KRUGER A? MARSEELLES The Boer Ex=President ls Accorded a Warm Welcome. A despatch from Marseilles. says;â€" Ex-President Kruger, of the Trans- vaal, landed here at 10.45 Thursday morning from the steamer GeMer- land. The weather was beautiful and the Boer leader received a magnificent demonstration. The whole route from the landing place to his hotel was' crowded with people. He appeared to be in good health, and repeatedly took off his high but in acknowledging the acclamations of the people. Replying to the addresses of we]- come of the presidemts of the Paris and Marseilles committees, Mr. Kru- ger spoke in Dutch and in a low voice. MARKETS OF THE WDRLD BREADSTUFFS, ETC. Toronto, Nov. 27.-Wbe~at.â€"Prices in Western markets were a shade bet- ter, and local prices were steady. Busi- ness, however, is very dull. Quotations are as follows :â€"Red winter, 630; and white, 630, middle freights; 80059 wheat, 62 1-20, middle freights; No. 1 spring wheat, east, 650; Manitoba, No. 1 hard, 01d, g.i,t,. 93c; and N0. 2. at 890; Nb. 1 hard, afloat. Fort William, 820. Millfeedâ€"Scarce. Ton lots. at the mill door, sell as follows :â€"-Bran, $12 to $12.50, and shorts $14 to $14.50, west. Cornâ€"Steady. No.1 American yellow 47c, on track here; and mixed, 46c. Canadian corn here, 44c. Peasâ€"Higher; on export demand values have lifted about 1-2c per bush. New peas, car lots, middle freights, 60c; and east, 64c. Barley-Tone firm, No. 2, middle heights, 890; and east, 400 No. 8 extra, middle freights, 380; and east, 890. Ryeâ€"Easy. New rye, 460, west; and 470, east. Buckwheatâ€"Quiet. Car lots, west, are quoted at 47c, and east at 48c. Oatsâ€"Firm. Choice new white oats, middle freights, are selling at 25 1-20; and east at 26c. Light white oats and mixed oats, north and west, 23c. Flourâ€"Dull and easy. Holders ask $2.75 for 90 per cent. patents, in buy- ers’ bags, middle freights; and ex- porters bid 82.65. Special brands sell locally fmm 10 to 200 above these figures. PRODUCE. Eggsâ€"Prices and conditions about as reported heretofore. Prices are as fol- lows 2â€"Boiling- stock, 210; fresh gath- ared 117 to 180; pickled, 15c limed, 150. Prices 0’ Cattle. Cheeqe, Gram. &e in the Leading Mameti. Poultryâ€"Prices of chickens, tur- keys, and ducks were fairly steady, but geese are still selling at low fig- ures, owing to the accumulation of the past two days. Quotations are as follows zâ€"Chickens, per pair, 25 to 35c; ducks, per pair, 40 to 60c; turkeys, per 1b., 7 to Sc; geese, per 1b., 5 to I 1-2c. Potatoesâ€"Firm. Car lots on track here, sold to-day at 800. Sales, out of Itore, are made at 350. Field produce, etc.â€"Turnips, out of Itore, 800 per bag; onions, 600 per bag; carrots, 400 per bag; apples per bbl., 50 to $1; sweet potatoes, per bbl., 32.50. Beansâ€"Ordinary white beans, bring [1.20 to 81.25; choice hand-picked beans are quoted at $1,40 to $1.45. Honeyâ€"Dealers quote from 9 to 91â€"20 per lb. for 5, ‘10I or GO-Ib, tins, according to the size of the order. Comb honey sells at $2.25 to $22.75 per dozen sections. Dried fruitsâ€"Dried apples sell at I to 31-2; and evaporated at 41-2 to 50. Baled hayâ€"Steady. Choice way. on track here. $9.50 to two-ton lots. delivered. all at to $10.50. Baled strawâ€"Car lot: of good straw are quoted at 85 to 86.50, on track; and ton lots, delivered. at $6 to $6.50. Hopsâ€"Continue dull. New crop is quoted here at 14 to 150. and year- lings at 9 to 100. Butterâ€"Demand is running heavier in creamery pounds and boxea, ow- ing to the light supply of choice dairy now coming forward. Prices are steady to firm. Commission houses sell to the trade as followsâ€"Dairy, tubs and pails, choice, 18 to 19c; med- ium, 16 to 161â€"20; poor, 13 to 15c; dairy prints, choicn, 19 to 20c; creamery. DAIRY