The November session of Yolk County Council opened on Monday, Warden Heesor in the chair. A mo- tion was pzisSed granting $50 to each volunteer of the Strathcona Horse who is a resident of York County. The motion also included members of any other contingent who have not yet received a. grant. Councillor Ev~ ans, chairman of the Court House Committee. re orted thatnothing had been submitte by the city ~~in regard to the costs of the administration of justice or of maintaining the new Court House. Rooms for the County Council can be procured for less than half the charge proposed by. the city. The committee recommended that nothing be done as yet in regard to the separation of the county from the. city of the administration of justico. and that, no new quarters be rented until the old ones are disposed of. The report was adopted. lnr no one will deny that it is the bigâ€" est dollar's worth ever nï¬ered. The amin Herald and \Veekly Stat- are going to do a bigger business than ever, and it is a case of merit. It is safe to say that no family paper in existence has ever had the run of pros erity that, the Family Herald and Veekly Star of Montreal, has en- jnyed. It. deservosit all, too, for no other newspaper has ever attempted so give such real good value for so little money. This year the publishers of the Family Herald have certainly excelled thvmselves, and in offering the two pictures, "Christ in the Temple," and “ Home from the \Vm-,†alon with the Family Herald and “fee 1y Star for one year for one do]- lnr no one will deny that it is the big- gpst {lolljii-‘s worth ever offered. The “Heinz’s spiced pickles, 15c. qt. ;, 16 oz. bottle pickles. 100.; Heinz’s 14 oz. hottle S\\'eet~pickles;>350. Atkinson & Switzer. If it is not your habit to buy an il- lustraged book for your family’s Christmas reading. try the experi- ment. “Tm-onto Sakai-day Night’s Chi-istnnas,†sixty pages, full of stm-ies arid pictuaes, will interest, everyone and widen the vision of all as Can- adians. Four pictures suitable for framing, one of whichâ€"“Raphael’s Mother and Child â€â€"-is an exact re- production of the costliest and best .picture in the world. No where else can you get the same value! Five‘ dollars’ worth of the best, art and lit,~ emture for 50 cents. Get it from youi: newsdealer, 01- from The Sheppard Publishing: Company. ‘Limited, To- Tonto. A meeting fur the purpose of re-or- ganizing the Richmond Hill Hockey Club for the ensuing'sozlsou will be held at the Dominion House this even- ing. Afull attendance of the mem- bers and supporters is requestedJUeeL- ing.culled at 11.30. The annual meeting of the East York Reform Associatinn will be held ‘ab Unionvillenn Monday, Dec. 3. at 1.39 p. _m., for the election (If officers and Ether business of importance. THE LAND OF OUR LORD. Mr. W. P. Roe-kip. B. And Toronto, who recently spent six months in the Orient, will v 9:;hihi'u sixty colored views of Palestine, in this town on “’ednesday evening, Nov. 28th. Look out for bills. Best mackerel, 120. a can ; rod Sock- _e_ve salmon. 2 cans for 250.; Lynx Bx-zmd salmon, 14c. Atkinson and Switzn‘. Owing to the unfavm-nhle weather on Tuesday the postponed plowing nmtuh ofVaughzm Plowmon’s Associa- tion was not attended with its usual success. There. wore only 8 competi- torsâ€"5 in sod and 3 in stubble. Mr. 'N.‘ Clarke “Vulluce started Fri- day for the Pacific (Twist Wlmre he as- sisted the Cnnsorvutivvs in the two elm-(minus which did not Lakephrce :lt (rho-usual time. At the Epwm-th night there will “ “71mg thqlppg‘ nation.†by Mr: F. J wa‘ybody wdcnme. A meeting of the Incmsso club will he ht-Idat the Dominion House this evening at 8 0‘(:Im:k. A full attend- mwe is requested, as important busi- ness is to be transacted. The newest fad in horse Shoo. \Vv have rolled .lev at, 25c. om 100. Atkinson & Swi HALF A DOLLAR WELL SPENT. Division Court will he lwl mond Hill on Monday, the I To-duy will he the last day for this court. 