The qunin Herald ; Star of Montreal, never :2 poor prenuum pictures paper. The pictures this geptioxmlly good. The eeptioually good. The one is the famous Hoffman’s “Christ in the Temple,†the other is entitled " Home from the \Vur,†a pleasing ineldeut of the South African campaign. The ï¬rst named, especially, is a wonderful study. and is perhaps the best ever issued by this ï¬rm. Both pictures go with The \Veekly Star for 2!. yezu‘, all for $1.00. Order at. THE LIBERAL oï¬ice, and call and see the pictures. We Sell:slilen:lid coffee for 20c. 8. 1b., no better to he had elsewhere for 25¢. Atkinson & Switzer. ‘POSTPONED TILL TUESDAY. 1441‘. \V. P. Beckie, B. A., wlm was to have shown a large number of colur- ed stereopticnn views, accompanied by zilecture on “The Holy Land," last evening in the Masonic Hull.,.has post- Poned his entertainment, until next .l‘uesduy evening. The lecturer. has recently spout six months in Palestine and therefore lumw‘s well the place, the people and their customs. Enter- tainment; will cmmnenée at 8 o'clock. Admission, 15 cents; children, 10. Cnpco flouting soap, 5c Richald‘s casLilo toiled, 2 cz: Atkinson & Switzer. A curlers’ meeting is called for Sat- .ui-day evening to he held in the Coun- cil Chamber at 8.30, to receive the auditors' report for the past year, re- organize, and elect ofï¬cers for the coming curling season. All interested should attend this meeting. ‘During one of the sessions of the County Council last week it, was sug- gesfed by one of the councillors that, the Metropolitan Management be reâ€" quested’ to cushion the seats in the cars. If the above suggestion be act- ed upon it will add greatly to the calm fort of those travellers who are forâ€" tunate enough to secure a seat. The umrmagewf Mr. John 33:11! and Miss Bertha Usher, both of Edgely. was celebrated in the Lutheran Pur- snnage on \Vodnesduy 0f last-wm'k. The groomsnmn was Mr. H. Kai-fer, and Miss Hilty actedï¬s bridesmaid. L'l‘he bx-idezmd groom afterwards left- un :1. western trip. Boots and Shoesâ€"Fuotweux- for cold and wet; weather; our prices are right; We sell for cash. Naughton Bros“ Elgin Mills. .VVe please those who want the best â€"3 cans each Aylmel- tomatoes, corn and pens for 250. Atkinson & Switzer. If its not good we’ll make it goodâ€" {Jentreville kippered herring, 100.; Lynx salmon, 14c. Atkinson and Switzer. Excellent pictures, about 18 x 24 inches, suitable for framing, may be bad at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce, at 10 and 15 cents a piece, of the fullnwing noted personszâ€"h'er Majesty, Queen Vic- toria; Field Mui'shal Roberts; Sir rYilfx-id Lnurier, and Major-General 'Lord Kitchener. A chance for youâ€"l7 bars Happy Home soap for 500. Atkinson and Switzer. The Weston School Board tising for a. principal and am for their High School. Hon. E. J. Davis, Commissioner of (Jr-own Lands, will deliver an address at vbhe annual meeting of the East York Reform Association to be held at Uniuuville next, Monday afternoon, the 3rd of December. Look well because they are rightâ€"â€" gents' heavy wool 300. sox for 25c. Atkinson & Switzet. Read P. G, Suyage’scbange of adv. this week relative to claims against the Confederation Life Association be- ing promptly paid to the wives or {am- ilies of those whose lives were insured. Patterson chocolates and hon buns fresh and swert. Atkiusnu & Switzer. Wbe Christmas Glnhe will be out next Week. An early order at THE LIBERAL ofï¬ce may swzure a copy. 'vy Lodge, A. G. U. W., on Tuesday warning (lunatvd $5 to assist, in liqui- dumnr the debt nu the Hospital fur Sic/k Ehfldreu. Txuwmtn. Mr. Vanhm-ne, who for many years drove the mail from Thurnhill to T0- I'unto, died in the Home for Incurables on Sunday. The interment took place in t‘he Heudfm-d burying-ground yes- Goods that back up our statements â€"Farinnsa, 150. a package; Malt Breakfast, Food, 15c. Atkinson and Switzer. RICHMOND HILL, November See our range- of ladios’ \‘OStS at 15. 17. 20, 2.3, 25:1nd 40c. Atkinson and Switzer. Messrs. D. Hill 8: Cu. sold two acetylene gas machines in Maple dur- ing the past week. ‘ Heinz's spiced mixed pickles in bqu 150. qt. Atkinson & Switzcr. Regu'lzu' monthly meeting of {he Fire Brigade on Mnndny evening. it‘d fly. EAUTIFUL L()(L‘ A145. A GOOD IDEA. T0 CURLERS aberal. a? PICTURE 11d and Weekly verseud out any ures with their this yezu‘m'e ex- The one is the cakes is zldvel- assistant 29, 1930 cake ; for 50. “Sistine Madonna. and Chilt.