A contributing cause of the expense of making machinery is the costliness nf “ the machines which make ma- shines." These are known as "tools," and the makers are “tool-makers.†From £200 to £1,000 is the range of (prions for "tools" on the list of a Cannes Which Tom: in Rnlse line (‘05! of ï¬achlno llnklnz. '.A great and damaging defect was noted at the Paris exposition among the triumphs of mechanical ingenuity and that is without exception that machines of all kinds are too dear, says the London Spectator. In France the masters prefer to sell a few mn- uhinea dear rather than many at a lower price. Trade union rules in England which restrict the number of hours of work or limit the output show something of the same spirit. Add to this the objection of the master Senï¬fally to turning out anything but the best workâ€"which is highly credit- able, and We find the nucleus} of a con- siderable body of opposition to one of the great and pressing needs of *he day. The difficulty is evidently beyond the financial capacity of modern meâ€" chanical manufacturers. The result has been that while material of most kinds remains cheap and becomes cheaper, the machinery to convert it remains dear and lessens the benefit of the cheap raw material. High wages are the cause most often urg- ed for the prohibitive price of meâ€" chanical appliance: But this can not be maintained as the reason. The Oldham cotton spinners are among the most flourishing \mrkingmen in Eng- land, but the article they manufac- ture is so inexpensive that the poor- est and most frugal nations on earth buy it. Recently the natives of parts of central Africa, where cotton is in- digenous, ceased to grow it or to make the cloth. It was cheaper to buy what was made by the highly paid operators of Lancashire. Clearly high wages do not necessarily mean that the article produced MUST BE DEAR. The reason for the dearness of ma- chinery clearly lies elsewhere. It is not because there is no demand for it. Mowing machines and sowing ma- chines, mainly for domestic use,might be quoted as instances~though we are far from regarding either as coming up to the standard of really cheap machinery. - There is, in fact, only one machine which is made really cheap, and good -the watch. But the watch is a high- ly valuable and instructive instance, so by all means let us make the most of it. All the arguments by which manufacturers say you cannot, will not and shall not have'acheap, self- binding reaper, or a. cheap steam digâ€" ger, or a fifty-guinea autocar, or en- gines for a launch, that shall not cost more than if they were cast in silver, were used against the men who said they could make watchâ€" es. Fifty years ago a keyless stop- watch, in which the parts of seconds could be measured, and the hands stop- ped quickly enough to time the flight of a. bird, would have cost not less than £30. Today one can be bought for £1. It is true that the case is gun-metal. But the machine is good enough for use. And it costs one-thir- tieth of what it did fifty years ago. That is the kind of thing we mean when we speak of cheap machinery.. A case in which the same treatment might yield enormous results to-day is that of the self-binding reaper, The first reaping machine cost £70. The most modern self-binder now costs about £35. That is a reduction of one- half since the invention appeared. Practically every one who farms would buy a reaper, often many reapers, if they were cheap. But the price, con- sidering all things, is simply extrav- agant. The raw material for them, as for most machinery. is In the ingot and the plank prob- ably the whole could be bought for a couple of sovereigns. \Vith fifteen times the cost of the material added, can we call this a cheap machine? If it were, it would cost about £8 or £10. Yet that would be only areduc- tion to about oneâ€"quarter of the preâ€" sent price. The " working " watch has been reduced to one-thirtieth. But supposing a reduction all round to oneâ€"quarter of the present price, let us say, for farming machinery, or for locomotives on reads, effected solely by brains and organization, as was the reduction in the price of the watch. What a decrease in the labor bills and profit to the farmer would result] It might mean the re-estab- lishment of English agriculture and an era of prosperity like that intro- duced by steam and coal sixty years VERY INEXPENSI VE. It is wood, iron and steel. ago. NEED OF CHEAP MACHINERY. \Vhat is wanted is a tool which can cut steel like wood, and