Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1900, p. 4

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Upon the principles apparently that the false may be made to ap- pear the truth if only it is reiterated 1 with sufficient persistency, Opposition papers are working twenty-four hours i a day to convince the people that the l Government owes its renewal of power to the Frenchâ€"Canadian vote of Quebec, and that Ontario and the other English-speaking Provinces have recorded an adverse verdict. Such a statement, however, will not survive investigation. Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island in the east, have each largely increased the number of Govâ€" crnment supporteis returned, and the west sends back more Liberals than I it did before. The next day after? the elections The World printedi { across its front page in large lettersl “ Quebec against the rest of the Do- minion." It would be more appro-t priate to say “ Ontario against the rest-Lt the Dominion." ' ‘ The paper further states that “ the Conservative party will not stand by and tolerate the flagrant outrage which has been perpetrated.” The“fiugrant outrage"is thata large majority of the French Canadians in Quebec voted for Mr. Laurier in pre» ference to Sir Charles Tupper. In view of Sir Wilfrid’s past record his fellow-countrymen can well be par- doned for the crime l?) committed on the 7th of November. “The result is that the minority which bears a strong anti-British complexion, rules the land, and that Laui‘ier and Tarte control our nation- al affairs and our treasury as the chosen mouthpieces of bigotry, sec- tionalism, and race greed.” As soon as the General Elections were over on the 7th of November it was immediately spread abroad that there was no desire on the part of Conservatives to perpetuate the “ Race Cry” in this country. This is always said after the elections are over, but during the campaign there is little to show that the olive branch is thrown out to the French-Cana- dians as an emblem of peace. Just now there is an election pending in British Columbia, and the following quotations are taken from the Con- servative Rossland Record, bearing on the French vote in the General Elections :â€" The Liberal papers are not un- l'naturally reminding Mr. H. H. Cook 'that his exceedingly serious charge that he had been offered a seat in 'the Canadian Senate for $10,000 cash, is still before the public upon "his unsupported word, and without even an attempt at proof in the face of the Premier’s most specific and categorical denial. Opposition papers do not appear to be at all anxious to look into the matter further, but say that Mr. Cook has offered to produce his evidence before a Senate com- mittee if one is appointed. That is all very well. Mr. Cook will no doubt be given all the opportunity‘ 1he wants in that direction, but it will lbe two or three months at least be- ‘ fore such a committee could possibly meet and the recognized rules of common justice and decency demand that no time should be lost in either 'ce‘st‘ablishing the charge or clearing? the reputation of those whom Mr. Cook’s action places under suspicion. In the meantime the impression is daily becoming more irresistible that had Mr. COUK’s allegation been any- thing more than a rather clumsy at- tempt to injure the Government on the eve of the election, and had there been any evidence, documentary or otherwise, in proof thereof, it would have been made public long ago. RICHMOND Novembez 29, 1900 Change- [-1. C. Bailey. Ohange- Imperial Oil Co‘ ii'he iiilaerztl.; New Advertisements. THE RACE CRY. PROOF WANTED. B‘or Sale. Fimt-class Beech and Maple deliver ed on the shortest notice; itpglyjqi New Fall Fashion Plate Now on View. GOAL ’& "WOQD Call and examine my carefully select: ed :Issnrtment of Tweeds, Serges, Fancy “Ru-sheds and Trouserings. This result; is attained in all orders placed with AnyFlom-wikl make Bread, but we will guarantee And a good at bicle at a wwwmege; wagevrmwm In obtaining rl‘here is It is a high attainment in politeness to allow others to be mistaken. Leta trifling misstatement pass unnoticed Where no principle is involved. and when a mistake is past remedy it is best to let the subject drop. The ar- gument of the “ I told you so” char- acter is always quite superfluousâ€" Mi's. Burton Kingslzmd in the De- cember Ladies’ Home Journal. Toronto’s “ Big Ben ” was on Mon- day placed in position in the City Hull tower, 225 feet from the giuund. The bell weighs six tons. I Mr. McCall, Liberal, has been de- clared elected by acclamatiun to a. ‘seat in the House of Commons for the 1 District, of Nipissing. A fatal hunting accident occurred near Stouffville on Monday, in which a. man named McMulden shut the top off his brother’s head, instantly killing him: McMullen was shunting a rabbit, over a mound beside which was his brother, who rose up and received the full charge of shot. The coroner, Dr. Snngster, decided that an inquest, was unnecessary. I The Canadian Produce Co. of To- ronto, (m the 22nd inst. received an order fmm Gleat Britain for ten ton of Canadian chicken. This order was obtained from a sample of a few hun- di-en pounds sent six works ago. This is the largest order for Canadian chickens everreceived, and is a good start for a new Canadian industry. Something real choice in neckwem-, collars, gloves, hosé, huts, caps and in fact almost everything in men’s fu1'~ nishings. Atkinson & Switzer. 