Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Nov 1900, p. 6

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CHAPTER VIII.â€"Continued. A great lumlp rose in Daisy's throat. "Yes, madame," answered Daisy, raising her dark-blue eyes pleading- ly to the stern face before her. "And may I ask by what right you lured violate the rules and regula» Zions of this establishment by send- ing a sealed letter toâ€"a man? Your guardian strictly informed me you had no correspondents whatever, and I find this is 21â€"1 blush to confess itâ€" actually a love-letter. What have you to say in reference to your folly, Miss Brooks 1" "I'm sure I don't know," Daisy. “You don’t know?" repeated mad- ame, scornfully. "Not a very satis- factory explanation. \\'ell, Miss Brooks, I have fully determined what steps I shall take in the matter. I shall read this letter this morning before the whole school; it will afford me an excellent opportunity to point out the horrible depths to which young girls are plunged by allowing their minds to wander from their books to such thoughts as are here expressed. What do you. mean by this secret to which you allude so often ‘3" she asked, suddenly. “Please do not ask me, madame," bobbed Daisy; "1 can not toll youâ€"in- deed I can not. I dare not !" An alarming thought occurred to .nadame. "Speak, girl!" she cried, hoarsely, grasping her firmly by the shoulder. "I must know the meaning of this sec- ret which is so appalling. You fear to reveal it! Does your guardian know of it 7" “Noâ€"o !" wailed Daisy; “I could not tell him. I what keep the secret." Poor little innocent Daisy! herown words had convicted her beyond all pardon in the eyes of shrewd, sus- picious Mme. Whitney. who guessed, as is usually the case, wide of the mark, as to the cause of the secret Daisy dare not to reveal to her guarâ€" dian Otl‘ herself. "My duty is plain in this case,” said madame. "I shall read this as a ter- rible warning to the young ladies of this institution; then I will send for Mr. John Brooks, your guardian, and place this letter in his hands." "Oh, no, madame, in pity's name, no !" sobbed Daisy, wildly, kneel/ing fmlploringly at her feet, her heart beating tummltuously, and her hands locked convulsively together. "Do not. madame, I pray yon; anything but that; he would cast me out of his heart and lhome, and 1â€"1 could not go to flex, you see.” But madame did not see. She laughed a little hard, n1etal.ic laugh that grated, oh, so cruelly, on Daisy's sensitive nerves. When one woman’s suspicions are sobbed . aroused against another, Heaven help the suspected one; there is little mercy shown her, “Man’s inhumanity to man" is no- thing compared to woman’s inhuman- ity to woman. Mme. Whitney had discovered a capital way to score a hit in the di- rection of morality. “No,” she said, laying the letter down on the table before her; “Arise from your knees, Miss Brooks. Your prayers are useless. I think this will be a life-long lesson to you." "Oh, madame, for the love of Heav- en!" cried Daisy, rocking herself to and fro, "spare me, I beseech you! Can nothing alter your purpose 7” "Well," said madame, reflcctively, "I may not be quite 5.0 severe with you if you will confess, unresorvedly, the the whole truth concerning this ter- rible secret, and what this young man Rex is to you." "I can not," wailed Daisy, "I can out. Oh. my heart is breaking, yet I dare not. ' "Very well," said madame, rising, ' the conversation was at an and, “I shall not press you further on the subject. I will excuse you now, Miss Brooks. You may retire to your room." Still Daisy rocked hersle to and fro on her knees at her feet. Sud- denly a daring thought occurred to her. The letter which had caused her vuch bitter woe lay on the table al- most within her very graspâ€"the letâ€" ter, every line of which breathed of her pure, sacred love for Rexâ€"her Ben'sâ€"whom she dared not even claim. She could imagine madame comment- ing upon every word and sentence, ridiculing those tender expressions which had been sush rapturous joy to her little heart as she .had paan them. And. last of all. and most bitter thought, how dear Old John] Brooks would turn his lhonest eyes upon her tell-tale face, far the demanding to know what the secret wasâ€"the secret which she had prom- isel her young husband she would not ‘ reveal, come what would. If his face ‘sbovuld grow white and