MARKETS. timo- 89.75 ; $10.25 But be accompanied his words with energetic movements of his but. which he held in his right hand. Afâ€" ter thanking the committees (or the warmth of the reception accorded him and expressing gratitude for the sympathy he had received from the French Government. he spoke of the war as being terrible and barbarous- ly conducted by the British. He said; "I have fought with savages but 'the present war is even worse. \Ve will never surrender. \Ve are determin- ed to fight to the last extremity, and if the republics of the Transvaal and Orange Free State lose their inde- pendence, it will be because they have lost every man, woman and child." Cheeseâ€"Full cream, July and August make, sells at 11 to 111-20. Duluth, Nov. 27.â€"-Wheatâ€"Cash. No. 1 hard, 770; No. 1 Northern, 75 to 75 1-80; No. 2 Northern, 701-20; No. 3 spring. 64 5-80. Cornâ€"38 3-80. Oatsâ€" 231-4 to 230. Minneapolis, Nov. 27. â€" \Vheat â€" Cash, 751-40; December, 731-20; May. 76 3-8 to 781-20 ; on track, No. 1 hard, 771-40; No. 1 Northern, 751-40; No. 2 Northern, 731-40. Flour and bran ~Unchanged. boxes, 21 to Toledo, Nov. 27.â€"Wheatâ€"Cash, 750; December. 751-40; May, 801â€"8c. Corn â€", 381-20; December. 37 5-80. Oatsâ€"Cash, 22 1-40; December. 231-40. Ryeâ€"51c. Clover seedâ€"Cash, 1899. prime, $6.15; December, $6.70; March. $6.70. Oilâ€"Unchanged. Buffalo, Nov. 27.â€"Wheat â€" No. 1‘ spot, '79 7-80. Winter wheatâ€"No. 2 red, 77c; mixed, 760; No. 1 white, 756. Cornâ€"Firm; No. 2 yellow, 420; No. 3 yellow, 411-20; No. 4 yellow, 401-20; No. 2 corn, 411â€"20; No. 3 corn, 40 3â€"4 to 410; No. 4 com, 400. Oatsâ€"Strong; No. 2 white, 260; No. 2 mixed, 250; No. No. 2 white, 28c; No. 3 white 270; No. No. 2 white, 260; No. 2 mixed, 250; No. No. 2 white. 280; No. 3 white 270; No. 4 White, 260; No. 2 mixed, 25c; No. 3 mixed, 241-20. Barley â€"â€" Ex- tra, 64 to 650; choice to extra, 61 to 62c; fair to good. 57 to 600; low grades, 551â€"2 to 561-2c. Ryeâ€"No. Lin store, 550. Flourâ€"Quiet, steady. Detroit, Nov. {TLâ€"Closed: â€" \Vheat. No. 1 white, cash, 77 3-86; No. 2 red. cash, 77 3-8c; December, 77 3-80,; May 80 7-8c. Toronto. Nov. 27.â€"The cattle here to-day was of unusually poor quality; good cattle was asked for, and no doubt would have sold had any. been here, but most of the dealers. seemâ€" ed quite indifferent as to making purchases.-and as a consequence the yards were not cleared. Prices are nominally unchanged, but weaker. Shipping bulls, stockers, and feed- ers were all in fair supply, but the enquiry was light, and prices ruled 24c easy [logs are now quoted at $5.50 for tha best grades; 85 for fat and light hogs. A few good to choice milch cows and some choice veal calves are wantâ€" ed. 'Ihere was a light demand tor sh ep toâ€"day, and prices are weak at from 2.50 to $3.25 per cwt. Lambs are woth from 83.25 to $3.75 per cwt. Hogs advanced again toâ€"day. and as receipts lately have been small, the tandency is still upward. Hogs to fetch the top price must be of prime quality. and scale not be- low 160 nor above 200 lbs. 'Shippers, per cwt. Butcher, choice do. . Butcher, med., to good. Butcher, inferior. Smokers, per cwt. Export bulls, per cwt 0V 61‘ {Followirng is the range 0! quota- mans;â€" Sheep, per cwt. Lambs, per cwt. Bucks, per cwt Cows, each. Calves. each, Choice hogs, per cwt. Light hogs, per c Heavy hogs, per cwt. SoWs. . . . _ . Stags. . . . ‘PrLces nominal. A. H. Selling, of New‘ York. and H. G Smith, of Mexico. are at Ottawa in connection with a scheme [or utiliz- km; the water power on the Ottawa near Tetrea‘uville. Considerable small stuff was left Milkers and Calves. 220; and paunds. 