5533': fififlfi fififidfififi Ripaus Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. It is not necessmy to go away {or your furs as we are in :1 position lo give you the bpst 'vulue in furs that. can he had anywhere. Atkinson and Switzer. Special for this weék, any of our 25c. bhspenders in all the newest patterns, for 23c. a. pair. Atkinson 8; Switzer. The World says that a majority of the York Township Council favor a Proposition to remove “the township 1{iilllland oflices from Eglinton to York 1 s. A. J. 'Hume, Tailor, Richmond Hill. Honest Work ian man or woman to $ look after our grow- ing business in this and adjoin- ing Counties ; to act as Manager and Correspondent; work can be done at, your home. Enclose St’lfâ€"ilddr‘PSSPd,Stfl mped envelope for particulars to H. A. Sher- man. General Manager, 7or'cnr- an Building, opposite United States Treasury, Washington, n" $903 Terms Cash. Satisfaction LOW Price. News Notes. .\\'\‘.\‘.M x Z\\‘; YEARLY to Christ- \V. R. PROCTOR fl The G1'eat English Remedy. Sold and recommended by a: druggists in Canada. 011137 reli able medicine discovere . SE ~ . - fackagcs guaranleed to cure 9.! forms of S xna Weakness. all effects of abufi or excess, Mental Worry. Excessive use of To bacoo. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on recelpl of prgce. one ackage 31. six. $5. One will munu elite. ampl‘xlgts tree to any addreg‘s.c __. .u.,;_,_ [3 Wood's Pbosphodine is flnfd in Richmogd Hill by \Y. A. Sandersonflrtggzat. MM Afler. Consisting of ten rooms. with one acre of good lund, well and two cisten‘s, hennerv. cow sheds, stabie for two horses] 8.11 up-to-dute and In first class condition. A mre chance to purchase a good home at a. Inommal cost. Terms reason able. Apply to la-tf -W. R. PROCTOR In the Village of Eichmond H111, Modern Brick Dwelling 1 Gladstone Carriagefl seats, pole and shafts’ bob-sleigh attachment. 2 Set Single Harness. 1 Set, Double Harness. 2 String of Bells. Sale rooms in his stable at the rear of drug store. cur. Yonge and Centre Sts. lZâ€"tf By J. H. Sanderson, V. S., 1 House and‘Lot opposite the High School on Yonge Street. > Assures on all the modern plans, and is qne of the most prosperous and progresswe companies in existence. Premius low, policies unconditional and nonfurfeitable. Take a policy with the districf. agent, LIBERAL OFFICE. THE SUN Life Assurance Co. THE - LIBERAL Of Toronto, Canadaâ€"the coming com- pany for the farmers of ank 00. Business Solicited. GORE, ()F GALT. Manchester, of London,Eng., BRITISH AMERICA, J. T. SAIGEON, T. F. MCMAHON. Give M Lime 8H. An engineer on alncomntive oils his engine several times ovm-y day â€"and the engine “ rvsts " half of every day. Your watch runs day 11nd night continuously ; but, when did you have it nilvd P Are the de- llmt/e pivots grinding away (m (l'ry jewels to thvir destruction? Are watches so cheap that you can alf- fnrd to have yours lose all its glmd timekeoping virtue- by neglect? Bring your Watch In me bc-fm'e the injurv goes any further. Tin-re nmy he excuse for its pnn‘r per- formance of late. I will examine it, and congratulate you ifit needs no attention, and if it does, you shall pay for no more than is nec- essary t9 restore it to peffect, health Agent for the following stock Fire Insurance Companies, viz.: YORK MUTUAL, Sub scribe for FOR SALE 0F TORONTO, CAN A‘DA. â€"ALSOâ€"â€" FOR SALE ifie W‘JJE'EEnSian'i. “infigfida A First'claas Cash Mutual. Bichm on G] Hill IVIA13I..E OF CANADA. f- Wood’e Phosphodine, JERRY SMITH, Practical VVatchma-ker. RICH MOND HluI llRepairs for all kinds of Machinery The. Standaré. Eat-11a]. Fire Insult-w ance Company, Jacob Egg}: and. Son, " Headlight Lance tooth cross out saw is Without doubt the fastest cutting cross cut saw made, is 4 guages thinner on the back than tne front, every saw guaranteed, only 500. per foot. Lanterns, the cold-blast, one of the best lanterns made, usually sold for 75c., our price, 65c. each. C. MASON, A purely Farmers’ Company, luad office, Markham, Ont. WELEENS 65 CO. Just opened out some nice lines in Purses, Watch Chains, Rings, Pocket Knives, Pipes and Stick Pins suitable for Holiday Gifts. Eoliday Peeple’s Life insurance Company, Lined \thel- Mitts, only 250. per pair. Alarm Clocks, fully guarranteed, only 75c. each. Head Office. Confederation Life. Bldg , Toronto; and 166 and 168 King St. East, 3 doors west of Ggorge Street,"-Poronto. Richmond Hill Hardware Store Resiclence, Richmond Hill, Gaods WSLKENS & 00.. For particulars call on the agent H. C. BAELEY, MAPLE. AGENTS FOR THE Any customer presenting this Coupon and 250. at our store on Saturday, Dec. 1. Will receive 2 1-2 lbs. cleaned cur- rants. No. 51. Repairing Promptly Done Richmond Hill Which he will sell at, rock bot- tom prices for cash. Also Stove Pipes. Elbows, and Stoves of all kinds. All kinds of Hardware, Tinware and everything in the tin and hardware line cheap. Imaariai fourd 0. Mason has on hund‘ his stock of

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