud. well and two cisterns. hennefy, cow slgeds, stable for two horses ,- all up-toâ€"dste and In ï¬rst class nondition. A’tAre cbancq, now purchase a. good home-at s. nommal cost. Térms reason- able. Appl to 13â€"“ y W. R. PBOC'POR Wanted, immediately, a. git-1' 'to “do housework and assist in a'grocery store. Apply to MRS. H. F. HOWER. The residence immediately south of the High School. A PIV to JAMES EWTON, r 20-2 19-tf T. F. MCMAHON, Modern Brick DWelling Agent for the followin‘: stock Fire Insurance Companies, v'iz.: élï¬ï¬'floflé. ' Henry Marsh. YORK MUTUAL Taikea pe’h'cy with the district agent, OF TORONTO, CAN ADA. â€"â€"ALSOâ€"â€"â€" FOR SALE AJFirst-clnss Cash Mutual. FGR SALE TO RENT DI APIJHL‘ 'WANTED For Sale. OF CANADA 5'39 Hi JERRY SMITH, NEW‘V Practical \Vatchmnker. w. R. PR‘OCTOR Richmond Hill. RICH MOND HILL Elgin Mina; iii; 12-81 Ask to see our Men’s Waterproof felt-lined boots at $752.00 and $2.50 per pair. We are showing some exception- al vaï¬ues 1n Waterproof Footwear. WMEBPRE‘E gmapairs £0}: 9.5.1 of. Machinery. FMWEï¬R G. MASON, Best Gun Bowder only'300. per lb. Shot 4 lbs. for 25c. Revolvers only $1.50 each Shot Guns, single bat-rel, breech loader. $5 Shot Guns, double barrel, breech loader, $10 Shot Guns, double barrel, mussel loader, $8 Air Rifles, 750., $1 and $1.25 WELKHW? & ‘00,. Jacob Eyar and Son, The Standard mutual Fire Insur- ance Company, A purely Farmers’ Company, head ofï¬ce, Markham, O_nt. AGENTS FOR THE People’s Life insurance Company, Eyichmend Hm Hardware Store 1'66 and 168 King St. East,-3 doors," West (if George Street; Toronto. Head Ofï¬ce, Confederation Life Bldg, Toronto; and l-Re'silience, Richmond Him 'WILKENS & 00.. For particulars call on the agents, H. O. BAILQY, MAPLE. No. 50. Any customer presenting this Coupon and 2.50. at. our store on Saturday,Nov. 2.4 will receive 7 bars “Star†soap. Our Sporting Goods are fullâ€? guaranteed, and are less than wholesale prices. Repairing Promptly Done Richmond Hill Which he will sell at ro'ek bo't- tom prices for cash. Alsn Stove Pipes, Ellmws, and Stoves of all kinds? All kinds of Hardware, Tinware and everything ill the tin and hardware line cheap. Mason has on hand his stoak of gamma; mm a . ME