stern, and those lips. which had blessed, praised, and pelted, but never scolded herâ€" if those lips should curse her. she * would die then and there at his feet. In an instant she had resolved upon a wild, hazardous plan. Quick as a flash of lightning Daisy sprung to her feet and tore the coveted) letter from .madame's detaining grasl ; the door lstood open, and with the fleetness of a hunted deer she flew. down the cor- ridor, never stopping for breath until she had gained the very water’s edge. and actually fainted, and the attend- ant, who hurried to the scene, caught ibut a glimpse of a white, terrified, lgolden hair. No one in that estab- lishment ever gazed upon the face of | Daisy Brooks again! CH P {Eli IX "\Vhere is Miss llrcoks ?" cried Mme. Whitney, excitedly, upon opening her eyes. "Jenkins," she cried, motion- ! ing‘ to the attendant who stood near- lest her, "see that Miss Brooks is de- ltained in her own room under lock [and key until I am at liberty to at- tend to her case.” The servants looked at one ano- lorther in blank amazement. No one dared tell her Daisy had fled. The torn envclo e, which! Daisy had neglected to gain possession of, lay at her feet. \Vith a curious smile Mme. \Vhitney smoothed it out carefully, and plac- ed it carefully away in her private desk. “Rex Lyon," she mused, knitting her brow. "Ah, yes, that was the name, I believe. He must certainly be the one. Daisy Brook! shall sufâ€" fer keenly for this outrage," cried the madame, grinding lher teeth with im- potent rage. “I shall drag her pride down to the very dust beneath my feet. How dare the little rebel defy my orders? I shall have her removed to the belfry-room; a night or two there will (humble her pride, I dare say,” fumed the madame, pacing up and down the room. "I have brought worse tempers than hers into sub- .jection; still I never dreamed the lit- tle minx would dare openly defy me in that manner. I shall keep her in the belfry-room, under lock and key, until she asks my pardon on her bended l knees; and what is more, I shall wrest the secret from herâ€"the secret she has defied me to discover." 0 U C I O C On sped Daisy, as swift as the wind, crushing the fatal letter in her bosom, until she stood at the very edge of the broad, glittering Chesapeake. The rosyâ€"gold rays of the rising sun lighted up the waves with a thousand AN HUNHRAB Mme. \Vhitney gave a loud Shrit‘k‘ beautiful face, and a cloud of flying: arrowy sparkles like a vast sea of glittering, waving gold. Daisy look- ed over ther shoulder, noting the dark forms hurrying to and fro. "They are searching for me," Sht‘ said, “but I will never go back to themâ€"never !" She saw a man's form hurrying to- ward her. At that moment she br- held, moored in the shadow of a clump of alders at her very feet, a small boat rocking to and fro with the tide, Daisy had a little boat of her own at home; she knew how to use the one. "They will never think of looking for me out on the water,” she cried, triumphantly, and quickly untying it she sprung into the little skiff, and seizing the oars, with a vigorous stroke the little skell shot rapidly out into the shimmering water, Daisy never once pausing in her mad, imâ€" peluous flight until the dim line of the shore was almost indistinguish- able from the blue arching dome of the horizon. “'l‘here,‘ ' she cried, flushed and excited, leaning on the oars: "no one could possibly think of xsearclhiing for me out here." ller checks were flushed and her blue eyes danced like stars, while the lfre.~:hcnirig breeze blew her bright shining hair to and fro. ; Many a passing fisherman cast ad- miring glances at the charming lit- . tle, fairy, so sweet and. so daring, out all alone on the smiling, treacherous, dancing waves so far away from the ‘of water, making the scene sublime shore. But if Daisy saw them, she never heeded them. "I shall stay here until it is quite dark," she said to herself; "they will have creased to look for me by that ,time. I can Ireach the shore unob- ‘ served, and watch for Saral to get my hat and sacque; and then”â€"a rosy l flush stole up to the rings of her gold- e-n hair as she thought what she would do thenâ€"“I shall go straight back to Rexâ€"my 'husbandl", She knew that John Brooks would not. return theme for some time to come, and she would not go back to Septima. She made up her mind she would certainly .go to Rex. She would wait