'Zlhn-se who w ish to save ï¬ve per cent. "shmfld make an effort, to pay the-i1- village tnxvs on or lwfm-e the 30th of this month. ' RICHMOND Hum, ‘Reg‘ulzu- meeting 'tu-morx-ow evening Window glass all sizes at lowest prices. Atkinson 6.: SwiLm-x'. The Reading Circle, in connection with the Epworth League, is again holding \vevkly sessions. YORK COUNTY COUNCIL 14¢)(7 RE\\’AR-D OF MERE}. HOCKEY MEETING. ANNUAL l in stick pins is a lave- them in’ heavy em-h ; smaller size, Switvzer. MEETING. vill he held in Rich- dny, th<l 3rd of Dec. last day of service Lnague on Friday he an address on moo has cost the J. Johnston, M. A. nf Com-t Richmond 353 MM (wembm' The only disappointing feature in ‘ connection with the entertain nieut given in the Masonic Hall on Friday evening, was the small attendance. the door receipts being less than $25. The production of “ Richelieu†by Mr. H. N. Shaw, B. A., and his talented company was a success, and the lovers of dramatic art who were present en- joyed a rare treat. Of course the lim- ited space did not permit of the play being properly staged, yet the scenery was pretty, and many of the costumes worn by the performers were elabor- ate and expensive. Mrs. T. E. Con- ryn proved herself an accomplished pianist, and solos between the acts by Mr. Murphy were thoroughly enjoyed, Mr. .Murphy having a magniï¬cent voice. There were few Weak parts in the cast. and among those characters who were particularly good was Mr. Percival as Joseph. 8. Capuchin priest. The beautiful language and tragic sit- uationsin Lord Lytton’s.great drama appeal to all students of literature, history and the drama. and Mr. Shaw‘s portrayal'of the crafty Cardin- al was exceptionally clever.‘ The drama is so well known that aadescrip- tion is not necessary. Sufï¬ce it .to say. however, that Richelieu was-born in the reign of Elizabeth, of humble parents, in France. and rose Cardinal and Duke of France by un~ equalled devotion to church and coun- try. He was ably seconded by the famous Father Joseph. and together they made France a. united nation, the glory of its people and the terror of Europe. Richelieu accomplished this in the midst of the, greatest hostility and the direst intrigue, but in the end triumphed. These conditions and the adventures of his niece and a young nobleman her husband. form the basis of the play. and with such skill is the plot. woven. that the audience retained deep interest until thecurtain fell. a man’s feet sticking up. with his head downwards. A closer examination showed that it, was Levi Gaby, and that he was drowned in several feet of water which had run into the hole. At. the subsequent inquest several witnesses gave evidence to the eifect that the hole had been left uncovered during the night. The remains were brought here Tuesday night by \Vright 1310's., undertakers, and afterwards conveyed to his home. The funeral will take place from the residence this afternoon at 2.30. The deepest sym- pathy is.felt for the wife, mother and other relatives of deceased. Mr. Gaby‘s untimely death is regretted by many friends and acquaintances who .will remember him as a kind-hearted and ohliging man. Notice the range of men’s underwear with prices on all lint-‘5 in the north window of the Concrete. I \thtevor may be said of the. scien- ‘tific causes upon which the Rev. Irl iHlt'kS buses his yearly forecnsts of storm and wcuthor, it is a renmrkzlhlc fact that speciï¬c warnings of every grail; storm, flood, cnld Wave and drought. have lwrn plainly printed in his HUW famous Almanac fur many years. The latest startling proof of this fact “ms the (instruction of Gall- vestou, Tt-xus, um the \er day numed by Pruf. Hicks in his 1900 Alumnae, as (me- of (lisaval‘ by storm along the gulf (masts. The 1901 Alnmnuc. by far the ï¬nvst, most complete and beautiful yet