do it cheaply. It is said that at Paris one which fulfilled the first' condition was ex- hibited. It is noted in nearly all ma- chineâ€"making that there is a luxury of finish, a downright wastefulness of strength, polish and even of what the makers consider ornamental, which is not practical. Almost the earliest ma- chine in which educated Englishmen took any interest was the sporting gun. It was long before any respectâ€" able gun-maker would condescend to do what the Belgians of Liege, and later the manufacturers of Birming- ham. contrived to do, to turnâ€" out a quite serviceable gun for £6 instead of £40. When a future Gladstone arises to revise our system of rating, to re- adjust burdens, and, where possible to remove mischievous taxes, he may be trusted to give early attention to the impost, recent in date, but an- tiquated in spirit, which taxes the machiner which makes machines. All Japan teas are colored. prominent firm. The work turned out is perfect. But there is a great tendâ€" ency to extravagance of finish in non- essentials in the results. " An American gunner, named Mit- chell, of the United States Legation Guard of Marines. proposed to make a small cannon out of an old British Legation pump. A number of Chi- nese converts, refugees in the British Legation, together with a few mar- ines, were Sent to shops within the 'linee’ to find materials and tools wherewith to bring about the neces- sary conversion of the pump. While they were foraging in a deserted blacksmith’s shop, they discovered, to their intense joy and surprise, an old cannon of Chinese manufacture, and brought it home, amidst the shouts of the besieged. flow the lnII-rnnllonal Gun Saved Ihe Day at l'eiiln. This interesting account of the now famous international gun at Pekin, known as "Our Betsy,†is pub- lished in the London Standard:â€" "‘ Betsy,‘ was mounted on an Italâ€" ban gun carriage; Chinese gunpowder formed the charge; Russian shells were fired, and the American gunner, Mitchell, fired the gun. Unfortunate- ly, on the day before the troops ar- rived, this very capable gunner was seriously wounded in the arm by a bullet from the enemy‘s fire. " The next trouble was suitable ammunition. When the Russians left their legation in more or less of a panic, they threw some shells they had in their possession into a well to prevent their possibly falling into the hands of the Chinese. These were fished out and adapted, after a lot of skill and ingenuity, to meet the con- tingency. Other ammunition was made out of pewter eandlesticks and temple-vessels of every description, looted from a temple within the ' lines.’ The manufacture of this am- munition was under the superintend- ence of one of the British marines. "Possibly they imagined that by some means or other the Legation de- fenders had been reinforced by abig battery of artillery, seeing that 'Bet- sy,’ was constantly being moved from one position to another and during the first days of the siege there was an entire absence of anything of the nature of heavy tiring from the Eyro- peans. " Although it was not by any means a formidable weapon, the excessively loud report therefrom usually struck oonsternation into the hearts of the Chinese soldiers, with the inevitable result that they quilted their posi- tion as quickly as possible when ‘Betâ€" sy’ was brought to bear upon them. “‘ One night, when the French Le- gation, the eastern limit of the lines of defence, was hard pressed, ‘Betsy' wns'taken over and put; into operation there, with the result that the at- tacking Chinese soon scattered in all directions. " 0n the memorable night before the relief force arrived when the Chinese made their most vigorous attack of all, the defenders had in operation ev- ery single gun that could be muster- edâ€"‘ Betsy,’ the British Nordenfelt quick-firing gun. brought up by the Marine Guard, the American Colt quick-firer, the Italian one-pounder, and the Austrian machineâ€"gun. "' Betsy ‘ was so named {after Lady VOCIFEROUS “ BETSY." CEY LON GREEN TEA is pure and uncolored‘ “ How young the well-dressed wom- en of 45 or 51) look, how free. from care and responsibility. There is no single detached word in our language large enough to express the complex impression made by these straying matrons of high fashion. The imme- diate sense of wealth, of habitual self- indulgence, of custom to command; the unmistakable expectation of be- ing obsequiously waited upon, which brings a head waiter as surely as a familiar whistle calls a