at the depot, and, if Rex din not come in on the early train, she would go back at once to Allen- dale. Her purse, with twenty dol- Lars in itâ€"whichseemed quite a for- tune to Daisyâ€"was luckily in her lpocket, together with half of an ap- lple and a biscuit. The healthful ex- leroise of rowing, together with the fresh, cool breeze, gave Daisy a hearty appetite, and the apple and biscuit af- forded her quite o. pleasant lunch. Poor Daisy! The pretty little girl- bride had no more thought of danger than a child. She had no premoni- tion’ that every moment the little boat drifting rapidly along with the l tide, was bearing Iher rapidly. onward toward death and destruction. Daisy paid little Iheed to the dark rolling clouds that were slowly ob- scuring the brilliant sunshine, or the swirl and dash of the anes that were rocking her little boat so restlessly to and fro. The hours seemed to slip heezllessly by her. The soft gleaming seemed to fall about her swiftly and without warning. “I must turn my boat about at once!" cried Daisy, in alarm. “I am quilte a long way from the shore!” A't that moment the distant rumb- ling roar of thunder sounded dismally LE [innit That Appeals to the est Judgment of the Best People and Beta Right Down at Cause of Disease is DR. GHASE’S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS. \Vhy is it that in nearly every home in the land you find some of Dr. Chase's family remedies? \Vhy is it that Dr. Chase is hrnored and es- teemed as a true physician of un- doubted skill? Chrise‘s Kidney-Liver Pills are kept in the family medicine chest as indis- pensable for everyday ills which arise from constipation and slug~ gis'h action of the liver and kidneys? It is because Dr. Chase’s remedies are all honorable medicines. Mediâ€" erest cases and proven to be of most unusual value. They are immensely successful, because everybody has learned to have confidence in them and confidence in their discoverer, Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills have for nearly a quarter of a century taken the lead as the greatest sell- VV'hy is it that Dr. ‘ er and make thorough and lasting cures. Mr. Walt-er Booth, Oonsecon, Prince Edward County, Ont., states; "I was troubled for some years with kidney and liver disease and plins in my back, and my stomach was so bad I could not eat hearty food and had difficulty in keeping any food in my stomach. I was so nervous that I could scarcely take a drink of waâ€" ter without spilling much of it, my hand trembled so, and I had lost fle-h until my weight fell from 155 to 138 pounds. "Hearing of a similar case that was cured by Dr. Chase's Remedies. I com- menced by taking Dr. Chase's Kid- ney-Liver Pills, six boxes of which cureJ my kidney and liver troubles. I then began Dr. Chase's Nerve Food for my nervousness. It strengthen- er which medicine deilcrs handle, and this enormous sale is entirely due to the downright merit which thf‘y - They ruro when othzrs fail. It is when there is a bitter taste in the mouth, heaviness about the stomach. headaches, backaches, pains in the shoulders and limbs, and de- pressed, languid feelings, that peo- ple turn to Dr. Chase's Kidneyâ€"Liver Pills. Torpid liver, inactive kidneys and irregular bowels are the cause of at least seven-tenths of human ills, Dr. Chase's possess. Kidney-Liver Pills in- vigorate pneparation was ever known to (10;; what is best of all they not and ones that have been tried in the sevâ€" ed my stomach and whole system. and I gained in flesh. I cannot speak in terms of too great praise for Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills and Nerve Food, for besides curing me they did my father, who is an old man, a greit deal of good. I have every confidence in recommending these remedies." Mr. J. J. Ward, J. P., certifies that he knows Mr. Walter 310th, and that this statement of his cure is per- fectly correct. The chances are that your neigh- these organs as no other l born have used Dr. Chase's Kidneyâ€" Liver Pills. " Ask them. One pill, a. (lose. 25 cents a box, at all dealers, merely afford relief but strike deep- » or Edmanson, Bates and 00., Toronto. ‘mouth, and his restless eyes wore a cver the loadenâ€"gray, whiteâ€"capped water, and the wind, rising instantly into a fierce gale, hurled the (lurk storrna-louds across the sky, abutting the lurid glow of sunset and mantiing,r the heavens above her in its dusky f0 1 d5. Pale and Bloodless. THOUSANDS OFTâ€"ANAEMIC GIRLS HURRYING TO THE GRAVE. anâ€" Duisy “was bun-e of heal-t. but 'm .l Young Lady at COID'HlI‘LZ. 01"., “'llose the face of such sudden and unlockâ€" cd-for danger her courage failed her. The 'prc'l ty rose-bloom dicd away from her face. andher beautiful blue (1'03 expandcd terror. She caught her and, seizing the our \in h l wo soft, childish w i‘.