†This great. picture has, by permission, been specially copied and reproduced on heavy paper, size 22x30, in all the Col- ors and beauty of the original, and is given with this year’s Toronto Satur- day Night’s Christmas Number. “The Modern Madonna,†admittedly the most beautiful picture ever made by photography, has also been reproduc- ed, size 16x21, and is gis’en as smother premium with the most beautiful book ever issued in Canada, full of stories, poems and artistic illustra- tions, some of the pictures occupying full pages. A boy’s picture, “ An 1111- promptu Speech†is also in colors, and “ Don’t Cry Mumma,†is the most touching picture of the home of a missing Canadian soldier yet produced. The whole sixty pages are original, bright, clean and tvpiczll of Canada. The whole sixty page-s are; original, bright, clean and typical of Canada, as also is the title cover. which depicts, in six colnrs, an Indian lmy plucking feathers from a king turkey of the forest which he has slain. Ordered once, for nothing as good has ever be- fore been offered in Canada. and last year’s Saturday Night‘s (‘hristnms was sold out within three days of its publication. Price 50 cents, in tubes ready for mailing. At all newsdealers, 01‘ from the Sheppard Publishing 00., Limited. Toronto. ' The annle meeting of the Conser- vatives nf Markham tuwnship will he I held at, Unionville on Tuesday. the 4th of December, when nï¬icexs will be elected and other business transacted. In the awning Lhe friends uf “H F. Much-an, M. P., will tender him a. banqth iltv the Queen‘s Hotel. We are informed that Mr. A. G. Gilbert, the manager of the great poultry department of the Govern- ment Agricultural Farm at Ottawa, has been engaged for the coming year to continue his department, “ Practical Poultry," in that handsome magazine, the Cauadinn Poultry Review. Other departments in the paper are “Tur- keys, Ducks and Geese,†“ Bantams,†“ Poultry Ailments," "Incubators and Bronders,†and‘“ With Uncle Sam.â€- The editor says it will be bigger and better than ever, and as it is now in its 22nd year, we believe him. This journal is well illustrated, full of prac- tical knowledge. written by experts, and at the yearly subscription of 500., is ridiculously cheap, Low as it is, however, readers of this paper can get it at a. special rate of three years for $1. A sample will he sent free by ad- dressing Canadian Poultry (Review. Toronto, Ont.; but the shortest and best way is to send $1 for three years. In the Dresden Gallery in Germany hangs the most valuable picture in the “‘01-'1sz (\VRI-t‘h $500,0Q0)l,__ __1:§zyph§¢l‘s ALIVE AND WELL. Mrs. Annie Schell of this village has spent many an anxious day during the past year. Her son George left Rich- mond Hill on New Year’s Night to go with the artillery, second contingent, to South Africa. The anxious mother afterwards learned through the news- papers that he was in the hospital at Quebec, suflering from tonsilitis. Alâ€"' though she wrote many letters and. made enquiries from every person likely to give any information, she heard not a Word from or about him until Monday last. On that day a letter came from George, written on the 18th of October, saying that he was well, and hoped soon toretnrn from the war, as he was anxious to again test his mother’s pie. He said he. had written several letters before, but never received any news from home. Our citizens all rejoice with Mrs. Schell on hearing the news that her boy is alive and well. The Public Library Board have made a few changes of magazines and peri- odicals to be sent, to the Reading Room. The list as revised contains three daily newspapers. six weekly county-papers, the Delineator, Muns ey’s Ma azine, Scientiï¬c American, Toronto ‘aturday Night,Young Ladies’ Journal, Ladies’ Home. Journal, The Quiver, Sunday at, Home, Leisure Hour, Review of Reviews, Canadian Magazine, Harper’s Magazine, Frank Leslie’s popular Monthly, the comic paper Judge-LCUSHIUPOIitan, Metropol- itan. McClure’s Magazine, Pearson's Magazine, The Strand, Farmers’ Ad- vocate, etc. The Christmas Numbers include Illustrated London News, The Graphic, Puck, Saturday