Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1900, p. 1

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VOL. XXIII. AT THE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND BILL, 031‘. THUR SDAY MORNING T. F. McMAHON. Gmduato of the Ontario Veterinary College, with diploma. from the Ontario Veterinary Dental Selma), will visit Maple on Monday and Friday of each week. and Concord on Friday from 1 to 3 p. in. Calls promptly attended to Diseases of 1101305.chth and other domesticat- ed animals treated by the latest and moat, ap- D R. LANGSTAFF. RICHMOND HILL. Diseases 6f homage ed animals treated 1)) proved methods. J. T. McElroy, VETERINARY SURGEON Office Hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 12 to 2 p m.; 7 to 9 p. m. Best fitting lowest Telephone 3368 for appointment. Oddfellow’s B1dg., Toronto, cor. Yonge and College Sbs., Toronto, Remodelled. and One of the most hotels on Ynnge venience. Sum] smvallers. .-\u i( or driving parties to or returning passtbe door. L ‘Vill be in Richmond Hill every \Vednesdzw. Ofiice:â€"â€"Next dour sofith of Public School. Dr. W. Cecil; Rotter, B. DENTIST,- DR. T. A. CURIHE, Dentist, (Successor to Dr. Cecil Trotter) F. J. GALLANOUGH, Calls by telephone from Richmond Hill charged to me. PALMER HOUSE, Cor. Blaor and fipadlna Ave.. Toronto. $1 per annum, in advance.] Room 12, 124 Victoria. St. Toronto. Every Ace-om ‘5 Member College Pbgsiciaus and Surgcena. nt. Ripans 'l‘abulcs cure flatule Ripans Tabules: pleasant X; RICHMOND HILL. DR. L. LAWRASON, VETERINARY DENTIST, RICHMOND HILL, BUSINESS CARDS. RICHMOND 3.1:XPE4E. THOROUGHLY REFITTE fitoloelm: 6lo§pm VETERINARY SURGEON, E112 (gihml IS PUBLISHED EVERY OFFICE HOURS Emma & Pnopnm'ron an. Bogus Demfis’n Thornhill. wttcrinary teeth, also replating, at prices. ' Good work. Wraiml. modation lina Dubl mum. ’IZTTT trav- iir Money to lonn at. 5 per cent Barrister, Solicitor. Notary. sac. Suite 77 and 78 Freehold Loan Build- ings, cor. Adelaide and Victoria Streets, Toronto. LIBERAL Office, Richmond Hill on Saturdays. COMMISSIONER IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUSTICE, &c. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. LENNOX & MORG Barristers, Solicitors, etc. TORONTO OFFICE: No. 1, Adelalde Sh. East. Mr. Cook will he at Maple 011 Thursday afternoon of each week. East Toronto Office, Ml. Grant's residence, Woodbndpe. everv evening. Thombillmach Wednesday from 10 to 12. Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock.etc.,vromptly attended to at reasonable rates. G. R. G-ouldmg. Newton Brook, agent. for the above. License Auctioneers for the County of York,reâ€" spectfully solicit yo.ur patronage and friendly uflueuce, sales nttf‘adeioq thz; sLortest notice NOTARY PUBLIC, Mouev to loan on land and chattel mortgages at. lowest uses. Aurora officeâ€"Removed to the old pos one door west of the entrance Ontario Bunk. Newmnrket oflicoâ€"Three doors south post office. '1‘. HERBERT LENNOX, G. STV. MonGA Aurora. Nev JAS. NEWT’SN and r1 reusonabemtes. PI). Eticu’ess “K313? Licensed Auctioneers for the County of York. Salesutceuded to on shortestuoticeund at res.- sonablerates Pntronagesnlicited. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. General sales of implements. turuiture‘stauding timber. ofic. attended on th e shortest notice and at reasonable rates. Patrouo‘gesoliciced. P. 0. address Maple COOK & MACDONALD MONEY TO LOAN AT 5%. mm," Gfifii‘é‘rg SEEMS SALEM ECKARD’I‘. 168 Wellington Place. Toronto J. T. Saigeon. Maple Licensed A mud Onmr tended to rates. Mortgage and bailifi Residence. Shoufl‘villo. Ont RICHMOND HILL & THORNHILL A Iar Barristers, Solicitors, &c., 25 KING STRE';T WEST. TORONTO. ISSUER MARRIAGE LICENSES, ELGIN NEIEJLfi O STOKES {Ind (Bunkers & Enlbnlm 01's A. G F. LAWRENCE, Barristers and Solicitors. DI. TEEFY. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1900 E®§§3E§39 Ecksu-dt a: Plenlice a! Auctinnearfor the Counties of York '10. Allsnles of farm stock, &c., at- on the shortest notice and reasonable )x'tamge and bailiff sales attended to. sum as a; Elough. VRIGHT BROS stock of Funeral Furnishings kept at both places. K130 STREET EAST. TORONTO J. D. Readman, BUSINESS ' 9 191M! 0%, goon & Mel-Ewen. N. B. 5mm: Joduticn to guests. Board 26mm. PROCTOR Richmond Hill Del In Essentials, Unity ,- & *WOGE To PATENT Baud Ideas THE °"ENT RECORD, Bammore, Md. may be secured by our aid. Address, )the old post office. the entrance to the J. H. ERENTXCE Umonvme Telerhcne 298-1 J. K. McEwen. Weston. RGAN. Newmarket D BLOUGE of the Council met; on Tuesday, Nov. 20, Reeve Quantz in the chair. Other members present, Messrs. Dimma, EcBm-glt.NSummer-feldt, and Sisley. Clerk Stin-r read minutes of re- qions meeting, which were adopte as read. Summerfeldt â€"â€" Sisley â€" that the treasurer pay Simon Baker for keep- ing and taking care of Scott, Graig, in- digent, for 4 weeks at $5 a. week ; also $5 for taking him to the General Hos- pital,_ Tel-untimâ€"Canjqd: Dimmaâ€"Eckardtâ€"that the ay the following accounts : ohn Hickson, repaixs . . . . . . . . Albert Hunt. cedar . . . . . , . . . . . . Wm. Craig, iron and bolts . . . . . James Boyd. dla‘ning . . . . . . . . . A. McPherson, spikes, etc . . . . . J. G. Freeman, cedar . . . . . . . . . J. A. Mitchell. plank . . . . . . . . . . . Jas. Thomas, grading . . . . . . . . . D.& G.HarringLon,pine 85 cedar A. Hisey, repaiiing mad . . . . . . . D. Quantz, repairing bridge A communication was read from J. Henry & Son 1e mad scraperf‘ Sisley â€"- Summerfeldl: â€"- that the treasurer pay Arthur Elsnn $24, John Yake $3, and Tbos. Hargmve $17.67, being for sheep killed and injured by dog or dogs._â€":Carri§_d._ - Sisley â€" Summerfeldt â€"â€" that Mr. Dimma. be commissioner to examine con. 10, opposite lot 12, and if deemed negessary pub in a_culv_eI~t.â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Sunnnerfeldt introduced a. by- law for the commutation of statute labor, which was read a first and a. second time. The by-luw will be sub- mitted to the electors at the January elections. In the meantime the clerk was instructed to arrange with Mr. A. W. Campbell, Provincial Roads In- spector, for a series of meetings to be held throughout the township. Diannaâ€":Eckm-dbâ€"that this council do now adjourn to meet again on Sat- urday, Dec. 15. Miss Frances Brumwell is visiting her brother VValtel'. The Rifle Club will hold their first semi-montth shoot on Saturday next. One of our young men prefers going to Uninnville church instead of our own on Sunday evening. The Cedardale Beef Ring Associa- tion held their annual meeting last Monday evening at, the residence of Mr. Geo. Forester. the following officers being elected zâ€"Presidvnt, R. Frgmcey; Sec’y-Treas., U. P. Bead. A meeting of the officers and friends of the Sabbath School was held on Monday last. The-y decided to hold their annual Christmas Tree in the basement of the church. The funeral of the latr‘ Mrs. \Vm. Lawson took place from her late maxi» deuce on Tuesday morning, to the family burying-ground here. Deceas- ed, who was in her 84th year, was Widely known and highly respected. The husband. who is also well ml- vanced in years, has the sympathy ()f a. large circle of friends and acquaint- ances iu the loss of his help-mute. First, Claw, in sodâ€"l, Frank \Veil- Scarlmm; 2, James Cameron, Vaugll an; 3, Alex. Sterling, Scarboro; 4 Nelson \Vagg, Pickering. Second Class, in sudâ€"1, A Patter son, Seal-hum; 2, Alfred Steers, Scar bore: 