published, is now ready. ‘This rmmu-kahln book of near two hundred pagos, splnndidly illustrated with chm-ls and half-tune engravings. goes as :1 premium to every subscrth who pays one dollar a year ‘fnr Prof. H-iolk’r; jnnhml, \Vnrd and \mGs. The Almanac alone is svnt prepaid for only 250. Order from \Vord and \Vorks Puhlishin Company, 2201 Locust Street, St. Ennis. St. Seldom have the citizens of this vil- lage received such a. shock as they did on Tuesday when Word came from Toronto that Mr. Levi Gaby was dead. DeCeased who, for a number of years conducted mil-eight business to and from the city, made his regular trip on Monday, but the day being very wet; he telephoned his wife in the evening not to expectâ€"him home till the following day. He stzihled his team at the Commercial Hotel, his regular stopping place, and walked down town bet-ween 7 and 8 o’clock, possibly to make enquiries about some freight he expected to airive at the Union Station. Nothing further seems to have been seen of him until next morning when one of the, work- men at the new market, buildings looking into one‘of the pier holes,_saw Bost- green coffee, 14c. 1b.; choice (:oï¬â€™ee, ground fresh, 20c. 1b.; extra-L good, 25c. Atkinson & Swntzer. A pretty wedding took place at the residence uf the bride‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Hullinn‘gs‘head, _Cnlli_ng- THE IRL R. HICKS ALMANAC. SMITILâ€"HOLLINGSHEAD. LEVI GABY’S BETH. “ RICHELIEU.†W’ednesday and aalurday. On any of those days you can get your grain ground while you wait. .Also gx-isting and exchanging wheat, for flour. Allliinde of flour and feed always on hand. Choica Famin Flour and Man-Hoba . Patent. Try a. 'lmrreloflmy special bland of Manitoba: Fleur for home-made bread. Market-price paid for Feed Peas. Septum.†MW Of all kinds at 5 cents a. bag. Chop- ping every EMPIRE MILLS 5:2me RUSK The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he will during the - winter month SATURDAY. Nov. 24â€"Credit sale of 12 acres of standing timber, mostly hardwood, on lot 3, con. 7. Markham, the properw of the late Wm. Maclilem. Sale at. l u'clock. Terms 11 months. Eckardl & Prentucu Aucts. I‘UEaDAY. Nov. 27-01341": sale of farm shock. implements. etc.. on lot 20, 2nd con. West York, the property of Geo ge H. Rave. No reserve. Vale ab 1 o’clock. Terms ten months. Eckardt 42'. Prentice, nucbs. Wnomasnnr, Nuv. mâ€"Grelli: sale or farm stock, imp evnents,furniture,etc., on lot ‘16. 2nd con. Vauglmn, the property of Walter Hislop. Sale at one o'clock. Terms eleven ~â€"mnnLLs. Saigeon (Q McEwemaucts. WEDNESDAY. Dec. ILLâ€"Credit sale of farm stock, implements, etc..on lot 29, real: 2nd con. Markham. the proverb); ofJ. W. ï¬eatw. No reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms ten months. N. E. Smith, auctioneer. MAYERâ€"At the residence of her mother, Mrs. R. Hewisop. Richmond mm. on Wednesday, Nov.2]. Mary Juno Mapes, beloved w1fe of Mr. Truman Mupes. Interment at Richm .nd Hill on Fridav at 2.30. PmnEnâ€"Iu Newmarkeb on Nov. 215%.. Alma. Eliza Woobteu, beloved wife of Joe. Pipher. aged 43 years, 9 m |s.. 29 davs. . Interment at Newmul’ke: Cemetery on Friday Nov. 23.3.12 1.30 p m, Malt Breakfast Fond. 15c. ; Rzllsbon: Health Food, 15c. ; Furinosa, 15c. ; Swiss Food, _l5c.; Quaker Oats, 13c. ALkinsrm and SWH‘ZW . SMITHâ€"HOLLINGsHEADâ€"At the residence of the‘ bride's fanher, bv Rev.M L Perrson, on Tues- day. Nov. 20, Jeremiah Smibh of Richmond Hill. to 311% May Holhugshead, daughter of Thomas H. Hullingshead, Esq, of Calling- wood. Fine Nottingham Tace cur vm-ds long, 75c. per pair; 3 long, $1 per pair; shot-tor, at 50c. Atkinson & Swilzer. Mrs. Lever and baby of Toronto re- turned home yesterday after spending two weekswith hel‘lether, Mr. H. F. Hopper. Mr. N. S. MacDonald, one of the masters of Ryersnn School, Toronto, late principal of the Public School here, spent Saturday in the