23 t0 Sfleep and Lamps. Cattle. Hogs. cwt 00 20 0 0 40 00 8 00 $4 00 $4 50 400 450 325 275 225 275 225 300 325 400 250 325 250 525 475 475 350 SCREWS PUT ON THE BOERS Kitchener Introduces the System in South Africa. A despatch from London says :â€"-â€"Lonâ€" don newspaper publishers have not been informed that Gen. Lord Kitch- ener has decided to expel correspond- ents from the scene of war, but the meagre and colourless despatohes now being received present strong evidence that he is enforcing in a modified form, his Omdurman edict. Telegrams cease to mention details of the com- pulsory pacification on which the ex- Sirdm‘ is engaged. The nerve tension which compelled Sir Alfred Milner, High Commissioner of South Africa, to seek a few day’s voyage away from despatches has been more severe since the conclusion of big operations at Lydenburg failed and left the end of the war as far off as ever. A friend who has just returned to England says that Milner has been under fear- ful anxiety for a your past lest the big Dutch rising in Cape Colony should extend to the suburbs of Cape Town. Officers going through from the front tell him that there will be fighting for three months yet. Confidzmts of the Government are aware of the outlook in South Africa, but say the Government will support Kitchener tn any length if he will only make the country habitable for refugees, reopen the mines, and abate the war expenditures, which are still nearly amillio-n pounds weekly. Tragedy on Long Point In Whlch 'I‘wo “on I’vrldn’d. Unllml Slates sml lo no. Conlenlplaulng 1'hl~' Sorimu 5m). A despatch from New York, says:â€" According to the highest official auth- ority, says a Herald special from Washington, events are hurrying the United States toa point where, in the interests of humanity and a satisfac- tory solution of the Chinese question, it must withdraw from the concert of 'A' despvartch from Port Dover, says; â€"Fis'hin-g tugs returning from Long Point on Sunday evening report that on Saturday, while H. B. Barrett, G. C. Warren, and H. Holden, who. were out duck shooting, were crossing from Port Dover to Long Point, they were overtaken about half a mile from Long Point by a heavy sea, caused by strong easterly gales, Hold- en and \Varren, who were in one skiff, were upset and drowned, while Barâ€" rett, who was alone in another skiff, battled heroically with the waves and reached shore on Long Point safely. The tugmen state that on account of ~the heavy sea and not having any yawlboat it was impossible to reach them or render assistance. As soon as \the sea subsides a searching party will go out with tugs to find the MAY WITHDRAW FROM CONCERT nations, Such a course would un- doubtedly_ be followed by Russia and France, but the action of Great Brit- a'm, Germnny and. Japan is brobleâ€" matical because of their agreement. The pessimistic View of the situation which exists in official circles followed the trend of information by the State Department as to the attitude of Ger- many and Great Britain in connection with the punishment of the Boxer loaders. bodies. llzul Been Occupylng n Bridle l’ulh In Ihe .“nzulloflwrz Range. A despatoh from Pretoria, says;â€" Before the departure of Lumsden’s Horse for India Lord Roberts senta message to the commander regretâ€" ting the fact that he was unable to review the men before they left, stating he had sent acablegram to Lord Curzon. the Viceroy, express- ing his appreciation of their admir- able work. About 120 of the troop sailed for India from Cape Town the other day. Thirty others have ac- cepted positions on the Transvaal po- ljoe force, ï¬fteen have been appointed to civil offices, and twentyâ€"four have received commissions in the army. News has been received from Reitâ€" fontein that the shelling by General Clements of a Boer laager near Heck- poort resulted in eighty casualties