3. T1105. Bell, Scarboro; 4, E The follnwing is :1 list: of the prize- winners at the People‘s Plowing Match held on M 1'. W'ehbe-l-‘s farm, Union- ville, on Thursday last; : First, Claw, in sodâ€"1, Frank \Veir, Seal-1mm; 2, James Cameron, Vaugh- People's Plowing Match Jnhx mlle illis Marxham Council. in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- in all things, Charity." Victoria Square 1'0. snd, ux â€"â€"CaI-1-ied. 15 years kham ; $300 t1 eas. Fifth Class. open to all, in stubble l, A. Little, Scarboro; 2, A. McLei Scamhm‘n; 3. F. (Jarruthers, York; Gardhnm me, Markham. Sixth Class. boys under 16, stubbleâ€" l, Robb. Couperthwuite, Markham ; 2, Lyman Kennedy, Scan-born; 3. Ham- iltgn Hagermen, Markham. Boys under 18,' in sodâ€"Begtovcrown of six furrows, J. CoupPI-thwaite ; best finish, Q()uperthwajte._ Best. piowing team and cariaifiofi harness, under 18, open to East Riding of York, J. Couperthwaite. The N. H. R. U. is a, purely philan- thropic- organizatiou for the pnrp0>e of developing a taste for systematic reading among all classes of the com- munity. With this end in view, courses of reading have been arranged to suit the needs of students, general readers and young people of both sexes. These courses are supplement- ed by a. monthly magazine and. book lists drawn up by some or the best read men in England. The fees, in- cluding magazine, are moderate. Special section, $1; general, 50 cents, and Young People’s. 40 Cents, fees 10 cents less in all sections for memhels of circles. These circles, which are highly recommended, are simply read- ing clubs of not less than five people, one acting as leader, with whom the Canadian Secretary corresponds. In these circles books, or parts of them, may be read at home and then dis cussed at weekly or fortnightly meet: ings, or may be read aloud and form part of it social evening’s entertain~ nient. Papers or discussions or the criticism and analysis from the mag- azine may vary the programme. Members may buy their books where they please, but, by ordering them through the secretary, they get a. re- duction and aISO help the Union. So- cieties such as the Y.M.C.A. or Y. W SpeciuT prize,'fi1-st clafqg, in sodâ€" Be‘Et six flll'NH‘VAS, Nelsor} Wagg. Spécial for Boys under 16, stubbleâ€" Best crown of six furrows. R. Coupe1‘- thgnife E bqst finish,R.Cpllpe§§h_waite: The induction of Rev. G. Back is to take place on Thursday, Dec. 6, at St. Paul’s Church on the 7th concession, at 3 p. 111. After the ceremony tea will he sen-Ved in the basement, and in the evening an entertainment will be giyfn. Mr. R. S. Thomson and Mr. H. C. Bailey are going to have their stores lighted by acetylene gas. and expect to_have the plapt in Ellis week. Mrs. A. Sfiunk of Toronto, was vis- iting her father, Mr. H. Franks, over Sqqdag. _ The National Home Readâ€" ing Union. Mr. D. Burgess and Mr. H. C.Bailey started on Monday morning for a week’s rabbit; hunting in the vicinity Beaverton. The family (If Mr. and Mrs. John Cnombs were summoned home last. week to the bedside of the latter who is seriously ill, but slight hopes being entertained of her recovery. The entertainment, at, Hope on New Year’s Day will take the form ofa. fowl dinner, followed by an attractive programme. C.A. can order the books, and often some rich inhabitant of a town might furnish them for a. circle, and after the year’s reading was complete, they might be presented to the Public Lie brary, or go to form the beginning of a, library where one does not already exist. To start branches in a town, public or drawing-room meetings are called, clergymen are asked to interest their congregations, and readers are asked to start circles. Notices in the papers also help to attract the atten- tion of those who might