village. Miss Vi I’etch bf Aurora, was a. nest, cf Miss Hattie Linfoot from Fri< ay until Monday. Miss Nollie Nuughtnn, Miss Hannah Gamutt and Mr. Leon Proctor joined the H. S. classes this week. Mr. A. B. Davidson, P.S.I., paid. an official visit to the Public School here on Monday. Dr. Coultor, Deputy Postmaster- Geueml. has been granted leave of ab- sence, owing to ill health. The trouble around Christmas time is to know what, tn give, and, if the present is not to hu bought. how to make it. The Delineulm- for December is full of Christmas suggestions. Sev- eral pages are. devoted to holiday fancy walk with illustratinns, aiso to thP latest, designs in (:i'ucheting.dmwn wurk, and modern luce making. Pud- dings, cakes and Christmas candies likewise come in for attention in the December Delineator. Rev. N. VVelIWuod- will pre nivel‘szuy services at Gilfor Sunday. :z-Chop G‘rrain PERSONALS. Sale Register. WHAT TO GIVE. AVIARRIAGES . Schmidt. DEATHS :I] preach :m- Gilford next curtains, 3 ; 31} yards at 35 and REPAIRING PROLIPTLY ATTENDED T0. Makes nothing butï¬rsb-clï¬ss harness and at prices as low as can be bought anywhere. The Right Place to buy your Horse Blankets of all kinds. SASKATCHEWAN AND BLACK COVVHIDE ROBES. .. ALSO AGENT FOR IMJT'ATEON LAMB COATS, with rubber inteI-lim‘ng. is warmer. Will‘élepk better and wear longer than any other coat on the market for the. same money. Call and see them. Also full line of “'intet‘ Gloves, Mitts and Gauntlets, Whips, Trunks and Valises and other supplys always in stock. Egg Richmond I-lill. Easy terms 01 payment. Samplesglways on hand. \VIIOLESALEAND RETAIL DBUGGISTS. 171 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - - opp, Eclectric Oil, 2 bottles for 170 Carter's Pills, 2 bottles for ‘50 Chase's Pills, 2 bottles for 253 Dodu's Kidney Pills. 30c Williams’ Pink Pills, 3.50. 3 for 81 Ct ase’s Camrmh Cum. 15¢: Agnew‘s Cami-rah Cure, lac Chase's Ointment, 40c Psrfect Eczema. Ointment, 23c Beef,Irnn and Wine. 500 Paine‘s Celery Compound, 67c Hood’s Samaparilm. G70 Aver's Hair Vigour, 65c Luby’s Hair Renewer, 10c Steven Champions Liuiu ml: forRheumatism, 25 PURE DRUGS .3“. CLARK, @ATKINSQN & SWITZERd k wwwmwwwfl E5; ATKINSON & SWITZER m Tweeds, Paintings and Overcoatings. \lew Cheviot Overcoat, in dark ‘grey, blue and black, just the right weight for ordinary wear, made up with best quality imported trim- l mings and a ï¬t guaranteed ............ 3 ‘, One of our ï¬ne imported black clay worsteds, hard or soft ï¬nish, ï¬ne or heavy twill, made up in any style, and ï¬nished with best trimmings... g Neat hair line striped worsted trousers, med- ium weight, all imported goods, made up for $4.50, $5.00. $35.50, $6.00 and $6.50 a pair. Good Canadian tweed suits, in nice shades of grey or brown, with neat check and stripe, per suit ........................ Nothing but the best quality trimmings and best workmanship in connection with the manufacture of our clothes. Tailor-Made Clothing means something that ï¬ts, something that will wear. something that is always comfortable, and something that always looks well. We have an excellent stock of black and c_olored worsteds, Scotch and Canadian Men’s Tailor-Maï¬a {{ICHNI()IÂ¥D 1111414 C. D. DANIEL & CO. Fly Oil to keep flies off your cattle AND PATENT LIEDICINES AT OUT RATE PRICES. (BEE 0 ,. .“Mic ONALD ; Clathing I - Sgt-{OP Condition Powders. all kinds Your nwa Receipts made up Carefully from pure drugs Halpiusf English Condition Powder. 25¢ Kendall's Spavin Cure. 150 Canadian Water-white coal oil. 18¢ a. gal SEWENE WBHINE Fellow's Syrup Hypophosphites, $1 Murdock Bland Bitters. 65c Hese'o‘s Poultry Panacea. 300. ReJ Clover Compound. 650 Lantnyepljne, 750 Flv Puison- ads. 3 for Go Sticky Flv aper. 4 sheets for Se. Epsom Salts,3c1b.. 9 lbs. for 250 Sulphur, 39 1b.. 9lbs. for 250. PIANO, ORGAN, IFVYOU WANT TO BUY A CALL ON OR WRITE \OR Opp. Clyde Hotel