dogâ€"all this is intensely amusing, and to the Wom- an devoid of footinan and lady‘s maid makes an interesting study. Environ- ment has certainly made grand dames of these ladies, without doubt or con- troversy. l " And the maidens, typical, high- ic’lass young women of the last cen- 'tury, what a strange development they are from the circumstances, the traditions and the opinions of their grandmothers! Straight, athletic and undisturbed by crowds, or pushing, half-discourteous men, how loudly they laugh, how distinctly and free- ly they talk, of the senspn, of dress, of the coming wedding, or the last broken engagement. How brown they are, especially their hands, brilliant with dazzling rings, and how rough and unkempt their hair! What cur- ious, fanciful clothes they wear, and what wonderful combs and buckles. And if she chances to lunch next a trio of these very independent young girls 110 elderly woman will fail to be surprised at what they eat, while they laugh and chaff each’ other like schoolboys and restlessly put up their hands to press uncertain combs into their loose rolls of fluffy hair. They are fine specimens of physical health, with firm shoulders and quite astonishing, muscular arms, but they are not fascinating, nor does the new alert, commanding manner MacDonald. This interesting gun will (probably find a. home in the British Legation. although the Americans lay claim to it on the score of its being found by Mitchell and fired by him." A Gorznous Drscrlpllnn of Her inf-I'M Au observant writer has this to say with reference to the modern wom- charm.†lA' marriage took place at a little country church, the couple being eld- erly people. The man was very deaf, so deaf that he could not hear unless someone shouted in his ear. So when the clergyman read the words: " Wilt than have this Woman to be thy wedded wife E†etc, the old man did not understand a word the clergy- man said, but turned to his intendâ€" ed and asked: \Vhat do he say? re- ferring to the parson. Whereupon the woman shouted into his ear: He wants to know if you‘ll ha’ me for your wedded wife. The old man looked lovingly at his intended and exclaimed: .Why, sartingly, Mary dear ; now, didn‘t I tell ya so the other night? edï¬â€™s Kimmy Pins 2m mm“ 43% THE {\IODziEiN WOMAN. Ion and Her 6. we. HE TOLD HER Darling, he said, dreamily, voicing [his thoughts, it is incomprehensible ito me how they can get up such a. icrib as that for half a guinea. Soon after Singleton‘s first baby was born Mrs. Singleton went up- stairs one evening and entered the room where her darling lay asleep. There she found her husband stand- ing by the side of the crib and gazing earnestly at the child. As she stood still for a moment, touched by Ehe sight, the tears filled her eyes, and she thought: ‘ WHAT HE WAS THINKING ABOUT Her arms stole softly around his neck, as she rubbed her cheek caress- ingly against his shoulder. Singleton started slightly at the touch. The Milkmnnâ€"Of courao lhave. I don’t k-eep nothin’ but blue-blooded Ladies of Canada The Tens of Ceylon and India are the best and purest the world pru- duces. Already the Black Teas of these colonies have captured the Cana- dian market The Green is now fast displacing Japan‘s colored article. Quality and sentiment. unite to re- commend it. Canadian: ladies who drink Japan tea should\ help the Bri-; tis‘h planter by drinking Ceylon green? tea, Blue Ribbon, Monsoon and Salada packets are ready tor you. CO\VS InteI-mutual trade is the true basis of the federation of the Empire. So far as possLbIe. onoe colony should con- sume the produce of another. Canadians and India and Ceylon tea ca. About 10 per cent. of the latter planters fought side by side in Afri- volunteered for the war. NATURALLY. " Did you know there are minute parasites in all of man’s blood ves- sels 2" Rube. Well“ Mandy, hyar we be In town. Anything ye wanter see, par- tickler? Mandy. My land] Rube. I joss would love tow go thrOugh the money market. Th-e. Ladyâ€"You’ve been bringing us pretty blue milk lately. Trampâ€"No; but I’ll do half. “ Say, they must feel as if they had lived in vein." Take Laxative Bromu Quiniue Tablets. All druggiau refund the money 1: il. fails to onto. 15. W. Grovel‘ signature is on embbnx. 250 Lady--Are you willing to saw wood if [give your dinner? The readers of this aper will be pleased to learn :hut there is at east one dreaded disease that; science has been able to cure in all its stauea and that is Caturrli. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to Liiemedioal iralernity. Catnrrh being a conq- titutional dincaee, require: a constitutional tremmenr. Hall's Catarrh Cure i-s [ak‘ n intezu Dally. acting directly upon the b-cod and mucous surfaces vi the system, thereby dew Lroyiug the foundation of the disea-w. and giving the patient, strength by building up the cr nszitution and assisting nature in doimz in; work. The proprietors have so much Faith in its curative powers, that. they offer one Hun- dred Dollars for uny caso that. it fails to cure. Send for Ma ofitesjirrnioriialq. Lawyerâ€"You say you were in the saloon at the time of the assault re- ferred to in the complaint. \Vitneasâ€"I was, sir. Lawyerâ€"Did you take cognizance of the barkeeper at the time? MR8 WINSLOW’S SOOT HING SYRUP has been used by mozhersfor their children teethmg. 1n Beaches the ch-ld. softens the gums. mlayapaln. cu: es wind co 1:! undi a the best. remedy for diarrhoea, 25c a bottle. Sold by all druggists mmughouh the world. Be sure and ask for “Mrs. Winslow's Suozhing Syrup." The Dawson Commission Co, Limited, Toronto. Sold by dru gis‘e. 75c. Hull‘s Faun y Pills are the bean Ladyâ€"The. other half of what? Tramp-The. adage. I’ll say nothing. Oh, how dearly Charles Loves that Pollclu flay Change. Oplnlons May Change. but one Ohlnl am never ohms-I. that is the quality of CEYLON TEA. it always remains the best. 1'0 CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY SPLITTING THE ADAGE I’R ACTH‘AL PATRIOT EASILY EXPLA INED FOR OVER FIFTY YEARS Pouatry, Butter, Eggs and other Produce $100 Reward, $103. H ER. ONE DESIRE lfyou have any correspond with us. We want I00 OARLOADS to supply our tr adc. FgJ; cgENEY s: 00., Toledo 0. Colonist. the other VERY ‘A PPROPRIATE. “My dear,†said Meeker to his better half, on observing new striped hose on his youthful son and heir, "why have you made barber poles of Johnnie'l legs ‘3“ “Well. why not 7" retorted Mrs. G. "Isn‘t he alitfle shaver 1" Artistâ€"VVill you permit me to paint thgt boat of yours? Absent-minded Visitorâ€"I should think you ought to have something done for it. “7 P C I052 The Otherâ€"You can tar ‘er if likeâ€"she don‘t want no paint. For all skin ailments. J. c. Calvert & 80., Manohastcr, England Fatherâ€"Do! you think I» ought to have my daughter‘s voice cultivated? V MONTRIAL HOTIL DmiOYORV. The “ Balmoral," Free Bus ‘ AVEï¬UE HOUSEâ€"3:233:92?“ fw‘ietallic ceilings Sausage caalngsâ€"New importation: ï¬ne-s English 'hggp 9nd A113 ' Hog ' ‘ Jaws“ ï¬gm'pxices'. PARK, BLchivTrJLLt coffï¬ï¬Ã©iï¬Ã©â€™ Music Yaachers Wanted The ‘flanada Permanent AND WESTERN CANADA MiRTGAGE GORPBRATI‘JN. Toronto Street, Toronto. CALVERT’S CARBOLIG CENTMENT. Lion. THE: QUEEN CITY OIL 00.. 1.1mm“. Sam'l Boxers. Fresh. Toronto All yauldulu fo-rit ‘ Books Roaarlos cru- catholnc Prayer ma“, “wanâ€. Rahgious Pictures. Statuary. and Church Ornaments: Educational \Volks.‘ Mu' eyejvj pygmy}. an} n. Cleaning and Curling Ind Kid Gloves clean“ Thou can bn sent by post. 10 par oz. the best. place is It is not necessary to wait till you have a considerable amount to make u. commence- ment. \Ve accept small sums on depnsit and allow interest at 3.1: per cont. per annum, payable half-yearly. BRITISH AMEMCAN DYEING GO. Public and High Schools. anontol. Rooï¬n; Felt, Pltc . (‘oul Tar. etc, ROOFING TILE (Sea New City Build- ings. Toronto, doughy our ï¬rm). Metal Ceilings, Cur- nices, etc. Estimates furnished (or work com ‘uete or for materials shippul to any put. of [he rountl‘y. hone 1963. a. DUTHIE a SONS.AdaInldo EWIdmerlta, Toronto Some of our Best Deposit Accounts were begun in a modest way. By adding small sums at regular intervals, and by the necumulation of interest, they have grown till they now Show handsome balances. " ON!" POUND CAKES " FOB IE 31758143801113 USE MILLS, Ba} Removed t Richmo FEATHER DYEING 9200539“: and Sheet Metal Works. ROOFING SLATE. in Black. 138deer .SM'NEB.I:N‘KBO&RDS~ me will! From Smail Beginnings , laundry, W 3511'â€: (Ilqthos, l'oning. Belling Prue": In Load Pnokota 16, so, 40. so and 600. EPPS’S ORATEFUL* 00M FORTING. TH E MOST NUTRITIOUB- BREAKFASTâ€"SUPPER. D. & a. slounn & co..‘ Mon‘treal. PARLFF'INE OBLIGING Eérrixteh‘. etc. Removed to Wesley Buildlngl. RichmondSc. W.. Torunto. MILLS, MILLS l: HALES .Pl ' Free Bus :3“; :MoGlll 10.11;... ‘ Augie '93-‘11} EB]: 11»: i To and for our Complete nata- ltmue If shoot 7: u do and look. with smolnl rats- of discount. WMALEY, ROYCE & Go. 158 Vongo St. Toronto, onk Bought: aru. 123 Adelaldt m i‘orunco. V Unl-