otherwise not know of these courses, and to whom they would offer endless pleasure and profit. No one can be a. constant reader of good books Without becom- ing better and more tolerant. The reading of good books is made easy by the plan adopted by the Union. If a boy or girl reads good books, they will not have time for the bad. If men and women have the life-giving food of a good book at hand, they need not pick up the trash that is so prevalent, and dissipate their moral and mental power on vicious froth. The Union makes the supply of good reading reg- ular and acts as a guide and friendly critic throughout the course. Readers of good books make good men and women, and good men and women make good citizens. Canada needs these men and Women now, our cities need them,our piairies and mountains, mines and farms need them. The National Home Reading Union is certainly a. step in the right direction for the national mental uplifting of (-111' people, and for the promotion of a most delightful kind of education for young and old, rich and poor. For forms of application for membership, subject lists and full information, ap- ply to the Secretary, Mrs. Anson Mc- Kim, 37 McGi-egor St., Montreal. Maple in stubbleâ€" A. iMcLean, Cost nearly $100,000 to produce. Contains nearly 199 full 1page engrav- ings of our Saviour and is Mother by the world’s greatest painters. True copies of the greatest Masterpieces in the art galleries of Europe. Every picture is as beautiful as a sunrise over the hilltops. Contains description of the paintings, biography of the paint- ers, the names and locations of the galleries in Euro e where the originals may be seen. A so contains a child’s department, including a Child’s Story of the Christ and His Mother, beauti- fully written, to fit each picture.- This Wonderful book, matchless in its- purity and beauty, appeals to every mother’s heart, and in every Christian home where there are children the book sells itself. Christian men and women are making money rapidly taking orders. A Christian man or woman can in this communit soon. make $1.000 taking orders for Christ- mas presents. Mrs. Waite, our agent in Massachusetts, has sold over $3,000 worth of the books in avery short time. Mrs. Sackett, our agent New York, has sold over $1,500 worth of the books in a very short time. The book is printed on velvet-finished paper, beautifully bound in Cardinal Red and gold, and adorned with Gold- en Roses and Lilies. It is, without doubt, the most beautiful book of this century. Write for terms quickly, and get the management of that ter- ritory. You can work on salary or commission, and when you prove your success we will promote you to the position of Manager and Correspond- ent, at a permanent salary, to devote your time to attending to agents and the correspondence. Wanted also a. State Manager to have charge of office in leading city of the State and man- age all the business of the State. Send for terms. Addressâ€" THE BRITISHâ€"AMERICAN C0., £21.... § Sanka! Business g Buliege w T JJ : member Emsâ€"5m Wm The nice thing about it; is tlm may enter our School at any tin] receive from our Ten capable TH that individual instruction am sonal care so necessary for ymu cess. “Him for our circulars :- rate, and get some particulars. dress Yonge and Gerrard Sts., Toronto. D-tf am Corcomn Buildin , opposite U. S Treasury, Was ingLon, D. C. Will bring a Splendid Contingent of Young Men and \Vomen into the several Departments of the The Our Saviour in Art. T9 RENE [Single copies, 3 cts asidence immediately h Schnnl. Apply to JAMES NEWT( ‘V. H. SHA‘V, Principal. TORONTO. gaitâ€"3521a: No. 22 11th of t ynu 1e and [Chel'S I per- 1‘ Sue- b any Ad-

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