to the burghers. The Reitfonte'u: garri- son captured twenty-eight Boer “snipers,†who had been occupying a bridle path in the Magaliesberg range, Johanna Olenbrander. of Bulawayo, has arranged to raise aregiment of a. thousand men. Winnipeg state that 2,000 men will be engaged in the spring to build the remaining 140 miles of the South- eas‘tern Railway. Messrs. Mackenzie and Mann. at DUCK HUNTERS DROWN ED. A BOER LAAGER SHELLED. {TWENTY-SIX LIVES LOST. Steamship Goes to Pieces on Rocks in Gulf of St. Lawrence. A despntch from. Quebec saystâ€"The coasting steamer St. Olaf has gone to pieces on the rocks at the entrance of Seven Islands bay, cm the north wast of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and it is believed that of the twenty- six persons on board the ill-fated ves- sel not one has survived to tell the story of the wreck. A woman‘s body washed ashore on Saturday. and a mail bag left on the beach at low tide were the first indications of the tragedy. P. E. Vignault, postmaster alt Seven Islands, wired the first in- tElligence to this city and since noon full confirmation of the disaster has been received. The Hudson Bay official at Seven Islands, Mr. Ross, has a. searching par- ty out, but it is scarcely liker there are any survivors, for the disaster must have occurred late on W'ednes- day night or early Thursday morning. Aheavy gale from the east was blow- ing on \Vednesday a: ' Thursday with snow. The St. Olaf passed Sheldrake Roberts Reports Capture of Outpost on November 19. A despatcb from London says ;â€"A long despath just received from Lord Roberts refers to a number of minor occurrences. The only inci- dent of importance is the surprise of an outpost of the "Buffs," south-west of Bulmoral, November 19. Six of the "Buffs" were killed and five were wounded. An officer and thirty men were made prisoners. The post has since been reoccupied by the British, who found five seriously wounded Boers. Lord Roberts says General Bayes is moving from Vrede to Harv rismith, and clearing the country of burg‘hers. So far he has killed 22 Boers. Sustain Heavy Loss in Two Im- portant Engagements. A despatch from. London says:â€"A special despatch tram Middleburg. Transvaal colony, says that in the surprise of the outpo~1ts of the “Buffs†Third Infantry. sleuth-west of Balmor- a1, November 10, the Boers lost sixty men killed and wounded. The burgh- ers, the deipatch added, simultaneous- ly attack a garrison of Fusiliers on Wilge river, but were beaten off with the. loss of 12;) men killed and wound- A (‘Imllmm “an Makes a Determined AI temp! at Silk-1dr. A despatch from Chatham, Ont., says ;â€"At an early hour on Thursday morning Jasper Winters cut his throat from ear to ear at his own home. The wound exposed the jugu- lur vein and the windpipe, but the penknife used being blunt missed piercing either. ‘Winters came here about two years ago from Seaforth, and was employed in the woolen mills. He has been in ill-health, and grew daspondent. His fellow-empIOyes noticed his peculiar actions at work on \Vednesday, and he was taken home. A guard was kept on him, but he eluded them. The would-be suicide was removed to the hospital. and the physicians think he has a good chance to recover. Mrs. \Vinters had her hands badly cut in an effort to take the knife from her husband. A despatch from London says:â€" Speaking on Thursday evening at a banquet given in his honour, General Buller defended the British army against the charges of barbarous treatment of Boers. declaring that all were false. He said that in three cases of alleged assaults upon Women that were brought to his attention, two of the accused were Eottentots following the forces, and the third was a local Kaffir. “No army ever behaved better," said