Night and Globe. Non-resident tickets, 50 cents, good to the end (If next, year. ' Best cooking ï¬gs, 40. per 1h. ; hast, golden dates, 650“: seeded raisins, llc. package; we couldn't. do hatter, and neither can you. Atkiflson &Swit-zor. Mr. Christopher Topper of Elgin Mills, had an uccidont a .few evenings ago by coming in contact. with an electric car. a short distance from his home. He had evidently been driving too near the track as the south boun cur struck the wagon. making an al- most Lotul wreck of it. Mr. Topper was thrown out (if the wagon, but, fortunately escaped serious injuly. Drivers of horses along Yonge Street should be ever vigilant: of the cars, as they invariably come out, Second best when a. collision .takes place. Thew wus a. good attendance at the meeting of the Lutheran Joint Ludivs’ Aid Suciely. which was held at the home of Mrs. \Vm. Pingle on Nov. 22. Rev. J. F. Bruch, President of the Snuivty. resigned his ofï¬ce. on account of his leaving for annthor charge. Mrs. D. Qunntz was elected President. and Mrs. \V'm. Pingle, Vice~President. The mumbl-rs will hnld their next regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Isaac Elliott on Dec. 13. CA NADIAN POULTRY R EVIE\V. THE MOST FAMOUS PICTURE. AT THE READING ROOM. STRUCK BY A TROLLE'Y. UNION VILLE. ï¬USURA FLv‘B New Set of Rubber harness, will sell cheap or exch-inggs on1_- 925:5. JOS. HALL, A. MOODIE, Sept. 27. 311). High Grade Of all kinds at 5 cents abag. Chop- ping every ‘ “’ednesday and satnrdag‘. On any of those days you can get your grain ground while you wait. Also gi-isting and exchanging Wheat for flour. All kinds of flour and feed always on hand. Choice Family Flour and Manitoba Patent. Try a barrel of mv special bmnd of Manitoba Flour for hplue-mnde bread. qu‘ket price paid for Feed Peas. 3ELiE ï¬ï¬ï¬iï¬ï¬‚ EMPIRE MILLS rename 5mm FRIDAY, Nov. 30â€"Credit sale of farm stock, &c,, on lot 5, con. 6 Vaughan, the property of Isaac Kaiser. Terms ten months. Ssigeon a McEwen, auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Dec 5â€"Uredit sale of farm stock. implements, etc., on lot 20, con. 4, East York, the property of the late Wm. Russell. Sale at 11, lunch provided. Terms 10 months. Ecksrdt & Prentice, aucts. SATURDAY, Dec. 8â€"~Auction sale of House a; lot in Clairviile, the prnperty of Mrs. Mary Murphy. Saigeon & Mclzlwen, auctioneers. MONDAY, Dec. 10â€"Auctinn of standing timber. lot 15, con. 7, Vaughan. Ten months credit. Saigeon dz McEwen, nurtioueers. TUESDAY, Dec. nthâ€"Auction sale of standing & lying timber, lot, Peter Mitchell. Terms 10 mos. Saigaon & McEwen, auctioneeis. TUESDAY, Dec. llâ€"Creldl sale of farm stock, implements, etc., on lot 13, con. 3. East York, the property of Mrs. M. Stewart. Sale at 12. lunoh provided. Terms 11 months. Ecka. dt It Prentice. auctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Dec. l2â€"Credit sale of horses. fresh milch cows, springers, steers, heiters. etc.. at the Golden Lion Hotel, Lansing. Baleat 1. Terms 4 months. Ecksrdt and Prentice, m-ctioneers. WEDNESDAY, Dec. 12â€"Gredit sale of farm stuck, i'uiplements,etc..onlut 29, rear 2nd con. Markham, the property of J. W. Beatty. No reserve. Sale at 1 o'clock. Terms ten months. N. E. Smith, auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, Dec.12â€"Auctiou sale of standing timber on lot 2%; 6k 27, con. 10, King township. property of Wm. Henlan. Terms 10 mos. b‘aigeon dz McEwen, auctioneers. The undersigned begs to announce to the public that he will during the winter months At 11 met-ting of Ivy badge, No. 114, A. U. U. \V., on Tuesday evening, the fullnwing were elected ofï¬cers for the ensuin ygui' : Miss N. Lundy of Aurora, spent a. few days last week with Mmmd M1-s.J. Harris. Mr. Jos. Millgate and Miss A. Lundy of Aurora, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. \Viley. M1. and Mrs. T. H. Graham and son of Inglewood. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Switzer. Reeve Savage was an invited guest at VVax-den Reesor’s banquet, given at the Clyde Hotel last Friday evening. Mr. Harold \Vellwond, a, theological student in Toronto. preached in the Methodist Church Sunday evening. BAKERâ€"BALESâ€"On Nov. 28, at the residence of the bnde’s father. Mr. Isaac Bales of the township of Vaughan, by Rev. IV. Wellwood. Mr. James Baker of Liable York. to Miss Annie Bales. Mr. H. Fonsnme and Miss Gertrude VanTnssel of Tot-onto, spent, Sunday with the Misses Switzer. LAWSONâ€"At Victoria. Square on Saturday, Nov- ember. 