‘ l) with a sob, wide brca i ll hands, made a tlt'spt‘d‘uh‘ attempt (0 turn llll‘ limit. Tll‘ ed llt‘l‘ weak l'l'furt. snapping the our in twain like twig and whirling it from her grasp. "Rex! ilcxl" she (:n‘ied out, pit“- Ou‘dl" 5‘ tell-hing out her arms. "save me! (ll), I am Heaven; pity me I" The night bud fallcn swiftly around, her. Our, alone, on the wild, pillll‘sfiu tr/encllicroius with lhei current rc:i:d - :l slender r lostâ€"lost l wa resâ€"a lonc storm and the darkness! The storm had now commenced in, earnest, beating furiously against the: little boat, and lashing the mad waves l into seething foam as they dashed: high above the terrified girl. Nol 5011an could be hcard ubovc the wild ‘ warring of the elementsâ€"the thunâ€" der’s roar, the furious lashing of the‘ waves and the while, radiant light-, ning blazing across the vast expunsel in its terrible grandeur. i "Rex! my love, my life!" she cricd. in the intcnse agony of despiir, "youl will never know ‘how well I Loved you! I have faced death rather than beâ€", tray the sweet,sad sacretâ€"I am your 1 wife l" Was it the wild flashing of the lightning, or was it a red light she saw swinging to and fro, each moment drawing rapidly nearer and ncarerfl Heaven be praised! it was a barge of} some kind ; lhclp was within her reach. "Help!" cried Daisy, faintly. “Helpl‘ I am alone out on the water !" she held out her arms toward the huge vessel. which loomed up darkly before her, but the terrified voice was drowned! by the fierce beating of the eternal Suddenly her little boat spun round, and round, the swift water was draw-I ing rher directly in the path of the be rg'e. another moment and it would‘ be upon her, she beat the air with 3 her white hands, gazing with frozen. horror at the fatal lights drawings nearer and nearer. "Rex, my good-bye!" she' wailed, sinking down in the bottom of the boat as one end of the barge1 struck it with tremendous force. 0 I O O O O Leaning over the railing, evilentm ly unmindful of the fierce fury of the 1 storm that raged around him. stood a young man. gazing abstractedly over the wild dashing waves. A dark smile played aboult the corners of his love, pleased expression, as though his thoughts were in keeping with the wild, warring elements. Suddenly, through the terrible roarof the storm. he heard apitcous appeal for help, and the voice seemed to die away over the angry, mutter- ing waves. He leaned over the rail- ing breathless with excitement. The thunder crashed almost incessantly, and there came a stunning bolt, fol- lowe'l by a blinding blaze of lightning. In that one instant he had seen a white, childish face, framed in a mass of floating golden hair, turned toiward him. One instant more and she would be swept beneath the ponderous wheel, beyond all ,mortal power of help; then the dark, hungry waters closed cruelly over her. but in that one in- stantaneous g1 11100. the man's face had turned deadly 'p‘ile. “Great God l” IIIL’ .shrieked, hoarsely, "it is Daisy Brooks!” To Be Continued. â€"â€"9â€" WILL HONOR ANNIE LAURIE. Monument Is to be Erecled over the Grave on" Thai “’lnsome hassle. .A movement is on foot to erect a tombstone over the grave of Annie Laurie. Many lpeople are under the delusion that 'Annzie Laurie was more- ly a figment of the poet’s brain, but this was {not so. She was the daugh- ter of Sir Robert Laurie and was born in Mnxwelton house, which stands on the "brace" immortalized in the song. Her birth is thus set down in the Bu‘jorg )Is"; "At the pleasure of the Almighty God, my daughter, Anna Lauric, was burn up- on the 16th day of December, 168: years, about 6 O’clock in the morning, and was bapzized by Mr. George, min- ister of Glencairn.” Mlaxwelitctn house is still full of memories of this Winsome girl, and in the long drawing-room there still hangs her portrait. Her lover and author of the original rong was young Douglas of Flinglanrl. but in the se- qluel she gave her hanl to a prosaic country laird, her cousin, Alexander Ferguson. 