Sir Redvera. " There is no doubt Boers Now in the Field Are Bandits and Mercenaries. ' SIX BOERS DEFEATED. {‘UT HIS THROAT BUFFS †KILLED. on \Vednesday afternoon, and should Thursday. When she failed to appear there, it was thought that she had proceeded on [to Quebec instead of at- tempting to make the bay. inso fear- ful a gale accompanied by such blind- mg snow. It is evident that she did make the attempt, and the discovery at low water on Sunday of her how and one of her boilers on the reeks of Boule Island, 3.1: the mputh of the bay, told the story of the disaster. The St. OLaf was an iron ateamship of 630 tons, built on the Clyde eighâ€" teen years ago. for the Orkney Is- land service, and later purchased by A. Fraser. of this city, to run to the Magdalena Islands. She succeeded the Otter, wrecked on the Labrado: coast two years ago, as a. coasting steamer between Quebec and Esquiâ€" ma’ux Point, and was also subsidized for conveying the Government mails. American salmon fishermen, who frequenrt the rivers of Labrador, know the St. Olaf well. having Theatres, Excursions. and a. Visit to the Queen. A despatoh from Lomdorn, says;â€"- The returnlimg Canadian troops on board the Hawarden Castle, due here next week, will be lavishly enter- tained ‘by aprivate committee. 01 which Lord Grey is chairman. Threc hundred seats have been: secured at the various London theatres for each night the Canadians are here. The, will be quartered at Kensng-ton bar- racks, whence there will be excursion! to Brighton, VVoolwisch, and other podmts cut interest. including aprobâ€" able visit to the Queen. it for Lord Grey said to a representative of the Associated Press;â€" "They will not exaotly be the guests of the nation as that is reserved for the five thousand clolonial troops who are coming later. But we are trying to make the short' stay here, of these Canadians as enjoyable as possible, as aslight token of our appreciation of the magnificent work they have done. It will be carried: amt With' as little formality as possible.†1 Gen. Buller quoted an Orange Riv- er Colony judge as saying that the moment when the meu‘in the field ceased to be paid the war i’rguld end. A despatch‘ from Columbia, Tenn., says;â€""A terrific cyclone, moving in a. Westerly and north-westerly direction, struck this place at 9.30 o’clock on Tuesday night, and left havoc in its path. The Northern and Western sections of the city, populat- ed by negroes, was almost entirely swept away. Fifteen persons are known to have been. killed, and, it is feared that this number will be largely increased by later reports. “The dead are; Misses Florence and Evelyn Farrell. Captain A. F. Aydolette. wife and one son; another son and daughter missing; Miss Kate Forsythe, James Cherry. and six negroes, names unknown. “The cyclone lasted for about five minutes and its path, about 1,000 feet wide is clearly marked by devasta- tion. Northern and Wosteru Sections 0; (‘nllunhm Swept A“ ny. “A freight train on the Nashville. Florence 8; Sheffield Railroad was lifted from the track. but as far as reported no one was injured.†“Many houses, including a large number of negro cabins, were blown down, and many others unroofed and otherwise damaged. The fencing surrounding the United States Arsenal was blown away, but the building remained intact. that the fact that the war has come to its crisis induces severer treat- ment. But why is it so? Are the real patriots fighting for their coun- try 2 The whole people whom we know as Boers either have already surren- dered, or are prisoners, or are doing their level best to surrender. The people left in the field are either mer- cenaries or bandits." RETURNING CANADIANS. Egzicï¬ingitheir fishing grbunds. TERRIFIC CYCLONE. and should