24. Sarah Hill. beloved wife of Wm. Lawson, in her 84th year. To make more bread, lighter bread and bread that will keep moist longer, and better flavor- ed bread with loss lab- or than any other flour. H. B. Schmidt. Made to suit the people and 5014 at a reasonable price. M. “Z: \V. T. S'turey: Foreman, F. J. Johnston: ()w-x-sm'r, T. F. McMahon ; Recorder, R. E. Lzuv; Treasurer. F. McConughy; Financier. A. J. Hume; Guide. A. J. Campbell; I. W., J. Startup; 0. W2. H. F. Hupper; Txustw. I. Crosby; G. Lodge Rep., W. T. Storey; Alternate, R. E. Law. NAUG HTON BROS. It is strictly ma mama MELsz FOR SALE (Shop 6} rain \VORK M EN OFFICERS. 20-tf HERSONALS. Sale Register. MARRIAGES ’amily Flour SELL IT. DEATHS %ALLANOUGH, Thomhill. iï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ REPAIRING PHOMPTLY ATTENDED T0. IMITATION LA MB COATS, with rubber intellining, is warmer. -will look better and wear longer than any other coat on the market for the same monvy. Call and see them. Also full line of \Vinter Gloves, Mitts and Gauntlets, Whips, Trunks and Valises and other snpplys always in stock. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS. I71 KING ST. EAST, TORONTO - - Om). Easy terms of payment. Samples always on hand. Electric Oil, 2 bottles for 25¢ Carter's Pills, 2 bottles for 25¢ Chase’s Pills, 2 bottles for 250 Ct ase’s Cutarmh Cure, 150 Chase's Ointment, 400 Chase’s Svrup Linse d and Turpentine 15c Pierce‘s Favorite Preacriptiou 67c Piezca’s Golden Medical Ciscovery 67c Pierce's Pellets 130 Williams’ Pink P1115, 350., 3 for $1 Dodu'l‘s Kidney Pills. 3Uu Doan's Kidney Pills 35c Parmeele's Pills 15c Milburn’s Heart and Nerverl’ille 350., 3 for $1 Aver's Hair Yigour. 65c Hood’s Sursnpurilln. 67c ' Paiue's Celery Compuund. 67c Foo-Vs Emulsion, largslcsc, small 35c Agnew's Cmturrahflure, 400 XMAS GOODS, PURE DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES ATKINSON & SWITZER At cut rate prices. including Shaving Sets, Razors. etc. Perfumes from 10c. hair brushes, 200th brushes, face powders, all kinds at toilet articles. Smnll Boxes of Cigars. etc. Makes nothing but ï¬rstâ€"class harness and at prices as low as car bought anywhere. The Right Place to buy your Horse Blankets of all kinds. _ SASKATCIIEVVAN AND BLACK COVVHIDE ROBES‘ ALSO AGENT FOR Nothing but the best quality trimmings and best workmanship in connection with the manufacture of our clothes. Good Canadian tweed suits, in nice shades of grey or brown, with neat check and strlpe, per suit .................. We have an excellent stock of black and colored worsteds, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds, Pantings and Overcoatings. New Cheviot Overcoat, in dark grey, blue and black, just the right weight for ordinary wear, made up with best quality imported trim- mings and a ï¬t guaranteed ............ I One of our ï¬ne imported black clay worsteds, hard or soft ï¬nish, ï¬ne or heavy twill, made up in any style, 2 and ï¬nished with best trimmings... I Neat hair line striped worsted trousers, med- ium weight, all imported goods, «made up for $4.50, $5.00. $5.50, $6.00 and $6.50 a pair. ATKINSON & SWITZER Tailor-Made Clothing means something that ï¬ts, something that will wear, something that is always comfortable, and something that always looks well. Men’s Tailor-Made gwwwwwww? G. D. DANIEL 86 CO 1% 1031310311) 15.111414 Alï¬agniï¬cent Calendar for each customer. Ekichl'nond Ilil] . 3E0. EIcDONALQ Clothing ! Agnew’s Heart Cure 71x: Kendall's Spaviu Cure. 75c lelent's Lye 10:: per bin, 3 for 250 Hesse’s Poultry Panacea. 300. Mexican Egg Producer 250 (makrs hens lay) Beef,Iron and Wine. 50c Custoriu. 250 Neatle’a Food 40c Epsom Salts. 3:: 1b.. 9 lbs. for 25¢ Sulphur, 30. 1b., 9 lbs} for 25c. (Hauber Salts 3c1b, 101D for 250 Perfect Eczema. Ointment, 250 Furs Norway Cod Live): 011 Acid for curing cider Condition Powders, all kinds Your own Receipts made up Carefully from pure drugs Canadian Water-white coal oil, 165 a. gal SEWE EMGHINE CALL ON OR WRITE PIANO, ORGAN, IF YOU WANT TO BUY A 1361‘pr e§ tron; .IQc. upwatds; low as can be Opp. Clyde Hotel