'i‘hey lived at Craicdarroch hccuse ,fiv'o miles from Maxwel'ton, and when she (Lied Annie was buried in the beautiful glen of the Cairn. l‘ “'11s l‘rnuouurctl Hopeless, Toll llow s‘llc lit-gained llcullk and strength â€"A Lesson Io “others. Anaemia is the term used by doctorS to indicate roverty of [be blood. The prevalence of this trouble is most alarming, especially among young girls, and a large percentage of the altogether too numerous cases of con- sumption, which annually ravage the country have their origin in this trouble. The first indication of ulllll)‘ min is a pale, sallow or waxy complex- ion. This is followed by loss of appo- tite. lrequent hradachcs, indisposition to exertion, or swelling of limbs, violent heart palpitation, and fre- quently fainting fits. These symptoms may non. all be present. but the more there are the greater the urgency for prompt and effective treatment,whiclz should be persisted in until all traces of the trouble have vanished. Among the thousands who have been brought near to the brink of the grave from this trouble, and ultimately restored to health through the use of Dr. \Villiains‘ Pink H115, is Miss Bella.“ Boyd, an estimable young lady whose her experience as follows:â€" "It. is nearly ten years since my ill- ness first commenced, and although Iwas dcc‘loring more or less Ireâ€" ‘ ceived little or no benefit, as the docâ€" 't.ors did not seem to understand my trouble. Two years ago my health became so bad that another doctor was called in, and he stated- that my case was amost severe type of anaemia, and that while he could help me the trouble had progressed to such a stage that he would hold out little hopes of acrure. At this time I was as pale as chalk, my eyelids were swollen and would hang down over my eyes like sacks of water. My feet and limbs Would swell, and were always cold. I was subject to violent \‘ headaches, severe palpitation of the“ heart, and if I stooped over [would be so dizzy that I could scarcely re- gain an upright position. My appe- tite failed me almost entirely, and I grew so weak that Iwas a mere wreck. While in this condition I read in a newspaper of the cure of a. young girl whose case was much like mine, through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills, and l dttermiucd to try them.‘ Those who knew me dad not think any medicine could do me any good or that I would ever get better, but I deter- mined at all events» to give: the pills afair trial. I have used them flor nearly ayear with the result that I feel like anew person. The swel- ling in my eyelids and limbs has dis- appeared; my appetite is good and my face is regaining the color which left it years ago. [can sew and do rWdrk about the house, and this great change in my condition is due! solely to the use of Dr. \V'illiams’ Pink Pills. It is not too little to say that they have saved my life and Istrongly urge girls who are similarly afflicted to give them athorough trial. â€". THE BRITISH SOLDIER __ 'l‘en “onth of Hard and Sclcnuflc Train- lng 0ullInedâ€"leumeuvrcs on a Grand Scale. According to the London Daily Mai: a scheme of army reform of a very sweeping character will come into op- eration early next year. “The scheme,‘ says The Daily Mail, " will make the British private a trained soldier. In- stead of a system giving the recruit merely a. housemaid’s work and allow- ing no more than six weeks of mili- tary training, he will in future get ten months of scientific drilling, all fatigue and orderly duties being per- formed by a special corps of time-ex- pired men. The first four months will be devoted to company training, in- cluding scouting, entrenching, bridg- ing and taking cover. The second four months will be used ‘vn battalion man- oeuvres, attacking and defending po- sitions and field firing. Two months will be given to grand manoeuvres on a war scale. The remaining two months of the first year will be oc- cupied by furloughs. “The greatest attention will be de- voted to marksmanship, and, the al- lowance of ammunition will be great- ly increased. Artillery training will also be improved. The War Office is now acquiring control of large tracts of land in various parts of the coun- try for training grounds. _â€"_.__ Heâ€"How often a. woman's face is her fortune. Sheâ€"-Yes, and how often a. man‘s cheek is his.

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